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Covid-19 Update for December 8: 1,727 new cases, 1,397 recoveries, 9 deaths + Announcement of additional mandatory measures

Data is taken from the Covid-19 portal and today's availability by Dr Deena Hinshaw, Premier Jason Kenney, Minister of Health Tyler Shandro, and Minister of Jobs Doug Schweitzer. Dr Hinshaw's next availability is tomorrow.
There are currently enhanced measures in effect for multiple regions of Alberta and have been enhanced as of today. This link provides a quick summary of which ones are in effect for different regions of Alberta.
Top line numbers:
Value Current Change Total
Total cases +1,727 71,379
Active cases 20,388 +321
Cases with "Unknown source" 10,575 (83.9%) in last 7 days +427 (+0.4%)
Tests +19,071 (~9.06% positive) 2,410,675
People tested +7,433 1,534,783 (~355,521/million)
Hospitalizations 654 +45/+35 based on yesterday's post/portal data 2,325 (+64)
ICU 112 +4 413 (+10)
Deaths +9 (4x 70-79, 5x 80+) 640
Recoveries +1,397 51,000
Spatial distribution of people tested, cases, and deaths (since yesterday):
  • All other values are compared with respect to yesterday
Zone Active Cases New People Tested Total New Cases Total New Deaths Total
Calgary 7,529 (+57) +2,654 621,003 +583 28,946 +2 215
Central 1,526 (+53) +1,005 134,204 +176 3,881 +1 20
Edmonton 9,383 (+193) +2,664 513,626 +791 29,901 +5 304
North 1,212 (+65) +739 143,747 +165 4,757 +0 51
South 646 (-8) +307 97,153 +57 4,307 +1 50
Unknown 92 (-39) +64 25,050 -45 236 +0 0
Spatial distribution of cases for select cities and regions (change since yesterday) (cities proper for Calgary and Edmonton):
City/Municipality Total Active Recovered Deaths
Edmonton 24,542 (+625) 7,586 (+151) 16,692 (+469) 264 (+5)
Calgary 24,245 (+507) 6,490 (+117) 17,562 (+388) 193 (+2)
Brooks 1,296 (+2) 24 (-4) 1,258 (+6) 14 (+0)
Lethbridge 1,175 (+22) 259 (+9) 909 (+13) 7 (+0)
Fort McMurray 906 (+20) 222 (-3) 682 (+23) 2 (+0)
Red Deer 832 (+45) 373 (+18) 449 (+27) 0
High River county 658 (+2) 49 (-6) 602 (+8) 7 (+0)
Grande Prairie 562 (+15) 106 (+10) 451 (+5) 5 (+0)
Mackenzie county 447 (+4) 19 (+4) 415 (+0) 13 (+0)
Medicine Hat 334 (+11) 89 (-3) 240 (+14) 5 (+0)
I.D. No 9 (Banff) 324 (+8) 109 (-14) 215 (+22) 0
Cardston county 200 (+2) 37 (-2) 157 (+4) 6 (+0)
Wheatland county 146 (+1) 6 (-1) 140 (+2) 0
Warner county 137 (+1) 30 (-2) 105 (+3) 2 (+0)
Wood Buffalo municipality 111 (+1) 8 (+0) 103 (+1) 0
Rest of Alberta 16,113 (+461) 4,981 (+47) 11,010 (+412) 122 (+2)
Other municipalities with 10+ active cases is given at this link
Schools with outbreaks are listed online.
Quick numbers (as of today):
  • 108 schools are on Watch (+2)
  • 141 schools have 2-4 cases (+10)
Spatial distribution of hospital usage (change based on yesterday's post):
  • Hospitalization zone are where the patient is receiving care, not zone of residence
Zone Hospitalized ICU
Calgary 198 (+14) 34 (+2)
Edmonton 357 (+22) 66 (+3)
Central 50 (+3) 6 (+1)
South 18 (+4) 2 (-1)
North 31 (+2) 4 (-1)
Statements by Premier Kenney
Opening Statements
  • Here to lay out additional health measures which are necessary to protect healthcare system and save lives
  • Alberta has faced most of the year with lower levels of spread, hospitalizations, and fatalities
  • Having said that, last few weeks are different
  • Incredible work is being done by healthcare workers in face of this
  • Delays in surgeries have occurred, which for some may result in a shorter lifespan
  • Not doing anything now will result in continued growth of hospitalizations and further strain on healthcare
  • On advice of chief medical officer, restrictions have occurred. Government realizes that this can impact businesses and cause adversities
  • Knows many feed policies are unjust and why provincial government has stressed education first instead of using policy
  • On the other hand, while space can be made, it will have further health impacts (e.g. running out of capacity in hospitals)
  • If stronger action isn't taken now, hundreds or thousands more Albertans will die
  • Data appears to suggest a stabilization (around a reproductive factor of around 1.2), but that isn't enough
New Restrictions
  • As of today, all outdoor and indoor social gatherings are banned
  • The mask mandate will expand to all indoor places, with exception of rental homes and farm operations
  • As of December 13th, 12:01 AM:
  • (1) Retail, grocery stores, and shopping malls are restricted to 15% of capacity, down from 25%. Kiosks are open for takeaway service only. Malls cannot be used for socialization and shopping only
  • (2) Places are worship to 15% occupancy with previous restrictions applying. Online and drive-in services are still recommended
  • (3) Restaurants, pubs, bars, lounges and cafes are restricted to takeout and delivery services only. This will open up their access to provincial and federal supports
  • (4) The following will be closed:
  • (4a) Gaming centres (e.g. - casinos, bingo halls, gaming entertainment centres)
  • (4b) Recreational facilities
  • (4c) Indoor entertainment (e.g. libraries, science centres, water parks)
  • (4d) Trade centres
  • The restrictions do not apply to service visits, healthcare, or childcare .
  • (5) All Alberta employees must work from home unless employer requires physical presence for operational reasons (up from a recommendation)
  • No changes to schools beyond what was previously announced
  • These are all province wide and will be in effect for 4 weeks
  • Goal has been to be targeted. However, the whole province is seeing significant spread
  • Knows the holidays are important for many people
  • The hard truth is that the single source of spread is at-home gatherings
  • If we let people gather for Christmas, we'll see a spike in cases
  • We can't let that happen, so please follow the gathering restrictions previously noted (only in-household or with 2 close contacts if you live alone)
Increased Enterprise Support
  • This isn't the fault of anybody who followed the guidelines
  • Until the contact tracing system was overwhelmed, we didn't see it being the fault of business owners
  • But we are seeing spread so widespread, it doesn't matter how careful you were
  • These are decisions are a last resort
  • Knows this impact will be real. So financial support for small and medium size enterprise
  • 4x growth in small and medium enterprise relaunch grant, while lowering eligibility from 40% of revenue lost to 30%. This will also be retroactive to March
Closing Statements
  • Thanks Albertans for their work for most of the past 9 months
  • We are seeing the end with vaccination possibly beginning in weeks...the end is in sight
  • Why now, instead of two weeks ago?: Goal is to reduce contacts, assuming Albertans respond. This should be a very strong message and reduce transmissions. Measures have been increasingly harsh because each restriction creates harms, will hurt people who have sunk all their money in a business, and potentially increase self-harm. So this is a last resort
  • Why keep retail open instead of just curbside?: Encourages curbside, but some people may not be able to live without basic goods. Even most stringent policies around the world have kept retail open in some capacity. Feels the designation of essential and non-essential businesses in spring was a mistake
  • Why is cabinet being transparent about the reproductive value (R or Rt)?: Are preparing ways to publicly present this data, as well as healthcare capacity. Targeting next week
  • Do you think the softer measures before will cost lives/make economic recovery more difficult?: Shutting down early would have had significant impacts. Thinks it'd be a huge mistake to draw correlations between strictness of restrictions and outcomes and that there is a reasonable balance being stuck
  • Since you defined Covid representing "a tiny percent" of deaths, 300 deaths have occurred. There have been significant growths in hospitalization and cases. Do you take personal responsibility?: Rejects the premise of the question and calls it more of an "NDP speech". Feels the province has done more than other jurisdictions, especially early on. Also notes that BC, who has a government of opposite end of the political spectrum, has had a similar approach
Statements by Minister Shandro
Additional Details on Health Measures
  • Goal is to limit in-person interaction
  • Retail restriction has a floor of 5 people
  • Ski hills can remain open, provided restrictions are followed
  • Realizes that this is a lot to take in, but person-to-person exposure is fuelling the spread
  • We need limit contacts and be aware of the situation around you (even outdoors or at the grocery store)
  • How does outdoor gathering ban even work?: Goal is to restrict social gatherings. So do not socially gather indoors or outdoors. If they gather in a park or on the sidewalk, that isn't allowed. Difficulty will certainly lie in enforcement and hopes it won't need to be used. It will be up to law enforcement to determine if they feel they need to use it
  • (Additional comment by Dr Hinshaw: Intention is to prevent group social activities. Not prohibited is fitness activities provided distancing occurs)
Statements by Minister Schweitzer
Opening Statements
  • Wants to make people aware that there will be significant impacts. This is not lost on anyone in government
  • Knows many people are impacted because people have ignored public health orders.
Additional Details on Small Business Supports
  • 40% may not be able to re-open after these closures without supports
  • Small businesses may now qualify for $20,000 support (up from $5,000) with a decrease in revenue lost to 30%
  • An additional 15,000 businesses should be able to qualify for this (totalling 500 million dollars)
  • How many people will be affected with these restrictions?: ~30,000 businesses will be affected. Will be seeing how many people
Statements by Dr Hinshaw
  • 426 schools have active cases (~18%) with total of 1,701 cases
  • 108 schools on watch list (5+ active cases)
Edmonton Zone
  • The Royal Alexandra Hospital has decided to place facility on "Watch" status as a precautionary measure
  • Hospitals are safe places to receive care, but be aware that staff are under extreme stress
  • Edmonton Zone will enact additional measures:
  • (1) Postponing up to 60% of non-urgent surgeries (up from 30%)
  • (2) Diagnostic imaging may be reduced by up to 40%
  • (3) Ambulatory visits and procedures may be reduced as needed
  • AHS will contact those who are impacted
  • This is why these measures are needed and a sign of how Covid may impact more than the ill
Scope of the Situation
  • If you gathered all the people who have tested positive, it would be the 5th largest city in Alberta
  • 1/3 people have been tested
  • On October 8, positive rate was 1.34% with 184 cases in province
  • Today, positive rate is 9% and 7 day average is 1,785
  • Outbreaks in almost all group settings
  • People from 1 to 108 have been infected
  • Knows restrictions will impact many people
  • The fastest way to get there is to embrace these restrictions
  • Knows many people have embraced already, but everybody will need to do more
  • Why do we think these measures will work, after the last two rounds?: This is the most significant round of restrictions. Points to Israel as an example (who shrunk their cases faster than even their first wave). Target will be to bring the health system out of risk
  • If someone is coming in from out of province, is that allowed?: If it's someone from out of province, it isn't allowed
  • A follow up question noted an example of family members in Alberta were quarantining were 2 weeks before Christmas. Challenge is that enforcement of a "quarantine" will be difficult to control. Province is saying "gathering for Christmas" won't be allowed with people who don't live in the home. Knows it's a big imposition but any suggestions like in the question may cause a Thanksgiving-like increase in spread
Additional information will be logged below:
submitted by kirant to alberta [link] [comments]

Covid-19 Update for November 24: 1,115 new cases, 916 recoveries, 16 deaths + Announced Restrictions to Limit Covid-19 Spread

Data is taken from the Covid-19 portal and today's media availability by Premier Jason Kenney, Minister of Health Tyler Shandro, and Dr Deena Hinshaw. Minister of Eduation Adriana LaGrange, Deputy Minister of Eduation Andrew Courbold, and AHS CEO Verna Yiu were also present, but did not speak. Dr Hinshaw will be available every day this week.
There are currently enhanced measures in effect for multiple regions of Alberta. This link provides a quick summary of which ones are in effect for different regions of Alberta.
Top line numbers:
Value Current Change Total
Total cases +1,115 49,536
Active cases 13,349 +183
Cases with "Unknown source" 7,538 (88.0%) in last 7 days +168 (-1.6%)
Tests +13,617 (~8.19% positive) 2,141,346
People tested +5,871 1,426,119 (~330,350/million)
Hospitalizations 349 +20/+15 based on yesterday's post/portal data 1,652 (+31)
ICU 66 +4/+1 based on yesterday's post/portal data 298 (+5)
Deaths +16 (3x 60-69, 70-79, 10x 80+) 492
Recoveries +916 35,695
Spatial distribution of people tested, cases, and deaths (since yesterday):
  • All other values are compared with respect to yesterday
Zone Active Cases New People Tested Total New Cases Total New Deaths Total
Calgary 4,903 (+58) +2,501 576,317 +426 20,609 +0 186
Central 830 (+18) +558 122,306 +65 2,175 +2 14
Edmonton 5,991 (+512) +1,921 476,491 +541 19,692 +14 208
North 764 (+16) +615 136,174 +79 3,343 +0 44
South 640 (-15) +235 91,712 +31 3,559 +0 40
Unknown 75 (-31) +41 23,119 -27 158 +0 0
Spatial distribution of cases for select cities and regions (change since yesterday) (cities proper for Calgary and Edmonton):
City/Municipality Total Active Recovered Deaths
Calgary 17,106 (+367) 3,884 (+105) 13,053 (+262) 169 (+0)
Edmonton 16,311 (+427) 4,815 (+114) 11,306 (+299) 190 (+14)
Brooks 1,271 (+4) 46 (+2) 1,212 (+2) 13 (+0)
Lethbridge 886 (+4) 171 (-5) 708 (+9) 7 (+0)
Fort McMurray 626 (+17) 158 (+11) 466 (+6) 2 (+0)
High River county 600 (-1) 29 (-2) 564 (+1) 7 (+0)
Grande Prairie 444 (+2) 78 (-4) 362 (+6) 4 (+0)
Mackenzie county 428 (-1) 8 (-2) 409 (+3) 13 (+0)
Red Deer 425 (+12) 141 (+0) 284 (+12) 0
Medicine Hat 228 (+9) 103 (+2) 123 (+7) 2 (+0)
I.D. No 9 (Banff) 186 (+5) 152 (+0) 34 (+5) 0
Cardston county 156 (+1) 34 (+1) 117 (+0) 5 (+0)
Wheatland county 138 (+2) 23 (-4) 115 (+6) 0
Wood Buffalo municipality 100 (+3) 27 (+1) 73 (+2) 0
Warner county 98 (+1) 17 (+1) 80 (+0) 1 (+0)
Rest of Alberta 10,533 (+263) 3,663 (-37) 6,791 (+298) 79 (+2)
Municipalities with 10+ active cases is given at this link
Schools with outbreaks are listed online.
Quick numbers (since yesterday):
  • 65 schools are on Watch (+1)
  • 117 schools have 2-4 cases (+3)
Spatial distribution of hospital usage (change based on yesterday's post):
  • Hospitalization zone are where the patient is receiving care, not zone of residence
Zone Hospitalized ICU
Calgary 115 (+10) 16 (+2)
Edmonton 169 (+6) 39 (+0)
Central 18 (+0) 3 (+1)
South 25 (+0) 5 (+0)
North 21 (+4) 3 (+1)
Statements by Premier Kenney
Opening Statements
  • Pandemic is "once in a century" event that has affected everyone
  • Has received lots of heartbreaking/heartfelt letters and read some out of them in the meeting last night
  • Letters include concerns about family impacts and economic impacts, as well as the loss of life
  • Has phoned front line healthcare workers over weekend and sought out their advice
  • Has noted the hesitation of further restrictions before and focus on targeted measures. The vast majority of Albertans have worked to the guidelines
  • Spread is speeding up and is significant at long term care. We need to do "everything we can" to protect them. That requires dedicated work from the community
  • Must also protect healthcare system. Healthcare system is at risk, and Edmonton Zone is an example of the trade offs that now must be made. Other services will have to be put on hold if the trend continues, even with the spending in it
  • Measures below were not taken lightly. These are the "minimum restrictions needed" right now to protect healthcare system and avoiding widespread damage to livelihoods
New Measures
  • Declaring a State of Public Health Emergency in the province of Alberta
  • Series of mandatory measures also approved:
  • For social gatherings: No indoor social gatherings will be permitted in any setting and outdoor social gatherings will have a limit of 10 people
  • For funerals and weddings: 10 in-person limit and no receptions will be permitted
  • Social events have been one of the biggest driver of cases. Weddings and funerals are one of the biggest widespread drivers of transmission ("This is just a reality")
  • These social gathering restrictions are province-wide and can be subjected to fines
  • An emergency alert will be sent to all Alberta phones this week to make Albertans aware
  • Gatherings of worship services will be capped of 1/3 of Fire Code with mandatory masking if region is under enhanced status. This is now mandatory. This will be evaluated mid-December
  • Effective Friday, for regions under enhanced status, three temporary restrictions will be added at businesses and services:
  • (1) The following will be closed: banquet halls, conference centres, trade shows, concert venues, community centres. All levels of sport too, but must apply and have an approved exemption
  • (2) Retail businesses and services will be limited to 25% of occupancy limit
  • (3) Hair salons, personal wellness services, hotels, and professional services will be limited by-appointment
  • In-person dining and bars can continue, but must abide by guideline. Each dining tables will be limited to 1 household
  • Asking all workers that can work from home to do so. Government of Alberta will do so
  • These will be reviewed in mid-December
  • On November 30th, Grades 7-12 will end in-person schooling for 2020 and Winter break will begin December 18. In-person learning will be delayed until January 11, 2021
Closing Statements
  • Effective immediately, masks are mandatory in Edmonton and Calgary Zone
  • The measures are tough, but necessary to protect Albertans from a "crushing lockdown"
  • Knows this will be hard and encourages people to shop local
  • Will give a chance to review before Christmas
  • If the measures do not have meaningful impact, further restrictions will be made in December
Q&A - Announced Restrictions
  • Alberta has had some of the least stringent measures and highest cases rates. Is today's announcement that it failed? Why are we doing the "minimum"?: Thinks the response has been effective for a long stretch of time. Obviously an issue has cropped up in the past few weeks. Also notes a "chase after 0 [cases]" shutdown won't be the goal and that restrictions and interventions, in accordance with Charter of Rights, should be limited to minimizing infringement of rights to achieve a goal
  • How will you enforce gathering restrictions?: No "snitch line", but will be expanding enforcement officers (Level 1 and 2 peace officers) to enforce orders and writing the tickets (up to $1,000/person). Anticipates officers will see if obvious "large gathering signs" will be noticed
  • How is in-person dining not "indoor gatherings"? How do you feel about doctors recommending closing in-person dining?: Notes dining is one household and limited spread in dining centres and asks those with a secure paycheck ("particularly a government paycheck") to think about those who sink life savings in dining services
  • Why are stores being restricted if they are not a significant cause of spread?: Compares well to other provinces who have fully closed retail. Thinks it was a grave mistake to allow big box stores to remain open because they had grocery/pharmaceutical sections while small businesses must close. That said, restrictions must be made to limit social spread
  • Due to challenges with Albertan spread information, what data is being used to make the decisions?: Points to data from previous 8 months
  • Are you confident that these measures will control cases by December 15?: Yes. Notes the challenging balance between infringement of rights and controlling cases. Also hopes this will be a "wake up call" to those not following the guidelines
  • (Interjection - I felt this was important and it needs to be separated from the above question). Kenney recognizes he will get quite a few people "on [his] Facebook page" angry at the restrictions. Wants to emphasize this is not a lockdown. Nor is this an abstraction. If you know someone waiting for surgery, this is to protect them. It's not about politics, but for them. It's not something he wants to do and is upset about the situation. But it's not enough to complain. Challenges people to explain how to grapple with timely healthcare access if Covid continues to spread and more need care
Q&A - Future Restrictions
  • How bad will it have to be to announce a lockdown?: Would like to avoid it if possible. Key metric will be hospitalization (in particular, ICU), measured against capacity. (Interjection - The wording of the rest of the response was focused on more targeted measures if these restrictions do not limit spread within 3 weeks)
  • Are there specific thresholds for lift measures/add more measures?: On 15th of December, reproductive value (R) must be <1 to lift measures. Ideal target is 0.80. We are currently at 1.3 in Edmonton, 1.1 in Calgary
Q&A - Other
  • Where is Alberta when it comes to vaccine and rapid testing?: Alberta depends on the federal government. Notes disappointment in the slow roll out of rapid testing (though 577,000 tests have been delivered). Hopes to announce more roll out details in the week. For vaccine, Oxford trial has also headed to mass production (giving Canada 3 incoming vaccines). When it arrives, will likely begin with healthcare workers and vulnerable populations
Statements by Minister Shandro
Further details on the above guideline
  • Indoor social contact should be limited to you household. If you live alone, you may have two non-household social contacts
  • Indoor social gathering gatherings doesn't apply to home based services
  • Funeral/wedding gathering limits can result in $1,000 fine, up to $100,000 through courts
  • Additional details for restaurants/bars/pubs/lounges: Must follow 4 points: (1) 6 person/table limit, all from one household, (2) same note as above for single person household (and limited to the same two people), (3) only seated eating/drinking allowed, (4) no other services are allowed (e.g. billiards/darts)
  • Encourages takeout/delivery/curbside pick up when possible
  • Enhanced screening of measures will begin
  • Retail services extends to bingo halls, fitness, pools, etc. No group fitness is allowed, nor team practice or games
  • Casinos can be open for slots only and follow the liquor laws of bars and casinos
  • 25% limit includes grocery, pharmacies, clothing, computer, hardware, automotive stores, etc
  • Doctors can continue in-person care
  • Diploma exams will be optional - parents may choose to seek an exemption
AHS Capacity
  • Working with AHS to expand capacity
  • Commits that AHS will have all the resources needed to respond
  • But AHS also needs people to change their behaviour
Statements by Dr Hinshaw
  • Dip in case number was due to fewer tests
  • Active Alerts/Outbreaks (1+ active cases) in 318 schools (~13%), with 1,135 cases. 181 schools with outbreaks (2+ active) with 65 on watch list (5+)
  • 103 deaths in last 2 weeks. Of them, 62 were in continuing care and 12 in acute care. Of the 29 community deaths, 14 were <70 years old
Additional information will be logged below:
submitted by kirant to alberta [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: Edmonton posts from 2018-09-13 to 2018-10-22 16:24 PDT

Period: 38.85 days
Submissions Comments
Total 961 22799
Rate (per day) 24.73 571.96
Unique Redditors 739 3876
Combined Score 38147 104097

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 1123 points, 21 submissions: GeekyGlobalGal
    1. RCMP issue amber alert for girl, 6, abducted outside North Battleford mall (216 points, 105 comments)
    2. Meet Goliath, Gunther and Gasket: 3 bonded Saint Bernards at EHS that are in need of a home (175 points, 19 comments)
    3. My Snoo had an accident. Reddit responded. (68 points, 23 comments)
    4. Rollover on the Anthony Henday Drive flyover to Calgary Trail. A semi tanker trailer flipped over the guard rail to the steep shoulder. (68 points, 47 comments)
    5. 1 dead after car collides with moose on SE Anthony Henday Drive Monday morning (62 points, 40 comments)
    6. Edmonton bus driver attacked at Mill Woods Transit Centre Wednesday morning (62 points, 84 comments)
    7. Fatal collision shuts down Mill Woods Road in southeast Edmonton (55 points, 30 comments)
    8. The cat came back! After disappearing a year earlier, kitty reunited with Edmonton-area owners (54 points, 9 comments)
    9. Edmonton Humane Society CEO resigns in wake of cat neglect incident at shelter - Edmonton (51 points, 15 comments)
    10. Homemade bomb explodes inside bank in Chappelle Gardens (46 points, 34 comments)
  2. 877 points, 1 submission: mercedesvarlot
    1. Saw this on FB today— Awesome people doing awesome things! (877 points, 80 comments)
  3. 854 points, 26 submissions: Paper_Rain
    1. 'I didn’t believe what I was seeing': Edmonton woman wins $1M lotto prize (100 points, 36 comments)
    2. Conversation between strangers on LRT leads new Edmontonian to 1st hockey game, free of charge (81 points, 8 comments)
    3. Edmonton city council kicks free transit idea to curb (73 points, 83 comments)
    4. Soldiers of Odin Edmonton Chapter Shuts Down, Rebrands As ‘Canadian Infidels’ (58 points, 39 comments)
    5. Leon Draisaitl giving back to his adopted community (57 points, 9 comments)
    6. Community north of Edmonton rallies around family that received hateful letter (49 points, 12 comments)
    7. Alberta’s largest indoor bouldering-only gym opens Friday (42 points, 9 comments)
    8. Edmonton police believe convicted sex offender being released will commit another violent offence (42 points, 33 comments)
    9. Edmonton mother desperate to find round-the-clock care for son following 8 suicide attempts (41 points, 22 comments)
    10. 'Poisoned' street drugs trend frightening, safe injection site manager says (34 points, 44 comments)
  4. 726 points, 4 submissions: all_way_stop
    1. Shirtless roller blade dude serenading the Streetcar (453 points, 44 comments)
    2. moon setting over the west this morning (252 points, 10 comments)
    3. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... (13 points, 7 comments)
    4. Couple of Panoramas of our Autumn River Valley (8 points, 0 comments)
  5. 639 points, 1 submission: Sneekpreview
    1. Happy Legalization Day, Edmonton! (639 points, 64 comments)
  6. 600 points, 2 submissions: BestEdmontonMallcom
    1. A for effort, Canadian Tire (472 points, 29 comments)
    2. Remember the Original Bourbon Street at West Edmonton Mall? (128 points, 30 comments)
  7. 579 points, 1 submission: Stalewine
    1. Not in service (579 points, 61 comments)
  8. 563 points, 1 submission: kelliechristie1916
    1. Tomorrow in Canada (563 points, 119 comments)
  9. 550 points, 4 submissions: WalkingCasino
    1. /Edmonton, how would you feel about a law that bans radio stations from playing commercials with honking/beeping/siren noises in them? (517 points, 129 comments)
    2. Since we're on a bit of a nostalgia kick, I really enjoyed the video games and "interactive" tv programs you could play with using this thing. (26 points, 18 comments)
    3. I have never in my life gotten a text or any solicitation from a political party. Are they just texting random numbers or has someone betrayed me and given out my number to political monsters? (5 points, 12 comments)
    4. Best places in town to buy a printer? (2 points, 26 comments)
  10. 496 points, 1 submission: joewest780
    1. Everyday (496 points, 25 comments)
  11. 493 points, 1 submission: BeeB0T
    1. A shot I got of downtown amidst the rain. (493 points, 27 comments)
  12. 491 points, 4 submissions: _ghostwriter_
    1. I made a fantasy LRT map for Edmonton. (405 points, 120 comments)
    2. Elise Stolte: Edmonton has a serious budget issue. Too many roads, too few people to pay for them (60 points, 158 comments)
    3. Coming to Edmonton’s housing market: the ‘pork chop’ lot (24 points, 22 comments)
    4. City unveils four concepts for future redevelopment of Exhibition Lands (2 points, 11 comments)
  13. 478 points, 1 submission: DJMintEFresh
    1. The Simpsons in YEG (2.0) (478 points, 111 comments)
  14. 457 points, 3 submissions: jeffmadams
    1. It was fun while it lasted. 😋 (258 points, 64 comments)
    2. This is Nashville Predators head coach Peter Laviolette. He had a bet if they won the first two games of the trip through Western Canada (Calgary & Edmonton) he would wear this. Haha (195 points, 15 comments)
    3. Poor Oilers Fans. 😂😂😂 (4 points, 2 comments)
  15. 428 points, 7 submissions: ThisIsYourMomOnDrugs
    1. I had a one in a lifetime experience at Costco yesterday. (354 points, 82 comments)
    2. Police warn that violent offender released from Bowden Institution will live in Edmonton. (24 points, 29 comments)
    3. Edmonton shisha bar shut down by city to protect 'public and patron safety' (16 points, 14 comments)
    4. Six rave-goers hospitalized, four in serious condition after Soundwave on Friday at WEM (15 points, 21 comments)
    5. View of the the new towers from the Royal Alexandra parkade. (10 points, 0 comments)
    6. Edmonton area dominates licensed cannabis shops ahead of legalization. (9 points, 27 comments)
    7. Sympathy for the crack house: Drug houses serve important role, advocates tell Edmonton drug policy conference (0 points, 9 comments)
  16. 409 points, 2 submissions: albertaboy07
    1. Hey Edmonton... (409 points, 91 comments)
    2. Heads up Edmonton!! (see comments) (0 points, 6 comments)
  17. 398 points, 2 submissions: 1GUNNA
    1. Last day of summer in downtown Edmonton! (383 points, 29 comments)
    2. Painisgood hot sauce (featured on Sean Evan's Hot Ones interviews) is available at local Winners/Marshalls/HomeSense locations! (15 points, 19 comments)
  18. 366 points, 2 submissions: McElheran
    1. Here’s a picture I took the other night of our city (208 points, 6 comments)
    2. I took this last night. It turned out better than I expected! (158 points, 11 comments)
  19. 351 points, 3 submissions: S3RI3S
    1. Summer well spent! (Biking Edmonton) (263 points, 52 comments)
    2. Too busy looking up last night at Nuit Blanche! (52 points, 9 comments)
    3. New lens = New photo! (36 points, 9 comments)
  20. 351 points, 1 submission: Dleduc02
    1. Sunrise From My Downtown Apartment (351 points, 32 comments)
  21. 351 points, 1 submission: blackandsail
    1. Good morning, Edmonton!! (351 points, 16 comments)
  22. 337 points, 2 submissions: z957q
    1. Province changes road test rules to make driver examiners government employees (201 points, 113 comments)
    2. Alberta announces mandatory bus and truck driver training (136 points, 44 comments)
  23. 332 points, 2 submissions: Laniidae_
    1. Oh, Whyte Ave. (327 points, 21 comments)
    2. Looking for good dog daycare/boarding recommendations. (5 points, 7 comments)
  24. 327 points, 3 submissions: dale_berg
    1. unbe-leaf-able (284 points, 17 comments)
    2. Some days. (28 points, 0 comments)
    3. Looking East. (15 points, 4 comments)
  25. 327 points, 1 submission: supamonkey2000
    1. Found this on hmmm, is it west Ed mall? It looks a lot like it. (327 points, 47 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. blairtruck (1257 points, 247 comments)
  2. MrPepesilva (998 points, 147 comments)
  3. GeekyGlobalGal (764 points, 84 comments)
  4. DarthPantera (676 points, 91 comments)
  5. 7eight0 (618 points, 101 comments)
  6. BitterTemperature (594 points, 133 comments)
  7. EdmRealtor (555 points, 148 comments)
  8. JeffBoner (539 points, 179 comments)
  9. PUnitThugLife (534 points, 112 comments)
  10. bawbzilla (526 points, 70 comments)
  11. Koladi-Ola (478 points, 96 comments)
  12. PussyJuiceBox (475 points, 190 comments)
  13. mikesmith929 (462 points, 120 comments)
  14. robdavy (462 points, 83 comments)
  15. renegadecanuck (455 points, 53 comments)
  16. unique_useyourname (444 points, 66 comments)
  17. TrevorYEG (443 points, 92 comments)
  18. PopularArgument (438 points, 91 comments)
  19. spockified (433 points, 44 comments)
  20. Rocky_Road_To_Dublin (427 points, 76 comments)
  21. IntrepidusX (418 points, 42 comments)
  22. ghost_pipe (410 points, 51 comments)
  23. PapaKipChee (391 points, 71 comments)
  24. lavaine70 (389 points, 73 comments)
  25. VA6DAH (386 points, 67 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Saw this on FB today— Awesome people doing awesome things! by mercedesvarlot (877 points, 80 comments)
  2. Happy Legalization Day, Edmonton! by Sneekpreview (639 points, 64 comments)
  3. Not in service by Stalewine (579 points, 61 comments)
  4. Tomorrow in Canada by kelliechristie1916 (563 points, 119 comments)
  5. /Edmonton, how would you feel about a law that bans radio stations from playing commercials with honking/beeping/siren noises in them? by WalkingCasino (517 points, 129 comments)
  6. Everyday by joewest780 (496 points, 25 comments)
  7. A shot I got of downtown amidst the rain. by BeeB0T (493 points, 27 comments)
  8. The Simpsons in YEG (2.0) by DJMintEFresh (478 points, 111 comments)
  9. A for effort, Canadian Tire by BestEdmontonMallcom (472 points, 29 comments)
  10. Shirtless roller blade dude serenading the Streetcar by all_way_stop (453 points, 44 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 196 points: barneszilla's comment in What is the "Edmonton Club"?
  2. 176 points: jason403's comment in /Edmonton, how would you feel about a law that bans radio stations from playing commercials with honking/beeping/siren noises in them?
  3. 168 points: Czeching's comment in A ticket for not drinking and driving
  4. 162 points: Groovesharts's comment in Snow in September is normal, contrary to what people may think.
  5. 159 points: ACanadianPenguin's comment in How to deter people from coming on to property ?
  6. 152 points: MrPepesilva's comment in Is there any plan to implement ticket gates on the LRT? Additional cost would easily be recouped by significantly lowering the amount of non paying riders, and stop making police focus so much on checking tickets, especially after busy events.
  7. 127 points: blownawayaway's comment in If you’ve ever wondered how the Henday could back up so bad between Cameron Heights and Terwillegar, or over Campbell road.
  8. 126 points: yegdriver's comment in A for effort, Canadian Tire
  9. 125 points: evilspoons's comment in /Edmonton, how would you feel about a law that bans radio stations from playing commercials with honking/beeping/siren noises in them?
  10. 118 points: othtim's comment in YEG dank post.
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calgary casino open christmas day video

HUGE Christmas Morning Surprise!! - YouTube OPENING The BEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS EVER!! *SPEECHLESS ... PAUSE CHALLENGE! Kids in Charge - YouTube Opening 100 Mystery Christmas Presents! $10,000 is hidden ... Breckenridge Christmas Day 2018 Colorado 12/25/2018 - YouTube THE MOST INSANE FAMILY CHRISTMAS GIFTS OPENING EVER ... Who are all these presents for?!!  Familia Diamond - YouTube Jester - YouTube CHRISTMAS MORNING TEKKERZ KID FAMILY PRESENT OPENING ...

Reviews on Bars Open on Christmas in Calgary, AB - Ship & Anchor Pub, Dickens Pub, The Blues Can, Ducky's Pub & Restaurant, Proof Cocktail Bar, WURST Überkitchen. Wunderbar, The Kilkenny Irish Pub, Grey Eagle Resort Casino, The Nash, Ricardo's Hideaway Curious as to what’s open on Christmas Day in Calgary? Here are some places that’ll have their doors open, just in case you forgot to pick something up of if you’re looking to get out of the house. Ski Hills Norquay - Where: PO Box 1520, Banff - Phone: 403-762-4421 - Website: winter.banffnorquay.com Sunshine Villiage - Where: 1 Sunshine access Rd, Banff - Phone: 403-762-4754 - Webiste ... Grey Eagle Resort & Casino: Christmas in a casino - See 2,115 traveller reviews, 198 candid photos, and great deals for Grey Eagle Resort & Casino at Tripadvisor. ©2020 Elbow River Casino 218 18 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1L1 (403) 289-8880 *Please note all information is subject to change at anytime. House prices and info will supersede any online discrepancies. Slot machines and blackjack tables aren't usually associated with Christmas, but Ontario's government-operated casinos will be open Dec. 25, a day most other businesses are closed. 8 reviews of Pure Casino Calgary - Temp. CLOSED "Casino Calgary isn't the best casino I've been to in the city, but it's a pretty darn good one. It's big enough that you don't feel cramped by all the machines and tables, but it's small enough so that you can wander away and not feel like you're going to be lost for eternity. They have a nice little restaurant where you can sit and eat a meal ... CALGARY – A lot of local businesses are adjusting their hours of operation during the holidays. Here’s a look at some companies and services that are closed for Christmas – and others that ... Cowboys Casino is in the heart of Calgary's Entertainment District during the annual Calgary Stampede. Millions of visitors join our locals to celebrate the Western culture Alberta takes pride in. Located close to downtown, the C-train, Stampede Park, BMO Centre and Scotiabank Saddledome. Pure Casino Calgary also offers numerous dining promotions throughout the week, giving you something to look forward to every day. Our 24-hour poker room is open again! The beautiful and spacious design with ten tables and knowledgeable poker team makes our room number one in Alberta! Casino Calgary is the only casino located in northeast Calgary, near the Barlow Trail and 16th Avenue N.E. It has easy access from the Calgary Airport and from downtown. Casino Calgary’s 8-table Poker Room is open 24 hours a day, 364 days a year (closed on Christmas day).

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HUGE Christmas Morning Surprise!! - YouTube

Our annual Christmas morning video for 2019. Thank you so much for watching and supporting our little family. We are blessed to have you here. Thank you. Fol... It's Christmas Day 2018 at Breckenridge Ski Resort in Colorado! The slopes are beautifully groomed and the sky is a bright blue! The early bird gets first ch... MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!! This is Ava's 3rd Christmas and we went all out and bought over 100 gifts!!!! This wouldn't have been possible without you, We love yo... A visit to Disneyland for the official kick off of 2019 Holiday Season . Christmas parade , new treats , Small World Holiday overlay and snow at the castle a... In this video I wrapped 100 different Christmas presents, gathered my friends and opened all of them. The presents were different things from Target like a T... What is up Jesters! I upload all sorts of CHALLENGES, you'll often see HORROR content, FUN experiments, and all types of random activities that I hope you will enjoy ツ I have many playlists of ... OPENING The BEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS EVER! **SPEECHLESS** Ferran, Andrea & Ali Open the best Insane Christmas presents...MERCH https://royalty.laLAST VIDEO 👇W... Pause Challenge Kids in Charge! This pause challenge the kids are in charge of the remote and are getting revenge on mom! Find out what funny pauses they do ... Tekkerz kid family Christmas present opening 2018. I got my first ever phone, the iPhone XR!Never miss a video...Turn on your notifications -----... Familia Diamond has the best fans in the world! We teamed up with Amazon in #DeliveringSmiles to some of our fans by surprising them with holiday gifts. Watc...

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