How to connect PS4 to TV PC Monitor Without HDMI Wirelessly

can you play ps4 without wifi

can you play ps4 without wifi - win

Xperia Z4 Remote Play Question - Can you direct connect to PS4 without use of Router WiFi?

I have a PS Vita and a Xperia Z4 tablet. I have been trying to figure out why my Vita can play games more smoothly then my tablet, as I prefer to play games via my tablet.
The only difference right now is that (local to my PS4) the tablet is forced to connect via WiFi (external search for the PS4) where my Vita is utilizing the direct connect and bypassing my router to the PS4.
Is there anyway that I can register or make my Sony Tablet direct connect to the PS4's WiFi, and not use my router.
submitted by DragonsEmber to remoteplay [link] [comments]

Let's figure out this PS5 Rest Mode bug! I have some initial data. Help me test different theories please.

*Updated Feb 3 2021* (I also update the list with new potential problems/tests as I find them)
Edit: Feb 3rd 2021: Sony released firmware Version 20.02-02.50.00 today. I've only done one test so far, but it seems to have solved the "Green Screen of Death" for me SO FAR... I'll update when I have more.
My PS5 has the rest mode problem/bug. [Edit] I've solved it partially for me. See test 7 and beyond below
If you don't know what the rest mode bug is, basically, you put your PS5 into rest mode, and then at some point, your orange light will go out, and you won't be able to power on with your controller. You have to press the power button on the console, it beeps, but doesn't actually turn on, and then you can use your controller or the power button again to turn the system on. It will complain that you unplugged the PS5 (even though you didn't) and it will often want to do a repair to the storage. - Is this happening to you? Or do you have some other version of this? I'd love to hear the variations... (if there are any). I'd also love to hear if you have the exact same problem.
Edit: It now seems to me that there are a few different causes to the rest mode bug. One solution will not fix it for everyone, but if you can identify which type of rest mode bug you have, we may be able to come up with a solution for the most common types. I'm going to start listing them with specific names and descriptions here. I have the first two listed below.

[Edit:] Types of rest mode bug:
Okay, so now that I've described the problem I'm talking about, I've been trying to figure out why it happens. Or at least how to avoid it while still using rest mode. Rest mode is handy for keeping your games up to date and allowing remote play to wake your system, so even if you aren't using it to suspend games, it can be helpful.
There are a lot of theories out there about why it happens:
I'm in the process of doing extensive tests to figure this problem out since my system has it. Its slow going due to needing to test things overnight each time...
Test 1: Sometimes crashes immediately
Test 2: Typically fails sometime overnight
Test 3: Typically fails sometime overnight
Test 4: No Rest Mode Failures so far
Test 5 (Jan 15-16, 2021): No Rest Mode Failures so far!
Test 6 (Jan 18, 2021): No Rest Mode Failures so far!
Test 7 (Jan 19-20, 2021): No Rest Mode Failures so far!
Test 8 (Jan 22, 2021): No Rest Mode Failures so far!

Original post continued below:
Obviously, I'd like to be able to keep my external drive connected, so I'll probably keep doing some tests involving external drives being connected.
I'm going to try to test a few more things
I'll probably try testing the USB-C connection in the front next.
Have any of you had the rest mode problem and solved it? Was it using one of the theories above? Or was it something else? Are there any other solutions you've heard of working? Let me know and I'll add them to the list.
Also, if any of you have tried any of these things, please share what did or didn't work for you so I can compile the results together.
Thanks for your time.
submitted by blakepro to PS5 [link] [comments]

I am 30 years old, making $43,110/year in Pittsburgh, PA as a lab technician.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $6215 between a 403b & a 401a. I work for a university, and with this employer was the first time I was financially able to contribute to a retirement account of any kind. I just hit vestment in 2020 and plan to bump up my contribution % slowly throughout 2021 until I hit the maximum I can afford to contribute.
Savings account balance: $3201. Up until 2020, I never had any extra money to put into savings, so I'm not at all upset about this amount! Building up my savings account is my biggest financial priority currently.
Checking account balance: $1706. I keep between $1-2k in checking.
Acorns investment account balance: $74 (just started this in December, only throw in a little bit monthly, not too sure what I'm doing but I'm eager to learn, lol)
FSA account balance: $55. I contribute $5 per paycheck (biweekly), but I will be increasing this when I can make changes to my benefits, at the beginning of the new fiscal year in July.
Credit card debt: $0, but see below regarding a personal loan. I pay off my balance every month.
Student loan debt: $32,417 for a BS. Most of my schooling was covered by scholarships & grants, but I had to take out loans for whatever was left. My parents cosigned my loans, but I am fully responsible for paying them. In 2020, I finished paying off approx $11k in private loans; the remaining amount is all in federal loans.
Personal loan debt: $5532. This had been money owed on my credit card - a few very expensive car repairs years ago, and then compounding interest because I could only make minimum payments for a long time. In 2020, I was able to get a low-interest personal loan through my credit union and plan to pay this off by 10/2022.

Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I have had quite a few jobs, most of them making slightly above minimum wage until just the last few years. In high school & college, I worked at a bowling alley and in retail, making from $7.25/hour to $8/hour, anywhere from 4 hours weekly (high school) to full-time (college during summer break).
After graduating college, I continued to work the 2 part-time retail jobs I'd been working for most of my college career: one position as a sales associate for $7.50/hour and one position as a front-end manager for $10/hour. I worked around 50 hours total each week in order to make ends meet.
After 2 years of this, I went to grad school. I was fully funded by my PhD advisor's grant and did not need to take out any loans. I worked as a research assistant on campus making $1850 per month.
Grad school wasn't for me, so I dropped out after one semester. I returned to one of my previous retail employers, this time as a full-time assistant store manager, making $11/hour.
After about 1 year at this position, I took a job working part-time for a local science museum - I had experience in college volunteering and interning in science education, and at the time I thought it was the direction I wanted to go for a "real" career. This job paid $10/hour. I dropped down to part-time at the retail job but was able to keep my hourly pay.
Then, about 1 year later, I finally fell into the job I have now, and love: I got a job in 2017 working as an assistant lab tech in medical research at a local university. Starting out, my title was Technician 1, and I made $25k. I was promoted to Tech 2 in 2019, making $28k, and then to Senior Tech in 2020 with a salary of $38,493. The large raise between Tech 2 and Senior is partially due to me obtaining some professional certifications in my field; without them, I expect my salary would be closer to $35k. I still work in retail, too: 1 day per week at $11.10/hour. I don't NEED that job now, but the extra money is nice - I make around $4600 yearly from the retail job.
Main Job Monthly Take Home:
$2200 minimum. This is highly variable as I am eligible for OT pay and I do work OT most weeks.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home
About $300 monthly from the retail job. Variable depending on how many hours I work in the month.

Section Three: Expenses
All expenses below are monthly unless otherwise specified.
Rent: $630
Renters insurance: $10
Investment contribution: $20 plus spare change to the Acorns app. I just started using it last month.
Personal loan payment: $273
Student loan payment: $84, but I need to renew my income-based repayment plan and I expect this to increase
Electric: approx $50
Gas: approx $70 during winter; in summer it's around $20
Water: $17
Trash collection: $195 annually
Sewage: $42 quarterly
Wifi: $68
Cellphone: I'm on a family plan with my parents and brother, and my contribution is $25.
Subscriptions: $10 for Spotify & Hulu; $14 for Netflix; $15 for a coffee subscription
Pet expenses: Approx $100 monthly. I have two cats that eat prescription diets ($75 every 6 weeks), plus one axolotl that thankfully just eats worms. The rest of the pet budget is for litter, toys, etc, and I'm including birdseed here for the feeder I have on my balcony for wild birds.
Car payment / insurance: My car is fully paid off, and my parents pay for my insurance which is honestly wild at my age, but I think they like to help out in this way since I'm otherwise pretty independent.
Medications: $68
Other: I budget $200 for groceries monthly, though I'm not upset if I go over that amount.

Disclaimer: I am an essential employee at both jobs; masks and other appropriate PPE were worn at all times outside of my home.
Saturday 1/2: I wake up at 4:15am to go to my retail job. I don't mind being up so early since it means I don't have to interact with customers for most of my shift. My car has been making some odd noises lately, and they start up again on my drive in to work. I need to get the car inspected this month, so I decide to try to make an appointment for next weekend...the noises are making me nervous. I work an 8 hour shift and buy a few snacks and two sodas from the vending machine ($6.70). After work, I play some video games. A close friend got the new PS5 recently and gave me her old PS4, which is awesome - I've only had an old Xbox until now. I decide to buy Skyrim for the PS since it keeps crashing when I try to play it on the Xbox ($16.95 on a gift card I'd gotten for Christmas). Later this evening, my pharmacy calls to tell me that the manufacturer of one of my medications is no longer offering a discount I'd been using for the last year: my cost will be increasing by $30 per month supply. I check online for any other discounts/coupons/goodRX offers.. no dice. I'm asleep by 10pm.
Total: $6.70 (not counting the gift card purchase, since that was already paid for by someone else)
Sunday 1/3: My day off! I wake at 6:15 and make some coffee. I place an Amazon order for a new shower curtain, rubber beads to tighten face masks, and a supplement ($25.57). Later in the day, I head out to pick up my prescription. I buy 3 months' worth of this particular medication at once, so it's $120; I also buy some coffee creamer and milk ($4.28). I stop for gas on my way home ($25.04). I spend the rest of my day alternately relaxing and getting some things done at home: I do some laundry ($2.25), renew my drivers license online (no need to go to the DMV because of the pandemic, so yay! $30.50 and they'll mail my new card), and I create a group on Goodreads because my friends and I were wanting to start our own book club this year. I make a big pot of pasta with Beyond crumbles and spinach for dinner and a few lunches for the week.
Total: $207.64
Monday 1/4: Wake at 5. Car is still making scary noises, so I drive to work slowly. $5 for parking, but it will be reimbursed by my employer at the end of the month. Drink breakroom coffee since it's free. On lunch, I make the appointment for my car for the weekend: inspection, oil change, tire rotation, and please make sure my car isn't trying to kill me/fix the mystery noise. Yesterday's pasta and a yogurt for lunch. Work is uneventful; at home I eat some soup for dinner and read some of my book for book club until it's time for bed.
Total: $5
Tuesday 1/5: It's my birthday! I'm up at 5. $5 for parking, and free work coffee again. My supervisors and coworkers printed & signed a giant birthday poster for me - it's hanging in our breakroom - and it makes my week! I really, really love my job and the people I work with. At home, I consider buying some perfume for myself - indie fragrances are a hobby of mine - but I get overwhelmed and decision fatigued, and don't end up buying anything. I decide to take another look over the weekend. Make rice & daal for dinner, plus a giant bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Watch some tv (Bones on Hulu) until bed.
Total: $5
Wednesday 1/6: You know the drill: wake up at 5, $5 parking, and free work coffee. Leftover rice & daal for lunch. Received a birthday present from a coworker that I'm good friends with, which is incredibly kind of her. Again, I love, love, love my job and the people I spend time with there. Unfortunately, after work I spend most of my evening doom-scrolling thanks to the attempted coup at the Capitol.
Total: $5
Thursday 1/7: Up at 5; $5 parking; free coffee at work. Today's a super busy day and I spend most of it just running around, feeling like I'm not getting any actual work done. While at work I start listening to a new audiobook from the library (I highly recommend the Libby app, btw). The last of Sunday's pasta for lunch. Soup and crackers for dinner, and then my older cat cuddles up on my lap while I play some Skyrim.
Total: $5
Friday 1/8: I took today as a vacation day for my birthday - had too much to do at work on my actual birthday, so I gave myself a long weekend instead (I also took Saturday 1/9 off from my retail job). I sleep in until 7... super late for me! Make coffee for breakfast, and while it's brewing, I fill up the birdfeeder on my balcony. Perform a feat of gymnastics to keep my cats from running out while I do so. I received my $600 stimulus payment a week ago, and I take the morning to deal with that: $120 is split among 3 charities that are important to me, and the remaining $480 goes to my savings account. After this, I'd love to get up to get my book club book to read, but I've got a cat sleeping on my legs, so obviously I'm stuck sitting. I browse Reddit on my phone for a while. Order food for lunch with contactless dropoff ($17.44 with tip). In the evening, I drop off my car at the auto shop - my appointment is early tomorrow morning, so I just leave the car and keys with them overnight - and I walk home since the shop is in my neighborhood. I've been wanting to try punch needle crafting, so I buy a very basic starter kit on Amazon ($13.99).
Total: $151.43
Week Total = $385.77
Food + Drink $28.42
Fun / Entertainment $13.99
Home + Health $147.82
Transport $45.04
Other Donations: $120; $30.50 for the driver's license renewal
So, this was not a typical week for me: the $120 prescription is a purchase I make once every 90 days, the driver's license renewal is only once every 4 years (lol), and I'm not a regular charitable donor - I donate sporadically throughout the year whenever I have some extra money. However, I'm pretty happy with my spending otherwise! The $20 in parking fees will be reimbursed by my employer at the end of the month, and though I made more Amazon purchases in this week than I would in a normal week, I think I was reasonable with my spending. Pre-covid, my coworkers from my main job and I would go out for drinks on Fridays, so I guess I've been saving an extra $20-30/week since the pandemic started. Also, in case anyone was wondering - the mechanic found nothing wrong with my car, but it's still making a weird noise. They told me that I basically have to wait until it gets worse, and maybe then they can determine what the issue is. Yay.
submitted by moneythrowaway113 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

NR200 Build (my first build, need help!)

Hi all,

As the title says, this is my first build. I understand that a mini build might not be the best to start on, but I just can't have a massive case so the mini is really my only option. This PC will mainly be used for video editing and some video games (I play more on my PS4, I know, shoot me). I will post below the parts I've selected so far and my main questions are (in order of significance):
a) Do you think it will fit in the NR200 case?
b) Do any parts seem like weird choices? Is there a better choice?
c) Is there anything you would recommend adding or taking away?
d) Is there any way I could reasonably shed a couple hundred bucks without taking a massive dip in quality? My original price range was 1800-2000USD, but I went over by a couple hundred bucks.

Thanks for any advice! Here's the build (Sorry about the formatting):
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 3.8 GHz 12-Core Processor $481.00
NZXT Kraken X53 73.11 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler $129.99
Asus ROG Strix X570-I Gaming Mini ITX AM4 Motherboard $390.00
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory $236.88
Samsung 970 Evo 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive $139.99
MSI GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER 4 GB GAMING X Video Card $455.99
Cooler Master MasterBox NR200P Mini ITX Desktop Case $99.99
Corsair SF 450 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply $98.99
Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit $119.99
Noctua A12x15 PWM 55.44 CFM 120 mm Fan $24.90
Noctua A12x15 PWM 55.44 CFM 120 mm Fan $24.90

Just wanted to give you all an update. Thanks to all your advice I was able to tweek my build, find the parts, and bring the price down. Between amazon and a local vender I was able to get all these parts new for about $1700 USD:
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core, 24-thread unlocked desktop processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler
ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II 280 - Multi Compatible All-in-One CPU AIO Water Cooler, Compatible with Intel & AMD, Efficient PWM Controlled Pump, Fan Speed: 200-1700 RPM (Controlled via PWM) - Black
Corsair VENGEANCE RGB PRO 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 3600 (PC4-28800) C18 AMD Optimized Memory – Black
Samsung (MZ-V7E1T0BW) 970 EVO SSD 1TB - M.2 NVMe Interface Internal Solid State Drive with V-NAND Technology, Black/RedMSI GeForce GTX 1660 6 GB VENTUS Super XS OC Video Card
Cooler Master NR200P SFF Small Form Factor Mini-ITX Case with Tempered glass or Vented Panel Option, PCI Riser Cable, Triple-slot GPU, Tool-Free and 360 Degree Accessibility
Corsair RMX Series (2018), RM650x, 650 Watt, 80+ Gold Certified, Fully Modular Power Supply
ARCTIC BioniX F120 - 120 mm Gaming Case Fan with PWM Sharing Technology (PST), Very quiet motor, Computer, 200–1800 RPM - White (x2)
Microsoft Windows 10 Home | Download
3 Ways PWM Fan Splitter - got a different one
Anything else I'm missing?
submitted by _Please_Proceed_ to buildapc [link] [comments]

PSAs for Stadia Cyberpunk 2077 + new country newcomers

There's only a few hours left until Cyberpunk 2077, so I thought I'd make a post for people using Stadia for the first time due to the promo and the new countries that have been added. Feel free to ask stuff in this sub - people are quite helpful here - and welcome to the community!
Do I need the Premiere bundle to play on Stadia?
No, the Premiere bundle is only the official method of playing on a TV. You can play Stadia on your desktop browser using your keyboard/mouse or a controller and you can play on your mobile devices using a controller. Android users can download the Stadia app from the Play Store. Official iOS support is on the way, but there are alternative methods.
When will I receive my free Premiere bundle for purchasing Cyberpunk 2077?
If you pre-ordered the game, you should receive a code in your email within the next week (by December 17). You can also still receive a free Premiere bundle if you order within the next week. Codes will be, at the latest, sent by mid-January. Keep your eyes peeled! As far as I'm aware, we don't know in what order the codes will be sent or how long "supplies will last."
How will Cyberpunk 2077 perform and look on Stadia?
We won't know until the game releases in a few hours. I think others have stated here that Stadia typically performs similar to, if not better than, the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X, but it comes down to how well the developer optimizes the game.
Is there a monthly payment for using Stadia?
There are 2 tiers of Stadia: the base tier and Stadia Pro. Any game that you purchase, you can play without a subscription - such as Cyberpunk 2077. Yes, that's right, it's like having free gaming hardware that you can take anywhere. The base tier tier, however, is limited to a resolution of 1080p. If you would like 4K, HDR, and 5.1 surround sound, you can subscribe to Stadia Pro. This brings me to Pro games.
How do Stadia Pro games work?
On the 1st of each month, Stadia offers games for Stadia Pro subscribers to claim for free. Once you claim a game, you can play it as long as you are subscribed to Pro - even if it leaves the current Pro game lineup. If you cancel your Pro subscription, you temporarily lose access to any claimed games. If you resubscribe you can go right back to playing them where you left off. This means that the longer you stay subscribed to Pro, the more games you accumulate over time. Games that leave the Pro lineup do not leave Stadia, they can always be purchased just like any other game.
Are there sales on Stadia?
Oh yes, there are plenty of sales on Stadia. For example, you can pick up the Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition right now for $10.99 USD. All members (whether base tier or Pro) get access to the sales, which are usually updated on Tuesdays. Another perk of Stadia Pro members is often a larger sale on some deals.
Can I return games on Stadia?
Yes, if the game was purchased less than two weeks ago and you have played less than 2 hours of it, you can request a refund.
Why am I experiencing lag or input delay?
Each person's experience with Stadia is primarily dependent on their home internet setup or internet service provider. The minimum internet speed is 10 Mbps for 720p and 35 Mbps for 4K, but anything from a faulty router to other people streaming content can impact your gameplay. The golden rule is Chromecast Ultra plugged into ethernet. If you're playing over Wifi, try to use the 5 gHz band. If you're on your desktop browser, turn off location services and check if your computer is capable of decoding VP9. The Stadia Help Center is a great troubleshooting website. I have played hundreds of hours on Stadia with ~60 Mbps over Wifi and I can't tell that it's being streamed at all.
Also, as many of you may be aware, reviewers have noted bugs and issues with Cyberpunk 2077. If you are not sure whether any issues are being caused by your internet or the game, hold down the Stadia capture button (F12 on keyboard) for a few seconds. This saves a 30s video clip straight from the Stadia server to your account. If the glitch you noticed is also in the video, it was probably an issue on the game/Stadia's end. If the glitch is not in the video, check your internet setup!
Have fun!
Those are just some questions I've seen people are often confused about, so feel free to share this post. I've been on this sub for most of this year and have put hundreds of hours into Stadia, and the entire experience has been awesome. So have fun, tell your friends, and enjoy!
EDIT: u/inan0812 made a great point that if you would like to test out your network and setup prior to Cyberpunk 2077 releasing, you can play Destiny 2 completely free (no subscription needed) on Stadia and see how smooth it is.
submitted by PlundersPuns to Stadia [link] [comments]

Stadia vs GeForce Now (Opinion) - Cyberpunk

So I had some time today to take a look at Cyberpunk on GeForce Now (Founders) vs Stadia. I have two monitors (LG 4K) identical set up side by side so it was easy to compare without video capture. I had this FOMO about not having the BEST version of Cyberpunk. Minus a RTX 3090, since that isn’t an option.
I used to be a huge PC gamer up until about 3 years ago. Life changes and I no longer had time to sit in front of a computer for hours playing games. Plus I’d prefer to play on a TV just for the convenience. Personal preference though since I know many people have great PC setups.
Originally I was just going to play the game on my PS4 base console until I could find a PS5. But the terrible reviews drove me to Stadia, plus the free bundle was well worth it. I figured it if sucked I’d still use the CCU.
I’ve been wanted to see an unbiased comparison of the two streaming services for awhile. But it can be hard to see differences via YouTube. I didn’t know about GeForce Now until after the game released.
I’ve been checking out comparisons on YouTube and reading comments. Everyone seems to point out that the game looks better on GeForce Now. I can agree with this, BUT it really wasn’t significantly different at all. Like very hard to tell. Stadia Performance mode is noticeable. But I was comparing in Visual mode.
Stadia’s version I ran over WiFi CCU roughly 400MBps and my Mac Mini running GeForce Now was hardwired same internet speed but more consistent connection. Normally I play through CCU wired.
Motion Blur and Depth of Field were disabled.
I played each until you exited your apartment for the first time and talked with Jackie, plus drove around and viewed the city for about an hour. The lighting is better on GeForce Now due to RayTracing, but Stadia looks comparable which was crazy, this is most likely due to HDR via CCU. Jackie’s hair was better on GeForce Now but his necklace looks significantly better on Stadia. It’s hard to explain but the detail was very compatible, but a tad smoother look on Stadia. Jackie’s face on GeForce now had a little more “wear” on it.
It ran smoother on Stadia even over WiFi. Normally I have my CCU hardwired, so it’s even better that way. I thought this was weird, but with setting tweaks on GeForce Now I could get a similar frame rate. There was still a lot of drops with pixel count on GeForce Now that was very noticeable.
Graphically it was hard to tell between the two. They both looked good. The one area that GeForce Now shined was the density of NPC and vehicles. Other than that.....they were both very good.
Now since it’s streaming, your connection to the server can play a huge part in performance. It’s possible that Nvidia’s servers were not as close to me, or were more congested when I was playing. There are so many variables that’s can’t be seen or compared.
If you’ve been debating between the two options you truly can’t go wrong. Graphics were tough to see the difference. And performance can vary based on your personal connection. For me Stadia ran much smoother and that was even over Wi-Fi.
If you’re invested in PC gaming GeForce Now is awesome and the cloud saves via Steam work really well. This is the way I’d go if I still was heavy into PC gaming since everything would be linked to the same ecosystem. This would be important to me. I’ll still use my Founders subscription since I wanted to play some older PC games I own via Steam, but did get refunded for Cyberpunk.
The convenience of Stadia would be my personal choice though. I invested in 3 CCU so I can play almost anywhere in my house, plus Stadia application is less troublesome on iOS. Many of the games from GeForce were zoomed in too far where I had to lower the pixel count way down. Cyberpunk did not have this issue though, so I’d assume this is going to be based on the specific game, not a GeForce Now issue directly.
Hope this may have help ease anyone’s mind about their Stadia choice!
Lastly, if you do own Stadia, check out Sekiro! I originally played on my XBox One X (love the game) and I must say it runs much better on Stadia. 60 FPS was noticeable difference with the same graphic quality!
submitted by FizzledShrimp to Stadia [link] [comments]

The Nintendo Switch port of Genshin Impact is most likely dead for now. [see inside]

The Nintendo Switch port of Genshin Impact is most likely dead for now. [see inside]
So I was inspired by my own comment on whether or not the NX will get a port of our favorite dopamine addiction and I went and looked up the technical reasons on whether or not it will happen. There's also other reasons that aren't as likely but still a possibility, I listed them for completion's sake.

Abbreviations used:
NX = Nintendo Switch
NSO = Nintendo Switch Online
RAM = best girl
GB = Ganyu's Butt
UI = Unfunny Idiot, OP

Before I go into why, I'm just going to give a verdict right now: Genshin is currently unplayable by Nintendo and miHoYo's standards on the current model of the NX and if a new model is released it will be on that. This is most likely the only reason it hasn't been released yet.

5.5 Reasons Why
The Hardware Aspect:
The biggest issue is the one that cannot be overcome with clever programming unless you're the wealthiest tech company on the planet.
topkek, that specific battery is a diy bomb in waiting
The NX has a whopping (/s) 4 GB of RAM. Of those 4 GB, only ~3.8 are actually usable by games/applications due to system processes.
For reference, the iPhone 8 and lower use a total of 3.5 GB of 4 GB of RAM but can only get away with it due to Apple's black magic in regards to iOS 11 and even then there are crashes every 30-45 minutes. Nintendo does not have Apple's level of talent when it comes to software and hardware harmony.
4 GBs are the bare minimum requirement to run Genshin Impact on devices with mobile oriented OSes. The NX's OS is a heavily modified version of Samsung's brand of Android. u/Uzephi13 provided a link towards Horizon, NX OS.
>tfw pc isn't master race for once
i'm still on iphone 7 ;_;
Those of us who play on phones with the bare minimum of RAM can attest to crashes and overheating. The NX is known to occasionally overheat when playing in handheld mode if the game being played is graphics intense despite downgrades in resolution.
There is also another issue mobile players can attest to and that is lag. Genshin Impact can be really laggy on mobile sometimes due to not having a wired connection.
Those of us who play games that use NSO can go into long winded tirades over the Q U A L I T Y that is Nintendo's online services.
"Well, we can deal with some lag, right OP?"
No, we can't actually. The NX's wifi card is located right under the vent for the system's fan. All of the NX's lag issues are due to a hardware concession resulting from that slim shell everyone loves. And the overheating issues will only make it worse.
And yes, I am aware that f2p games have free internet access on NX.
For context in regards to overall system strength, the PS4 is slightly stronger (51/49, PS4's favor) than the NX and it can just barely run the game.

The Fluff Aspect:
MiHoYo has zero experience with the NX and the stupidity that is getting JoyCons (w/ motion control) to work with games. Problems include easy use and integration into gameplay, if desired or required by Nintendo. Other homebrewers and or even devs can comment on this more than I can, but its confusing and frustrating from what I've read.
Why do I mention this? miHoYo has only ever reformatted controls for WASDm1, mobile touchscreen, and PS4/5 controllers. Nintendo will most likely force ergonomic control mapping onto miHoYo as not everyone owns a pro-controller ($80, why?) nor wants to play in handheld 24/7 (1080p -> 720p/480i).

The Software Aspect:
Unity...Unity, Unity, Unity.... I hate this game engine with a passion. Games that run it are almost always a mess in regards to stability due to its simplicity (in devs screwing things up) and memory leak issues.
In all likelihood, you probably can't even start the game up on the NX without a crash 10 minutes or so into the opening sequence without the system aborting active processes for hardware safety reasons.

The Political Aspect:
Tencent is Nintendo's proxy in China. Everything released there has to go through them (yay, corruption and hyper nationalism). Tencent has stolen assets from miHoYo before so I'm sure they still have animosity. I wouldn't put it past the CCP's bitch to block release in China and therefore block a potential global release.
There is also a possibility that Sony has exclusivity for a year or two due to bigger pockets. (more likely)

The Consumer Protection Aspect:
Genshin's pulls are expensive and Nintendo has blocked some gacha games before for being too pricey.

When/if there's a new NX, Genshin might be on it as a launch f2P game. For now, its highly unlikely Nintendo will allow it to be released in the NX's current state.
submitted by Covid19_with_Lime to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

DVDs/Bluray or Disney Plus

Just want your opinion. I've tried to find discussions like this for only Disney Plus and DVDs/Blurays and haven't found any, so I thought I would make my own.
In my opinion, I like dvds for their special/bonus features and content (the ones that aren't on Disney Plus at least), better quality and once you buy the movie, you own it and can watch anytime for free. But I'd have to say, Disney Plus is a bit better in my opinion as the cons of dvds outway the pluses (not in terms of a plus and minus table way or their better quality or such, but just for reality, simplicity and everyday life terms). Sure Disney Plus has a lot of content still missing and a lot of useful features everyone wants still aren't there despite all our feedback (mine included), but for the content that is there, it's not going away and it's never leaving Disney Plus. Also, dvds tend to get damaged a lot and there is a problem of where to store them both at home and on holidays (if you want to watch all your movies, you have to bring a big enough suitcase or bag to store the movies, then a dvd player, PS4 or external USB dvd player to play them, or get lucky and have one at your hotel or holiday house). It's far easier for myself to bring just my phone and use my mobile data or use WiFi if available at a hotel or holiday house or at home. Also also, Disney Plus is continuously evolving and updating with our feedback and as much as I want to scream at it, punch it, swear at it and tackle it most days (and believe me I have done so ALOT), you have to notice how convenient, simple and enjoyable it is.
Also at the moment, I'm selling the Disney-owned (Disney, Star Wars, Fox etc) dvds without bonus features that are on Disney Plus and planning to use the money to go back into Disney Plus and for when Star releases. This recycling-like behaviour is extremely satisfying, coupled with how cheap Disney Plus is a month for me in Australia and other areas compared to buying dvds (however cheap they have become with their double movie pack dvds at Bigw). But this is about all areas, not specifically Australia, please do not delete because of this. With Disney Plus, you get the whole Disney, Star Wars, Fox etc library at HD, 4K and always plays at the highest quality for your device. And unlike Netflix, that and other features like up to 4 users at once, GroupWatch, downloading and more are completely free at ONE price (I mean I love Netflix, but making us choose between three tiers, the highest being 20 freaking dollars! Man...). And this is only one half of my opinion. Wow I talk and ramble too much 😂 I'll cut it short here, you probably don't care about the rest.
But what do you all think? Are you #TeamStreaming, #TeamDVD, #TeamBluray or a combination of all? Maybe you even think they all have their uses and have a big, messy Team of all three 😂
Anyway, I'd love to hear your opinion!
submitted by S-Mania to DisneyPlus [link] [comments]

My experience with CE-108255-1 (all games crash)

UPDATE 2: Well folks I got extremely lucky and the local Best Buy where I bought and picked up the console from happened to have some available for exchanging and so I was able to take my PS5 back to the store and walk out with a brand new PS5 that I'm happy to say booted up and is playing games fine (at least for now). Best of luck to everyone and I hope this thread stays alive because this issue is obviously still a huge problem and I'm just hoping my replacement console doesn't run into the issue again.
UPDATE 1: Some of my PS4 games that previously worked now crashing
Thought I'd make a post outlining what my experience has been with a problem a lot of us are seeing - games crashing left and right with error code CE-108255-1
Day 1:
Little to no issues. I get everything plugged in, get the system and controller updated, and purchase and download Spider-Man Miles Morales. I put a good 10-12 hours into spider man and beat it. The game did crash once while playing but I didn't think much of it because games crash sometimes. I also played some Astro's Playroom for maybe a half hour without issue. At some point in the evening I purchase and download AC Valhalla expecting to play it the next day
Day 2:
I start up AC Valhalla and throughout the morning slowly make my way through the intro but don't get very far in the game because I keep getting distracted with stuff at home. I leave the console on pretty much all morning with the game paused (rest mode disabled). In the afternoon I start playing again and when I get to the first main battle after rescuing my crew the game crashes. Annoying I think but no big deal. I load up the game and it crashes again in the same spot. And then again and again. I give up and decide to delete the game and all saved game data because I'm not that far anyways and re-download the game. The game crashes now in the intro sequence when you're controlling the boy. Wtf I think. I try Astro's playroom and now that game is crashing during the intro animation right after the Sony splash screen.
Not sure what to do I delete all games and saved data and try and re-download them. Still no luck. So I do a factory reset via the playstation menu (not safe mode) and after reinstalling everything, same problem. I then start hunting online and try rebuilding the database from safe mode as well as restoring system software from safe mode with the system software coming from a USB drive. No luck. All my PS5 games are now crashing in the games main menu before gameplay even starts. The PS5 itself seems stable - as long as I'm not in a game everything is stable. The system has never turned itself off and I've always been able to recover from a crashed game without power cycling the console.
I load up some PS4 games and they seem ok at first but after playing them for a little while they start crashing on me too. I try the PS4 version of AC Valhalla, MM, and Ghost of Tsushima and they all crash.
At this point I finally call support and they tell me I've tried everything already that they could ask me to do and so he takes a lot of detailed information about what I was seeing, what games, etc and puts me on hold for a while so he can research the issue. He comes back and says that others have reported the issue and they're looking into it and hopefully a system update will come out that will fix it. I ask him if that indicates they think it's software instead of hardware and he doesn't know and just re-iterates that I should try and wait for an update.
Things I've Tried
Games I've Tried
What I think is happening
I actually write Firmware for a living so have some experience with hardware+software interactions. My gut tells me this is hardware. If it was software I wouldn't expect the problem to be progressive in nature and I would expect that resetting the system software from a USB drive would have had some effect on the problem (even if it didn't resolve it). My guess is there's some part of hardware that newer games (both ps5 and ps4) use more heavily than some of the older or less graphic intense ps4 games do, and some failure of that hardware is causing the ps5 and newer ps4 games to crash almost immediately. It definitely could still be software, it just doesn't seem likely to me but I definitely hope Sony proves me wrong. It very well could not be OS software but some bug in firmware living on one of the many other chips that live inside this beast (and some of this firmware may or may not be update-able in the field). There's a reason we have a saying "Hardware is Hard" in product development.
My plan is to wait another week. If there's no word from Sony on a fix I'm going to call back to support and insist they repaireplace my console. If that doesn't work I'll probably work towards getting a refund and sit this one out a while until they can figure out what's going on. While I'm sure overall most people's consoles are fine, the number of posts about this issue makes me think that the failure rate is larger than Sony would want or accept and if this really is a hardware problem, they're going to have to make design or manufacturing process changes for future builds of the console.
I'm hoping there's some Sony engineers out there trying to root cause this issue and this post maybe helps them out a little bit :). Best of luck to everyone out there experiencing the problem!
submitted by vels13 to PS5 [link] [comments]

Gifted Stadia Premiere to a friend... Sent this text to explain/pitch it

Might be useful for others in the same situation. Please let me know if I missed anything! PS. I'm in Canada... So prices in CAD. Also, for context, my friend has a Switch and a PS4.
Oh man... So much to explain... Here's what's great about stadia...
  1. No downloads. Ever. No game updates. No system updates. No worrying about how much you can store on the system.
  2. Play on any screen. Your tv (with Chromecast). Your phone. Your iMac. Kids tablet. Or any old crappy computer. You can play wirelessly using that stadia controller on any screen or you can connect any old controller to a computer, like your PS4 controller.
  3. It's low cost! If you want to play online with your friends, they don't need to spend $400+ on a new system. They can play now with a computer and an old controller, or they can buy a stadia kit like yours for a very reasonable price. Games are often on sale for a very low price, and when you buy a game you can play online without paying a monthly fee for online access. Ex. If you buy The Division 2 Warlords of New York Edition, on sale now for $23.99 (regular $80) you keep that game forever and can play free online forever. I play that game online all the time with friends. (Also, you can plug in any headphones that have a microphone, like the ones that came with your cell phone, to the stadia controller to chat online).
  4. If you pay $11.99 per month for a Pro subscription, you get a ton of free games. Usually 3-6 games every month. If you stop your subscription, you lose access to those games. If you start the subscription back up, you get the games back. A Pro subscription also gives you 4k, HDR, 5.1 audio. Otherwise your games will be HD stereo. I've had a Pro sub for a year and I have something like 60 games in my stadia library, all "installed" and ready to play instantly.
  5. Stadia has Family Sharing, so you can share any game you buy or claim through a Pro subscription with 5 family members. So for example, you might play Division on your TV at the same time as a kid plays Avengers on their iPad. No extra cost. If you want to play the same game together though, you need to have multiple copies of the game. Ex: I play Destiny 2 with two kids on 3 screens... The game is Free To Play, so the early levels are playable for free by all of us, but we each had to buy the campaigns to keep going. But they're often on big sales. Like $11.54 for a big campaign expansion right now.
  6. Stadia has high-end AAA games that you can't play on Switch. Like: Jedi Fallen Order, Avengers, Cyberpunk 2077, Doom Eternal, Assassin's Creed Valhalla. And they play better than on PS4... With WAY faster loading times and higher visual quality.
  7. There (likely) won't be a Stadia 2. At some point, Stadia will upgrade their hardware in their server farms and you'll have access to games with better graphics. No need to purchase new hardware.
One big caveat... You need good internet! Make sure your wifi is solid, or play wired-in via ethernet. You need something like 10-20 Mbps to play HD on one screen, 40 Mbps to play 4K. Also, watch out if your internet plan has a data cap... You'll chew through tons of data playing stadia.
submitted by ResidentPossible to Stadia [link] [comments]

Gamer for many years, PC builder for none - would appreciate some assistance for this dummy!

What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
First and foremost, this would be a high-end gaming PC. I enjoy and play many 'visually demanding' modern games. Witcher 3, DAI, RDR2, GTAV, etc. However, these things were all on PS4 and the games I DO play on PC, usually have to be on the lower settings unless I want to lag to hell. You can imagine how much I want to move on!
In the future - ideally with this build - I'd love to play things on max settings and get a decent framerate as well. I also am a frequent modder!
Secondly, I am a self-taught concept artist and graphic designer and I use a lot of programs on a day to day basis for art, animation, and touch-up. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, CSP, etc. As well as some more minor programs for various other things.
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
Maximum is $2,000USD.
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
I'd love to do so within the next three or four months.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
I need everything. I have an incredibly old mouse that I got for about $20 that is completely functional, but of course if I can fit one more suited towards gaming in here that would be awesome. Would love a pair of dual monitors as well but this is something I can upgrade later so definitely not a necessity. Biggest priority is PC, monitor, and keyboard since I'm coming from a laptop.
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
East coast, USA. Apparently there is a microcenter nearby and I just never knew about it? Good news!
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Potentially reusing my mouse. It was a cheap buy from Amazon and I don't know the model.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
Not interested in this!
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
I'm most comfortable with a good chunk of storage if this is possible. Current laptop has 1TB, and if I could go higher that would be ideal as I have a lot of files for my business and will eventually be downloading a lot of games.
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
A bit cliche, but I am very interested in a full white windowed build with as much RGB as possible. The rainbows appeal to my artist side and I've always wanted a photogenic setup that's bright and eye-catching. If the keyboard and monitor can be matched with this, all the better! Not necessary though.
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
I will need a copy. Windows 64bit Home is what I use now and it has always met my needs. IF pro can be fit into the budget, that would be great as there are many programs I can make use of.
Extra info or particulars:
Essentially, as much white as possible for the components and RGB where ever it can be squeezed in. Also, if I can AVOID water-cooling, that would be appreciated too because I have no idea how to properly maintain and care for it. (I'm also paranoid about a leak. :c)
Also, apologies if this sounds dumb or obvious, but this build will need spaces & components for USBs, HDMI, ethernet hookup, audio jacks, and a wifi capable motherboard. I'm basically going into this without any prior knowledge aside from the basic videos I've watched. I'll have someone building with me bc I'm clumsy and dumb, hah.
Thank you so much for the help!!
submitted by 3945_49 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

This happens to me way more than it should (actual in game capture and replay capture comparison) - semi rant?
I've been playing this game since launch on and off and one of the biggest problems I've had with the game is how inconsistent the client-side prediction can be in this game. I know people have also experienced similar situations and will most likely chalk it up as a "servers suck!" situation, which may also be true, but in the end it really is the client-side prediction.
What you see is actual in game footage of how I saw the play take place and was captured with Gamebar. I have a clip of the same situation from the replay's perspective which shows a more correct outcome. I'm not on WiFi, have a hard wire to the router, and both players were 50ms latency or less that entire game. At no time did the game indicate that I had any dropped packets, or any server problem at all. In fact, things felt pretty solid up until that point.
Now, as I stated in the title, stuff like this happens to me more than it should. I'd argue that almost every game has at least one instance similar to this, but maybe not that extreme. I live in US Central, so I don't have a region dedicated to my area (Psyonix, please add one. The game has over 1 million concurrent users - there are enough players). I know there are actual servers that are shared between US East and US West, but I hardly get on those if I play with friends. Ironically, I believe that I WAS actually on that close server given to how my latency was under 60ms which only happens on that server location.
I've been playing this game for 5 years, some times more often than others, but nevertheless I put a lot of time into the game. Problems like that you see here have been plaguing me for years. It is really off-putting because that is something I can't likely change outside of moving to another region. The fact that I'm being told I have a solid connection in game and still have this happen is frustrating. It isn't something you can predict as it doesn't happen consistently. I can't predict the future to adjust when and how I make challenges to this kind of thing. You just can't.
I've tried to adjust how I play, but at the end of the day you get put in one of three situations: 1) you just make a bad challenge and it was your fault, 2) you over adjust your challenge anticipating poor client prediction and then nothing bad happens and your challenge is off. 3) you don't adjust for poor client prediction and then you lose the challenge just like you see in the clip I linked.
I know not every single challenge ends up like what you see here, but it happens enough that it does and can impact me winning or losing games. There is literally nothing I should have done differently in that clip I linked given what the game client was "showing" me at that time. The game shows me hitting the ball with the opponent more than a couple of ball's width away. If it panned out, I would have cleared the ball down to his side with him way out of position and had an easy chance to score. That all played out to be 100% favorable for me at the time until the game said no.
Just for shits and giggles, here is the same perspective from the game replay saved:
As you can see, it is more or less what you'd expect to see on your screen based on how the ball reacted and what I saw. Still a little sketchy, but after looking at the play you'd see that you "might" have just been a little slow - not where the opponent was being rendered completely under the ball without a chance to hit. Here is about as close as I can get to compare two frames and just how different they are: What is worse is that the replays are still client-side rendered with prediction with more correct server data. How could the data between my client and the server be that off during that situation without severe lag or packet loss?
In the end, shit like this makes me not want to play the game. I'm on a top of the line PC with an ethernet connection to my router that has a new connection from my house to the line outside. There is no WiFi or any easily debunkable problem that is happening on my side. This is just Rocket League and how it has always played for me since PS4. I know others also feel my pain because there is still an abundance of "servers suck!" posts and comments out there. Chances are, those people are seeing shit like this here.
TL;DR: Unexplainable occurrences that showcase very, very poor client-side prediction seemingly without lag or packet loss that happen more often than they should.
submitted by MikeTheShowMadden to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

My bf always makes a tinder and has been on other dating sites throughout our entire relationship basically...

So just as the title states. My bf on and off downloads dating apps and goes on tinder.
I’m so upset I’m literally shaking as I type this. I can’t stop crying and I wish I was dead. I hate getting heartbroken this always happens to me and I never do anything to wrong my partners in the first place. My head is throbbing. Everything sucks.
Let me start off by saying that my bf doesn’t work full time. He works on and off with his dads construction business cause they don’t have the best relationship. I’ve never minded because I love him and he’s my partner and we live in a back house of one of his dads properties. (Rent free)
I pay for everything else basically. Wifi, gas, food, dog food (and they’re not even my dogs), cleaning supplies, clothes for him, skateboard for him, weed and wax because we smoke, if he ever wants a game or a beer or something in specific I don’t really say no. And then my own needs on top of that. Plus Netflix, Spotify, Disney plus, oh yeah I recently took out a phone for him under my credit and the service cause his dad didn’t wanna help him so I pay for both. Phone still isn’t paid off. My credit is TRASH btw. I’m in so much debt from all over the place credit cards, health bills, and school loans. I’m not actively paying them off. Idk how I got a phone approved so it’s a big deal to me.
My point is I support us financially in every way. He gets no money from his dad unless he works with him and that’s not often. It can be stressful but I don’t mind. I love him and I never expected him to pay me back for anything. But I feel so used. And it’s been hard cause I’m in between jobs rn and finances are tight.
I dropped him off at his dads earlier about an hour away from where we live. Let me go back and say I know he’s been on dating apps because the evidence was on his phone. I already had trust issues from a previous incident (him talking to his ex on IG and some other girl he met at the skatepark on IG) which led me to discover that he’s downloaded dating apps during our relationship, and I’ve seen tinder codes sent as texts to him, and deleted emails from tinder and Snapchat. I’ve also seen messages between him and girls on tinder. And emails from PoF that people send him messages. I know I should’ve ended the relationship then and there but I confronted him and we went back and forth and I decided to give him another chance (which he didn’t deserve in the first place) and he said he was remorseful. He seemed remorseful. He damn near cried seeing me cry so much. (Almost but he didn’t) idk I believed him. When confronted he gets mad and tries to lie to my face. Every damn time. He gaslights me and I know it. But still I tried to just let it go and try to believe he loved me and know he made a mistake that really hurt me but he doesn’t give a f***
I just have a bad feeling. You know when you just know something is up?? You have no reason you just kinda know. Well I’ve been feeling this way for a long time. And I made a fake tinder account and when I got home from dropping him off earlier, it was almost instant that he came up on my page. He lives 40-50 miles away and I set the range that far and I found him almost instantly. His bio said “just here to chat 😴” and had two pictures. One which I TOOK OF HIM i was so upset. I haven’t confronted him about it yet. I took screenshots of his page but that’s it. Sadly you can’t message people on tinder unless you match.
He got mad at me earlier for FaceTime ing him after he said he would call me and didn’t so I called him. And told me to chill cause he was playing a game. I texted him and said I loved him and he said he loved me back and I asked him why he didn’t wanna talk to me? He proceeded to get mad and call me clingy and say he needs space which I never understand and that he’s so sick of me acting this way blah blah blah. Super hurtful. All I want is to be able to talk to my bf. He FaceTimes me all the time but at night when he’s on tinder and especially when he’s away from home he usually doesn’t Text back or call me and says he’s “going to sleep”
So he’s messed up numerous times already. And I’m an idiot and I’m still here. Love really is like a drug. I’m. Addicted and I know it’s toxic and I want to leave. But I also don’t want to leave. I never thought I’d be the stupid girl stuck in a situation like this. I figure since it was months ago, and recently he had been faithful that we were okay but I was obviously wrong.
I’m not mean to him or anything. I am bipolar so sometimes I cry watching movies or listening to songs or just in general get sad and get mood swings but I never take it out on him. He sometimes gets mad at me for being sad. He thinks I can choose to not be sad like him. I don’t tell him what to do or what not to do. (Except when it came to me telling him to stop cheating or that I would leave) I don’t consider myself annoying but maybe I am? Over quarantine I’ve gained like 30lbs :/ I’m 5”5 and I used to be 130 now I’m 160. My face is rounder and my thighs and arms and tummy are chubby. But I’m not FAT. But I know he preferred me before... maybe he’s tired of my appearance? I used to be able to go to the gym but it’s been MONTHS since they’ve been opened near me.
I bought the bed in our home with my stimulus check. And several small appliances are mine, and I have my clothes, tv, laptop, small electronics, makeup, board games, books, not TOO much cause we live in a studio. But the bed is huge. King sized. And unfortunately he took my ps4 with him to his dads so he could play over there. And he has a gold necklace of mine that belonged to my grandmother, my mother, now me. (It’s a rosary and I let him wear it) he had left it at his dads house a few weeks ago.
I don’t know how to leave. I can slowly start to take my small appliances and small items like non essentials back to my parents which luckily isn’t too far away. (Next city over) but I would need my dad and brothers to help me with the bed. Another thing is I want my stuff back. If I confront him now he has a chance to not give it back. Or break it. Do I pretend everything’s okay and just slowly start moving out? And break it to him once he comes back? Do I just move everything out in a day and then drive to his dads with my parents so I can get my stuff back? Idk. I’m so lost. I haven’t even been smoking I’ve just been sitting here crying and sad. I want the phone back too that I got him cause I don’t want to make payments on it while he’s using it to talk to other women wtf. But he will be left without a phone, no bed, no way to cook food, (we don’t have a stove and I bought the electric skillet) like a lot of things that make this house comfortable /live-able are mine and I want to take them because I spent my money on it dammit. And he still betrayed me and disregards everything I do for him. Am I a bad girlfriend? I feel guilty taking things away but they are mine right? I just love him and don’t want him to struggle.
I know he sounds awful. And he is. But he’s also my best friend and he’s the best person to me when he’s not an idiot. I must be gullible or he must be a really good liar cause I feel super loved by him. He says the nicest things to me, has so many nicknames for me, helps me with anything I need, holds my hair when I’m throwing up, takes care of me, gives the best cuddles and our sex life is great too. (I admit we used to more frequently but we still at least once a week) he also gets along great with my whole family. Parents siblings cousins everyone. He must be a really good actor.
Any advice /input I appreciate. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I don’t know if anyone will even respond but thank you so much if you do. Please don’t be mean I know I need to leave. I know this is toxic and I deserve better. But I love him so much. Would be way easier if I didn’t...
submitted by bb8ismyhomie to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

Quick tips and warnings PS5

First of all I would like to thank you all for the support on this community and being great samaritans posting all sorts of notifications and updates regarding the PS5 recently! Yes the HYPE is REAL.
Congratulations for those who have Pre-ordered successfully!
And for those who could not, I say do not despair. Keep checking the sub and the posted links on the PS5 Pre-order thread "link in the comments".
Without further adieu, let's jump into the subject.

Quick tips while setting up your new PS5

1| Before even connecting the console to the TV, turn off all HDMI control from the TV. This is to prevent the TV from turning off your console or putting it on rest mode without warning.
2| Next, set up the console with the included instructions, never disconnecting the controller from the console. Download and install the latest patch (this will take a while).
3| After the latest patch is installed the PS5 will prompt you to update the controller. Remember to keep your controller plugged in until this step is finished.
4| Then, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the setup. When you've finished you'll have access to the home screen, from here go to settings => system => and deactivated rest mode all together. (This is important)
5| After that restart the console, (just turn it off and on)
6| Download/install games and play. Everything should be working great, but do have a mental list of DON'Ts until Sony fixes all these problems in future patches.
If you have a ps4, back up all your game save data on the cloud using your PS+ subscription.
If you're playing borderlands or man eater, you will have to manually upload the save data to the cloud from within the game to be able to have your progress show up on your PS5.
Note: This is all what I've gathered from PS5 so far.

For technical concerns, please visit and use the Technical Issues & Help Megathread

Happy gaming!
submitted by sagilny to DubaiGaming [link] [comments]

Connection without LAN cable?

So, my PlayStation has had this issue a few times before. It will straight up not connect to the wifi and will timeout without even getting the IP address. However, I had access to my brother's LAN cable for a short while and it worked just fine. Plus, while my ps4 can't connect, everything else in my house can just fine. My ps4 just can't connect without a cable.
I'm questioning whether or not my mom has paused the wifi on my ps4 (we have xfinity) but I don't think that's the case cause she would've done it for my brother's as well. I've reset the router, forgotten the wifi, and restarted the ps4. Basically everything short of completely resetting my ps4.
Does anyone know what might be wrong and if you do, are there any solutions?
submitted by StarCrimson25 to PS4 [link] [comments]

Wifi issues... Still? 5ghz vs 2.4

I had WiFi issues when I got the console. Chalked it up to growing pains and assumed it would get patched, but here we are...
I can only play Warzone without lag if I switch to 2.4ghz. My router is 12in from the PS5. Is it my WiFi or the PS5? PS4 ran fine. So does everything else in the house. I guess it's just me at this point? Or are some of you guys/gals still having problems?
Any ideas?
I'll probably run a cable but this seems ridiculous. I didn't need a cable to play PS4 games.
submitted by ziggyhtx to PS5 [link] [comments]

My Remote Play Struggles Solved, Unconventional Way

Hi everyone, I figured I'd post my remote play journey for all to hear, maybe it can help anyone else who is still in love with their vita and wants remote play to be functional.
If you don't want to hear the long story... I daisy chained a WNDR 3700v4 Netgear router configured as an access point (go to advanced settings to make this change) to my current router setup and viola, my vita connected perfectly via the wifi signal it sent out. This is with ps4 connected via ethernet, remote play settings set to standard + high frame rate, and "Use Wi-Fi in Power Save Mode" turned off. Vita has ran with no frame drops for hours straight and very minimal input lag (I've been comfortably playing Borderlands 3). Prior to this I couldn't play for even 5 minutes without Vita dropping, and that was with me standing as close as 2 feet away from the wifi router.
Now the narrative story for whoever has time. So I've been having trouble with having my vita play remote play nicely within my house wifi since I bought it brand new with the Borderlands 2 bundle, like 7 years ago? I don't even remember. And honestly, the remote play feature was one of the most intriguing features of the vita that I always wanted to use. I love handheld and the ability to play ps4 games handheld sounded so good. I'd always go back to it hoping one day that something changes or some new fix will be revealed to me. I've ALWAYS had issues with frame drops and eventually the vita just cuts out and loses connection. On top of that the response time always seemed really slow. There were times where it would work for a few minutes, but eventually the result would be the same. I tried everything, every tutorial, every router modification, even played around with router placement, channel scanning/changing, you name it. For the longest time I lived in apartments so I just relegated it to being in too congested of a network area that made the poor vita wifi cards impossible to connect to. I actually would have more luck with remote play when traveling and connecting to an internet connection to play that way, but still shoddy at best.
So I recently moved into a house with relatively few wifi routers close by (maybe 2-3 neighbors I can see SSID for). SAME ISSUE! So frustrated, I gave up and just shelved the vita. Then today I had an idea. To begin, my network setup is like this: Modem connects to router 1 which is in the front of the house, then a 25 ft ethernet cable connects to router 2 which is setup as an access point (on Netgear routers this is very easy to do, just a setting change under advanced settings). Essentially router 2 uses DHCP table from router 1 and simply extends the network. I actually have most of my stuff connected to router 2 since that is the more powerful wifi signal in the back of the house. Router 1 is a Nighthawk R7960P and router 2 is a Nighthawk R6900P (I should probably switch the two since router 1 is effectively "more powerful", but whatever -_-). Going back to my vita remote play, it would not sustain a good connection with either one of these routers, dropping frames constantly or eventually losing connection. I've had my old Netgear WNDR 3700v4 sitting in my closet for years by this point. Then it dawned on me that I could probably daisy chain another router to router 2 and see what happens. My guess was maybe if I had a router that had no congestion from other wifi connections that it would be able to run the remote play more effectively. So I connected all the cables and configured router 3 (the WNDR 3700v4) to run as an access point, and it totally connected fast and effectively. I played for 2 hours straight with no hickups while the wife was watching Netflix and family in the other room streaming other stuff. I was blown away. Never had I been able to run remote play so effectively. I was playing Borderlands 3 and it was actually super enjoyable (aside from the fact that the controls for BL3 on vita suck... a little customization fixed that). I have the L2/R2 grip which I got specifically for remote play but was never really able to use it because the connection was always so bad.
So yeah, after years and years of battling a good remote play setup, I think I've finally found a solution. Maybe a suggestion to consider for anyone that remote play has never worked well for. I'm guessing the reason this helped so much is because the router is literally only processing the wifi for the vita, so it has no other tasks to contend with. My other guess is that the wireless G connection on new routers (the two Nighthawks I have are much newer than this WNRD router) is very poorly made due to such few devices using that connection anymore. Our vita unfortunately never got equipped with better cards. I labeled my specific products here for illustration purposes, but I'm sure any old router would help this problem. Something to test if you're like me and have random old electronics just lying around your house or can spend $20 getting a used router on ebay or something.
Anyway, that's enough from me, thanks to anyone who made it this far for reading!
submitted by teddyastuffed to vita [link] [comments]

PS5 "can't find what you're looking for" solutions

So after about 2 months testing several things, calling support, and experimenting with hardware configurations, I think I've gotten to the bottom of it! This could cover errors like CE-112884-4, CE-112926-0 and E2-81760907.
The symptoms:. The ps5 might connect, play games, receive invites, and update normally - but won't let you view accounts, some store pages, active friends, or details on invites. Rebooting or turning internet off and on fixes this temporarily.
What I've tried: so this is the long part. I tried different homes, wifi, LAN, and different hardware configurations as well as port forwarding to solve it in addition to factory resetting a ps5 so you don't have to! We tried different routers, no router, and messing with firewall settings most users shouldn't as well, but this should hopefully get people to answers quicker.
What worked!:. New hardware, and setting up port forwarding. The port forwarding was the same as for PS4 and there are guides better than I could place hereGuide. But the REAL FIX was ditching the ISP provided router. This was the most permanent solution.
To test if your router is the problem, you're going to need an ethernet cable. Wire the ps5 directly into the router rather than the usual modem. (Do NOT leave it this way or connect your whole home this way, your devices are more vulnerable while connected like this and I only reccomend it because your PS5 is a low security risk device). If the PS5 has no trouble connected this way in NAT 1, we can identify the PS5 is not at fault and work from there.
Next, put your router back in place like normal, and follow the guide above to forward ports. Try it like this for a day or two first to see if your issues return.
Finally, if forwarding the ports doesn't solve it, buying your own router probably will. Isp provided routers are updated infrequently and usually without gamers in mind. The boring (but risky) bits of my testing suggest that it's those cheap firewall solutions that cause the problem by blocking recurring network traffic that the PS5 is using to update store and UI elements dependent on the PSN.
Buying your own router gives you better controls, more security, and generally better user experience anyways, but this might just save you all the pain of resetting a ps5 twice on the phone then waiting for weeks for Sony to "repair" it, then find nothing changed.
submitted by Ultramarine6 to playstation [link] [comments]

FH: No Rewards Issue for certain players since Patch 2.23.0.

This post was created to add some clarity to the issue, those it likely affects, and to supply the FH Team with added information. It is in the FH Bug Reporter, but it's lacking pertinent information. TLDR: see bolded words.
UPDATE: There appears to have been an Undocumented Fix in the 19NOV20 Infrastructure Maintenance. It was only a partial fix though, it only affected consoles' paid subscriptions and not the other portion of the problem. PS4 is confimed fixed. Xbox is confirmed fix. However, Sanctioned Countries like Iran are STILL having this problem (PC and Consoles). No word on compensation for Four plus weeks of missed content and rewards.  

No Rewards Issue: Highlighting the problem, recognizing the pattern, and collecting information

No rewards (XP, steel, loot, Troops, etc), of any kind, are being received by a certain portion of players, no matter how long they wait or whatever connectivity troubleshooting steps they completed. This issue came with the release of Patch 2.23.0 (or right before, from the 20OCT20 Maintenance), along with other problems, like patches normally bring (Unknown NAT, more occurrences of Group Leader Bug, sound issues, etc). There's some conflicting info about this problem, as it's not experienced on a wider scale despite numerous reports.  

The Misunderstanding:

They get the same message of "We're sorry, but our servers are taking longer to respond than anticipated. Your rewards will automatically be given when the response comes in" that most players have seen at one time or another. Those rewards are usually given in a minute or two (best to not leave the lobby until it's given). The problem is, these players have received nothing since the start of the Halloween Event on Oct. 22nd (some are reporting 20OCT20), for any match, except in Arcade (if they have it). The community needs to understand that this is a very specific bug and not the normal delays due to increased network traffic.

Who's Affected and Why?

Console players that do not have an active Live Service subscription (PS Plus or XBox Live Gold) and players from Iran (all platforms), possibly other Sanctioned Countries too. As many know, I'll find people with issues to run through most troubleshooting steps. Especially since this appeared as a connectivity issue. We went through every possible solution that proved ineffective and I was stumped, but knew the issue didn't rely on the users' end due to those efforts. It was only until u/ludexMortis's post that things became clear. They reactivated their PS Plus and immediately started receiving rewards after matches. A few others also commented about that fixing their issue.  
I then went back to numerous posts here, Twitter, and Ubisoft Forums. The common pattern was those console players with this issue after Patch 2.23.0 were without an active subscription (ALL of them) or they were from Iran (PC and Console). Those that activated it, "fixed" their problem. It worked for all of them that did it, with the exception of a player from Iran (see sanctioned countries note). This is why there's misunderstanding in the community and the devs, no one was thinking about the relation with paid subscription services after this latest patch. This is a symptom (unintended consequence) of a flaw within Patch 2.23.0, may even be related to the implementation of Ubisoft Connect, or related to the Maintenance on 20OCT20 (reports of when that started). There's numerous reports, but it's not affecting the majority of players since those subscriptions are needed for multiplayer and AFAIK, it's not affecting PC players to the same degree (see note).  
  • PC Note: Unknown how this affects PC players worldwide, but it appears to only be PC players in Sanctioned Countries. So far, I haven't seen one PC player with this problem outside of a sanctioned country. There was possibly one, but turns out he was from Iran too. I've read about ALL PC players of a specific country (Iran) experiencing both Unknown NAT and No Rewards, but that possibly could be related to something else combined with the release of Patch 2.23, the Maintenance on 20OCT20 (this one is more likely than the others), and/or the Ubisoft Connect transition (some type of netcoding flaw), see next note below. Unsure about the overall affect on PC, as so little information is available regarding any PC player issues of this type. Hopefully, we can gather more info.  
Sanctioned Countries (SC): This affects ALL players in these countries, on ALL platforms. While certain countries are sanctioned, that doesn't affect all games equally. Players in Iran could play For Honor before with no issues. As mentioned above, there's reports of Iranian players having this same issue of No Rewards, on PC. From what I read, that was ALL of them, but that's unverified. A player from Crimea can no longer receive Rewards either (see comment). Even more important, a PS4 player from Iran activated their PS Plus and still aren't receiving rewards, unlike all players from other countries. That person is still locked out of Rewards because they're still in a Sanctioned Country.  
This shows the No Rewards issue and PS Plus relation are just symptoms of a flaw in the global Maintenance on 20OCT20 and/or Patch 2.23.0 related. This may or may not also be related to Ubisoft Connect's implementation (other systems like Uplay + isn't available to Iran and other Sanctioned Countries). Note: Using a VPN in Sanctioned Countries can get around this issue, has worked for some others, as one can change their location (geo-spoofing) to use the VPN's Shared Network IP Address from a new country. However, not all VPNs are guaranteed, some free ones can't get around geo-blocking (Proton VPN has worked and is free). Important reminder: Console players from Iran and other SCs will still also need an active Live Service.  
Sanctioned Countries List (bolded are confirmed cases):
Iran North Korea Crimea Sevastopol Syria Sudan South Sudan Cuba

Here's a few links to show the pattern:

  1. In Post comments, activating worked for another.
  2. Activating PS Plus worked for this redditor.
  3. No PS Plus, see all troubleshooting steps done.
  4. Another one in comments without PS Plus.
  5. Another without PS Plus.
  6. Another poster without active PS Plus.
  7. Reddit post not getting rewards after PS Plus expired.
  8. Yet another post without PS Plus.
  9. Tweet of a player with issue, no active Xbox Live Gold.
  10. Another Tweet of PS4 player without PS Plus.
  11. Tweet by a player who hasn't gotten rewards
  12. Ubisoft Forum commenter not receiving rewards and no PS Plus.
  13. Ubisoft Forum's thread where another commenter is figuring out it's Live Service related. Played on a PS4 with an active PS Plus and received rewards.  
Notice the common themes: Console, no active Live Service, and in the cases where it was activated, they started receiving rewards. They also didn't receive previous rewards when the problem was resolved. And this is during an annual event with exclusive lootable items. This is NOT a connection issue, at least not in the traditional sense. They are connected, they are playing matches in the game.  
VIDEO PROOF: Reproducing and Fixing the Problem. This video will show results without PS Plus and then with PS Plus active. Also shows how to workaround the problem for console (activate or use free trials) and players in Sanctioned Countries (VPN and activate/free trials).  

Point of this Post:

To highlight the common patterns and isolate where the issue is, for the community and for the Devs. EVERY issue and bug has common factors and/or triggers. Troubleshooting problems is all about applying general methods to correct or workaround certain issues. Part of that is figuring out what those patterns and triggers are. That's why troubleshooting helps, as it reduces the possibilities by process of elimination. Those commonalities of bugs and problems could be game wide, patch specific, Ubisoft Connect related, Ubisoft network related, Data Center related, platform specific, Console servers, region specific, ISP specific, home network related, Wifi vs Wired, and now add Live Services to the list. If players start having any type of bugs/issues, then providing as much information as possible will help identify a cause and possibly find a solution.  
For those experiencing NO REWARDS, please comment below (not other unrelated bugs or issues). If you're a PC player affected by this, please add your country, if on VPN, if using Steam Epic or Uplay directly, if using Uplay+, and other relevant info experienced with this (Ubisoft Connect, Unknown NAT, etc.). If you're on console and have this problem, comment if your account is active or not and if activating it fixed the Rewards issue. Gathering as much information as possible is helpful to the devs in order to fix this. Otherwise, they're going to think it's a connection issue, clientside. Then, there's the issue of what they're going to do for these players that will have missed weeks of rewards, exclusive items, and an on-going Extra Loot Fest during an annual Event (not to mention the wasted Champ Status earned from Twitch Drops or purchased).  
For the Devs: The three things to look at (which you're probably already aware) are the 20OCT20 maintenance and any errors from that (likely), the netcoding from Patch 2.23 (not necessarily the patch itself), and any relation to the transition to Ubisoft Connect. As all three things happened near the same timeframe. Of note, there have been a few that said this started 20OCT20, while many others said after Patch 2.23. Unsure how exact those recollections are though.  
Edit: I will add that I've personally tested this. I deactivated my Main PS Profile as the Primary account on my PS4, that one had PS Plus. After playing matches on a Test Account, they received No Rewards (no matter how long I waited). I then reactivated my Main PS Profile as the Primary on that PS4 and played matches again on my Test Account, I immediately was receiving rewards at match completion. I had to delete my digital copy as that's tied to my PS Plus and use my disc version to test this. I can now continually replicate this problem, as well as the fix, anytime I want to. For PC, this should be easily confirmed by using a VPN to change one's location to Iran or another Sanctioned Country like Crimea.
submitted by ConnorMacLeod- to forhonor [link] [comments]

How to Focus in Your ZOOM Class

How to Focus in Your ZOOM Class
  1. So I think we can all agree that the current state of the world has been pretty crazy and things are very uncertain. However, the show must go on despite the cancellation of physical classes. And if you’re like me.. you may find it difficult to focus in class when you aren’t actually there and rather behind a laptop in your underwear, half asleep, without a clue as to what your professor is talking about. So we’re going to fix that.
  2. Okay Tip #1: DON’T Zoom in your room. There are tons of distractions in your room that you may or may not be aware of. For example, If you just woke up for your zoom class and you’re kinda tired, it may be easy to just turn off your camera and innocently “lay down” which will eventually lead you just passing out and missing the whole class. Also if you got your TV with your PS4 just calling your name and you think that you can multitask in class and play some video games or watch some TV well you’re probably not going to retain much. Rather try and simulate a classroom environment. Designate a different spot in your house to do class. A rule of mental thumb is to try to not do anything in your zoom class that you wouldn’t do in an actual physical class.
  3. Tip #2: (If you wanna study in your room) Remove distractions from your room if you find that they distract you. Such as PS4, phone, TV you know…Maybe just place them in a different area of your house or just make it inconvenient to access your distractions. Such as unplugging your PS4 and TV for the time being and placing your phone underneath your bed with the ringer on full blast so that you can hear any important messages without getting distracted watching Nelk boy clips for the entire class.
  4. Tip #3: Mentally return to your Semester Routine. I think everyone develops a routine when in school. whether you consciously made one or just developed one over time. Stick to how you would normally conduct a day in college or HS by taking a shower, getting fully dressed, eating some breakfast all before your class starts. It’s important that you return to this routine and convince yourself that nothing has changed. And that you are still attending class and you have a goal in mind. Our brains can’t really distinguish the difference between actual experiences and what we simulate in our minds. Both will be interpreted as memories. Wear the same clothes that you would for the actual class. When you feel good. You Perform well. There’s a great quote by Ruby granger that states “If you treat the day like it is worth something then it will be.” Give your day a fighting chance. Just because the pandemic has taken a FAT doo doo on our plans. does NOT mean that we have to keep letting it. Take control back!
  5. Tipironi Number Cuatro #4: Make sure that you optimize your WiFi connection. Okay, it can be really hard to focus on a Zoom class when your WiFi is pretty cheeks...There have been too many times where my WiFi would just cut out and The professor's voice is all pixelated and You know for fAX that you’re missing out on some important shit. So what I recommend is cop a Wi-Fi JetPack. A Jetpack is just a portable WiFi Connection that just uses Data. It's like a hotspot but works a bit better because it’s made to be an internet access device. They run about $100-$150 dollars but it will be totally worth it in the long run. You’ll have to view this one as another investment such as your Textbooks and other student fees. They’re pretty clutch not gonna lie. One time I needed to submit my Chem Lab report at 11:59 PM. It was 11:45 and I just finished it. And as I was trying to upload it, the Campus WiFi just BOUNCED. And I was freaking out! Then I remembered that I had this Lil Jetpack and I was able to upload the Report 5 times faster than the regular WiFi. This thing is the Lebron clutch factor of online class…Lebron is better than MJ btw.
  6. Tip #5: Wear headphones when you’re in Zoom Class. Whenever you throw in some headphones, it really concentrates your attention and can help you focus.. Plus You’ll be able to clearly hear your professor and classmates. Also, try and use Bluetooth headphones if you have them so you’re not getting your arm all caught up when taking notes. Its just limits outside factor and concentrates your entire hearing sense which is half the battle. 10/10 would recommend.
  7. Tip #6: So along those same lines, I think that it's important to Inform your roommates or fam of your class and studying schedule. Tell your family members or roommates your class time so that they won’t distract you during certain times of the day. If you guys live at home with your parents and sibling then this is essential! I've been in the middle of class multiple times and I just hear my mom yell my name to come and do some dishes…..(Maybe have mom actually call me after I say that) It helps put your mind at ease knowing that you’re not gonna here someone screams at you to go and do something or ask you some dumb ass question.
  8. Tip #7: Make a plan after your zoom class so that you are on a schedule to focus your attention. Treat it like actual class. After I had my class I would usually get some food, take a break, and then hit the books again. After I finished studying, I would go and workout. The same approach should be done when in Zoom class by creating a schedule for yourself so that you maximize your focus and retention in class. It gives us something to look forward to and it keeps us busy. Thus keeping us less likely to be grinding on some COD or watching some Rick and Morty. If you guys spoil Season 4 for me imma livid….
  9. Tip #8: Remember why you’re taking the class. So if you are pursuing a career path in health care, it is very likely that you are going to have to know chemistry, biology, and a variety of other classes. So it is important that the information in your classes can lock in the long term so that you don’t have to relearn or first time learn a lot of material for your standardized tests such as the MCAT, DAT, etc. If we give ourselves some more motivation and purpose behind just a simple boring Chemistry class then we will never get past the first step of our goals and ambitions. We in this for the long haul. It's more than a’s your ticket to a new life.
  10. Tip #9: Designate a specific time to Relax so you have something to reward your focus with. I believe that it’s important to work hard and play hard. If we worked our asses off, then we have reserved the right to have fun. It really gives us something to look forward to when we are studying. Plus we are able to hold ourselves more accountable by not allowing long breaks throughout the day because we are going to save that for later. Life is meant to be enjoyed so don’t overwork yourself to a point of burnout and lack of motivation. That also comes with the balance of grinding when it’s grind time baby.
  11. I know this whole pandemic has been a shit show. and it really robbed us of a lot this year. However, we OWE it to ourselves to take our lives back and not let this pandemic suppress our goals.
submitted by andizzyg to studytips [link] [comments]

How can I convince my parents to let me buy a new PC?

Hi, I know this will sound weird, but please stay here. This is a burner acount, so I will not be answering many questions. I am curently 15, and I live with my parents and my little brother. I have looked into building a new PC, and I have the money for it. I would like to get into some gaming, but my parents don't like the idea. I curently have PS4 (I had to pay for both it, and 100 dollars on top of that to get my parents to buy it) and a chromebook. On both, my parents have about the strictest parental controls on it. My PS4 is not conected to wifi so I can not play online games, and the only game I have a disk for is minecraft. My parents are very against anything violant, or anything online. I curently booted linux onto my chromebook so I can get around the restricions and play some (only a few) games. I am looking into buying another PC, but when I asked about 2 months ago, my parents got very upset, and said I should be happy with the chromebook I have. I know this sounds like your tipical 12 year old edgelord that hates their parents, I am sorry. My parents are not abusive by any means, but they do not want me to become popular at school (idk why), so I am not alowed to go to a freinds house, I don't have a phone, I am not alowed to eat lunch at school, and I have to tell my parents every thing that happens. Hell, I can't even leave the house without my parents coming with me. I have not perfect grades, but I was doing better before the rona. I know it sounds like a excuse, but my chromebook is nearly 7 years old, and crashes constantly so it is hard to join a zoom class without dissconecting at least 4 times. Again, this sounds like a average spoiled kid, but I live in a somewhat richer area where everyone plays game. I have been made fun of before because I don't play any games at all. Like I said before, My parents got upset and refused to talk to me for a few days after I asked to get a new PC. My parents don't know anything about my reddit, discord, CS:GO (20 fps max...), and anything else. Tbh my dad would be upset, but prety cool about it, but my mom would be pissed beyond pissed. Me and my brother use to have a amazon kindle (again we had to pay for it, and a extra fee to use it), but we were caught playing some (sorry I forgot at this point) online game. I don't remember the name, but the idea was it was like one of those tower defence games. There isn't even a way to chat on it, and the gameplay consists of purley monkeys. Anyways, my mom found out and threw it away. How do you think I can try and convince my parents I need a new PC? Several of the componets are gaming parts, so this might arouse suspition. My parents look closly at everything I buy, so they are going to notice the fact that it says "blah blah blah GAMING graphics card" I can try and say that I need a new one, and did some reaserch, and this is the minimum that I need to do anything, as they are not very good with PCs. Asking to buy it to play games is gonna be litteral suicide, and it probably a good way to get yelled at. Thanks yall :D
submitted by randomacount1664 to AskTeens [link] [comments]

How to Focus in Your ZOOM Class

How to Focus in Your ZOOM Class
  1. So I think we can all agree that the current state of the world has been pretty crazy and things are very uncertain. However, the show must go on despite the cancellation of physical classes. And if you’re like me.. you may find it difficult to focus in class when you aren’t actually there and rather behind a laptop in your underwear, half asleep, without a clue as to what your professor is talking about. So we’re going to fix that.
  2. Okay Tip #1: DON’T Zoom in your room. There are tons of distractions in your room that you may or may not be aware of. For example, If you just woke up for your zoom class and you’re kinda tired, it may be easy to just turn off your camera and innocently “lay down” which will eventually lead you just passing out and missing the whole class. Also if you got your TV with your PS4 just calling your name and you think that you can multitask in class and play some video games or watch some TV well you’re probably not going to retain much. Rather try and simulate a classroom environment. Designate a different spot in your house to do class. A rule of mental thumb is to try to not do anything in your zoom class that you wouldn’t do in an actual physical class.
  3. Tip #2: (If you wanna study in your room) Remove distractions from your room if you find that they distract you. Such as PS4, phone, TV you know…Maybe just place them in a different area of your house or just make it inconvenient to access your distractions. Such as unplugging your PS4 and TV for the time being and placing your phone underneath your bed with the ringer on full blast so that you can hear any important messages without getting distracted watching Nelk boy clips for the entire class.
  4. Tip #3: Mentally return to your Semester Routine. I think everyone develops a routine when in school. whether you consciously made one or just developed one over time. Stick to how you would normally conduct a day in college or HS by taking a shower, getting fully dressed, eating some breakfast all before your class starts. It’s important that you return to this routine and convince yourself that nothing has changed. And that you are still attending class and you have a goal in mind. Our brains can’t really distinguish the difference between actual experiences and what we simulate in our minds. Both will be interpreted as memories. Wear the same clothes that you would for the actual class. When you feel good. You Perform well. There’s a great quote by Ruby granger that states “If you treat the day like it is worth something then it will be.” Give your day a fighting chance. Just because the pandemic has taken a FAT doo doo on our plans. does NOT mean that we have to keep letting it. Take control back!
  5. Tipironi Number Cuatro #4: Make sure that you optimize your WiFi connection. Okay, it can be really hard to focus on a Zoom class when your WiFi is pretty cheeks...There have been too many times where my WiFi would just cut out and The professor's voice is all pixelated and You know for fAX that you’re missing out on some important shit. So what I recommend is cop a Wi-Fi JetPack. A Jetpack is just a portable WiFi Connection that just uses Data. It's like a hotspot but works a bit better because it’s made to be an internet access device. They run about $100-$150 dollars but it will be totally worth it in the long run. You’ll have to view this one as another investment such as your Textbooks and other student fees. They’re pretty clutch not gonna lie. One time I needed to submit my Chem Lab report at 11:59 PM. It was 11:45 and I just finished it. And as I was trying to upload it, the Campus WiFi just BOUNCED. And I was freaking out! Then I remembered that I had this Lil Jetpack and I was able to upload the Report 5 times faster than the regular WiFi. This thing is the Lebron clutch factor of online class…Lebron is better than MJ btw.
  6. Tip #5: Wear headphones when you’re in Zoom Class. Whenever you throw in some headphones, it really concentrates your attention and can help you focus.. Plus You’ll be able to clearly hear your professor and classmates. Also, try and use Bluetooth headphones if you have them so you’re not getting your arm all caught up when taking notes. Its just limits outside factor and concentrates your entire hearing sense which is half the battle. 10/10 would recommend.
  7. Tip #6: So along those same lines, I think that it's important to Inform your roommates or fam of your class and studying schedule. Tell your family members or roommates your class time so that they won’t distract you during certain times of the day. If you guys live at home with your parents and sibling then this is essential! I've been in the middle of class multiple times and I just hear my mom yell my name to come and do some dishes…..(Maybe have mom actually call me after I say that) It helps put your mind at ease knowing that you’re not gonna here someone screams at you to go and do something or ask you some dumb ass question.
  8. Tip #7: Make a plan after your zoom class so that you are on a schedule to focus your attention. Treat it like actual class. After I had my class I would usually get some food, take a break, and then hit the books again. After I finished studying, I would go and workout. The same approach should be done when in Zoom class by creating a schedule for yourself so that you maximize your focus and retention in class. It gives us something to look forward to and it keeps us busy. Thus keeping us less likely to be grinding on some COD or watching some Rick and Morty. If you guys spoil Season 4 for me imma livid….
  9. Tip #8: Remember why you’re taking the class. So if you are pursuing a career path in health care, it is very likely that you are going to have to know chemistry, biology, and a variety of other classes. So it is important that the information in your classes can lock in the long term so that you don’t have to relearn or first time learn a lot of material for your standardized tests such as the MCAT, DAT, etc. If we give ourselves some more motivation and purpose behind just a simple boring Chemistry class then we will never get past the first step of our goals and ambitions. We in this for the long haul. It's more than a’s your ticket to a new life.
  10. Tip #9: Designate a specific time to Relax so you have something to reward your focus with. I believe that it’s important to work hard and play hard. If we worked our asses off, then we have reserved the right to have fun. It really gives us something to look forward to when we are studying. Plus we are able to hold ourselves more accountable by not allowing long breaks throughout the day because we are going to save that for later. Life is meant to be enjoyed so don’t overwork yourself to a point of burnout and lack of motivation. That also comes with the balance of grinding when it’s grind time baby.
  11. I know this whole pandemic has been a shit show. and it really robbed us of a lot this year. However, we OWE it to ourselves to take our lives back and not let this pandemic suppress our goals.
submitted by andizzyg to college [link] [comments]

can you play ps4 without wifi video

PS4 Direct Remote Connection From PC without internet ... Connect PS4 to FREE public WIFI hotspots - YouTube Playing PS4 Offline - YouTube Connecting 2 PS4's with LAN Cable (No Internet Needed ... Play PS4 games on PC without Console 2017 - YouTube HOW TO TO PLAY PS4 GAMES WITHOUT A DISC! - YouTube Remote play PS VITA with PS4 without Internet - YouTube Can you use ps4 without Internet? [HINDI] - YouTube How To Use PS4 Remote Play Without Internet (Not Clickbait) HOW TO GET 100% FASTER INTERNET CONNECTION ON PS4! MAKE ...

Play PS4 games on TV Wireless. You are one who does not love wires then, in other words, you have to choose this costly wireless method. For connecting PS4 to TV wireless, you require Sony PlayStation TV and follow steps shown in the video. Further, you can explore the Wireless Sony DualShock 4 controller to enjoy the wireless gaming experience. My PS4 detects the app since I put the IP into the app itself so it's good ! The connection just disappears every minute, I can't even begin a song without the wifi being turned off, it's really annoying. You don't need to be online to use the Sony PlayStation 4, but it helps. This is what you can do when you don't have an Internet connection. On the Ps4, you can play without an internet connection anything except maybe digital titles? I think those need to connect from time to time to update your license or something, im not sure, i could be totally wrong. Physical games obviously have no such issues. I'm completely digital on ps4. You don't need an internet connection once you Yes, you can play most games without the internet on ps4, as some games that are multiplayer are obviously unplayable without the internet. If you don’t need any updates for the games or ps4, you should be fine playing games offline but if the game is from a ps plus monthly subscription, you aren’t not able to play it or if your account is not the primary account and you are playing the primary account’s games. How to Play PS4 on Laptop Without Remote Play. The process is quite simple and all you need is an HDMI cable and a USB-C to USB-A cable. Do keep in mind, the USB-C to USB-A cable needs to be USB 3.0 compliant. 1. Depending on your capture card, download the desktop application the game capture or control center application from the official Do you want to play PS4 on your laptop without remote play? Yes, it is possible to play PS4 on a laptop without a remote. Sony announced that remote play feature is available for Windows 10 computer. But to enjoy this feature, you need several pre-requisites such as WiFi connection with a minimum of 15 Mbps to download speed. PS4 Remote Play can be used locally without Wi-Fi connection, confirms Sony "Remote Play will work best when the PS Vita system is located within the same WiFi network where PS4 is connected According to the official claim about the PS4 DVD player without Internet availability, PS4 has to enable the Internet route at least one time for functioning the DVD streaming. On one side, the PS4 requests the firmware update from the network to enrich the insufficient DVD codec support. To play your digital games on another system, you have to be online so Sony can verify the licenses. Here’s how to check and see if your PS4 is set as your Primary System: Log into the PSN from

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PS4 Direct Remote Connection From PC without internet ...

THERE IS ALSO A NEW TUTORIAL FOR CONNECTING A PS4 CONTROLLER TO YOUR PC! CHECK IT OUT AFTER THIS VIDEO! this is a tutorial for anyone having the problem of b... Finally I have found a new connection method for ps4. I have copied the ps vita connection method for PC connection. You can use this method for direct conne... Hi guys in this video I have shown you guys whether you could play games without internet or not.Should you buy ps4 in 2020/2021? ... you could play games without internet or not.Should you buy ... Who honestly plays PS4 offline?----- FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! Play PS4 games on PC without Console 2017if you ever wonder that how to play ps4 games on pc & you want to play PlayStation games on computer & you don't hav... OMG IT WORKSThank You Guys Very Much For Watching My Video and please take the 2 seconds to like this video and subscribe to my channel and of course don't f... Can We Try to Hit 50,000 Likes? Thanks!NEW VERSION FOR 2020 -*Subscribe To My YouTube* - http://... This video summarize on how to connect Ps vita to a playstation 4 without any Internet connection/Wi-Fi. I hope you enjoy this video and find it useful. I ho... In This Video I Show You Guys How To Use PS4 Remote Play Without InternetBuy PS4 Controller Here : Quick Vid on how to connect 2 PS4's via LAN so that you can play against each other without being connected to the internet. Sorry for the bad camera work, w...

can you play ps4 without wifi

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