Why am I buffering? : Twitch - reddit

why is twitch buffering all the time

why is twitch buffering all the time - win

Why is Destiny's stream the only one on twitch that buffers all the time?

I can watch Arteezy, all the dota2/league/csgo tournament streams, and a bunch of random streamers on Source quality with no issues. In some case that's 1080p 60fps. I have 100mbit down and sometimes leave multiple streams up at once and just toggle audio between the interesting ones.
For Destiny's stream, I get buffering even on High quality. Hell, sometimes even Medium when everything looks like a potato. And that's with his stream being the only one open.
Does anyone else get this? Is there something fucked up with his setup?
submitted by Zed03 to Destiny [link] [comments]

Complete Vladimir guide, made by EUW multiseasonal multiaccount challenger Elite500, every matchup, every build, every playstyle. + AMA

Quintessential Vladimir guide for season 11

Well hello there wonderful people. My name is Calvin and I stream under the name Elite500, as the title suggests, I’ve been challenger for 4 seasons now and ended it since the last 2.
I’ve played vlad throughout every meta, no matter how rough or how much the playstyle has changed, and I’m finally here, bringing to YOU the absolute ULTIMATE, QUINTESSENTIAL, HOLY guide, everything you will ever need for season 11. At the time of writing this guide I’ve played around 500 preseason games and half of them in high challenger.
Why play Vladimir? Doesn’t he actually suck? Isn’t he noobchamp?
Do you wish to experience the pleasure of entering teamfights and leaving them higher hp?
Do you want to dehumanise yourself to and not even recognise your fellow teammates as sentient meat lumps? Can you handle the responsibility to take every game post 20 minutes as your responsibility?
Of course you do.

Table of contents:

  1. Setups: we’ll go over the main 2 setups including items, runes, summoners, and build
  2. How to choose between the two setups and which play-style suits you best
  3. Early laningphase and how to play matchups
  4. Every matchup in the game including recommended setups for matchups
  5. Unleashing unholy wrath upon your foes in mid to lategame
  6. Combos
  7. Skin choice

Setup one, the way of the gigalord:

Back in season 7 the chad vladimir players received an upgrade from thunderlords decree, electrocute, termed GIGALORDS back then, it’s power has been dormant and ever waiting since the nerfs of 2018.
This path is more optimally suited for those who wish to have devastating all in damage, those who wish to win lane as early as level 3, those who want to annihilate and leave them with .no counterplay 100-0s
This setup is best suited and optimally played against melee champions such as Sylas, Pantheon, Yone, Yasuo, Ekko, Akali, Kata, etc.

Summoner spells:

Ignite and flash are a must take with this setup, allowing you to deliver sudden oneshots with flash and having beyond unholy all in damage with ignite. Ignite also helps us with nimbus cloak and with procing electro.



Of course you’ll be taking electrocute as your keystone, it allows you to win a lot of trades early into the game, it’s easily proccable early with auto Q auto or auto E Q or even auto ignite Q.
The trading is nice although the main reason you take this keystone is for the HEINOUS all in damage it can do, most champions can literally be 100-0 oneshot at level 6 if they’re not innately invulnerable (looking at you galio).

Minor runes, domination:

Taste of blood is absolutely amazing and helps out in every melee matchup, feel free to swap this to sudden impact if you’re deranged and play this setup into ranged opponents. (sudden impact proccable with rocketbelt.
Poro ward is extremely consistent and can be stacked easily to grant you free 4 ap level 3 and 30 ap at around ~ 16 – 18 minutes depending on how actively you ward and where.
Ravenous hunter synergises so well with vlads huge point and click Q damage, easily accumulating 10’000 HP healed in a game. While it doesn’t sound like much, since the rune was changed from spellvamp to omnivamp it now will even heal you slightly on autohits even without stacks helping you outsustain early. Some crazy gamer chinese vlads will take ultimate hunter since their server is perma fighting, it’s also a viable choice but feels worse to me.

Secondary runes, sorcery:

For sure my favourite secondary tree to spec into, although this one is a lot more preference, I think all trees are balanced it’s just more playstyle, you flash like a maniac? Go inspiration cosmic insight with cdr shoes rush and enjoy less than 4 minute flash cooldown etc.
Transcendence holy MOLY this rune got such a nice change in season 11, 5 ability haste at level 5? Sign me the hell up. The ability cd refund is also amazing on vladimirs W since it’s basecooldown is like 30 seconds, allowing you sometimes to pool twice in fights.
Nimbus Cloak to make up for the lack of mobility before rocketbelt nimbus cloak helps out so much allowing you to kite and rundown pesky season 10 dashy champs with ease. Optionally gathering storm is also nice but with this rune setup you mostly play for early mid domination and nimbus is also great lategame. My games have been decided 1000x more by having more mobility in clutch scenarios than having 40 extra ap at 30 minutes.
For the mini runes always Ability haste, AP, and scaling hp


You best be prepared to build mejais.

Starting item:

Your starting item should be dark seal refillable every game, the dark seal buff now giving hp and 5 extra ap is absurdly good for vlad, random lucky early kills giving 10 ap is also beyond bonkers. Shaving off 350g on your mejais purchase is also essential.

First mythic:

Hextech Rocketbelt is by far the best mythic you can go in every game currently, amazing active, amazing components, amazing mythic passive, it’s just THAT good. The dash and ms is a great engage tool, hextech alternator synergises perfectly with your ridiculous ignite electro damage, the passive giving you 5 flat pen is amazing since you can get 18 from sorc shoes and another 5 from mejais since it counts as a legendary, the more flat pen you stack the more efficient it gets.

Second item:

Mejais Soulstealer allows you to single-handedly decide whether you wish to win the game or lose it, it’s a must buy and goes hand in hand with this playstyle, one two kills with a mejais, over 10 stacks? Literally the game is a done deal at this stage. Rocket belt mythic passive giving you 5 pen for a 1250g purchase makes it even good to buy at 0 stacks. I have completely 1v9’d too many games to count in the highest of elos because enemies make literally one mistake and die once.

Third item:

Void staff third? WTF what if enemies have no mr elite? Well let me tell you about this stupidly broken item that straight up out damages a god damn DEATHCAP even at 30 mr !? ? ? the item is 131% gold efficient, let alone when you pile up your 28 flat pen that you get from completing it. Remember flat pen reduces enemy MR AFTER the percentage, so let’s say someone has 50 magic resistance when you buy your void, magic resistance WH OMEGALUL? 28|40% stats on 50 mr leaves enemies with a whole 2 mr, 2 mr!!!!!

Fourth item:

Rabadons Deathcap while not nearly as good as it was last season still will round up your build, if you have just a few mejais stacks and you get these 4 holy items, the game is literally already over. Few champions can experience the delightful feel of going in 1v5 and returning at higher hp than before.


Unless you’re rocking cosmic insight and want türbo low summoner cd, sorc shoes are the must go 100% of the time. Why would you need damagereduction from tabis if you oneshot enemies, why would you need merctreads tenacity if you can just dodge with your W 4Head. Sorc shoes penetration just perfectly synergises with the rocketbelt mythic passive since the more flat magic pen you stack the more potent it becomes.

What the hell is the last item?

At this stage your power is so strong the final item won’t make a big difference, need dps? Cosmic drive, need a second pool? Zhonyas, need spellshield vs evelyn and zoe? Banshees. The itemshop is your oyster, get whatever you want last, I usually like to top it off with zhonyas.
This concludes the way of the gigalords setup and we’ll now proceed to the other setup.

Setup two, consistency king & lategamegod:

This play style was the meta for the longest of time and still remains viable, farm for 30 mins and then fight once and win the game 4Head. This playstyle relies less on your opponents being bad and more so on the inevitable victory that is 300 cs vladimir at the same time it’s also praying that your team doesn’t just perma fight for no reason which kinda happens a lot as well in soloq because people like fighting for no reason.

Summoner spells:

Ever thought how if everyone does just one thing the same way people would become insecure to try anything else but that specific way? That’s my opinion on using ghost > flash.
With this setup I prefer taking ghost over flash and ignite secondary. Why? Now that ghost’s duration gets refreshed on kills or assists and gives tremendous move-speed while only being on a 182 second cd with cosmic insight (163 with lucidity boots) allows you to have it up at literally every possible random teamfight, the mobility is insane for laningphase as well. If you can kill your opponent with flash in a certain scenario ghost will do the job and more, what do you do vs a vladimir that has kill pressure on your and pressed his nitroboost button? Flash away? Jokes on you this shit lasts 10000 years and he’ll just inevitably catch up.
Ghost in teamfights is also ridiculous, pop it right before someone dies and you have like 15 seconds of speed duration, can catchup to literally anyone even foolish galeforce buyers who think they are cool with their mini dash.(bit pixelated)
Ignite secondary lets you have some decent kill pressure even with this setup
You can of course go whatever you please, struggling with bully mages? Go flash tp, feel like you can’t catchup to that Ezreal in the backline? Flash ghost is the answer, etc, it’s all viable and just needs playing around.



Phaserush has been Vlad’s most consistent rune since seasons now. It offers a lot of versatility in the sense that it can be used to slide in an extra auto in trades, chase people down, escape ganks easier and of course mainly to slide into the backline like Michael Jackson moonwalking on the rift.
Just like electrocute it’s really easily proccable, just three swift strikes and you’re running like yourprincess runs from apologizing to Tuesday
Even your initial ult cast counts as one of the strikes, so you could ignite ult q and boom you’re already zooming.

Minor runes, sorcery:

Nimbus cloak is an insanely good rune for vlad since the main thing you lack is mobility, and the more you have the easier it gets to get even more. If you have a reliable way of proccing phaserush such as nimbus cloak ignite all your mobility issues are fixed.
Transcendence just like with the electro page it helps you lane giving you cdr as early as level 5, and if you stack enough ability haste with zhonyas or even legendary double stopwatch you can always do some funky last fight game winning shit like –> pool –> zhonyas –> get asisst so trans ticks in –> stopwatch –> pool again. It’s like 10 seconds of immunity winning you uber clutch games.
Gathering Storm what better rune suited for the lategame king himself. All other options like waterwalking and scorch are completely outclassed by this free stats rune. I’d say Vlad is the most efficient champion in the game when it comes to flat ap considering you have ap to hp conversion, absolutely massive ap scalings with damage and healing (wtF), and an amplification on all abilites with your ult.

Secondary runes, Inspiration:

Free boots are really good at helping you scale up consistently and the 10ms it gives you on top of regular boots means you just zoom that little bit extra.
Cosmic Insight is also amazing at lowering your summonerspells, combined with haste shoes you can get almost 70 seconds off your flash, how insane is that.


If you’ve been shocked by going ghost ignite you’re going to be quite surprised by this.

Starting item:

Just like with electrocute, dark seal refillable is a beyond bonkers good item to start with, however since we get free boots with this setup going dorans ring is a more affordable purchase as well into a more difficult matchup like Orianna or Syndra. My logic is if you back with ~ 350g you’ll be having to choose either between dark seal or boots, but since boots are out of the equation you don’t even need to think about them so dorans ring is a lot more affordable. At the same time this setup focuses mostly on reaching unholy power as fast as possible.

First mythic:

Mythic? Only insecure players build mythic items first.
We build DOUBLE FIENDISH CODEX that’s right. Become unstoppable. Vlad turns AP into a hyper efficient stat already with his insane scalings, so what about a 114% gold efficient PURE ap and ability haste stat? Fiendish codex’ passive is no longer unique so you can stack them.
From experience I’ve felt that anything more than 2 feels awful and going only 1 is also a viable option, although we want to accelerate ourselves and by this I mean let’s say we just pushed out midlane wave and we have some tempo. Raptor camp is up and your jgler doesn’t need them, you take them in 15 seconds total, because of this, the next time you take them you could afford another item meaning you took them 10 seconds in total, the next time 5 seconds and so on and so fort.
Getting pure ap and cdr allows you to do this faster and ultimately accelerating yourself to a point of having 300 cs at 25 minutes and being able to completely devour anyone in sight.

Second item:

Since I’m addicted to Mejais I like to buy it second, however with this setup you can skip it, if you fall behind even slightly mejais won’t get the free 5 penetration that you would’ve gotten with a regular rocketbelt build and it becomes really hard to get back into the game. Just remember if you need the power of GOD to win this game, don’t hesitate to buy the holy bible.

The real Second item:

Now that you have around ~ 100 ap Rabadons deathcap becomes efficient, even in its pathetic nerfed state it’ll still transform you into an onmipotent being. Deathcap is 92% item efficient with just it’s own AP and gets increased by 20% for every 100 ap so making it at MINIMUM 112% gold efficient of RAW pure AP power which Vladimir makes such enthusiastic work with. Now imagine if you had a mejais with some lucky 10 stacks on it, 136% gold efficient pure ap item combined with this? Oh Lord. Full mejais and dc = 357 ap = 500 hp more for FREE due to crimson pact.

Third item:

Most sane enemies when pressing TAB and seeing there is a 200 cs vlad at 16 minutes with a deathcap completed and double codex eagerly wanting to devour their feeble adc souls will attempt to purchase some magic resistance.
Falter their plans by buying an early Void Staff, just like the logic we applied earlier with electrocute, void staffs 131% gold efficiency combined with sorcerer shoes allows you to deal near true damage to low mr targets and to those with more than room temperature IQ who’ve built MR? Well you have a voidstaff, what good does it do them.

Fourth item:

Woo! It’s mythic time yayyy!
This is the most satisfying thing ever, building a mythic item when you have 3 legendaries all giving you instant mythic passive.
At this stage you can choose pretty much all mythics, need more haste? Go Nightharvester for unrivaled dps, playing against a lot of squishies? Unleash unholy burst with the Rocketbelt, enemies stacked giga nitro mega amounts of mr and you’re having a tough time penetrating through it? Literally buy a Liandry’s, it shreds enemy MR making your voidstaff and sorc shoes deal hyper amounts of damage. Since you have 2 codex Liandry’s is giga cheap at only 2500g and doesn’t eat up another inventory slot.
You can even decide to buy something else if you’re in desperate need for it like a Zhonyas or Morrelo, it’s not essential to have a mythic but I highly recommend it leaving it no later than this.

Last item (if you were a chad mejais buyer)

Just like the other electro setup, you may go whatever your heart desires as final ap item.
Enemies have a lot of ad? Zhonyas, need dps? Cosmic Drive, need magic res? Spirit or Banshees.
That’s pretty much it to the phaserush build, we’ll be covering when to go these setups next.

How to choose between the two setups

I am of the opinion that you can go either setup 100% of the time every game and not need to switch things up to find success, however there are scenarios where one is better than the other.
For beginners I recommend learning just one setup first or your opinion might get clouded by low sample size.
I also have a complete matchup spreadsheet with every matchup midlane in the game
If you’re more of the assassin player, wanting to oneshot specific targets and having ridiculously high kill pressure in lane I recommend going electrocute setup.
If you more feel like playing an actual controlmage and maintaining 10cs/min and unleashing unholy wrath lategame with zero counterplay then go phaserush setup.
In a realistic scenario if you’re laning vs melee champions electrocute is much better for lane and the minor runes will have a lot of effect vs them. You can go both setups in both types of matchups and it’s perfectly viable you just have to be aware of your weaknesses and play around them.
Currently I think the meta favours the electrocute setup a tiny bit more since there is a lot of early fighting and lane prio is important to help your jungler. That being said having ghost ignite phaserush means you can join any fight you want since your sums are super low so try both and see which one you like more.

Early laningphase and how to play matchups

Level 1 – 5

With both play-styles you want to play as safe as humanly possible with Vladimir pre 6, try manage the wave so it’s always near your tower so you can’t get ganked and are easily able to lasthit. It is ESSENTIAL to have on point last hitting skills, if you do not, go practice tool right now and get 100cs in 10 mins with only autohits. These early autohits really dictate the pace of the rest of the game, same theory with raptors, how much money you have dictates how much money you’ll be able to generate.
If your lane opponent doesn’t have teleport (mostly melees) you can play a little aggro and sneak in a quicky succ every now and then onto your lane opponent and eventually either deplete their hp so they have to recall or their mana so they become obsolete.
Don’t use your E early much as it mostly hurts yourself more than it hurts anything else, the self damage is always the same percentage so it really feels bad using it early to sprinkle tiny 60 damage blood bolts at the cost of like 100 hp.
You may spam Q on the minions as long as you don’t end up pushing the wave to the enemy, what makes vlad really hard to play in high elo is players will freeze the wave as soon as it starts to push vs them and it’s impossible to unfreeze unless you call your jungler to help.
If you’re playing vs someone with teleport it’s extremely ballsy to trade with them as if you do they’ll empty their mana on you and hp and just recall and come back leaving you with low hp and unable to buy items and locked in lane, going teleport yourself with phaserush of course halfway counters this awful spot to be in.

Level 1 – 5 early electrocute cheese

This strategy is really really easy to pull off, This video shows exactly how to pull this off, it’s incredibly easy to do with electrocute since you also have taste of blood and ignite if your lane opponent dares to contest this you can just punish them.
Basically you want to create a slowpush early, how do we do this? Try to fish for auto attacks or a Q on your opponent, aggroing the minions onto you, since they will chase you let them be pulled into your wave, while you drag them they will not be attacking your minions meaning the wave will push in opponent direction.
If you pull this off and just gently last hit the next 2 waves and then push in really hard when canon wave comes you’ll have stacked a MASSIVE ally wave under enemy turret while you have tempo to do whatever you like, recall get amp tome / ward for jungler / invade with jungler / anything you desire.
And what about my enemy mid, won’t he follow me and stop me? But how? He’s got 3 waves stacked under his turret trying to last hit them, he can’t just leave that or he’ll instantly lose the game.
This concept is very very important to vladimir players as your all ins are often able to 100-0 opponents, so if we do this strategy of stacking big waves at level 6- 9 and dive the lane opponent and they die they lose like 3 waves worth of cs, this is literally unbearably game losing for them and it’s SO easy to pull off especially in low elo. What on earth do you do vs a vladimir who stacked a wave, has an alternator, electro ult and ignite up and is furiously waiting to oneshot you? Literally no counterplay other than going barrier or buying hp / mr.

How do I get the wave to push into my direction so I can lasthit?

It’s very simple, most people will hit the wave level 1 like the utter troglodytes they are, just match their auto attacks and leave one out every few, once it slowpushes into your direction all you have to do is not kill the minions and let them be near your turret. The wave will ALWAYS freeze if 3 full hp caster minions are left alive and the next wave’s melee minions don’t go under tower.
Like this we can freely scale up to the lategame terror that Vladimir is.
My lane opponent has also read this guide and isn’t hitting the first wave? Wtf? If you can, push push push like your pregnant and try get your minions under enemy tower, if this happens the wave will simply bounce and start pushing towards you.
These 2 concepts are the simplest and most essential thing to know when playing Vladimir.

First recall

You’ve got around 1000g? You should start to look to setup a recall so you can either buy a fiendish codex (phaserush setup) or a hextech alternator (electrocute setup)

How do we do this?

We already know how to stack waves and crash them under enemy tower, so we simply preform just that, we push the wave out and once it’s under tower run away quickly and recall, the bigger the wave the better since it traps your lane opponent in lane while you get to recall and only lose 1-2 melees.
If you don’t want to lock your lane opponent in lane or they have tp or just don’t care didn’t ask, just push the wave out before or during cannon wave since cannon minions can tank like 8 or more turret shots meaning you have tonnes of time to walk back to lane without missing anything.
Not missing any cs during your recalls is really essential as Vladimir especially because you can’t afford to fall behind.
Vs mages who like to buy lost chapter it’s extremely important you figure out a way to force a recall before they get that 1300g because if they do somehow get that you’re in for a fun cock and ball torture session, especially with Orianna. That’s why if you can recall with 1000g you can get a fiendish and they’ll just feel awful buying a god damn mana crystal.

Post recall

You’ve just walked back to lane, you’re level 6 and have your 1000g item and haven’t lost more than 1 minions worth of exp. What do you do now?
Since you have some AP you finally get to have more than cannon minion levels of wave-clear
If you’ve got an easy matchup and are not afraid to push out the wave start pushing and looking for things to do on the map. It’s important to ask yourself these questions WHILE pushing so you don’t waste time making a decision when you already have tempo.
Can you kill your lane opponent? Dive him.
Can you help your jungler invade? Go for it, just remember you’re on a tight time limit if things don’t go well and you’ll lose farm mid with no gain.
Can you gank / dive bot/ top? If there is a guaranteed pay off, (know all summs, ults etc) then go for it! Just don’t risk anything, remember if both teams are equal you are likely to win because of vladimirs inevitable lategame scaling.
If you don’t have any options, simply ward or clear wards, going out of enemy vision forces your lane opponent to shit their pants and ping ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? where he go? Which takes focus from other players and makes them play accordingly.


It’s VERY important to go to sidelanes IF
Your botlane’s tower died and now enemy adc and sup go mid and try to take yours, since you have fuckall waveclear you can’t hold them away from the tower and end up losing more and more. It’s very important to also not share exp since the support will probably try defend midlane with you, you want to soak up that juicy sololane exp and start exerting pressure in a sidelane.
If you see lots of champs in one spot be ready to move asap because a teamfight might break out, although as Vlad maintaining 10cs/min is above everything, you can’t have any less if you want to carry games so some teamfights are just lost causes and don’t hurt yourself more by trying to get there in time.
You can generally tell when a fight will happen when either:
If ally mid tower is still up and dragon is down and herald is up what do we do?
Of course sidelane top and tell your teleport toplaner to go bot and your adc supp to go mid, it’s very likely that a herald fight will start and you wanna be there.
If dragon spawns and your team wants to contest that? Sidelane botlane and rotate mid at least ~20 seconds before dragon spawn so your adc can walk up reliably.
The only fights you REALLY need to be a part of are for objectives especially dragon, ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if you don’t have any dragons at all and enemies are stacking them.
Even the most terrible scaling champions like pantheon will be REALLY obnoxious lategame if they get something like an infernal dragon soul.
Just one or two dragons means enemy team won’t receive the dragon wincondition at like 20 mins which means the game will go on for longer, what happens if the game goes on for super long? Uh oh stinky poo poo lategame vlad arrived and you just take what you please at that stage of the game anyways.

Lategame & Teamfighting

This part of the game is much easier with phaserush and ghost especially with ghost since it also has built in scaling with level, duration and speed.
If you have the potential to reach the backline and kill them then that should be your priority above everything, in 99% of the scenarios this is easily achieved with ghost phaserush, since you literally can’t run away from a ghosted vlad. Not even Ezreal with double flash can run, not even kassadin with 4k mana can blink away in a straight line, and god have mercy if Vlad gets his ghost extended with an asisst or kill.
If you’re playing with electro and your rocketbelt isn’t enough to get you into the backline then try your best to hit as big of an ult as possible and peel for your next strongest member which is usually the adc. A fullbuild vlad demolishes anything that dares approach.
Most fights are extremely obvious when they happen late into the game, they’re either around sieging or around objectives like dragon and baron, you should always be around those when they spawn and farming nearby camps and minions.
Even late into the game you want to be farming farming farming, vlad is a super high resource champion, I’d honestly say the highest resource hog in the entire game, not even kassadin needs this much money, but not even kassadin can just engage 1v5 and demolish everyone.

Ability maxing

You want to max your Q first on both setups, however if you are ahead and are going for the double fiendish codex setup I recommend putting 4 points into Q and then start maxing E out, if you do this your E will oneshot the enemy casterminions extremely early, normally only after lvl 11, with this setup as early as level 9.
So Q → E → W and R of course at 6, 11 and 16..
If you’re playing vs a melee champ in lane going W level 2 is definetly viable and can catch people off guard like a talon jumping on you without expecting you to pool. It does decent damage and slows like crazy unexpected, good for making enemies eat towershots when they think they can just weave in and out.


There aren’t really many “combos” and it’s mostly just generic efficiency and logical thinking, you make up a lot of things on the fly. Here is a link if you are adamant on learning combos.  
Say we want to proc electrocute or phaserush level 1
Auto Q Auto
There is also a multitude of ways you can combo with quick cast, smart cast, input buffer etc.
For the full combo with all sums, what works best for me:
Smartcast all abilities, Q for an empowered Q ready,
Charge E –> Flash –> Release E –> Ult –> Q – Ignite
Some people like to ult first as it releases E automatically upon pressing R however I feel like it’s a tiny bit clunky and if you release E manaully it’s literally impossible to react to unless predicted.
Super late into the game if you have phaserush you could also if you see enemies clumped up and you know they won’t be for long:
Flash –> R –> E W
Since you flash you’ll instantly be able to ult and have nimbus cloak movespeed to make sure your E and W connect with someone, if they do you get phaserush and are able to chase everyone down once you come out of pool, pooling instantly doesn’t matter as much as well since if you hit a fat R it’ll heal you like crazy, this catches enemies off guard a LOT even in high challenger.

Skin Choice

Of course the most important part of the guide.
The tierlist goes like this:
Marquis: 9/10, Extremely small model, feels amazing to play with, cheap asf, regular ult is sometimes invis vs bigger targets like cho’gath.
Bloodlord 8.5/10, A timeless classic with absolutely insane taunting game, instantaneous laugh. Absolute badass voiceline, sounds and animations that make you feel allpowerful but at 1850rp? Idk..
Nightbringer: 8/10 Probably my most played, shortish cape, nice sounds and animations, literally invisible ultimate, beyond pay2win, if you’re looking for the most pay2win its probably this one.
Darkwaters: 7.5/10 basically budget nightbringer with a giga big nasty looking cape. Also has an invisible ult, arguably more invis than nightbringer.
Cosmic Devourer: 7/10 I like the stars aesthetic but imagine making a new skin without pay2win ult, what are you doing right??
Academy: 6/10 Kinda slick, not having a cape and being in a weird suit looks good but his hands look literally cancerbig.
Soulstealer: 5/10 wtf are these sounds, legit sound like it’s windy outside and has the most ugliest cape in the game.
Default: 4/10 bloodlord should be default and this should be removed, legit so beyond ugly.
Count: 1/10 Scuffed ass default vlad chroma so bad it should be against the geneva convention.
Vandal: dugu/10 You have to say no homo before using this skin, never touch another man’s skin.
Nosferatu ?/?? Absolute power.. At a price.

General tips

The minute you forget to farm is the minute you’re out of the game, always farm.
Taking jungle camps is really fast after double codex
Don’t be scared to use ignite generously, if it means your opponent runs out of pots they’re FUCKED since you can just trade 50 hp for 300 of yours and you’ll eventually outsustain.
If you want fast results NEVER blame your team, even if they fucked up, what good does it do you to just move on? Try figure out what YOU could’ve done to prevent x from happening
If you’re extremely strong and baron is already up, just tell your team to start it with you, you don’t have to finish it but it’s a for sure way of starting a teamfight and making enemies fight you when you want it. Worst case scenario you keep hitting baron, they steal it, you end their lives, gg.
The period of where you have crimson rush gets extended by E, Zhonyas, and Pool.
For some reason if you have enough cdr and pool as soon as your E ends and start a new channel in pool that E will have no animation and be invisible, not very usable though.
If you have any questions, ask me anything I’m always happy to spread light on things I didn’t elaborate on. I also stream of course on twitch.tv/elite500, if I didn’t cover something feel free to ask :D, preferably on the post instead of on stream so others can see it too, I'm streaming as i post this guide so i'll reply to comments in queue
streaming right now again so i'll reply to comments in queue
submitted by Elite500 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

The Basic Hololive JP dictionary for newcomers!

INTRODUCTION (can be skipped)
So a over a week ago i started thinking about how many Japanese expressions i was learning from wasting months spending so much time here watching streams despite not having learnt formally a bit of Japanese. I ended up gathering all the terms, inside jokes i read and heard a lot in the streams to make idk some starter pack meme or test to post lol. But then i thought that maybe it would be more useful to make it a more in deep dictionary. We have many new people coming from the EN side or translated clips and some of them are understandably thrown off or scared on watching something which is 99% in a language you don't know. This isn't the first time someone has tried to do this, there was a very complete post 3 months ago (https://www.reddit.com/Hololive/comments/icgxaq/a_guide_to_basic_written_hololive_japanese/) but from that time till now we have 3x more subscribers and this was more focused on written posts. Mine is different.
The focus of this one is mostly two things: That you learn enough things to get a tiny tiny grasp on what's going on streams if there isn't enough translation and than you can get and join in in most inside jokes even if you aren't into the weaboo culture stuff.
Trying to study this is a pointless endeavour. Just look it over with CTRL+F (too lazy to order it alphabetically now) when you hear some term you want an explanation on or some inside term that you don't get fully. The first word is how the word is in romanji (latin alphabet) and then how is written in Japanese (normally hiragana) in case you want to use it. The dictionary divided into 3 sections for ease of use. This isn't a complete rundown of all the Hololive lingo because it would be waay too long and or a Japanese language course because it goes over my knowledge and as a language is way too nuanced and contextual to teach in one post. But i'm open for submissions and corrections from japanese speakers, i only did the work to research every term from others!
If you need a more complex translation althrough it's far from perfect, it's always recommended that you use DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/en/translator)
Basic Japanese expressions:
Japanese Internet and popular culture expressions:
Hololive-related expressions and inside jokes:
---- For example: Houshou Marine is the Senchou (船長) or "Ship Captain", Shirogane Noel is the Danchou (団長) or ----"[Military] Party Leader", Kiryu Coco is the Kaichou (会長) or "Chairman of a Company/association [in this instance ----it's implied the association is a criminal one]", Takanashi Kiara is the Tenchou (店長) or "Store Manager" [of her ----made-up business KFP], some others claim to be the Sachou (社長) or "CEO/President of a company"...
submitted by deoxix to Hololive [link] [comments]

Complete vlad guide, all playstyles made by Elite500

Quintessential Vladimir guide for season 11

Well hello there wonderful people. My name is Calvin and I stream under the name Elite500, as the title suggests, I’ve been challenger for 4 seasons now and ended it since the last 2.
I’ve played vlad throughout every meta, no matter how rough or how much the playstyle has changed, and I’m finally here, bringing to YOU the absolute ULTIMATE, QUINTESSENTIAL, HOLY guide, everything you will ever need for season 11. At the time of writing this guide I’ve played around 500 preseason games and half of them in high challenger.
Why play Vladimir? Doesn’t he actually suck? Isn’t he noobchamp?
Do you wish to experience the pleasure of entering teamfights and leaving them higher hp?
Do you want to dehumanise yourself to and not even recognise your fellow teammates as sentient meat lumps? Can you handle the responsibility to take every game post 20 minutes as your responsibility?
Of course you do.

Table of contents:

  1. Setups: we’ll go over the main 2 setups including items, runes, summoners, and build
  2. How to choose between the two setups and which play-style suits you best
  3. Early laningphase and how to play matchups
  4. Every matchup in the game including recommended setups for matchups
  5. Unleashing unholy wrath upon your foes in mid to lategame
  6. Combos
  7. Skin choice

Setup one, the way of the gigalord:

Back in season 7 the chad vladimir players received an upgrade from thunderlords decree, electrocute, termed GIGALORDS back then, it’s power has been dormant and ever waiting since the nerfs of 2018.
This path is more optimally suited for those who wish to have devastating all in damage, those who wish to win lane as early as level 3, those who want to annihilate and leave them with .no counterplay 100-0s
This setup is best suited and optimally played against melee champions such as Sylas, Pantheon, Yone, Yasuo, Ekko, Akali, Kata, etc.

Summoner spells:

Ignite and flash are a must take with this setup, allowing you to deliver sudden oneshots with flash and having beyond unholy all in damage with ignite. Ignite also helps us with nimbus cloak and with procing electro.



Of course you’ll be taking electrocute as your keystone, it allows you to win a lot of trades early into the game, it’s easily proccable early with auto Q auto or auto E Q or even auto ignite Q.
The trading is nice although the main reason you take this keystone is for the HEINOUS all in damage it can do, most champions can literally be 100-0 oneshot at level 6 if they’re not innately invulnerable (looking at you galio).

Minor runes, domination:

Taste of blood is absolutely amazing and helps out in every melee matchup, feel free to swap this to sudden impact if you’re deranged and play this setup into ranged opponents. (sudden impact proccable with rocketbelt.
Poro ward is extremely consistent and can be stacked easily to grant you free 4 ap level 3 and 30 ap at around ~ 16 – 18 minutes depending on how actively you ward and where.
Ravenous hunter synergises so well with vlads huge point and click Q damage, easily accumulating 10’000 HP healed in a game. While it doesn’t sound like much, since the rune was changed from spellvamp to omnivamp it now will even heal you slightly on autohits even without stacks helping you outsustain early. Some crazy gamer chinese vlads will take ultimate hunter since their server is perma fighting, it’s also a viable choice but feels worse to me.

Secondary runes, sorcery:

For sure my favourite secondary tree to spec into, although this one is a lot more preference, I think all trees are balanced it’s just more playstyle, you flash like a maniac? Go inspiration cosmic insight with cdr shoes rush and enjoy less than 4 minute flash cooldown etc.
Transcendence holy MOLY this rune got such a nice change in season 11, 5 ability haste at level 5? Sign me the hell up. The ability cd refund is also amazing on vladimirs W since it’s basecooldown is like 30 seconds, allowing you sometimes to pool twice in fights.
Nimbus Cloak to make up for the lack of mobility before rocketbelt nimbus cloak helps out so much allowing you to kite and rundown pesky season 10 dashy champs with ease. Optionally gathering storm is also nice but with this rune setup you mostly play for early mid domination and nimbus is also great lategame. My games have been decided 1000x more by having more mobility in clutch scenarios than having 40 extra ap at 30 minutes.
For the mini runes always Ability haste, AP, and scaling hp


You best be prepared to build mejais.

Starting item:

Your starting item should be dark seal refillable every game, the dark seal buff now giving hp and 5 extra ap is absurdly good for vlad, random lucky early kills giving 10 ap is also beyond bonkers. Shaving off 350g on your mejais purchase is also essential.

First mythic:

Hextech Rocketbelt is by far the best mythic you can go in every game currently, amazing active, amazing components, amazing mythic passive, it’s just THAT good. The dash and ms is a great engage tool, hextech alternator synergises perfectly with your ridiculous ignite electro damage, the passive giving you 5 flat pen is amazing since you can get 18 from sorc shoes and another 5 from mejais since it counts as a legendary, the more flat pen you stack the more efficient it gets.

Second item:

Mejais Soulstealer allows you to single-handedly decide whether you wish to win the game or lose it, it’s a must buy and goes hand in hand with this playstyle, one two kills with a mejais, over 10 stacks? Literally the game is a done deal at this stage. Rocket belt mythic passive giving you 5 pen for a 1250g purchase makes it even good to buy at 0 stacks. I have completely 1v9’d too many games to count in the highest of elos because enemies make literally one mistake and die once.

Third item:

Void staff third? WTF what if enemies have no mr elite? Well let me tell you about this stupidly broken item that straight up out damages a god damn DEATHCAP even at 30 mr !? ? ? the item is 131% gold efficient, let alone when you pile up your 28 flat pen that you get from completing it. Remember flat pen reduces enemy MR AFTER the percentage, so let’s say someone has 50 magic resistance when you buy your void, magic resistance WH OMEGALUL? 28|40% stats on 50 mr leaves enemies with a whole 2 mr, 2 mr!!!!!

Fourth item:

Rabadons Deathcap while not nearly as good as it was last season still will round up your build, if you have just a few mejais stacks and you get these 4 holy items, the game is literally already over. Few champions can experience the delightful feel of going in 1v5 and returning at higher hp than before.


Unless you’re rocking cosmic insight and want türbo low summoner cd, sorc shoes are the must go 100% of the time. Why would you need damagereduction from tabis if you oneshot enemies, why would you need merctreads tenacity if you can just dodge with your W 4Head. Sorc shoes penetration just perfectly synergises with the rocketbelt mythic passive since the more flat magic pen you stack the more potent it becomes.

What the hell is the last item?

At this stage your power is so strong the final item won’t make a big difference, need dps? Cosmic drive, need a second pool? Zhonyas, need spellshield vs evelyn and zoe? Banshees. The itemshop is your oyster, get whatever you want last, I usually like to top it off with zhonyas.
This concludes the way of the gigalords setup and we’ll now proceed to the other setup.

Setup two, consistency king & lategamegod:

This play style was the meta for the longest of time and still remains viable, farm for 30 mins and then fight once and win the game 4Head. This playstyle relies less on your opponents being bad and more so on the inevitable victory that is 300 cs vladimir at the same time it’s also praying that your team doesn’t just perma fight for no reason which kinda happens a lot as well in soloq because people like fighting for no reason.

Summoner spells:

Ever thought how if everyone does just one thing the same way people would become insecure to try anything else but that specific way? That’s my opinion on using ghost > flash.
With this setup I prefer taking ghost over flash and ignite secondary. Why? Now that ghost’s duration gets refreshed on kills or assists and gives tremendous move-speed while only being on a 182 second cd with cosmic insight (163 with lucidity boots) allows you to have it up at literally every possible random teamfight, the mobility is insane for laningphase as well. If you can kill your opponent with flash in a certain scenario ghost will do the job and more, what do you do vs a vladimir that has kill pressure on your and pressed his nitroboost button? Flash away? Jokes on you this shit lasts 10000 years and he’ll just inevitably catch up.
Ghost in teamfights is also ridiculous, pop it right before someone dies and you have like 15 seconds of speed duration, can catchup to literally anyone even foolish galeforce buyers who think they are cool with their mini dash.(bit pixelated)
Ignite secondary lets you have some decent kill pressure even with this setup
You can of course go whatever you please, struggling with bully mages? Go flash tp, feel like you can’t catchup to that Ezreal in the backline? Flash ghost is the answer, etc, it’s all viable and just needs playing around.



Phaserush has been Vlad’s most consistent rune since seasons now. It offers a lot of versatility in the sense that it can be used to slide in an extra auto in trades, chase people down, escape ganks easier and of course mainly to slide into the backline like Michael Jackson moonwalking on the rift.
Just like electrocute it’s really easily proccable, just three swift strikes and you’re running like yourprincess runs from apologizing to Tuesday
Even your initial ult cast counts as one of the strikes, so you could ignite ult q and boom you’re already zooming.

Minor runes, sorcery:

Nimbus cloak is an insanely good rune for vlad since the main thing you lack is mobility, and the more you have the easier it gets to get even more. If you have a reliable way of proccing phaserush such as nimbus cloak ignite all your mobility issues are fixed.
Transcendence just like with the electro page it helps you lane giving you cdr as early as level 5, and if you stack enough ability haste with zhonyas or even legendary double stopwatch you can always do some funky last fight game winning shit like –> pool –> zhonyas –> get asisst so trans ticks in –> stopwatch –> pool again. It’s like 10 seconds of immunity winning you uber clutch games.
Gathering Storm what better rune suited for the lategame king himself. All other options like waterwalking and scorch are completely outclassed by this free stats rune. I’d say Vlad is the most efficient champion in the game when it comes to flat ap considering you have ap to hp conversion, absolutely massive ap scalings with damage and healing (wtF), and an amplification on all abilites with your ult.

Secondary runes, Inspiration:

Free boots are really good at helping you scale up consistently and the 10ms it gives you on top of regular boots means you just zoom that little bit extra.
Cosmic Insight is also amazing at lowering your summonerspells, combined with haste shoes you can get almost 70 seconds off your flash, how insane is that.


If you’ve been shocked by going ghost ignite you’re going to be quite surprised by this.

Starting item:

Just like with electrocute, dark seal refillable is a beyond bonkers good item to start with, however since we get free boots with this setup going dorans ring is a more affordable purchase as well into a more difficult matchup like Orianna or Syndra. My logic is if you back with ~ 350g you’ll be having to choose either between dark seal or boots, but since boots are out of the equation you don’t even need to think about them so dorans ring is a lot more affordable. At the same time this setup focuses mostly on reaching unholy power as fast as possible.

First mythic:

Mythic? Only insecure players build mythic items first.
We build DOUBLE FIENDISH CODEX that’s right. Become unstoppable. Vlad turns AP into a hyper efficient stat already with his insane scalings, so what about a 114% gold efficient PURE ap and ability haste stat? Fiendish codex’ passive is no longer unique so you can stack them.
From experience I’ve felt that anything more than 2 feels awful and going only 1 is also a viable option, although we want to accelerate ourselves and by this I mean let’s say we just pushed out midlane wave and we have some tempo. Raptor camp is up and your jgler doesn’t need them, you take them in 15 seconds total, because of this, the next time you take them you could afford another item meaning you took them 10 seconds in total, the next time 5 seconds and so on and so fort.
Getting pure ap and cdr allows you to do this faster and ultimately accelerating yourself to a point of having 300 cs at 25 minutes and being able to completely devour anyone in sight.

Second item:

Since I’m addicted to Mejais I like to buy it second, however with this setup you can skip it, if you fall behind even slightly mejais won’t get the free 5 penetration that you would’ve gotten with a regular rocketbelt build and it becomes really hard to get back into the game. Just remember if you need the power of GOD to win this game, don’t hesitate to buy the holy bible.

The real Second item:

Now that you have around ~ 100 ap Rabadons deathcap becomes efficient, even in its pathetic nerfed state it’ll still transform you into an onmipotent being. Deathcap is 92% item efficient with just it’s own AP and gets increased by 20% for every 100 ap so making it at MINIMUM 112% gold efficient of RAW pure AP power which Vladimir makes such enthusiastic work with. Now imagine if you had a mejais with some lucky 10 stacks on it, 136% gold efficient pure ap item combined with this? Oh Lord. Full mejais and dc = 357 ap = 500 hp more for FREE due to crimson pact.

Third item:

Most sane enemies when pressing TAB and seeing there is a 200 cs vlad at 16 minutes with a deathcap completed and double codex eagerly wanting to devour their feeble adc souls will attempt to purchase some magic resistance.
Falter their plans by buying an early Void Staff, just like the logic we applied earlier with electrocute, void staffs 131% gold efficiency combined with sorcerer shoes allows you to deal near true damage to low mr targets and to those with more than room temperature IQ who’ve built MR? Well you have a voidstaff, what good does it do them.

Fourth item:

Woo! It’s mythic time yayyy!
This is the most satisfying thing ever, building a mythic item when you have 3 legendaries all giving you instant mythic passive.
At this stage you can choose pretty much all mythics, need more haste? Go Nightharvester for unrivaled dps, playing against a lot of squishies? Unleash unholy burst with the Rocketbelt, enemies stacked giga nitro mega amounts of mr and you’re having a tough time penetrating through it? Literally buy a Liandry’s, it shreds enemy MR making your voidstaff and sorc shoes deal hyper amounts of damage. Since you have 2 codex Liandry’s is giga cheap at only 2500g and doesn’t eat up another inventory slot.
You can even decide to buy something else if you’re in desperate need for it like a Zhonyas or Morrelo, it’s not essential to have a mythic but I highly recommend it leaving it no later than this.

Last item (if you were a chad mejais buyer)

Just like the other electro setup, you may go whatever your heart desires as final ap item.
Enemies have a lot of ad? Zhonyas, need dps? Cosmic Drive, need magic res? Spirit or Banshees.
That’s pretty much it to the phaserush build, we’ll be covering when to go these setups next.

How to choose between the two setups

I am of the opinion that you can go either setup 100% of the time every game and not need to switch things up to find success, however there are scenarios where one is better than the other.
For beginners I recommend learning just one setup first or your opinion might get clouded by low sample size.
I also have a complete matchup spreadsheet with every matchup midlane in the game
If you’re more of the assassin player, wanting to oneshot specific targets and having ridiculously high kill pressure in lane I recommend going electrocute setup.
If you more feel like playing an actual controlmage and maintaining 10cs/min and unleashing unholy wrath lategame with zero counterplay then go phaserush setup.
In a realistic scenario if you’re laning vs melee champions electrocute is much better for lane and the minor runes will have a lot of effect vs them. You can go both setups in both types of matchups and it’s perfectly viable you just have to be aware of your weaknesses and play around them.
Currently I think the meta favours the electrocute setup a tiny bit more since there is a lot of early fighting and lane prio is important to help your jungler. That being said having ghost ignite phaserush means you can join any fight you want since your sums are super low so try both and see which one you like more.

Early laningphase and how to play matchups

Level 1 – 5

With both play-styles you want to play as safe as humanly possible with Vladimir pre 6, try manage the wave so it’s always near your tower so you can’t get ganked and are easily able to lasthit. It is ESSENTIAL to have on point last hitting skills, if you do not, go practice tool right now and get 100cs in 10 mins with only autohits. These early autohits really dictate the pace of the rest of the game, same theory with raptors, how much money you have dictates how much money you’ll be able to generate.
If your lane opponent doesn’t have teleport (mostly melees) you can play a little aggro and sneak in a quicky succ every now and then onto your lane opponent and eventually either deplete their hp so they have to recall or their mana so they become obsolete.
Don’t use your E early much as it mostly hurts yourself more than it hurts anything else, the self damage is always the same percentage so it really feels bad using it early to sprinkle tiny 60 damage blood bolts at the cost of like 100 hp.
You may spam Q on the minions as long as you don’t end up pushing the wave to the enemy, what makes vlad really hard to play in high elo is players will freeze the wave as soon as it starts to push vs them and it’s impossible to unfreeze unless you call your jungler to help.
If you’re playing vs someone with teleport it’s extremely ballsy to trade with them as if you do they’ll empty their mana on you and hp and just recall and come back leaving you with low hp and unable to buy items and locked in lane, going teleport yourself with phaserush of course halfway counters this awful spot to be in.

Level 1 – 5 early electrocute cheese

This strategy is really really easy to pull off, This video shows exactly how to pull this off, it’s incredibly easy to do with electrocute since you also have taste of blood and ignite if your lane opponent dares to contest this you can just punish them.
Basically you want to create a slowpush early, how do we do this? Try to fish for auto attacks or a Q on your opponent, aggroing the minions onto you, since they will chase you let them be pulled into your wave, while you drag them they will not be attacking your minions meaning the wave will push in opponent direction.
If you pull this off and just gently last hit the next 2 waves and then push in really hard when canon wave comes you’ll have stacked a MASSIVE ally wave under enemy turret while you have tempo to do whatever you like, recall get amp tome / ward for jungler / invade with jungler / anything you desire.
And what about my enemy mid, won’t he follow me and stop me? But how? He’s got 3 waves stacked under his turret trying to last hit them, he can’t just leave that or he’ll instantly lose the game.
This concept is very very important to vladimir players as your all ins are often able to 100-0 opponents, so if we do this strategy of stacking big waves at level 6- 9 and dive the lane opponent and they die they lose like 3 waves worth of cs, this is literally unbearably game losing for them and it’s SO easy to pull off especially in low elo. What on earth do you do vs a vladimir who stacked a wave, has an alternator, electro ult and ignite up and is furiously waiting to oneshot you? Literally no counterplay other than going barrier or buying hp / mr.

How do I get the wave to push into my direction so I can lasthit?

It’s very simple, most people will hit the wave level 1 like the utter troglodytes they are, just match their auto attacks and leave one out every few, once it slowpushes into your direction all you have to do is not kill the minions and let them be near your turret. The wave will ALWAYS freeze if 3 full hp caster minions are left alive and the next wave’s melee minions don’t go under tower.
Like this we can freely scale up to the lategame terror that Vladimir is.
My lane opponent has also read this guide and isn’t hitting the first wave? Wtf? If you can, push push push like your pregnant and try get your minions under enemy tower, if this happens the wave will simply bounce and start pushing towards you.
These 2 concepts are the simplest and most essential thing to know when playing Vladimir.

First recall

You’ve got around 1000g? You should start to look to setup a recall so you can either buy a fiendish codex (phaserush setup) or a hextech alternator (electrocute setup)

How do we do this?

We already know how to stack waves and crash them under enemy tower, so we simply preform just that, we push the wave out and once it’s under tower run away quickly and recall, the bigger the wave the better since it traps your lane opponent in lane while you get to recall and only lose 1-2 melees.
If you don’t want to lock your lane opponent in lane or they have tp or just don’t care didn’t ask, just push the wave out before or during cannon wave since cannon minions can tank like 8 or more turret shots meaning you have tonnes of time to walk back to lane without missing anything.
Not missing any cs during your recalls is really essential as Vladimir especially because you can’t afford to fall behind.
Vs mages who like to buy lost chapter it’s extremely important you figure out a way to force a recall before they get that 1300g because if they do somehow get that you’re in for a fun cock and ball torture session, especially with Orianna. That’s why if you can recall with 1000g you can get a fiendish and they’ll just feel awful buying a god damn mana crystal.

Post recall

You’ve just walked back to lane, you’re level 6 and have your 1000g item and haven’t lost more than 1 minions worth of exp. What do you do now?
Since you have some AP you finally get to have more than cannon minion levels of wave-clear
If you’ve got an easy matchup and are not afraid to push out the wave start pushing and looking for things to do on the map. It’s important to ask yourself these questions WHILE pushing so you don’t waste time making a decision when you already have tempo.
Can you kill your lane opponent? Dive him.
Can you help your jungler invade? Go for it, just remember you’re on a tight time limit if things don’t go well and you’ll lose farm mid with no gain.
Can you gank / dive bot/ top? If there is a guaranteed pay off, (know all summs, ults etc) then go for it! Just don’t risk anything, remember if both teams are equal you are likely to win because of vladimirs inevitable lategame scaling.
If you don’t have any options, simply ward or clear wards, going out of enemy vision forces your lane opponent to shit their pants and ping ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? where he go? Which takes focus from other players and makes them play accordingly.


It’s VERY important to go to sidelanes IF
Your botlane’s tower died and now enemy adc and sup go mid and try to take yours, since you have fuckall waveclear you can’t hold them away from the tower and end up losing more and more. It’s very important to also not share exp since the support will probably try defend midlane with you, you want to soak up that juicy sololane exp and start exerting pressure in a sidelane.
If you see lots of champs in one spot be ready to move asap because a teamfight might break out, although as Vlad maintaining 10cs/min is above everything, you can’t have any less if you want to carry games so some teamfights are just lost causes and don’t hurt yourself more by trying to get there in time.
You can generally tell when a fight will happen when either:
If ally mid tower is still up and dragon is down and herald is up what do we do?
Of course sidelane top and tell your teleport toplaner to go bot and your adc supp to go mid, it’s very likely that a herald fight will start and you wanna be there.
If dragon spawns and your team wants to contest that? Sidelane botlane and rotate mid at least ~20 seconds before dragon spawn so your adc can walk up reliably.
The only fights you REALLY need to be a part of are for objectives especially dragon, ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if you don’t have any dragons at all and enemies are stacking them.
Even the most terrible scaling champions like pantheon will be REALLY obnoxious lategame if they get something like an infernal dragon soul.
Just one or two dragons means enemy team won’t receive the dragon wincondition at like 20 mins which means the game will go on for longer, what happens if the game goes on for super long? Uh oh stinky poo poo lategame vlad arrived and you just take what you please at that stage of the game anyways.

Lategame & Teamfighting

This part of the game is much easier with phaserush and ghost especially with ghost since it also has built in scaling with level, duration and speed.
If you have the potential to reach the backline and kill them then that should be your priority above everything, in 99% of the scenarios this is easily achieved with ghost phaserush, since you literally can’t run away from a ghosted vlad. Not even Ezreal with double flash can run, not even kassadin with 4k mana can blink away in a straight line, and god have mercy if Vlad gets his ghost extended with an asisst or kill.
If you’re playing with electro and your rocketbelt isn’t enough to get you into the backline then try your best to hit as big of an ult as possible and peel for your next strongest member which is usually the adc. A fullbuild vlad demolishes anything that dares approach.
Most fights are extremely obvious when they happen late into the game, they’re either around sieging or around objectives like dragon and baron, you should always be around those when they spawn and farming nearby camps and minions.
Even late into the game you want to be farming farming farming, vlad is a super high resource champion, I’d honestly say the highest resource hog in the entire game, not even kassadin needs this much money, but not even kassadin can just engage 1v5 and demolish everyone.

Ability maxing

You want to max your Q first on both setups, however if you are ahead and are going for the double fiendish codex setup I recommend putting 4 points into Q and then start maxing E out, if you do this your E will oneshot the enemy casterminions extremely early, normally only after lvl 11, with this setup as early as level 9.
So Q → E → W and R of course at 6, 11 and 16..
If you’re playing vs a melee champ in lane going W level 2 is definetly viable and can catch people off guard like a talon jumping on you without expecting you to pool. It does decent damage and slows like crazy unexpected, good for making enemies eat towershots when they think they can just weave in and out.


There aren’t really many “combos” and it’s mostly just generic efficiency and logical thinking, you make up a lot of things on the fly. Here is a link if you are adamant on learning combos.  
Say we want to proc electrocute or phaserush level 1
Auto Q Auto
There is also a multitude of ways you can combo with quick cast, smart cast, input buffer etc.
For the full combo with all sums, what works best for me:
Smartcast all abilities, Q for an empowered Q ready,
Charge E –> Flash –> Release E –> Ult –> Q – Ignite
Some people like to ult first as it releases E automatically upon pressing R however I feel like it’s a tiny bit clunky and if you release E manaully it’s literally impossible to react to unless predicted.
Super late into the game if you have phaserush you could also if you see enemies clumped up and you know they won’t be for long:
Flash –> R –> E W
Since you flash you’ll instantly be able to ult and have nimbus cloak movespeed to make sure your E and W connect with someone, if they do you get phaserush and are able to chase everyone down once you come out of pool, pooling instantly doesn’t matter as much as well since if you hit a fat R it’ll heal you like crazy, this catches enemies off guard a LOT even in high challenger.

Skin Choice

Of course the most important part of the guide.
The tierlist goes like this:
Marquis: 9/10, Extremely small model, feels amazing to play with, cheap asf, regular ult is sometimes invis vs bigger targets like cho’gath.
Bloodlord 8.5/10, A timeless classic with absolutely insane taunting game, instantaneous laugh. Absolute badass voiceline, sounds and animations that make you feel allpowerful but at 1850rp? Idk..
Nightbringer: 8/10 Probably my most played, shortish cape, nice sounds and animations, literally invisible ultimate, beyond pay2win, if you’re looking for the most pay2win its probably this one.
Darkwaters: 7.5/10 basically budget nightbringer with a giga big nasty looking cape. Also has an invisible ult, arguably more invis than nightbringer.
Cosmic Devourer: 7/10 I like the stars aesthetic but imagine making a new skin without pay2win ult, what are you doing right??
Academy: 6/10 Kinda slick, not having a cape and being in a weird suit looks good but his hands look literally cancerbig.
Soulstealer: 5/10 wtf are these sounds, legit sound like it’s windy outside and has the most ugliest cape in the game.
Default: 4/10 bloodlord should be default and this should be removed, legit so beyond ugly.
Count: 1/10 Scuffed ass default vlad chroma so bad it should be against the geneva convention.
Vandal: dugu/10 You have to say no homo before using this skin, never touch another man’s skin.
Nosferatu ?/?? Absolute power.. At a price.

General tips

The minute you forget to farm is the minute you’re out of the game, always farm.
Taking jungle camps is really fast after double codex
Don’t be scared to use ignite generously, if it means your opponent runs out of pots they’re FUCKED since you can just trade 50 hp for 300 of yours and you’ll eventually outsustain.
If you want fast results NEVER blame your team, even if they fucked up, what good does it do you to just move on? Try figure out what YOU could’ve done to prevent x from happening
If you’re extremely strong and baron is already up, just tell your team to start it with you, you don’t have to finish it but it’s a for sure way of starting a teamfight and making enemies fight you when you want it. Worst case scenario you keep hitting baron, they steal it, you end their lives, gg.
The period of where you have crimson rush gets extended by E, Zhonyas, and Pool.
For some reason if you have enough cdr and pool as soon as your E ends and start a new channel in pool that E will have no animation and be invisible, not very usable though.
If you have any questions, ask me anything I’m always happy to spread light on things I didn’t elaborate on. I also stream of course on twitch.tv/elite500, if I didn’t cover something feel free to ask :D, preferably on the post instead of on stream so others can see it too, I'm streaming as i post this guide so i'll reply to comments in queue
submitted by Elite500 to VladimirMains [link] [comments]

Play Less, Climb More. Warning: Dense read, only for Tryhards

Preface: I'm a 4'th year medical student with a passion for self-improvement and optimization. This includes my IRL skills as well as my gaming. How to improve faster, how to be more efficient with my time, how to reach new heights, feel and play better; these are the things that interest me and I try to find ways to do it through science. Some of you may have seen my previous posts on Meditation and Flow. You might have also noticed that I post on multiple competitive gaming subreddits. I do this because these are games I personally enjoy, have coached and/or have competed in and also because these tips and tricks are not title dependent. Everyone can benefit and even apply it for things IRL. I want to keep learning so please hit me with your own discoveries, tips and tricks. I'm genuinely pleasantly surprised with the responses and the chance to meet like minded individuals! This post is particularly dense and took a lot of time to research. I'll try to make it as concise as I can.
Practice makes perfect! You can do anything just practice, practice, practice!
We've all heard this but I'm here to add complexity to the statement in the hopes that it actually makes your climb much easier. Spending more time playing does not mean you are making a good use of it. Research shows a chess grandmaster has anywhere between 1,000 to 14,000 hours dedicated to his game. Let's put this in perspective: 1,000 hrs = 41 days; 14,000 hrs = 1 year 218 days.
You could say some people are just born geniuses but research also shows that the top 1% actually practices LESS than their peers.
Also, for those of slightly advanced age (like myself at 28) frustrated with 13 year old's styling on us, this paper might help you feel better.

The Science of Accelerated Learning

A little biology (for nerds like me)
I will only address purposeful practice here. Mind and Body are crucial. This includes things like mindset, motivation, exercise, nutrition, etc. There is a reason why Esport teams invest in physical trainers, nutritionists and psychologists. I will leave this for other posts.
Have clear and measurable goals. Break down the game to it's most important components. Find your OPT. Structure your practice. Be a one trick pony. Observe a master. Use Imagery. Incorporate variability and contextual interference. Always make it slightly more difficult. Practice in a realistic setting. Add risk. Use mornings and evenings. Intensity followed by rest for maximal learning. Repeat at increasing intervals. Measure and monitor your progress. Get feedback.

Purposeful Practice

  1. Structure
2. Timing
3. Feedback

I believe this to be a pretty good summary of most Purposeful Practice techniques. As stated I will make a post on Mind and Body to completely close out the Accelerated Learning topic. Please let me know what you thought and honestly congratulations if you actually read the whole thing. It shows you're an actual Tryhard and I'm sure this will help you become OP.
submitted by MetaDoc_OP to summonerschool [link] [comments]

My experience Delving to 2k in HC and 6k in SC

My experience Delving to 2k in HC and 6k in SC
Hello people of the gutters, I'd like to ramble on a bit about my experiences over the past two leagues and throw my $0.02 in on the overall state of the game in the process.
To begin with, I'm a long-time hardcore POE player having put an unreasonably large amount of my time into the game since Nemesis. I've seen the game evolve over effectively its entire history from a hardcore context and it's been a bit of a bumpy ride. I love this game, I've played it more than I have sunk time into any other activity aside from my career, but it has some growing issues that need to be addressed.
I had originally intended to quit POE after Delirium, but my friends somehow roped me into playing a softcore league (Harvest) for only the second time ever as a dedicated delver for our little team effort.
I had a fairly sour impression of SC before this, and to be honest I still do with regard to the core game; but I found deep delving in SC to be a very enjoyable and very different (if somewhat frustrating) overall POE experience. After Harvest ended, yet another friend decided to play a POE league for the first time in I think a year or so and I decided to join him, this time back to HC for Heist. I ended up doing very well in Hardcore Heist despite a pretty bad start, and with the recent interest in Endless Delve, I wanted to write a bit about these very different, highly contrasting game modes that POE has to offer.
Deep Delving in Softcore
Before harvest launched, we knew that gear levels were promised to be on a new level, and some of my guildmates put together a basic team to make the most of this; My friends Scooby, Psy, McLovin, and Hurst would do their usual grinding and take maximum advantage of the new crafting systems feeding me gear while I would spend all my time delving feeding them fossils which we assumed would have decent value once again.
I chose the Ice Shot Miner meta that had dominated previous leagues, in retrospect I'd say this was a mistake as the Icicle Miner variation ended up being significantly stronger with the gear level that was on offer.
Breaking out of Delve
The crafting was above and beyond our expectations and we made some seriously fun characters. Here is the final state of my Ice Shot Miner; I believe to this day it is the only triple-mine+triple-chain (800dex/800int) setup anyone has attempted. Obviously Harvest made this possible. We also didn't expect the kind of maps that Harvest allowed, so having an infinite effective supply of Fractured Fossils allowed for a truly absurd amount of end game farming to happen.
Later on we learned about whissp_'s invulnerable build, and theorycrafted a BV/poison Assassin variant. This ended up working extremely well in Delve, and both Scooby and I used it to kill any bosses with any mods, and generally have a smooth ride in my Delve from ~4800 to ~5800 when I switched back to the Ice Shotter for the last push.
I'm not going to try to write a SC Delve guide here because I believe I couldn't do it justice; on that note here's IMHO the definitive guide on SC Delving. In terms of my experience I would say this:
  • Delving in SC is about damage, speed, and above all managing frustrations. I died over 4000 times on my Ice Shotter, and another several hundred times on the "invulnerable" build. If you had a timelapse of every time I fisted my desk that league, it would make that angry german kid look like a pacifist of monk like calmness.
  • Crowd control & freeze in particular is powerful; Dynamite, Frost wall, Raise Skeletons, and freeze prolif are above and beyond the MVPs of softcore delve.
  • Going full solo and having less than ~6 hours on average a day to commit to POE means a 6k breakout is a full league affair. I found 100 floors a day to be a nice goal, so you can have a few days away from the game and still have a nice buffer of time before league end. I think I hit 6k at about day 62 or 63.
  • Making a dedicated Sulphite farmer (just a max move speeder patterned off the lab runners) made a huge, huge difference to the amount of delving I could do in a day, I should have made this character on literally Day 3 or 4 of the league.
  • Make sure you have a friend to come recover your fossils if you screw up...
  • Overall I had way more fun than I thought SC would bring, and I consider a 6k breakout of Delve to be the ultimate grind that POE has to offer.
Deep Delving in Hardcore
The real shit.
I got off to a pretty bad start this league, died on my starter in first week, recovered with a typically solid skeleton guardian, and then proceeded to piss a lot of time and currency away on an ultimately flawed armour stacking Gladiator.
Some of my guildmates started to quit the league and handed me a nice chunk of leftovers, and my friend Medihell let me borrow some spare starter gear for an aura stacker. The power of the new Transcendence keystone is obvious and my goal was to see if rare fossil farming in HC was viable for the first time; from my Harvest experience I knew that this required a depth of at least 1500 to be reasonable.
Here is a post on the Guardian forum about the build I used.
This build was refined along with another player PositiveValue who I had suggested the build to and who took it to a very high level before he unfortunately died at #1 on the ladder. After this I pushed to take the #1 Delve spot and then go for 2000; yet another friend Lax let me borrow his 3p voices for this.
It's the same part of the same game, but somehow Delve HC vs SC is simply a 100% polar opposite way of playing, offering a 100% alien experience to someone coming from the other side. Maybe that's obvious, but it really couldn't be more true. If you love SC Delve, you must try HC, and if you love HC Delve, a 6k ZHP push in SC is extremely rewarding.
Devling in HC puts defense & mitigation above all else, even to a large extent damage. All past HC delve records (perhaps aside from broken Delirium herald power builds) have been overweight defenses.
The most important aspects/tips/tricks of delve in HC in my opinion are:
  • Destroy Corpses: This removes the highest scaling hit and an absurd degen from delve: Wetas. The best way to do this is with an explode chest (or weapon). I firmly believe these things are and always have been stupidly overtuned and it makes no sense for such a tiny creature to deal so much damage.
  • Be CI: Aside from wetas, the only other common mob that presents a degen is Zombie Piss. These guys feel manageable for a while, but very quickly become a hard wall for any non-CI build. No chaos vulnerable build will get past fungals much beyond 1250-1300 depth no matter your pantheon or chaos res.
  • Select the "Unaffected by burning ground" pantheon (Abberath) and never touch it again. Along with the above, you no longer have to deal with degens in Delve so long as you avoid Talisman, Beast, and certain aspects of the boss fights.
  • Eliminate all other weakness from your build. Delve requires an extremely well rounded build to survive, you need to be ailment immune, you need to have high elemental mitigation, you need physical mitigation, and you need high recovery of your primary HP stat either with massive on-hit healing, and/or high leech + regen, and/or passive recovery (on block for instance).
  • Dynamite is the most useful tool in HC Delve. Use it on any encounter that has a scary mob capable of spike damage that you want to lock up while you dps it down.
  • %Pen is an extreme damage multiplier for most delve mobs, however it is manageable depending on the node end. Once you're nearing your survival limit, don't even think about an extra damage Sweltering Burrow or a t2+ Azurite node with %Pen.
  • Auto-complete nodes are tempting to zerg, but be aware of the sheer number of mobs (including multiple rares-with-auras at times) which will be waiting for you. Throwing dynamite out ahead of the node end to stun lock the mobs while you carefully candle out is very useful, but be careful on bloodlines zones as you might just blow yourself up.
  • No-light ZHP strats work perfectly well in Hardcore. Ignore your cart's light radius, it has essentially no downside but makes it nearly impossible for mobs to tether you for miles (this is how I died in Delirium, and how Dan died in Delirium) and massively reduces the range of aggro while pathing a node.
  • This is why I stopped doing Harbinger nodes fairly early on; the game's design/engine struggles with situations like allies cannot die and the extreme rates of calculations they result in. The same occurs for extremely tanky mobs such as Harbinger and even some Nesting Grounds zones.
  • Learn useful tricks for specific encounters:
    • The behind-the-shrine strat for Beast Burrow. The skellobear gets buffed by the bears you kill. If you don't want to or can't face tank the bears, you can path to the other side of the wall and wait it out. This is more consistent than out ranging the bears down a path they spawn on.
    • Smuggler's Stash: Get good at identifying where Orra is coming from; she is always opposite Minara (who is very easy to spot with her headdress), and on Petrified Forest biomes always emerges next to the tree. You should spray dynamite while you dps her until she is dead. If she isn't dead by the time your dynamite is out, you better have a fuckin grade A backup plan because shits about to get real.
    • Necromancer encounters: Zombies come out in three waves, Left, Right, and Both sides. About a 'beat' (count out "1, 2") after the third wave starts, let loose with dynamite. The first will explode as the Necro activates. You do not want to be caught up in his blood geyser.
Final thoughts on the State of POE
I only have a few major complaints about POE after all this time, and none of them have to do with balance.
First, a quick note on aura stacking: I believe balance shifts are GGG's intention, and there will always be one archetype that is head and shoulders above all others. Given that this is the third league in a row where aura stacking presents the ultimate build potential -- and they just buffed the absolute piss out of it with alt qual gems -- I am starting to wonder if it is GGG's intention: The archetype is an edge case, it requires the most scarce gear in the game (in case it wasn't obvious, I could not have assembled the build without a lot of help from friends), it gains ever greater power with each character level highly incentivizing level 100 be achieved, and it offers effectively unlimited tunability and upgrade paths especially in the low supply Hardcore trade league economy and especially+++ in SSF where you can count on one hand the number of players who have even attempted it.
Things I love:
  1. The Racing scene is just fun to watch
  2. Build diversity is moving in the right direction, slowly but surely...
  3. GGG's artwork and audio is truly in AAA territory
  4. Experiences like this, and this with friends
Things I don't love:
  1. GGG have put too much focus on audio/visual assets and too little focus on Quality Control. I know it's a well beaten horse around here, but it has to be said over and over; rushed delivery and obvious lack of QA/play testing and optimization destroys the early league experience and pushes people away.
  2. RMT is a huge plague on the Hardcore Trade League economy, predominantly driven by the growing number of Standard players who demand league specific items and crafting mats be immediately and deliberately taken from temp HC. This was blatantly obvious with Tempering and Tailoring Orbs early in HHC, and continues league after league to be a significant problem with items of extreme value in SC such as 3p and 1p Voices, and Mirrors. Put in economic terms, this presents a false demand to the HC economy and massively damages an already weak supply of new, interesting, and powerful items in trade HC. GGG have done essentially nothing to stop this. For weeks we saw on this reddit the "behold, my item" posts from Standard players who were clearly using Tempering and Tailoring orbs on their mirror-tier projects. Every one of those posters is at the root of this problem. I would love to see a void league or account binding solution here, it would transform the depth of the HC Trade economy.
  3. GGG are far too stubborn and attached to aging game design decisions, this is hurting the player base, and will ultimately hurt GGG. As simply one example, the never ending insistence that all droppable items must be manually picked up and thus have 'weight' is complete nonsense. It made sense when you moved like a snail and spent appreciable amounts of time beating on magic and rare mobs, but today? Run anything remotely resembling an end game encounter without a loot filter and you might as well be staring at the classified sections of a dozen newspapers from 12 feet. It's the sheer amount of clicking that needs to change. There is way too much micromanagement and prep in the main game loop of mapping right now. Tab affinities were a great step in this direction, so is Metamorph organ collection, and the Delirium stacked-loot-drop, but how about the game has a 21st century minor-loot vacuum like every other developer in the genre has adopted? Let people pick and choose over actual items, but crafting mats? and splinters of things? and fragments of splinters of things? End the pain... I feel the balance on this one shifting.
  4. I'm really looking forward to the Harvest integration. We desperately need something to fill the gap between Awakener Orbing and Meta Crafting. Awakener orbs are an excellent addition allowing the control over two item properties, but Meta Crafting is predominantly a roulette wheel on crack with exponentially higher costs. My ideal here is that the Harvest integration fills this gap, allowing a good bit of grinding to deterministically improve a woke-orbed item, but still leaving true 6xT1 perfection at the very end of the process with a true RNG gamble. You could argue that the Vaal Orb / Temple is that final idealized step in a 7xT1 item, of course...
  5. Finally, a scheduling gripe... it would be nice if the big streamers would set their private ego-leagues aside until perhaps mid-league or end-of-league events. Competing with the main league launch just shits on the depth of market and player count in HC trade leagues. As a side benefit, those events could benefit from the lessons learned in the then-current league itself, and it would be a more interesting spectator sport as a result.
Sorry for the length, but I just had to share.
submitted by mcm375 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Randomly disconnecting from games, but not the internet. I've tried everything I can think of but I'm stumped

I recently moved into a new apartment, and I've been having connection problems in online games since I got here. It only happens on my desktop, on wifi or ethernet, or even both at the same time.
The disconnects happen seemingly randomly, for as long as anywhere between 10 minutes and several hours. I can connect to games fine, but after a minute or two, or sometimes instantly, I'll get dropped. This is happening in every online game. I have no problems with twitch or youtube. Youtube I understand since it preloads a lot, but twitch I would expect a lot of buffering and get none at 1080/60. It's only in games. The only non-game service I have issues with is spotify, which pauses for a really long time, and does it randomly similar to the game disconnections
Websites sometimes take a couple seconds to load, but I can't really say if that's related or not. My internet speed is always fine
Originally I assumed the internet here just sucked, but my roommate says she has no problems, and over the last several days of trying to figure this out, I haven't had my laptop disconnect from anything, only my desktop. Maybe I'm mistaken but it couldn't possibly be my internet/ISP in that case, right? It has to be my computer, but that doesn't make any sense to me either
This is the same desktop I had at my old apartment where I had 0 issues, same ethernet cord, same everything in my setup. I've tried plugging the ethernet into every slot on my computer and every slot in the router, no change. I've disconnected the ethernet entirely and just used wifi, no change. I tried using ethernet and connecting to wifi at the same time, which I never in my life had even considered to be a possibility because why would you ever? But still I got the same issue
I've run pings, winMTR, traceroutes, I can't find any sign of packet loss or disconnects anywhere. I ran a constant ping to while playing Smite, and when I disconnected there was no change in the ping, it just kept going like nothing was wrong. I ran the winMTR to a minecraft server, disconnected and rejoined several times while it was running, but nothing out of the ordinary in the logs, no loss or unusually high ping times.
I've run malwarebytes scans and windows defender scans, but they've come up with nothing. I tried disabling my firewall, but it didn't help at all and I've since re-enabled it.
I thought maybe my PC had some settings that it was using from the old internet connection that aren't playing nice with the new ones, so I ran all of these commands which didn't solve anything:
ipconfig/release ipconfig/all ipconfig/flush ipconfig/renew netsh int ip reset netsh winsock reset 
I also manually set my DNS to and I've updated the drivers for my network adapters, only one had an update available.
The three games I've been using to test are Smite, Minecraft, and Albion Online (I've been avoiding most team games because I don't want to disconnect and ruin the game for other people). They all behave a little bit differently when I disconnect.
Smite, everyone just starts running in a straight line until it kicks me to the login screen. Minecraft, I instantly disconnect with no lag or anything beforehand. Sometimes it disconnects me literally a single frame after logging in. I always get the "A connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" error Albion Online was the interesting one to me, because I could only tell I had gotten disconnected because I couldn't interact with the world anymore. The players around me seemed unaffected, though, still running around and doing whatever as if I was still receiving information from them, but couldn't upload my own information to the server.
I went through my startup services and disabled a bunch of stuff like java updater, and really any other updater I could find. No change. I just recently tried rebooting in safe mode with networking to hopefully find out if it's a program or service or something causing me problems, but I couldn't figure out how to get a game launched and online to test the connection while in safe mode. Again, though, this is the same computer I was using at my old apartment and having no problems with. I haven't installed anything new since coming here.
I tried port forwarding, which didn't work and I didn't expect it to in the first place, but I tried.
This has been a huge pain to test, too, because sometimes I'll go for hours or the whole day with no issues, so it's really hard to tell when a change has actually done anything or not. I'm completely out of ideas now, and I'd really appreciate if anyone has any form of help to offer at this point
Specs, if this even matters for this issue:
Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 18363) AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor 32GB of RAM NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super
submitted by Squidbit to techsupport [link] [comments]

Am I crazy? Why do I always fall for it?

For years, linux, outside of programming and servers, recovery and repair, has always had problems.I've been a "linux user" on and off for well over 15 years, each time I get so far, only to go back to Windows. I was a teen when I first dabbled in FreeBSD, NetBSD, Knoppix, and eventually Ubuntu, Slackware, OpenSuse, CentOS and now PopOS.
What's the problem? The promise and ultimately the result. You go through Youtube and you see so many people going on about how Gaming on Linux is here! It works! Or How Wine, Ludris, PlayOnLinux, Steam, whatever has miraculously solved all our problems. You have people championing, grandfathering and cheering on Linux from the rooftops, because THEY had one good experience, are smarter than the average joe, or just got really lucky in the lottery for their specific peripherals, components, and needs.
The reality? Failure. It has all these applications that increase the complexity of the job and in some instances, some very specific scenarios, it works. Only if.. you have all the dependencies.. drivers.. make sure you're using "popular" devices, updates, modules, and understand ALL documentation for it. Because when it breaks.. it breaks HARD. Example: Ludris is the answer to launching Windows games in linux, you want it. Install Ludris? "Ohoho, doesn't work." Why? "You didn't install Wine you big dummy. Remove Ludris, install Wine, Winetricks, then Ludris, you fool!" Okay, done. Install one game through Wine emulated Steam. Doesn't work! Why? "Check the logs, dummy!" It says some stuff about DXVA, Vulkan stuff and not supporting Haswell. Huh? I have a GTX 980 with the Nvidia ISO and updated drivers. What's the deal? *cricket noises* Alright.. google time.. What's this error? "Make sure you have Vulkan enabled/installed as a kernel module or whatever." Checking.. Yup it's there. So I wasted 3-4 hours of my life to find out that it sucks? "Pretty much. Or that game you're trying is not supported." But other people are running it? They made launch code for it.. "Sucks to suck, buddy." Surely, that can't be it? They must be doing something I'm not? What's this Bottles thing? ..Let's try that.. Hmm.. Gaming environment.. This could be it.. "Applying Gaming Environment..." Haha! Now we're getting somewhere.. [10 minutes later] Huh? Well.. It says it could take a while. [1 hour later..] Alright.. The application hung, oh well. Any errors? "Nope. Sorry, mate."
Moving on, because I don't need Ludris, or even you, Wine! I got Virtual machine manager and anime on my side. Surely it will fix it all, especially since I can use GPU passthrough now, because that's the hype these days. Set it up, install Windows, can't be hard, right? "Muahahaha.. Foolish man, you haven't even seen my final form!" Oh no.. Well, Windows 10 installed, things are looking good. Logged in, Xbox(UWP games) seem to launch, but the VGA/16MB isn't going to cut it, but we're here! Time to do some GPU passthrough."Virtualization not enabled" ..Uh, I always enable that. "You didn't tell ME!" So.. I have to change GRUB? "*snickers*" ...Alright. Nope.. What's up? "I use UEFI bootloader now, boy." Alright.. Let's learn how to do that. Alright.. intel_iommu=on, great, now.. Nope.. "permission denied". What now? "You have to make sure you don't run the GPU at ALL, but also have it listed and in the iommu group." Great.. Let's google it. Did everything, set my configs, my changes, the modules here and updated everything.. "Nope." Nope? "I either can't see it, or I'm using it. Can't do what you're asking." Why...? "Sucks to suck. Try installing another GPU, that might work." I could.. but I'm feeling a little defeated.. maybe I'll try again in 4 years. "You do you, boo."
Substance. I love the fact that it's Opensource, has hundreds of thousands of people working on their respected projects, and it embraces all ideas. To a fault. A big huge segmentation fault.That's because none of the OSes Linux based have any real direction. You have groups of people working on different things and nothing is just fixed and perfected. Constant updates, feature changes. They don't care about being working, deploy-able software that works on every device.
General multi-purpose. Let's talk about the recent 3-4 year trend of screensharing and application sharing. Showing and allowing a friend to hear what you're playing. It's been a great feature on Windows during the T-Virus outbreak. On Discord, I can share an application screen for an example, but can't share it's audio. Same with sharing an entire screen. I assume it's because of how locked up tight user access and memory is in Linux. So I don't mind working around it. I look at complicated guides that just were super frustrating to try and get system audio/application audio to output to a mic. I had to create a Null output, to then use a monitor as a microphone. I've still yet to figure out how to make it do exactly as I want. Windows has VAC. It just listens to the virtual device and plays it on the virtual mic, take the real mic and also buffers it to the virtual mic, through software and it plays nicely for this particular use.
People crap on MS and Windows all the time, but I can literally install it, my drivers, then do whatever I want. "Why Switch then?" I prefer the stability and security of Linux. I like being able to easily setup and deploy a webserver or coding in whatever language I want. Linux works at easily doing networking tasks, programming, server management, but people keep pushing the user end. I keep seeing videos from LTT and whatever random Youtuber saying how they got it work and it makes me envious, because that's what I want, too, but I don't want to sit infront of my PC for 8 hours trying to make it do nothing. I hated that as a teen. Jumping through hoops to get Starcraft running on Wine for it either to not have audio, be laggy, or the TCP/IP not even work. It's stressful and kills this 32 year old man's heart to suffer, seeing what I want and not being able to have it. To not be able to open the Pop Store, or whatever app system and install Wine, or Steam, go to steam, install xyz game and have it just work. I don't have to jump through hoops, I don't have to have 4 apps to not do one job.
To be fair, the games I "needed" were Civilization 5 and Don't Starve Together, because that's all I actually played with my fiancee. However, it would have been awesome to easily get virtual machine manager going with iGPU/GPU passthrough and just be able to run Windows apps/UWP games for my Ultimate game pass.
I'm just tired and I wanna see the end to this struggle. Haha. I can't be asking for too much, but really, I hate that I have to fight for just the 3 things I wanted to do. I just wanted to watch anime with my future wife as we can't be together due to covid and I wanted to be able to play games with her, on my PC while she on console. I do have an Xbox One S, too and I don't NEED these things, it just would have been nice to have Linux just do it. Do what I ask.. for the first time in 19 years. I wanted to use it for work, too. It's not that I can't on Windows, but the ergonomics and efficiency of Linux is always the draw and the security.
Conclusion.. It's been 17 years and Linux is still not ready. It's not ready for the masses. It could have been, but it hasn't gotten there. It's gotten closer, but it's still far away. Microsoft, with it's recent changes might get there before it and that's sad to see. I want more, I want Linux, but it still fails to achieve my dream.
Edit/Update(1/29/21): I'm back on Windows and moving on with my life. I may not respond quickly or at all moving forward. I've "addressed" enough time and frustration to this than I'd care to admit. I started my Pop!OS journey on the 27th, very early morning, about 6am. I used the Nvidia ISO. (I have a GTX 980). The installer errored a few times, but I just reformatted my entire SSD and it worked. It didn't want me to have a separate partition for Windows, apparently.
Moving forward, what worked? Well.. Steam worked (Linux native), and Lutris Steam (Wine), the two games I frequently played had linux ports, so I didn't have to fool around. I tried one game, Burnout Paradise, on Lutris Steam, it errored. (Vulkan) Vulkan is in the kernel and everything that's supposed to be done for Vulkan was automatically setup by Pop!OS, but it didn't work.
I tried Bottles, to see if that was the issue, Bottles hung without error. Moving on from that, I decided that GPU passthrough and Win10 was my best option, since I have Ultimate Game Pass. I know that UWP games don't work on Wine/Linux, period. It is DRM that is worse than Denovo.
I was unable to get my devices isolated Intel, or Nvidia. The way Pop!OS is setup is if you uninstall the nvidia driver, it will ignore the device entirely. I edited around 5 config files, followed 20 different guides, Pop!OS would not allow the vfio driver to take over for the iGPU or dGPU, period.
So.. I was going to keep trying, to keep tinkering for a while, as the games I needed worked. So, my fiancee and I wanted to watch some anime, and because I have the better system, I share my screen so we can stay synced. Problem: No audio when sharing Firefox, chrome, or entire screen. I checked Discord, they don't support full functionality on linux. No problem... I'll just use jackaudio or something to reroute the audio. No jackaudio in Pop!OS. I could have installed/built it myself, but I was very afraid of breaking the system audio. It took me a while, but I got it working and I could watch anime with her properly, but I couldn't talk to her while it was playing which kinda defeated the purpose of watching it together.
I decided, well the last thing I will try is uninstalling the nvidia driver. Next boot: No GPU found. Eh? So something the uninstall script does removes the devices ability of appearing entirely.Reinstalled Nvidia driver. Everything seemed fine. Except.. Discord.. Every time I went to share screen now, it crashed. I gave up.
So, I decided to make a Win10 USb.. That was a mess. I ended up wiping the USB drive that had Pop!OS on it, partitioning it with NTFS, mounting the ISO, copy pasting.. Well, somewhere, Pop!OS, some software like Disks, or something, completely destroyed my new 32GB flash drive. I even tried with fdisk. It's done, kaput. I had to pull out a SDHC/USB adapter and use my laptop to make a USB key, because I couldn't even get something in Pop!OS to do that right without destroying my flash drive. Now, I'm back on "easy" street. Everything works as expected and no errors. That was it for me. Losing time, okay.. Try again next time. Losing a peripheral, nope, I ain't coming here again.
I only use like 9 apps, btw. Notepad++, Aegisub, Handbrake, OBS, VLC, Steam, Discord, Chrome and Adobe Premiere. I stream to Twitch, program, script subtitles, make videos, communicate online, and watch videos, too. These are not complicated things. These all have Linux versions.The issues I have are entirely with the software stack and not the developers of the individual applications. I have issues with how they were assembled and packaged on a distro. Same with how the graphics drivers are being handled. Without further ado, I'ma peace out. I hope the team behind Pop!OS sees my complaint and maybe makes some changes. Until then, WSL it is.
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why is twitch buffering all the time video

Twitch buffering Chrome, Firefox, WiFi, every few seconds, delay – these are several problems you can see in almost every browser. To solve these problems, be sure to try all the solutions proposed in this article. Twitch Playback Buffer – Several users reported that Twitch playback continues on their PC. But twitch lagging or buffering problems greatly hinders the user experience. So, we are taking a deep look over twitch lagging and its related issues as well as different ways to solve it. 1. Computer with Better Specifications. Among the many other reasons, computer specification is one of the reasons why you might be facing Twitch lag. Disconnect every device and then connect all of it again. Change the password of the Wi-Fi; Eliminate existing users as they are reasons why you are facing buffering issues. If the above steps do not make any change, it’s better to get a new connection. Several internet connections are there that you can opt for and resolve the issue. Make sure you restart your browser by closing and reopening Google Chrome and check to see if Twitch is constantly buffering when you try to watch a live stream! Solution 2: Change Your DNS Server. The problem is often caused by a faulty DNS setup which is simply not accepted by Twitch or its servers. There are 3 primary causes that result in Twitch buffering or freezing, the most common being an internet connection issue. If your internet is slow or unstable this will cause Twitch to pause and stutter. In some cases, Twitch will automatically switch to a lower resolution level until the connection is restored. Change the Time range to All-Time and select Cookies and site data along with the Cached images and files. Click the Clear button to remove browsing data. 3. Disable Browser Extension:-Extensions added to the browser might be a possible reason for Twitch buffering issue. Disabling the browser extension can solve your issue. The thing is, when we see people complain about buffering, it's only a small handful at a time. If it was Twitch, it'd be a server that was the issue and there are thousands of users connecting, not the small handful of complaints that pop up. It doesnt matter what stream it is, twitch has buffering problems when it comes to watch it in source or high quality mode with any browser (tested Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox and Opera, all latest versions, all updates done). Sometimes the buffering problems are so huge that the stream gets black or freezes. Due to technical glitches with your ISP. Or due to the ISP peering issues with the streaming services like Twitch, Hulu, Vimeo and others. So, these are some of the possible reasons responsible for the Twitch constantly buffering issues. Moreover, there are many similar issues reported by users. To solve the problem of constant Twitch playback buffering on your device, block the range of IP addresses in your firewall. Twitch Buffering Chrome, Firefox, WiFi, all the time – Twitch problems occur with different browsers and you need to disable proxy or VPN and browser extensions to solve them. You can also clear the cache.

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