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Meme stock post-mortem

Throwing out some lessons-learned for everyone (especially the 6.2 million people who joined in the past two weeks). Here's why shit went sideways for you:
You didn't do your research: GME (and to a lesser extent NOK/BBBY/BB) has been a work-in-progress for months. This wasn't something organic and spontaneous; there was a very small window to catch the lightning. Once in, you took the advice from random internet strangers who want you to buy/hold to increase the value of their positions.
You FOMO'd: If you knew about this before $100 and didn't jump, you probably should've sat it out. If you found out about this after $100, you should have watched from the sidelines and taken notes for the next time.
You didn't have a plan: Sure, your spaceship emojis are cute but they're free and you can't buy anything with them in the real world. If you're buying stocks, you're doing so with the intent to make money. Money is only real when you sell. Set a goal, stick to it (or make small adjustments; it's ok to change a goal as long as it's REASONABLE). This includes taking profits and then, if you want, buying back in on a dip.
You made it personal: Stocks aren't your pets; they're fucking cattle. Get what you can out of them and then move on. You don't buy stocks to join a feel-good movement about sticking it to the or because "I like to company/stock", you buy them to make money.
You made it a group activity: Unless you're pooling resources and winnings, all these "Ape" comments are fucking retarded. That's code for, "please don't leave me I don't want to be the last one holding bags"
You missed the obvious signs: WSB goes dark and all the meme stocks collapse a the same time, that's a sign. All of the meme stocks move in-sync, that's a sign (algos are in charge, not retail investors).
You used money you couldn't lose: This ties into the group mentality and DD where you just hopped on the bus without asking where it was going or how; NEVER spend money you can't afford to lose in the stock market -- there are no sure bets.
100% this will get removed by all the fucking idiots in this sub so do yourself a solid and copy/paste it for reference; hopefully it'll add value to your future endeavors.
If you made money in all of this, congrats; don't forget to put some aside for taxes.
submitted by fells77 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

GME - EndGame Part 2: Cohen, Market Cap, Potential Investors

Hello again folks. This is an extension of my DD last week in which I shared some research on short positions, GME’s debt, and some speculation on institutional investing. Since that post, GME is up 75% and there’s been lots of good bullish / bearish DD on the short term.
In this post, I’m going to cover 3 topics, focusing on the mid-to-long term prospects for GME: 1) Cohen, 2) GME’s market cap potential, and 3) potential investors that could continue to pile in.
TL:DR; You need to think about GME differently. Not as a trader. Not as an investor. You need to think like a venture capitalist. This is an unprecedented opportunity, and the first time I’ve gone all-in - I’m more bullish now than when the stock was trading sub $15. If you’re in GME you need to get in with conviction otherwise you’re going to lose by selling when it drops.

Quick aside - my history and positions:

I’ve been a passive investor for many years. This is literally the first time I’ve taken an interest in becoming an active investor. I opened an RH account in August to start speculating on GME. My first post called out some cheap lottery plays that took my speculating account from $5K - $20K in 3 weeks. I’ve since posted a few times on GME, even trying to tell you to buy the post-earnings dip, and added more to my active trading accounts. I’ve taken $10K -> $130K on RH and $230K -> $480K in IBKR since slowly adding to GME since September.
UPDATE: I have deleted my positions in this post - will explain why in my next post. I'm still holding.
All that being said, thus far I’ve been thinking about GME as a trade - trying to get in at the lowest cost I could for the maximum upside on a near-term exit, but I’ve switched completely into thinking of GME is a ridiculously asymmetric investment with massive potential in the next 2-3 year timeframe - even at $35. Even at $45, $50, $60. That’s why I added roughly 2500 shares on Friday at around $36 despite adding very cautiously when GME was below $20. I’m also completely all-in on RH with options (mostly deep ITM, a few fds) - $0 buying power left.
Grab a drink, sit down. Let me tell you why I’ve gotten more aggressive, and probably why you shouldn’t worry about what price you pay right now, as long as you’re willing to believe and hold.

About Cohen (and friends)

From the recent 8K about the board changes (which you should definitely read if you’re putting serious money in):
As part of the Agreement, RC Ventures has agreed to customary standstill provisions*, which provide that from the date of the Agreement until the earlier of (a) the date that is 30 calendar days prior to the deadline for the submission of director nominations by stockholders for the Company’s* 2022 annual meeting of stockholders and (b) the date that is 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the 2021 Annual Meeting (such period, the “Standstill Period”), RC Ventures will not, among other things: (i) acquire beneficial ownership in, or aggregate economic exposure to, directly or indirectly, more than 19.9% of the Company’s outstanding common stock; (ii) make any proposal for consideration by stockholders at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of the Company; (iii) make any offer or proposal with respect to any extraordinary transactions; or (iv) seek, alone or in concert with others, the appointment, election or removal of any directors in opposition to any recommendation of the Board, in each case as further described in the Agreement. As part of the Agreement, the Company has permitted RC Ventures to acquire, whether in a single transaction or multiple transactions from time to time, additional shares of the Company’s common stock to the extent such acquisitions would result in RC Ventures having beneficial ownership of less than 20.0% of the outstanding shares, without triggering the restrictions that would otherwise be imposed under Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”), and RC Ventures has agreed that upon acquiring beneficial ownership 20.0% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock, the restrictions under Section 203 of the DGCL would apply to a potential business combination with RC Ventures as an “interested stockholder” (as defined in Section 203 of the DGCL).
This is critical: This agreement was the result of a negotiation between Cohen and the existing board.
  1. After his activist letter calling out the board and then 13D buy after the earnings dip rocketed the stock up from 12 -> 20, it was clear to everyone that RC was the reason GME’s stock was heading up. The GME board was afraid of a hostile takeover / losing their jobs. This agreement allowed Cohen and 2 others on the board as long as he didn’t attempt a hostile takeover.
  2. Cohen wants it all. In the activist letter, he publicly said “no” to just one board seat. He then publicly bought more as soon as Sherman threatened a shelf offering to dilute him below 10%.
In addition to getting added to the board, Cohen brought along 2 execs who built Chewy with him:
He’s not fucking around folks. He wants to build another Chewy, and he’s bringing the people who helped him do it the first time to do it again.
As a result of the agreement, he’s limited to buying up to 20% of shares until 2022. Why not 13%? Simple - Cohen wants the option to buy more. He’s not happy with a single board seat; he’s not going to settle for simply getting added to the board; and he’s not going to settle for 13% ownership.
Also, remember that Alan and Jim have 💲 to buy in as well. I haven't seen their holdings yet. Their time is worth more than their money and they've already decided to put their time in.

Cohen is not an exec - he’s a founder with an all-in mentality

Go read this bloomberg Cohen interview to understand his mindset.
  1. Cohen himself is an all-in person. Key quote:
    1. “When I find things I have a lot of conviction in, I go all-in*.”*
    2. Cohen is a founder that has gone through the successful creation of a startup. When you are startup founder, most of your NW is tied to equity in your company. You are trained to have skin in the game. You’re not allowed to think you have a safety net. You give up years of your life and bet everything because you have to believe in what you’re doing. Founders typically have 30-50% ownership of their company.
    3. “Cohen uses the word “conviction” a lot. He says it’s something he learned from his father, who ran a glassware importing business in Montreal where Cohen grew up. “He taught me how to block the noise from the masses,” says Cohen. “To have a point of view and have conviction and not waver.”
  2. He only sold Chewy rather taking it to IPO because of his Dad’s health. He cut his entrepreneurial career short and he’s itching to get back in.
  3. Cohen sold Chewy for $3.35B, with estimates stating he personally walked away with about $600M after taxes.
  4. Cohen has a lot of capital to buy more. After selling Chewy, he went all-in on Apple & WFC, which as of June was up 40%.
    1. “ Cohen says his portfolio, when including dividends and a few other stock holdings, has returned more than 40% over the past 3 years, beating the market.”
    2. Aapl was his largest holding, and is up another 50% since June 5 when the Bloomberg article was published.
    3. Cohen lives in FL - with no income or capital gains for individuals, unlike other founders who live in CA which taxes all cap gains as ordinary income.
    4. I’m going to estimate his net worth (minus his GME holdings) is around $800M-$1B.
  5. Cohen’s 9,001,000 (it’s over 9000! 🐲🏐) shares have thus far been purchased at something like an average of $12/share, for a total investment of around $110M.
So Cohen has put in $110M out of his $1B into GME. Does that sound like he’s all-in? Absolutely fucking not. Cohen’s going to buy up to the max he can this year (20%), likely by selling some other holdings prior to cap gains tax law changes. He can add more next year after the standstill period is done.

What will lead to Cohen’s next purchase of GME

Thus far, every RC purchase has been about sending a message.
  1. Prior to Q3 earnings, his purchases were signaling an intent to the board that he was serious about wanting to get involved. He also rubbed it in their faces that the stock price was largely appreciating because of him. From the activist letter:
    1. “We recognize that the Board may feel it is insulated from stockholder scrutiny after adding new directors this past spring and seeing a recent stock price uptick (which only came on the heels of RC Ventures filing its 13D)” (what a fucking burn).
  2. If there was any doubt about RC’s impact on the stock price, it was put to rest after Q3’s earnings, where the current leadership’s hubris and threat of diluting RC led to a drop of almost 30%. RC then bought the dip, shoved it in their faces, and the market GME again rocketing GME to 20 in a massive post-earnings recovery. Message sent again - “The market wants me. Let me the fuck in.”
  3. Now that Cohen and the Chewy folks are on the board, he’s going to angle for CEO. He’s not looking to advise GME. He wants to go all-in, to run GME. He’s holding the optionality of buying more based on the success of his attempt to take over GME through non-hostile means.
If you see Cohen buy more GME, he’s sending another message. This time it’s because it’s clear to him he’s going to be CEO and wants to max his skin in the game. If you see Cohen buy, it’s “CEO talks going well” - you fucking buy.

GME’s market cap potential

  1. Cohen sees a $200BN+ total addressable market cap for gaming by 2023. For contrast, Chewy was playing in the pet food/supplies market, which has a total addressable market (TAM) of under $50BN annually. GME’s potential is at base 4x that of Chewy. This does not even account for the pc gaming hardware market, which is another $35BN+.
  2. Chewy’s market cap is $44BN on $6BN of annual revenue.
  3. Chewy’s Q3 quarterly income was up 45% YoY. While GME’s quarterly income was down YoY, its e-commerce revenue was up 257% trouncing Chewy’s growth rate.
  4. GME’s Q4 early sales preview reported 300% E-commerce growth and annual run-rate of $5BN
In other words, even if you give GME’s physical locations no value, GME’s ecommerce business is growing 5x faster than Chewy and already has 75% of online revenue.
Summary: Chewy is priced > 7X times its annual total revenue. GME is priced at .45 its annual ecommerce revenue, despite GME having 5-6 greater TAM and growing its ecommerce business 5X as fast Chewy.
What. The. Fuck.
I’ve never seen a stock more mispriced.
People talking about $100 price targets are suffering from a fucking lack of imagination.
Even if you completely discount
  1. GME’s physical business
  2. its rev sharing partnership with MSFT
  3. its 5x faster growth and 5x TAM
and give GME the same P/S multiple that Chewy has on its ecommerce business, that puts GME currently at a fair market cap above $35BN. That means GME should be at least $500/share.
In pictures:

Comparing Ecommerce Revenue vs Market cap on Chewy vs GME today

Showing what the fair market value Market Cap of GME would be with Chewy's P/S

Fair Market Value (using comps) of GME is at least $500/share.
$35/share is a fucking steal. Who cares about the short-term dips as shorts try to weasel themselves out of their positions. The market will eventually wake up to this sleeping beast. In a year you’re not going to care if you got in at 4, 12, 20, 35, or 50. You’re going to only care if you’re in or not.

Potential Investors

An asset is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it, right? So are the potential buyers of this growing company?
Here’s a list in decreasing order of likelihood.
  1. Elon (Least likely, completely improbable, but cataclysmic event). Elon hates shorts. Elon, with TSLA, went through the pain that GME is going through. TSLA almost went bankrupt because shorts were pushing the price down so it was difficult to raise the cash they needed to survive. Sound familiar? Elon’s wealth swings more in a day than GME is worth in entirety. Elon could buy all the fucking float of GME with what he makes in 8 hours. One call from fellow entrepreneur and aspiring twitter-meme-god would absolutely wreck the game.
    1. If you are short gamestop, you are one meme purchase by the richest man in the world away from a fucking cataclysmic event. "Hey son, I heard you like games. So I bought you gamestop. All of it." 🚀
  2. Buffett (More likely, still improbable). I’m actually amazed that while Buffett & co were lamenting that there are no interesting stocks to invest in and moving to cash, that they absolutely missed the boat on GME while it was at its lows. It’s a complete value play right up his alley (in a business he can understand). My only hypothesis here is that the market cap is too small and he could not make a meaningful investment. Once GME grows to a more respectable market cap ($10b+) I can see Buffett stepping in and making an investment.
  3. Cohen’s connections. (Highly likely if Cohen is CEO). This is the big one. And I mean absolutely nail in the coffin re-pricing of GME for the foreseeable future. Go read this Harvard Business Review piece on Cohen specifically on how Cohen puts importance on raising money and the people that backed him.
    1. Look, I’ve started a startup before in the valley (unsuccessfully unfortunately). However, you don’t start a company without making a shit-ton of venture capitalist & angel investor connections. Cohen has stated that when pitching Chewy he was rejected by over 100 investors. I can absolutely-fucking-guarantee you that every single one of them remembers their mistake and would not miss the opportunity to invest in Cohen again. And don’t forget all of the investors who DID invest with Cohen and reaped the benefits with Chewy. While venture capitalists don’t generally make investments in public equities, this is a truly unique situation. Cohen is treating this like a rebirth, a new venture bootstrapped from GME’s bones. If VCs as a firm will not invest, you can bet your ass that those individuals will throw their personal money at Cohen. However this only happens if he’s CEO. As soon as he’s CEO, a single long weekend trip to the valley might mean 100+ investor meetings with the strategic pitch.
      1. My biggest fear here is that VCs/PE band to take the company private at some small multiple (2-3x) and then reap the benefits while Cohen turns the company around only to re-list it to us 5 years down the road at 30X the valuation.
    2. Thus far, it’s been us retail retards vs the wall street shorts. HFs shorting this thing have the advantage in both tactics and capital. However, if Silicon Valley money starts pouring money into this the game is over. You cannot believe the amount of money that gets thrown into startups with 90% of it burning up into thin air. $3B market cap? That’s nothing. Folks with Silicon Valley money & risk tolerance would have no problem betting on a serial entrepreneur making something amazing out of a company that already has a customer base, revenue, distribution - all in the same business (e-commerce) the entrepreneur already proved themselves in.
  4. You, and every other retard that believes. Look, this was my point at the beginning. You need to think like a VC here. VCs are the ultimate YOLO autists making million dollar bets and not seeing a penny of it for years. They are the ultimate 💎✋🤚. You need to decide if you have conviction for the long term and then buy in. 💎✋🤚 doesn’t mean selling at $100. It doesn’t means selling at $200. It means not selling at all this year no matter the price, and at least until you learn for sure whether Cohen is the new CEO. It means believing so hard that you 20-100X your investment in 2 years when the market wakes up to the ridiculous mispricing.
    1. Remember that if Cohen is elected CEO he can (and likely will) buy more than a 20% stake in 2022.
    2. Remember Buffett’s actual quote: "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
I’ve put every dollar I can into shares in IBKR, minus some April calls. I hold no covered calls except for some call spreads I had in RH prior to recent bump. I have April calls because I will put more cash into GME after taxes are done, and I know much cash I have to use. Calls let me cap the price I would have to pay now.
This is personal research. Do your own DD.
A wiser investor than me gave the advice of “Don’t aim to maximise profit, minimize regret.” If you’re not in GME yet, ask yourself how you would truly feel if what everyone here is saying panned out to be true, and you weren’t participating.
Oh, and of course: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Update 1: I'm still holding today, but I realized I made a pretty big mistake on the ecommerce revenue analysis. GME's 2019 e-commerce revenue was 1.35B (not 1.35B for the quarter), so divide my price target by 4 - $125/share or $8B market cap.
submitted by FatAspirations to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

A message to the Short Bus

THANK YOU! Like seriously thank you so fucking much for driving the share price down. Individual GME investors can double up their positions for much cheaper. The new Netflix movie will have a much more interesting plot now too.
I couldn't really recommend GME to my non investing friends because at 2-300 it was overvalued. But at 90? You best believe I'm getting all the homies into the game now. Because GME could be a growth / value play at these prices. Albeit a growth/value play with a hefty premium. But I don't think my friends will mind. They like watching you squirm just as much as I do!
You hedgies should do your research before spamming the subreddit with bots and getting your shills in the media to bash the members of this community. Do you know who we are? Do you know what we do? I've been on this sub for the better part of a decade now. Our investment tool of choice is 0DTE options! We eat volatility for breakfast and shit it out by noon. We YOLO into far riskier bets than this.
In my tenure as a proud Theta Gang ambassador I've seen many a millionaire minted in these hallowed halls of ours. I've seen people iron hand (the OG 💎🙌) calls during the Coronavirus crash, and puts during the coronavirus recovery. We have a risk tolerance your puny manipulative brains couldn't even fucking comprehend.
I've seen the lads here make and lose money at rates I didn't even think were possible before joining this sub. (Shout out to u/1R0NYMAN ) You hedgies think you're hot shit because you went to an elitist school and have a lot of capital backing you up. Well I'm here to tell you, the only thing more dangerous than an enemy with unlimited resources is an enemy with nothing to lose. WSB is about the risky bets that either win big or lose big. That's what we're fucking all about. At 3-400 per share you had us in our comfort zone. At 90 per share you're basically begging us to fuck you.
It costs us exactly … (the Square Root of Jack fucking shit) to hold. It costs you millions to keep your retarded bets open. You guys are supposed to be the smartest guys in the room how'd you play into our hands so fucking easily? Like god damn this is some "I'm going to dump my life savings into gourd futures" levels of autism.
Like you retards realize that by executing short ladders we can just eat up liquidity even faster right? By eating up liquidity the swings up and down will be even more massive. Individual investors are buying in from North America, from South America, from Europe, from Asia, from Africa! Honestly it's just a matter of time until an arctic researcher drops a few bucks in to complete the set.
You tried to pull a fast one on us but ended up shooting yourselves in the leg to do so.
We'll outlast you.
This doesn't happen for weeks? No worries This doesn't happen for months? No fucking worries This doesn't happen for years? (Thanks for saving us a bunch on taxes!) Again NO FUCKING WORRIES
We've cornered you. It's buy or die. (Buy and Die for some of you retarded fucks lmfao) Buy our shares or die to fees and your clients leaving.
The first one of you hedgie fucks that closes out your short position is going to close for the least amount of money. There are bag holders even on Wall Street. WSB is a "community", can you really say the same for your wall street buddies? Sure they'll help out in a pinch but they'll leave you out to dry in a heartbeat if it no longer becomes worth it. There's a reason they say "There are no friends on Wall Street".
Thanks for the free money. I'll be buying more shares (5 figures worth) when Schwab clears my deposit.
Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor and nothing that I say should be construed as financial advice.
Disclosure #2: Every time I say 'we' or 'our' or 'us' it is out of convenience or shared community. All investment choices made in the subreddit are made by individuals who act of their own accord. I nor anyone else in this community has the right to 'speak' for this community as a whole. All opinions expressed in this post are mine and mine alone.
Not an edit just a note: Internet stickers are cool and all but I'd rather you spend that money on $GME or to just give it to charity. Covid hit a lot of people hard and they need money more than reddit does.
PS: Mods give me a flair god damn it. I didn't really care when the sub was small but now that we're north of 8 million members I feel a bit left out. A good flair and I'll give ya a little something something in the alley behind Wendy's.
submitted by DivySuresh to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Salt Lake City Baseball - 1958 (Year 4)

Salt Lake City Baseball - 1958 (Year 4)
This is Year 4 of Salt Lake City Baseball, where we take the small budget Salt Lake City Alpines of the United Baseball Association and help them become a perennial playoff contender - with house rules stacking the odds against us.

1957 Recap

Here's full write-up's of previous seasons: 1955, 1956, 1957
We finished 1957 with a 68-94, improving over the previous year by 5 wins. I made a big trade, giving up a power-hitting #1 overall pick that was making his way through my system for a starting pitcher with an injury history. A risk? You bet. But it's the kind of bet that I think will work in our favor, in the grand scheme of things.
I'm excited - I think we have a chance to get to .500 this year. We'll see if I eat my words by the end of this post.

The Offseason

First things first - let's see what we're allowed to do this year. We use our RNG and get the following results:
50+ Free Agents allowed: 4
Trades allowed: 1
Oof. As I've mentioned, trades are much more valuable to pick typically, so having one to work with could be tough, but we'll deal with it.
We're immediately tasked with making decisions, something we've pretty much avoided to this point. In the expansion draft we took so many young players that the only thing I've really needed to do is non-tender a few terrible arbitration guys. In fact, I've typically had just three or four arbitration-eligible players to get through. This year, we have eleven.
We also have three players with team options, as well as CF Jesus Silva, who declined his player option after a 4 WAR season and is now a free agent.
Assuming we sign our arbitration class, and pick up all of our team options, and keep our player development, scouting, draft, and IFA budgets the same, we have a paltry $300K in budget room left. So let's get to work.
We have team options on RP Jayden Ziegler for $1.6M, SP Jose Chavez for $1.5M, and 1B Juan Sera for $5.25M. Minimum buyout in this league is 25%, so assume the buyout is exactly that.
Ziegler is the first one to get picked up - he was a guy we targeted to move to the pen exclusively and thought his skillset would work for our club, which it absolutely did, improving his ERA from 5.12 two years ago in Philadelphia to 3.26 here, and his 2.53 FIP tells me he could be even better.
Chavez was another guy with a 5+ ERA we thought would improve coming here - he did, but not to the same extent, finishing with a 4.84 ERA in 23 starts. His strikeout rate dropped a hair, while his walk rate went up. Still, $1.5M isn't a ton, and I don't have a ton of pitching depth to fill his spot if he leaves, so we accept his option as well.
Sera is a bit more interesting because with such a low budget right now, that $3.75 million could help. He was very, very good for us, with a wRC+ of 153 - a whopping 193 against LHP which was where he was typically slotted when the lineup was at full strength. 1B Shane Ennis, our 1B against RHP, was decent in that role (107 wRC+) but completely sucked when facing same-handed pitching (45 wRC+). Now that I'm looking at it though, maybe Sera should be our full-time 1B - he's a much better defender there and can also play 2B in a pinch. I decide to pick up his option - we can always trade him if needed, though I need to keep in mind I can only make one trade all season.
In terms of free agents, RP Sal Sosa finishes his two-year deal with us with fifty total saves, and this last season he had a FIP of 2.89. He wants about $8M a year for three years, so it's rich for our blood, so he'll walk and take his talents elsewhere.
CF Jesus Silva, who I made a deal for prior to last season, contributed very nicely for us, leading the league in doubles with 47 and a 104 wRC+. But he struck out a career high 22.1% of the time, and had a BABIP higher than his career average. He wants over $10M, so he won't be back, but he won't discuss a deal with me, meaning I'm not sure if offering him arbitration makes sense. Him accepting a $17.5M deal would destroy us financially and I'm not sure I'd be able to trade him with that big of a contract without eating some of it. It's a risk I'm not willing to take, so he'll walk as well.
Okay - let's dig into some of the arbitration decisions. As mentioned, there's eleven guys here, but just two of them have four years of service time - none with five or six, but a bunch with two or three. So most of these guys are cheap. Nine of the eleven players want less than $1.25M.
3B Ricky Rojas is not one of those guys - he's a super-two player who wants $4.6M after finishing with 1.7 WAR. He crushed LHP with a 154 wRC+, but struggled against RHP at just 85. In 611 PA's he struck out just 42 times. I like that - but his defense was less impressive with -6 ZR at the hot corner.
2B Seth Glisson is a 31 year old who's asking for around $2.2M in his first arbitration year. He has started to fully take advantage of his speed, stealing 52 bases and getting caught just 6 times. He's had a weird career, his BABIP wildly swinging from .408 to .257 and then .342 last year. The 3.7 WAR makes this decision easy - he's helping us win games with his speed alone and while his defense isn't great, if he can keep his BABIP from swinging wildly back down we'll have a solid player on our hands.
Since everyone else is relatively cheap and somewhat inconsequential, I use this opportunity to trade Rojas and get some money off the books - I can use that money to find someone who doesn't have such big splits and is maybe a better defender. Rojas has decent value to teams, with some interesting guys available, but I settle on a deal with Montreal with RP Dan DeKing, a RHP with a fastball/slider combo that leads to high stuff, posting 11+ K/9 in the minors.
RP Dan DeKing
OSA likes him even more, rating his stuff as an 8. More pitching depth is always good, and a guy like this could be part of a cheap, effective pen in the future. He'll go to AA to start his time with the Alpines.
1B Shane Ennis is only looking for $1M, but I'm going to let the right-handed 1B Juan Sera take that spot full-time. I have another left-handed 1B in AAA, so if I feel like a platoon is necessary I have an option. But Sera was better against same-handed pitching than Ennis was against his opposite - so this makes sense to me. Ennis was a solid player but doesn't really have a place on my team. He gets non-tendered.
We wrap up by offering everyone else a one-year deal, though we have to go to court with two guys who don't want to negotiate.
We learn that C Kevin Carson has won his second consecutive gold glove. We unsurprisingly don't get a single vote for any other awards. Before we head into free agency, here's a quick look at our farm system.
Salt Lake City Alpines Prospect Pipeline
We have a core of guys now at A ball, so our plan is to shoot for 1960 as the opening to our main window of contention. Targeting college players closer to major-league ready could be a better option now, but we'll still focus mainly on taking the best player available.

Free Agency

Our two biggest areas of need are on the left side of the infield, but we could always use another arm in the pen. I would love a switch-hitter at one of those spots, but if not, a RHB is preferred. In the pen, either handedness would work for me.
I make a shortlist of four pitchers and four bats - I'll need two of the hitters. I'm looking for contact ability, defensive ability, and someone who's affordable, which means we're probably looking for someone we can get more out of, or someone who looks like they can bounce back from a bad year. On the arm side, it's the same cheap reclamation stuff we've been doing - RP Jayden Ziegler was a success here, going from a 5.12 ERA with his previous team to a 3.26 with us last year - but also a focus on strikeouts. Our defense is not quite where we want it to be - we finished with a -22 ZR as a team last season - so a focus on missing bats is going to be key.
I have about $10M to spend. I'm comfortable spending all of it, and luckily our RNG roll earlier will allow us to sign up to four 50+ rated guys. But we will still have to do our 2-8 roll each week and roll as high as the player we're offering (e.g. to offer a guy who's a 55, we need to roll a 6 or higher) and can only make one offer per week.
We get to our first roll, and we get a 6. RP Juan Camacho is who we really want as our arm, but he's a 65, so we'll have to wait. The high BABIP last year and K/9 make me think he's great but could do even better.
Free Agent RP Juan Camacho
We will make an offer, however, to SS Rich Reynaga, who spent 1957 with the St. Louis Lions. While there's a few 3B options, this is the only true shortstop on our shortlist so while we have the chance, we need to make our offer now. He had 480 PA's with the Lions last year, hit 10 HR's, and finished with a +2.9 ZR at shortstop. He's got a canon for an arm and great range. He'll be 34, but we're okay with him on a short-term deal. We offer him $2.5 with a second-year team option.
Free Agent SS Rich Reynaga
The following week comes, and this time we roll a 5. All of our 3B targets are eligible, and I'm having a tough time deciding on who to go with. Manny Avila is super intriguing to me with his speed, but he spent all year in AAA in '57 and the lack of eye and power isn't good. The other two guys are switch-hitters, which would work out nicely in my lineup, but Jaylin Burnett has the same issue as Avila with the bat. Mike Gremillion is the better hitter overall, but no speed hurts and his defense isn't great.
Our 3B targets.
I dig a little deeper, and look at splits - Avila and Gremillion are definitely better against LHP, while Burnett has a pretty clear split favoring him against RHP. This leads me to find that we had a .562 winning percentage when facing LHP last year, but .385 against RHP. We clearly faced many more RHP, but that's just another reason to lean towards Burnett. Even if he can't hit lefties, he's utilizing his strength about 80% of the time.
Jaylin Burnett gets an offer, a $3M deal with two team options with $750K buyouts. He's not trained at third yet, but we'll get him time there in spring ball and his ratings suggest he should have no issue there.
Free Agent IF Jaylin Burnett
We get some luck when the following week rolls around, we learn that RP Juan Camacho (shown and discussed a paragraphs above) has signed with Montreal - here's a great example of why I like my house rules. I would have offered this guy immediately, and almost certainly got him, but I lose my chance to sign my top relief target and now I'm forced to go back to my shortlist and go with a lesser option.
I end up reaching out to southpaw RP Sal Sosa, who spent his last two years with us. We know how he works in our park, and his FIP was nearly a run lower than his ERA so maybe we can squeeze a little more out of him as well. He gets a $4M offer with a $5M team option for the following year.
The Rule-5 Draft comes around, and we have a few open spots on our 40-man. We have a house rule that anyone in the Rule-5 has to be 26 years of age or older, AND we have to do our 2-8 roll and end up higher than his rating. We end up taking SP Ryan Thompson, a LHP from the Boston Yanks organization. He's got a good pitch mix and has had success in the minors, but it's a low-risk move a team like ours can make.
Rule-5 selection SP Ryan Thompson
We continue on, and SS Rich Reynaga signs with us, filling a big need. RP Sal Sosa rejoins the club as well, solidifying our pen, and a few days later 3B Jaylin Burnett puts pen to paper. We've used three of our four available free agent signings, and have $2M left to spend.
I get to pre-season, and one of my targets 2B Manny Avila is available on a one-year deal for $1.5M, so we roll to see if we're eligible to offer and we are - he signs a few days later and he becomes our starting 2B against LHP.

Opening Day

We finish the spring 11-19 with no major injuries, and we're set to play the Chicago Packers, our division-winning rivals, on opening day. We played through this one, and it was a rough start - our SP Juan Chavez went out with an injury, our new SS Rich Reynaga will be out for five weeks after getting hit by a pitch in the foot, and then a reliever also had to come out with an injury. We gave up 4 tuns in the 3rd, and then blew a bases loaded opportunity in the 8th. But in the 9th inning, our late offseason signing 2B Manny Avila came through with a game winning single after 2B Seth Glisson stole a bag. Our speed really caused some trouble in this one, and we take opening day 5-4.
Opening Day, April 7th, 1958 - Chicago Packers (4) at Salt Lake City Alpines (5)
While our big deadline trade last year SP Rob White had a terrible spring training, we were looking forward to his first start, which he made against the San Francisco Peanuts. He went five strong innings, striking out eight while giving up no runs and only two hits.
We start strong, going 5-2 to start the year, but by the end of April we fall to 9-13 - injuries have hurt us, with SS Rich Reynaga out for the first month, as well as 1B Juan Sera, and SP Juan Chavez. On May 10th, all three are back, and we look to really get things going in the second half of May.
Scratch that - four days later, Reynaga and Sera are hurt AGAIN. Sera has to go to the DL, but we let Reynaga play through it. On the 17th, new 3B Jaylin Burnett, who's got a .333 OBP, goes down for a month. Ugh. We finish the month 20-28,

The Draft

Before I get into the draft, let's revisit the trade I made at last year's deadline:
There is one avenue I explore - the Baltimore Atlantics have already traded OF Matt Storms, all-time home run king, and are selling. They have SP Rob White, 26, who looks like a great young starting pitcher who would fit in really well here. This is an opportunity to grab someone that I would not be able to get in free agency. Obviously, they want a lot - they ask for our former #1 overall pick OF Rich Schaffer.
Schaffer looks like he's going to be good - lots of power, left-handed. His defense is good - but it's not great, and he has no ability to steal or run the bases. I worry about his performance so far in the minors as well. White is also listed as fragile, and after digging into the injury history, I see that he missed 22 months(!) with a torn rotator cuff after a setback. I ask about some other permutations of players to get White, but all ask for two pieces, a decent shortstop prospect and more importantly my screwballer SP Stephane Gonnet, who I'm too excited to see to move.
In the end, I consider how hard it's going to be to sign a SP of that caliber as a free agent, both in terms of availability and of course my shoestring budget. I have a few nice OF's in the minors beyond Schaffer - and I make the move. White goes to AAA for a few to get his feet wet but he'll be up in a week or so. We also demote SP Mario Ibarra, who's been struggling all year after a great season in 1956.
White comes up on August 2nd, making his Alpines debut against the San Francisco Peanuts, going 5 2/3 innings with 6 K, 2 BB, and just 1 ER.
Eleven months later, and I worry that I didn't make the right move. White's ratings still look great - but he's struggling. Despite a 2.79 FIP, he's got an ERA of 5.05. Last year, he under-perfomed his FIP by more than two runs as well. His BABIP is high right now at .373, so it's probably bad luck. But I need the bad luck to turn around. Schaffer looks even more like a stud now:
OF Rich Schaffer
His potentials are bumping, and I probably did not make the right move here. We'll see, but if White doesn't turn things around I'm going to be kicking myself. I cry even more thinking about how I could have sent over 50-rated screwballer with a shortstop I forget the name of to get White, but was too intrigued by the screwballer to do it.
Let's turn to the draft - entering the day we're 20-32. We've dropped to the 5th pick two years in a row, and this year we're at the #5 spot before the lottery, so maybe our fortunes will reverse. There will be 10 picks in the hopper - Pittsburgh is at #1, followed by Oakland, San Diego, Baltimore, and then us. Let's do it.
We get to pick 7 without much movement yet, but once we're there, Oakland pops up, dropping from #2 to #7, and then San Diego from #3 to #6. So we'll at least stay at #5, but we're hoping for better.
Nope. No luck, as we pick 5th again, for the third year in a row. Milwaukee is the lucky team this year, moving up from #8 to the 1st overall pick.
There's two guys I REALLY like, and another guy I like who would probably have to play 1B which makes him less exciting, but his bat should be incredible.
SS Joaquin Garcia, projected to go #1 to Milwaukee
2B (more realistically 1B) John Soria, projected to go #2 to Pittsburgh
SP Victor Sanchez, projected to go #3 to Baltimore
I like these three guys and would be happy with any of them, but I'd prefer a bat. If Sanchez is there, I'll take him, but if not, I'd be looking at one of these three guys:
3B Chris Jones, projected to go #4 to Detroit
SP Chris Gleason, projected to go #5 to Salt Lake City
LF Aaron Altenbach, projected to go #7 to Oaklad
I'll get one of these guys, obviously. But as of right now, I think my plan is I'd take whoever is left of Garcia, Soria, or Sanchez. If all of them are gone, I'd go to Gleasson, then Jones, then Altenbach. A wild card is CF Chris Burke, who isn't projected to go until #14, but he's a much better defender than Altenbach but less power.
Milwaukee kicks things off by going with SS Joaquin Garcia, and Pittsburgh follows the board with 1B/2B John Soria, as does Baltimore with SP Victor Sanchez. Detroit takes SP Chris Gleason, so now I'm between the three hitters I've discussed. The defense of Jones and Altenbach bother me, of course, but Jones to a lesser extent.
I make the decision to go with 3B Chris Jones - OSA is obesessed with him, which pushed me a little more in his favor, and I just can't play a BAD defender in my outfield, so Altenbach would have been in a tough spot.
We get through June and it's ugly - we're 25-52.

International Signing Period

We have $7.5M allocated for this period, but anything over $6M will get taxed at 100% and make me have to skip next year, so I'm always hesitant to go beyond that number unless there's an absolutely monster - this year is another year where the best player is rated as a 50 potential, but we do end up spending our whole amount to bing in two players. CF Javier Dominguez, 17, is a contact-focused LHB, and 3B Baldassare Jauregui comes in just for the amazing name. He's a 16-year-old Venezuelan, also contacted focused, but bats right and has good speed.
We'll be limited to $500K next year, but realistically we're not going to afford the top players anyway. This year, two players went for over $20M, $14M of which was taxed at 100%. We're not that rich.

All-Star Break

We head into the break at a very disappointing 29-59, and it's time to dive in a little deeper into our runs scored/runs allowed compared to last year.
1957: 3.7 runs scored per game, 4.4 runs allowed per game.
1958: 3.7 runs scored per game, 5.0 runs allowed per game.
Yea - this doesn't surprise me, as every time I look at our pitching staff we have four of our five guys over a 5 ERA. SP Rob White is also out with chronic back soreness - we don't know when he will be back, and even when he is, he's severely underperforming what we think he could do. RP Sal Sosa is also underperforming with an ERA over 6.
Our FIP, however, isn't terrible, with no one over 5. It makes me think that our defense is what's holding us back.
With no trades available, we continue on through the trade deadline, finishing July with a disappointing 34-67 record, and any help we can is going to have to come from inside. While most of our prospects are in single-A, we do have two relievers in AA who we promote to AAA - we're going to need their help sooner than later.

End of Season

Without much more we can do, we power through the rest of the season. There's positive news, as we finish September 14-13, and go 4-1 to finish things in October, bringing our final record to 61-101.
1958 Federal League Standings
While Georgia and New Orleans head into the post-season from the Federal League, the Columbia League's Philadelphia Patriots and Kansas Grays will play in their League Championship Series.
Both the Patriots and Peaches move on, and the 1958 World Series goes to Game 7, and it's a wild one. The Patriots led 3-2 going into the top of the 9th, and the Peaches pounced on SP Ryan Oliver, a starter who came out of the pen in the 8th and was tasked with closing the series out in the 9th, giving up three runs. They wouldn't score in the bottom of the inning, and the Georgia Peaches are your 1958 World Series Champions.
After improving year over year since 1955, it's a bummer getting back to a 100-loss season. We did start to turn things around at the end, and I do think there was definitely some bad luck involved - between the injuries and the overall underperformance of our FIP by our pitchers.
1958 End of Season Team Stats
Our June record of 4-24 truly killed us. A .400 winning percentage that month would have netted us seven more wins, which would have made the season a bit more respectable.
We'll take a look more at our individual performances in our 1959 recap - so until then, I'm happy to answer any questions, and thanks for reading! See you next season.
submitted by onemanfivetools to OOTP [link] [comments]

Achievement Unlocked: Thetagang For Life

Achievement Unlocked: Thetagang For Life

Gain Porn
Super happy that I finally squeezed that last bit of theta off this a.m. to lock in that thetabanging five bagger!!!
Holding all cash atm to take a breather and wait for the next set of opportunities to show; definitely expecting more volatility to come in within the next week or so.
Positions closed this morning (so I don’t get banned for not posting positions):
  • GME PCS 35/40 Strike Exp 2/12
  • AMC PCS 4/5 Strike Exp 2/12
  • SPCE PCS 45/50 Strike Exp 2/12
Started with $52k of savings in my RH account during early days of 2020 aka pre-covid era, and been spreading options since then. Strategy is all call or put credit spreads on multiple tickers at any given time, 10-15 DTE, at around 16-40 Delta.
Planning on doing a full writeup of my experience/strategy later if and when I procrastinate on my studies again. Happy thetaganging!
EDIT: Here's my recipe for tendies!
Full Writeup
First off, a little bit of background and introduction. I’m Max (not my real name), and I’m currently pursuing an advanced degree in data science while also working part-time to pay down my student debt.
For years I have lurked and enjoyed basking in the wonderful content the Reddit community has to offer. In fact, I am actually ashamed by the lack of posting on my account, but it’s high time I give back with a detailed writeup of my process to growing my Robinhood portfolio. Strap in and get comfortable, because this one’s a long read!
Full disclosure: RH was not my first brokerage account, and 2020 was not my first rodeo in trading options – I have a primary brokerage that I have been trading with for almost ten years now, and yes, I’ve paid my tuition in the form of both time in self-education and money in account losses long before deciding to plop my savings into RH.
I’m going to preface my writeup by saying that the key ingredients required in making a profitable portfolio are, in unequal parts, a healthy mindset, a trading methodology, patience, and last but not least, luck. I’m still trying to peg a % to each ingredient, still haven’t arrived at a conclusive answer unfortunately.
Healthy Mindset
NGL, this to me is the absolute most important ingredient on the list. As the saying goes, you may have graduated from school, but you still got a ton of learning to do. This means maintaining an open mind and attitude towards learning new things and hearing other people’s opinions (something a lot of people in this world could use!) I used to think I was the bomb when some of my naked call purchases gave me instant 200% returns, but I quickly learned that buying FDs is unsustainable in the long run.
One of the earliest things I also noticed when trading options is that it requires one to process information and execute a set of procedures, which is why attaining peak mental and physical health reduces any margin for error. Early in my trading days, there were times when due to the lack of sleep, I selected the wrong expiration date to my options, which resulted in a panic to correct the mis-action and also execute a “day trade” when I did not mean to. My approach: if I’m not at the right place, at the right time, in the right state of mind, I will not execute any trades.
I also learned that there is absolutely zero room for emotion in this business – the best trades are executed when information is processed objectively, and decisions made swiftly. When emotions are introduced, our actions are easily skewed by human nature. Some common things you’ll hear are chasing after losses or revenge trading, which is a surefire way to blow up your account quickly.
Which brings us to dealing with FOMOs – it’s an unhealthy emotion. Simply ask the people who are bagholding whatever asset they bought at the peak. We need to understand time only travels in one direction, and to prosper we should make our best decisions based on all available information at that point in time. GME and AMC were easily opportunities to FOMO into, but by the time I truly understood what was going on, RH had already placed restrictions on buying, which meant a suppression of demand and potentially cause mispricing and a rush for exit. Time moved on, and so did I – I still cured my FOMO, by selling spreads on both tickers as it came down, and still made away with profits!
On a related note: dealing with YOLOs: please understand what survivorship bias is – for every 1 Redditor who made a massive gains post, there are probably 99 others who blew up their accounts using the same approach and strategy. Putting all your eggs in one lottery ticket is not smart – chances are, you will go broke. In the long run, you’re better off diversifying and executing trades in different baskets to minimize risk and maximize gain.
Finally, like conquering the path to the top of Everest, it’s important to set small, attainable goals along the way. When I first started out, I risked only a small % of my total portfolio with any new strategy, and then gave it time. If and when the strategy is successful, I scale up and then move on to the next small, attainable goal of trying beating SPY’s monthly performance, after fees and taxes of course. Consistent and sustainable gains are hard to attain, but the task becomes easier the more you do it everyday!
Trading Methodology
If you skipped everything above, you’re missing out, big time! Having a healthy mindset is big piece of the puzzle to attaining consistent and sustainable portfolio gains! Anyway, we must first understand that trading is a game of supply and demand, and should be treated as a business; we trade because there is demand for an asset, and because there are profits to be made from supplying said asset.
I did this early on without even realizing that it’s theta-ganging, and before reading a book about the One-Man-Insurance-Company (OMIC), but the strategy of trading credit spreads is essentially the business of selling insurance policies to the people who need it, and collecting a premium until the policy term expires, whether naturally or artificially.
And how do we build a profitable insurance business? By spending a ton of money on clever and funny ads about 15 minutes and 15 percent. JK LOL! If only theta-ganging works that way. Though, who knows, you might find extra 15 percent gains after spending 15 minutes in thetagang!
Like trading, the secret to theta-ganging is looking at things from two key perspectives: fundamental (FA) and technical (TA), both of which will drive supply and demand for the options we sell. We can easily go down and get lost in rabbit holes with each perspective, as the level of knowledge on these are vast and deep. But here’s what I look for when selling spreads: where (which tickers and strikes) and when (which expiration and policy start date) should I sell insurance policies on?
Let’s take a little detour: I believe in market efficiency, in the sense that everything is priced in, at a given point in time. What this means is that when you pull up the price of a certain stock or option, it’s priced correctly at that point in time. However, when time moves forward, new information becomes available, and that’s when price starts to move.
From a fundamental perspective, new information will reprice the stock and move it towards its intrinsic value, while from a technical perspective (imo: a self-fulfilling prophecy), all players in the market will trade around and potentially keep a stock within a range.
Clearly, I’m oversimplifying both perspectives; there’s a reason why there are financial professionals with years of education, certification and/or experience who do this for a living, so please don’t roast me for this. But like solving a good puzzle, you can’t just make do with one piece and throw out all the others – everything needs to be pieced together to give you a clear picture on the final solution.
This is my starting point, so allow me to use GME as an example. As obsolete as the brick-and-mortar video game business is, there’s an intrinsic value for the company and its stock, since there’s new company leadership and strategy along with a restructuring of the company’s finances, not to mention mass speculation buying from the social movement by WSB. If you ask me, FA would put GME in the range of $20-35 (assuming business as usual and post-covid recovery), while TA would peg GME above $50. Both perspectives considered, I would place a smart bet that GME would remain, at the very least, above $40 in the short term, hence my decision to sell a spread with a floor of $40, expiring 2/12.
Regardless, know that the game with pricing in FA and TA is opportunistic in nature, meaning that there’s a component of keeping your ear to the ground to listen for the latest developments in the markets.
Now let’s talk about everyone’s favorite part: execution. Now, what I’m listing here are absolutely methodical, meaning that for every opportunity that arises, I will go through my decision tree to find the perfect pair (of options) that fit the following criteria before I open a trade:
  • Underlying – options only, no stocks – do we really need a primer on why options here? In thetagang?? Obviously not, but the main reason to use options is the leverage it gives you when it comes to capital efficiency. More later on how to pick the underlying.
  • Credit Spreads – because it takes your leverage game even further, by allowing you to get significant returns on investment, but more importantly it also limits/defines risk – the prime reason why I never sell to open naked positions is to contain potential losses. Whenever you play with undefined risk, the probability of your account getting blown up by a black swan/tail event is not zero.
  • Allocation/Sizing – this is very important, especially for credit spreads; for when everything goes wrong, the trade is basically unrecoverable, so you’d have to be ready for a 100% loss. Looking back, I would have positions open anywhere from 3 – 10 tickers at any given time, with a maximum of 90% capital allocation. Smallest position would be 5% of my portfolio, largest around 25% (when I have conviction for the position).
  • Strike – largely driven by what I believe the support and/or resistances are for the underlying, based on FA and TA. No one should, and if they do, they should feel bad, for always sticking to a “standard/set delta”. Looking back at my trades, the short legs of my spreads range between 16 and 40 Delta*.
  • Expiration – also driven by FA and TA on what I believe the price will be within a particular timeframe. What we do know is that historically, the loss of value for options accelerates as it approaches 45 days of its expiration. I believe I have a better chance of predicting stock prices in the next two weeks, so I usually go for 10-15 DTE.
  • Timing – best window between 10:00am and 11:00am and between 3:00pm and 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time). First 30 minutes tend to carry high trading volumes, with following implications:
    • Erratic options pricing from inaccurate and often wide bid-ask spreads
    • Risk of trading platform failure to load. Also, you can’t win the battle against high frequency trading (HFT) when things move faster than you can process.
*Delta, like Probability ITM at Expiration is only an approximation.
The last and most crucial topic under trading methodology is something I’ve seen asked in many subs on Reddit multiple times: how do I pick a stock/underlying to trade on?
Everyone has different methods, and this is where one can easily gain an edge in trading, and yes, I believe I have my own edge. This topic on its own deserves its own writeup; something for another day, for now I will just say that the information is out there if you go and look for it.
BUT, I would caution everyone by saying that you have to be careful with the information you procure, as the data can easily signal false positives. Not sharing any data sources, sorry, not sorry; unless these companies are sponsoring a portion of my student debts, I will not be advertising any names or links.
Having FOMO? Fear not! As time moves forward, patience is a key part of this game in waiting for an opportunity to reveal itself before you can pounce!
Now I will say that it is not everyday that I find an opportunity to sell credit spreads on, as this is dependent on events happening around the world (e.g. earnings or economic announcements). But what I can tell you is that I always have ample buying power ready (I’m holding all cash as I’m typing this) for when opportunities arise.
The worst thing to do as a theta-ganger is to randomly open spreads at any point in time with no rhyme or reason – you’ll regret it if volatility suddenly expands!
Yes, it carries some weight, thankfully it’s not 100%, but unfortunately neither is it 0%. What we do know for sure is that there are things out of our control in life. For example: gravity, the weather, and the President of Russia. (LOL.)
Thankfully, there are things that we can control! No, literally! You can change your luck depending on the choices you make! For example, if you don’t vote, you potentially give the opposing candidate an increased chance of winning the election.
Just know that every step you decide to take in life carries some level of probability with it, and as it relates to trading, you should try and make the moves where your portfolio ends up with a net positive expected value!
So there they are, my secret recipe with all the key ingredients required to make delicious tendies with your own portfolio!
Praying that my time put into this lengthy and detailed writeup will bring you prosperity in the future, and that it repays my debts to Reddit of not posting enough!
Heads up, I also secured a subreddit under the same name as my account: 1PercentMax to share all my thoughts and opinions in one easy to access place, where I will re-edit this writeup with more context and detail on each line item above for sharing with non-theta-gang Redditors. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR Sorry, there’s a reason why profits don’t come easy. You’re gonna have to take your time and read if you want them gains!
submitted by 1PercentMax to thetagang [link] [comments]

Sports Betting Tax Advice from my CPA

Yes, this is another tax thread. These are the direct answers I received from my CPA who has 25+ years of experience filing for gamblers, both professional and not. Don't shoot the messenger.
Do I report winnings gross or net? Surely net, right? Right!??
Winnings are reported on a gross amount. If you open an app and it shows a ledger of $30,000 winnings, $28,000 bets wagered, Win/Loss $2000, the IRS needs the $30,000 number. The $28,000 gets reported on a Schedule A under gambling losses, and only factors into your net tax liability if you itemize.
But isn't sports betting on an app just one long session? I don't pay taxes on every hand of blackjack I win.
No. Unfortunately this matter relies on case law, for which the precedent for online gambling is an "every bet is a session" accounting.
So if I don't itemize and I have huge gross winnings, that means I could owe thousands in taxes?
Yes. If you have thousands in gross winnings and didn't plan to itemize, you will essentially owe taxes on the difference between your standard deduction and your pre-gambling itemized tax amount when switching to an itemized gambling loss deduction.
If I report net winnings instead of doing it by the book, what are the odds I get audited?
Almost zero. Obviously my CPA didn't advise me to do this, but of the thousands of filings she had done in her career, she has only had 3 audits, and all of them were due to inconsistencies on a Schedule C filed only by professional gamblers. She also said that due to COVID delays, the odds of getting audited are even smaller.
Are there any other hidden downsides to having an inflated Adjusted Gross Income when I have gross winnings of tens of thousands of dollars?
Yes. Student loan interest deductions and child tax credits go away at certain AGI.
On the state tax side, she said certain states don't allow ANY deduction for gambling losses on state taxes. I.e. if you live in IL, you probably just shouldn't ever gamble. Every bet you win comes with a 4.95% tax on gross winnings. If your state doesn't allow gambling loss offsets, there is no limit to what you could owe regardless of your year-end profitability.
submitted by Actuarial to sportsbook [link] [comments]

I wrote a long reply on why gambling, and loot boxes in particular, are bad...

So, inside some other post, I was asked why gambling is bad... My reply ended up being really detailed, so I'll promote it to a post of its own (just copy-pasting it here; no new words)... [Note: list of 3 points about loot boxes at the end...]
(I work at a company that sells gambling services... I see how the sausage is made...)
By the way, I love PoE and GGG. Still, loot boxes are bad.
I personally get to see the statistics side of oddsmaking. It's always about suckering you out of your money, because by definition all you are doing is paying more money as the price of getting less money (on average), but you also need to feel like you have a chance at getting the upper hand, even though in the long run you don't.
For example, sometimes, if you're really "good" at betting, you just end up working for the oddsmaker on a bad deal. It's really hard for them sometimes to get the odds perfectly right (although the profit margin still takes care of 99.9% of punters). So, if you're a professional gambler making a regular profit, what's basically happening is that you are investing an enormous amount of time and expertise to try and make tiny profits at the margins, and the bookmaker monitors your activity and learns about the market from you, at what ends up being a lower cost than if they hired experts to give them the same info on a salary. Plus you constantly run high risks! Which is why my company is full of ex-gamblers who were able to make a profit for a while, and intelligent enough to realise that they were still getting a bad deal, and come to the company and offer their services directly. (For another way gambling companies guarantee their own profits by passing on the risk to gamblers, research "balancing the books": yes, a professional gambler could make some profits this way, but if you're possibly making profits by taking on a risk that a large gambling corporation wants to get rid of, do you really think you're getting a good deal, especially considering how much time and expertise you sink into the activity? EDIT: more info)
The only way I know of to make a consistent and considerable profit off gambling is when a pro gambler is allowed to make a profit off other gamblers, in a move that a company makes to increase total amounts played. So, for one person to profit, many others are being seriously scammed, and the company is safely skimming its percentages off the top.
There are many different ways a gambling company presents bad deals to you, hoping that your intuition misfires about one of them and you decide to throw away your money. Examples... There are single bets, of course. But then there are also combinations, and these screw with your intuition--you can convince yourself based on a narrative (e.g. team 1 wins first half, team 2 comes back in second half), where in fact the actual hard cold odds are against you. There is "cash out" where you take a fraction of a likely-seeming win early (but at a loss), which of course simply taxes you for your risk aversion. There are "systems", creating more and more complex bets, until you convince yourself you've set up the perfect deal, and yet the company's profit margin keeps growing the more complex you make it.
Anyway, those are the parts I work on as a software guy. (By the way, this isn't the worst thing in the world, it's not as bad, as, say, the military industry or the military itself, or say religions or banks, because at some level gambling is voluntary. And making gambling illegal is a terrible idea-we should fight it through education, not prohibition. Still, I only work there because I'm currently a completely non-creative software grunt (and currently satisfied with that). If I get to the point of pursuing higher-level jobs, I'll look elsewhere.)
But the most nefarious part of all is the psychological work they pull on you. That's not my area of expertise, so if you want it explained you need to look elsewhere (recommended book: Thinking Fast and Slow--it's not about gambling, it's about psychology). They are constantly doing things to 1) give you false hope and 2) artificially trigger some pleasure response in you.
E.g. most people are naturally risk averse and loss averse, e.g. losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure. In reality, a gamble is about paying, say, $10 to win an average of, say, $9, so that's a terrible and painful deal. In addition to all the advertising and bright colours and encouraging sounds and making you read success stories and all the other psychological manipulations, they can also straight up befuddle you with numbers. So, losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure, but what if you pay $10 but you're not really at a risk of losing that much, because on average you win $9 back, so you're only really risking a single $, and yet if you get lucky you won't win a mere $10 but millions? Suddenly that sounds good, right? Risk $1 to win $10000000? Of course not: you're still risking $10 and taking $1 losses on average each time you play, and the high rewards are vanishingly rare and built into that average.
That's it about gambling for money. On loot boxes I'm no expert, but, beyond the basic problems (encouraging addiction, exploiting minors who beg money from parents and don't understand how they're throwing it away, generating gambling "pleasure" while giving you "bits" instead of any real value, etc), I can point out a couple of extra scummy aspects:
  1. They can say "the box costs 30 points but all the possible rewards are worth at least 50, the average reward is worth 70 and the best is worth 400"... really??? Those prices are completely arbitrary... Who says the footprints are "worth" 50 or some random hideout decoration is "worth" 200? Talking about average microtransaction point values in a loot box is completely misleading.
  2. Either you (a) lose on the statistics of getting complete sets or you lose on (b) being psychologically manipulated into buying extra stuff you didn't actually want so much (or (c) you just lose by getting useless stuff). Let's say you decide to pick up a couple of boxes and see what you get before buying more stuff. You might just get useless stuff, of course (case c). But what if you get the body armour or wings? Now you might say "I'll get more boxes to complete the set". But the chances of getting any one part of a set are not anywhere near as bad as your chances of completing a set (like map lab trials, but much worse because loot boxes contain many more items), so you are getting totally fleeced (case a). Alternatively you could go "oh look, I got x in the box, I'll buy matching items y and z from the shop later" so you think you got x cheap and y and z at normal prices. But you are being manipulated into buying y and z. Would you really have bought x and y and z from the shop if there had been no loot box? Only rarely. The rest of the time you are overspending (case b).
  3. Loot box gifts are another scummy behaviour, considering people don't have good intuitions about statistics. Most of us get bad results from the gifted boxes, but some will get lucky. Those of us who are already gambling on loot boxes won't be affected by the outcome of a few extra boxes. Those who wouldn't ever buy them normally, and get bad results, who cares. But those who wouldn't normally buy them but get lucky a few times in a row might decide it's a good deal after all. So, it's manipulating us psychologically in a way that is statistically designed to fail at no cost most times and succeed sometimes, which makes money. (While also giving everybody holiday presents or race prizes, making the company appear generous.)
submitted by sesquipedalias to pathofexile [link] [comments]

My Options Overview / Guide (V2)

Greeting Theta Gang boys and girls,
I hope you're well and not bankrupt after last week. I'm just now recovering mentally myself. I saw a few WSB converts and some newbies asking for tips, so here you go. V2 of my Options guide. I hope it helps.

I spent a huge amount of time learning about options and tried to distill my knowledge down into a helpful guide. This should especially be useful for newbies and growing options traders.
While I feel I’m a successful trader, I'm not a guru and my advice is not meant to be gospel, but this will hopefully be a good starting point, teach you a lot, and make you a better trader. I plan to keep typing up more info from my notebook, expanding this guide, and posting it every couple months.
Any feedback or additions are appreciated
Per requests, I added details of good and bad trades I made. Some painful lessons learned are now included. I also tried to organize this better as it got longer.
Here's what I tell options beginners:
I would strongly recommend buying a beginner's options book and read it cover to cover. That helped me a lot.
I like this beginner book:
Helpful websites:
Don't trade until you understand:
Basics / Mechanics
General Tips and Ideas:
Profit Retention / Loss Mitigation
Trade Planning & Position Management Tips
-Advanced Beginner-
Trading Mechanics, Taxes, Market Manipulation
-Intermediate / Advanced Strategies (work in progress)-
You’ll notice many of these strategies inverse one another.
Options Strategy Finder
This website is great for learning about new strategies, you’ll see many links to it below.
Short Strangle / Straddle
Iron Condor and Iron Butterflies
Long Condor (Debit Call Condor)
Short Condor (Credit Call Condor)
Reverse Iron Condor
Advanced Orders

I’m not a financial adviser, I'm actually an engineer. I’m not telling you to invest in a specific stock/option or even use a specific strategy. I’ve outlined and more extensively elaborated on what I personally like. You should test several strategies and find what works best for you.
I'm just a guy who trades (mainly options) part-time for financial gain and fun. I don't claim to be some investing savant.
submitted by CompulsionOSU to thetagang [link] [comments]

GSA Tells Biden That Transition to Presidency Can Finally Begin, r/politics and r/news Reacts™ and Over a Thousand Comments Get Removed as a Result


Chapter 1

Fuck Biden , the man's an idiot and doesn't have the mental capacity to be in charge of anything, if there in history will be an illegitimate president, it will be him period. I hope day one the begin endless investigations into his proven crimes.
Even if he is (and he's not - a lot of what y'all claim are signs of senility are actually due his coping mechanism for stuttering), he's backed up by Obama (who was an excellent president) and Hillary Clinton (who would have been an excellent president). At the worst, you've got "Obama light" for the next 4 years. Also, every fucking person in this country has broken some kind of law, even if they aren't aware of it. Can you provide a list of the crimes you are accusing Biden of having committed?
Man, I remember people on the left saying the same thing about Bush. Some of them are still bitter about it today. At least Gore won the popular vote though and just barely lost the electoral college after a crazy election in Florida where there was no statistically-valid winner. Unlike Gore, Trump has literally nothing gong for him. He lost the popular vote by over 6 million (and counting). He became a rare incumbent loser President, joining other such losers as Carter and Ford. And he lost the electoral college not by a few hundred votes in a single state, but by an electoral margin that Trump claimed in 2017 was the greatest electoral college win since Reagan. Oh and Biden, he's received the largest share of the American population's votes in at least 100 years. And he's received a larger share of the population than any President running against an incumbent. You have to be a pretty big loser to be blown out like that in your reelection. At least Carter was a good husband, father, and member of his community. Trump doesn't even have that going for him.
Stay mad little boy
Oh right, the crimes that have no evidence.
You got it, buddy. Benghazi on the Biden comin' right up.

Chapter 2

Thankfully, the Republicans will hold the Senate majority and they gained ground in the House. This along with the strong conservative Supreme Court means that nearly all of Biden's lunacy will be blocked and the damage can be minimized. Biggest issue now is just ensuring he survives his four years, because Kamala would plain destroy anything positive about this country. Let the lame-duck Biden presidency begin.
I’m confused... you are saying he will be blocked from doing anything, but if he dies, she will somehow have magical powers to destroy this country??
Um....source? And what exactly has Trump accomplished besides raising my taxes (and the taxes of the working class) for the next 7 years? Oh, and the 6.6 trillion in new spending. Also, the devastating reduction of federal tax revenue due to the insane tax cuts for the ultra wealthy....?
Biden is going to be the best conservative president we've had since Bill Clinton.
I bet you think Hilary eats children...
Ah, the smell of copium and bitterness.

Chapter 3

11/23/2020. Every CV19 case and death from here forward belongs to Biden. Start the count.
Well, you all got what you wanted I guess. How long until Biden gets hit with the 25th because he's senile?
I don't understand how people can rationalize using someone who's not fit to serve a 4 year term as president's name value to win an election, have him step down, only to use the VP as a presidential figurehead for a hand picked new VP. That's wrong.
The way you guys gloat and joke shows you aren't serious about unity
Keep crying, my pool full of conservative tears is almost full
I'm just gonna come out and say it, as someone familiar with government employment: shame on anyone who threatened this lady. It appears, at least in hindsight, that they are doing the prudent things and waited until all available options to the GOP were reasonably exhausted and let the states completely certify. Then she announced it. There's been a delay but now it's on track again. Look, let's try to keep it a little classy, my friends. Yes, I'm guilty of not having kept it classy for a moment there too.
Here was my threatening email on Nov. 9th :)

Hello Emily, it seems that you’re following the lead of a president who lost his re-election bid and is now refusing to concede.
He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016 and now is on pace to lose it by over 4 million, do you honestly think he “won”, no you don’t and your just “following” orders from sore losers.
Please do the right thing and get your head out of “your you know what”. You lost get over it sweetie, now please let the competent people that will replace you begin the work to clean your mess and that of your dear leader.
There are seven stages of Grief:
Denial. <==You’re here
Thanks ;)
You’re an absolute moron, this is not the way things go, ever. 2000 not withstanding (1 deciding state with a less than 600 vote margin) this was NOT close, there never was an out and even the 911 commission found that transition turmoil is bad for national security. You AND her should move to Russia if you are on board with this garbage. There was no threat to Biden getting the budget and computer gear to move forward even if it was overturned. You’re no friend of America !
Good job democrats you successfully elected a man with no conviction outside of what he's told the narrative is that day. A man who campaigned on literally nothing, who's website is filled with platitudes and jargon he doesn't seem to care about unless asked. A man who will do the bidding of other powerful democratic elites without the gumption or swagger to fight for what HE wants. Because what he wants is nothing more than more power. What I'm trying to say is at least Obama was cool and Clinton was trying to get his dick sucked.


And just like that, an election was stolen and our Republic has begun its decline to communism. Trump was the last hope and even he doesn't have a backbone it seems.

"You have no idea what communism even is. Holy shit."

"The distribution of wealth. Aka, welfare, ubi, and ultimately economic failure"


Emily Murphy be thicc, bruh


Passage 1

We remember how democrats "resisted" in 2016. Now it is our turn.
Holy hell the deep state is literally everywhere. There's nothing we can do.
Yells in Chinese victory!

Passage 2

This is NOT what the GSA said. Again, the mainstream media leads everyone in disinformation
Do people know he's not even the president elect the electors haven't even made a vote yet.
I wonder if Biden still remembers he won the presidential race

Passage 3

Socialism is coming! Let's goooo
Ugh. You’re laughably uneducated. The period between a candidate becoming the President-Elect and inauguration is known as transition. The Presidential transition is a complicated process. You can read more about it online. You’re wrong on both counts:
  1. Biden has won this election, is our President-Elect, and;
  2. Biden has already begun his Presidential transition. Transition takes months.
But isn't trump a dictator who will never leave office? That's what I was told. I don't understand.


A supporter of neither party here, but I believe the results are still being disputed and this is only a small concession.
submitted by ALDO113A to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]


The cannabis market right now is so similar to the start of the green energy market.. its nowhere near done being bullish. Save for some small dips, there will very likely be a huge bullish trend for 2021. EVEN NASDAQ AGREES. I’ve posted my positions a few times, and I’ll continue to do so. But this is my reasoning for investing in cannabis stocks in general for 2021.

Other ongoing state legislature:
Now that you understand why I’m going green, here’s my reasoning for my positions.
TLRY (Tilray)
GNLN (Greenlane Holdings)

SNDL (Sundial Growers)

PLNHF (Planet 13 Holdings)

I’m well aware of other good stocks like GTBIF, CRLBF, SSPK, TCNNF, GRWG.. but these stocks haven’t been swinging as hard in response to pro-cannabis news. E.g. TLRY, SNDL, GNLN swung more than 20% some days from pro-cannabis news...I will likely reduce my current positions shortly after inauguration, after some news about the timeline for cannabis legislation, and diversify my positions more between these other good picks.

2021 is the year of cannabis boys
submitted by DerbDsoul to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Sharing my NEXT best stock pick of 2021

To those of you who got in on ARB at 55p, over a month ago, you would be up 53% from today's closing bell (117p). To those who bought near the peak at 135p, you may be relieved to know I am still holding. Q1 and Q2 of 2021 should be their best performing months (based on recent RNS updates), so there is still plenty of growth to be had. With the incoming catalysts, I have a conservative estimate of 200p and 600p by Dec 2021.
I did a quick search on Reddit and Youtube and was impressed to see that there is little to no mention of this NEXT stock that I am about to present. Meaning that for those of you who do decide to invest, you are getting in super early!! I wouldn't be surprised if these fraudsters on Youtube start mentioning it as part of their "DD" in the coming months.
I'm still holding 8 stocks, but have recently swapped out some old stocks and now have some new ones, one of which is:
Who are they? KR1 is like VC on speed. Founded 2016 as KRYPTONITE1, they are a pioneer in the EU digital asset investment space, supporting early-stage blockchain and DeFi projects. Listed as the following: KR1:AQSE. This exchange is actually a huge advantage - in terms of price and being undervalued - more on this later. KR1 (unlike arb) is not a miner, they are focused on investing in smart-contract/token economies, especially those relying on a ‘Proof-of-Stake' network that, unlike 'Proof-of-Work' networks, such as Bitcoin, do not require enormous computing power & energy consumption to guarantee the security & censorship-resistance of the network’ (per recent Kusama RNS). Proof of stake now looks set to be a dominant blockchain technology – esp. with Ethereum 2.0 ready to go live. Also, if you’ve read about/had a friend lecture you about Bitcoin energy consumption eating the world, then KR1’s a genuine green/ESG crypto investment for you (& your friend) to consider.
KR1 PLC Chart
The operational progress of the KR1 team has been nothing short of extraordinary, for a view of their investments to date, see: KR1 Holdings
Market Cap: $117 million (vs a $130 million portfolio) - that generates $10.25 million pa in staking profits.
Main Portfolio Value comprises: (DOT: £58.77mm, LDO: £30.05mm, ATOM: £12.41mm, WNXM: £4.24mm, KSM: £3.75mm, DFN: £3.28mm, ETH: £2.49mm, RPL: £1.03mm)
For anyone who wants to see the level 2 data, this can be found here.
My main investment thesis is that existing trends with cryptocurrency and blockchain will accelerate at exponential levels in 2021. Some quick highlights from this year are: 1) Elon Musk adding 1.5 Billion BTC to Tesla's Balance Sheet. This is > 10% of their cash position. Wow!! We’ve even seen listed companies like MicroStrategy & Square (Jack Dorsey) buy Bitcoin as a corporate treasury asset in the past. Like it or not, other CEOs will follow suit in diversifying their assets. While writing this I've also read that Apple are considering to follow TESLA in buying Bitcoin. This is a positive trend, and trends are super important in investing. 2) Long term macro still incredibly positive for bitcoin imo, evident by the fact that grayscale has been buying more BTC than is created. We know a wall of money is coming from family offices, hedge funds, pension funds, corporate treasuries etc; and 3) The whole fiasco with RobinHood and Citadel. Whether or not you believe there was some conspiracy between them (for which I do not), the key takeaway is this: People are losing faith in central exchanges and centralised finance in general. Decentralised Finance (Defi) is moving forwards at an exponential rate and I think it would be silly not to have some exposure to this. I also want to add that crypto is a great hedge from inflation or stagflation if you have a huge expansion in money supply, but households arent spending and only save, added with stricter fiscal policies such as taxes, welfare etc.
Summary of 2020 from KR1.
Expanding on some of their holdings listed above:
The diversity & number of investments in KR1’s portfolio is quite unique – globally, maybe a handful of crypto VC/hedge funds come close, while listed crypto & blockchain portfolios aren’t remotely as diversified. Polkadot (DOT) is a digital infrastructure project. Created by the co-founder of Ethereum. Great interview by Gavin Wood here where he explains Ethereum's fees and how Polkadot makes this much quicker and cheaper. $DOT outperformed $BTC today which is a very bullish signal. I see DOT going to $30. Just look at their Cosmos ($ATOM) holding from the weekend gone, KR1 is holding more than $16.5million!!! KR1 has also invested a total of US$150,000 in return for 15mln tokens in the Lido project. Last time I checked KR1's 15mln Lido was worth $40million. Reference has been made to holdings in BTC and ETH, thus, this has yet to be priced in. From day one, KR1 eschewed Bitcoin & focused on seed/early-stage investment in token economies/blockchain projects. Because Bitcoin’s ultimately a bet on price while investing in blockchain is a bet on innovation! Innovation will win 10x over and that's why I am invested in KR1 vs BTC directly.
KR1 is at NAV discount because it is a small illiquid stock on a difficult to buy exchange. This will soon change however with a higher market cap, a move to better exchanges, and public acceptance and understanding of what Defi is.
With 131million shares that equates to 90p per share. Including the 60p for the staking valuation at PEx10 that equates to £1.50 per share, or £2.10 per share using PEx20.
In short, I think KR1 is a great undervalued stock as their SP does not reflect the true value yet. KR1 is not a BTC/ETH play, it's a diversified portfolio of 4 dozen crypto projects. The main reason KR1's SP does not track the true NAV is that the BOD still does not provide a detailed portfolio breakdown (by units & value), or a regular NAV update – except via its results, months later!
Aquis Stock Exchange Listing:
KR1 is listed on the Aquis Stock Exchange (formerly, NEX), hence why more investors haven’t discovered & bought the stock. So how do I buy KR1 you ask? I personally use Hargreaves Lansdown and buy it over the phone using this number: 0117 980 9800
List of brokers where you can buy online: Barclays, Davy, DKB, Eqi, ING Diba, S Broker, Share Centre, Swissquote, x-o.
List of brokers where you can buy over the phone: HL (I use these), Barclays, C Stanley, Canaccord, Davy, DKB, Eqi, Goodbody, IG, Interactive Investor, ING Diba, Pareto, S Broker, Share Centre, Swissquote, x-o.
Note: If I have missed any off this list, please let me know in the comments and I can update.
AJ Bell and T212 are currently reviewing telephone options.
And yes, this should work for non-UK clients & brokers – KR1 settles via CREST, just like any LSE share. If you’re a UK investor, make sure you buy via a tax-free ISA.
Ultimately, an up-listing is the solution…i.e. an AIM:LSE listing, and/or even a US OTC listing, could deliver a drastic valuation re-rating.
Price Target: 150p/share (PEx10) OR 210p/share (PEx20)
My largest holdings are ARB and KR1. Full disclosure, I own 10,000 shares of KR1 @ 41p.
Just to finish, I am not advising anyone to buy this stock. I am not a financial advisor. You have to do your own research. Just wanted to share (in my opinion) a really good stock that I am long-on.
submitted by KELT-9_20 to UKInvesting [link] [comments]

I just took 2nd in a main event and won $118,422. Now what do I do?

Legit question, I usually play $5/$10 PLO live once a week ( edit: i play this well outside of proper BR management but it's what built my roll to begin with, never said I was smart lol) but decided to ride from South Carolina to BestBet in Jacksonville FL this past weekend to check out their cash games and take a few stabs at satellites into the 2k entry main NLH event. Long story short, I go from winning a seat via satellite to the main event, then end up taking 2nd out of 511 players to cash for $118,422. (Scott Stewart is a beast so I'll settle for 2nd lol) now to the question: I'm open to hear any advice, perhaps some of you have been in my shoes. They couldn't take any taxes out there so I know uncle sam will bend me over at some point. I'm told I need to hire a poker accountant who can coach me through tax write-offs as a professional player. I also need a financial advisor etc.. but I want your input. I have zero ego here. What would you/did you do that could be of helpful advice? I go from a midstakes cash player to 14th ranked POY (I know its only Feb, I just want to say that while I can lol) I'll post a link to the pokernews write up and the final table stream if interested. Thanks for the input guys I'll take all the advice I can get! Much appreciated
submitted by pollux1988 to poker [link] [comments]

do bet winnings get taxed video

Investing - When Can You Withdraw Money From ... - YouTube How To Become A Millionaire Using Index Funds (As Close To Free Money As You're Able To Get) MASSIVE 190X Win on my First Attempt!! 🍀 BEGINNERS LUCK ... American Lottery After Taxes Calculator - How Much Money Do You Get to Keep If You Win the Jackpot? What to Do After You Win a HUGE Lottery! - YouTube How to Minimize Taxes on Slot Machine Jackpots and more ... PCSO chief rejects calls to tax lotto winnings Tax Basics for Stock Market Investors! - YouTube Buffalo Gold Wonder 4 Jackpot- Bonus with all 15 ... - YouTube Top Ten Tips for Filing Your Tax Return!!! - YouTube

If your losses exceed your winnings, the amount you deduct cannot exceed the total amount of your winnings. Keep records of the gambling losses you claim on your tax return. You can do this by keeping a gambling log or hanging onto losing bet tickets, lottery tickets, and bingo cards. Don’t worry about knowing these tax rules. Let me give the example of the country I live one. You bet a -110 odd. lets say you bet 110 to win 100 If you lose the sportsbook will keep the extra $10 for them that is their juice. Of course, Gambling winnings are also taxed. You must report game show winnings, and you will receive an IRS Form 1099--just in case you forget to put your win on your tax return. If you receive your winnings through PayPal, the reporting form may be a 1099-K. The 1099 tax forms report your winnings to the taxing authorities and also gives you notice of the amount you must report on your taxes. Even if you don't receive a 1099 form, you must still report the net profits on your federal and state income tax returns. For many of us, gambling means buying the occasional lottery ticket on the way home from work, but the Internal Revenue Service says that casual gambling also includes raffles, casino games, poker, sports betting—and, yes, even fantasy football. When you win, your winnings are taxable income, subject to its own tax rules. To do this, the establishment will issue IRS Form W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings. According to the form’s instructions, the payer of gambling winnings must issue this form to you if you receive: If you win big while gambling in Las Vegas or Reno, you do not get to keep every penny, alas. Gambling winnings are taxable, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wants its share of your casino loot. The IRS doesn’t mention sports betting on its website, but these do count as gambling winnings. Any cash winnings or prizes (such as vehicles or vacations) also count, assessed at their “fair market value.” When it comes to pure winnings from betting, however, that quite simply is not the case. As we have discussed above these winnings are not taxable and this remains true even for a ‘professional gambler’. That is because HMRC do not recognise professional gambling as a taxable trade. How Casino Winnings Are Taxed. As stated earlier, the federal government levy tax on both cash and non-cash winnings. Returns gotten from wagers placed on bingo, keno, lottery, raffles, sweepstakes and slots including non-cash winnings like trips and vehicles are taxable. It is the Fair Market Value (FMV) of non-cash winnings that are taxed.

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do bet winnings get taxed

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