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Flatten the Curve. Part 75. Let's talk once more about Aliens. And training for Underground Warfare. And Riot Control. And unexplained drones. And did you know that they had reported the smell of sulfur with UFO's? Real or Fake, this may just be in our New Normal future.

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Welcome back earthlings. Let's take another look at Terra Firma and our present chances of First Contact, shall we?

Flatten the Curve

I first started writing this series because I noticed inconsistencies and over looked current events, namely, the world wide reports of a distinct sulfur smell around the world. These reports aren't easy to find in search engines, and it took me a number of weeks before I convinced myself that something was happening worldwide that was being kept hidden from us. Flatten the Curve post on sulfur. Source Here
Back then I became convinced that this was part of an ELE that we were going to face in the future. And while the odds remain firmly with that explanation, another possibility has entered into the scenario. What's the possibility?Whelp, hold on to your tinfoil hats;


Hold up, back up, this isn't normal New Normal stuff. And you're right, it isn't. Not at all. And trust me, even I'm in disbelief over what I've seen. But maybe I shouldn't have been.
Because of some strangeness that happened after the first sulfur post. Because after that post, I received a few strange comments or private messages. I can't remember which it was, but I think it was comments, so if you're interested to verify, go back and check (if those comments are still up, because I had an unusually high number of deleted comments back then, and maybe I still do, but I don't know and I don't care.) So what were the comments about? They pointed out to me that a high number of UFO sightings also happened to coincide with the smell of sulfur. Which I thought was nuts. I had read books about UFO sightings as a little kid. A lot of books. And I didn't remember reading that once. And I thought that I would have.

I was wrong

Now, I don't know who sent me that first UFO and sulfur hint. But I will say, that was strange. Very strange. And I should have looked into it. But I didn't. Why? Because that wasn't what I thought was happening, that's why. Despite the tic tac video. And then that report came out about the not of this world material. And I ignored it. And then I started seeing more and more UFO reports, and I finally decided to search sulfur + UFO, and surprise, surprise, nothing. So I kept searching, and guess what, it was exactly like my experience trying to find the sulfur reports; the info is there, but you have to dig to find it.
Now I don't have a lot of information, mainly because there are more pressing issues to write about, but I will keep looking in my spare time. So for now, let's start at the sulfur reports.
(Seriously, I'm still wondering what on earth has happened to Normal, because I'm not a fan of this movie script)

Aliens Stink Like Uranus

Get it? Becaue Uranus has hydrogen sulfide...
FalconLake Then there was the smell. "When I walked into the bedroom there was a huge stink in the room, like a real horrible aroma of sulphur and burnt motor. It was all around and it was coming out of his pores. It was bad," said Michalak, who co-authored the book When They Appeared with Winnipeg UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski. Believing it to be a secret U.S.military experimental craft, Stefan sat back and sketched it over the next half hour. Then he decided to approach, later recalling the warm air and smell of sulphur as he got closer, as well as a whirring sound of motors and a hissing of air. Source Here
Did you notice the sulfur smell? Now let's go on and take another look at the East coast of Canada.
Then there was Shag Harbor Source Here
And now onto Cussac.
On Aug. 29, 1967, a 13-year-old boy and his 9-year-old sister told local police they were watching cows in a field and saw "four small black beings about 47 inches tall" who appeared to rise in the air and enter "a round spaceship, about 15 feet in diameter" that was hovering over the field. The police noted "sulfur odor and the dried grass" at the place where the sphere was alleged to have taken off. Source Here
And West Virginia.
On a steep hillside, a bevy of youngsters drawn away from a game of sandlot football, along with some adults, were shaken out of their shoes by the spectacle of a 12-foot, metallic object that emanated a pungent odor of sulfur and made sounds that reminded one witness of bacon sizzling in a fry pan. Source Here
And the last one is perhaps the strangest.
Bender’s message did not go over well. His rooms continued to fill with the smell of sulphur and he was telepathically ordered to cease delving into matters that were not his concern. A yellow mist gathered in the attic. Undeterred, Bender announced that the July issue of Space Review would hold a “startling revelation.” It never appeared in print. In July 1953 Albert Bender was visited at his home by three men. Bender stated “All of them were dressed in black clothes. They looked like clergymen but wore hats similar to [the]Homburg style.” The notorious Men In Black, always in threes, made it clear to Bender that he was to immediately halt all UFO work. They communicated telepathically: “Stop publishing.” Before departing, the MIB confiscated copies of Space Review and in their wake a yellow fog materialized in the upstairs rooms of 784 Broad Street. Again, the vile odor of sulphur wafted through the attic. Unnerved by their other-worldly presence Albert shuddered that he was “scared to death” and was unable to eat for days. The 32 year-old timekeeper would be the recipient of repeated MIB visits. The telepathic messages, headaches, his being stalked, and of course the surreal warnings by authoritarians in black suits, compelled Albert to shut down the International Flying Saucer Bureau. A year and a half after founding the IFSB the final issue of Space Review was released in October, 1953. It included a cryptic message, and warning: “The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known but any information about this is being withheld by orders from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review but because of the nature of the information we have been advised in the negative. We advise those engaged in saucer work to be very cautious. Source Here
Out of this admittedly small collection, there are a couple points that I noticed. They all happened years ago, and a couple incidents are near water. Now that's not a big deal, and because of my limited examples, I can't make a big deal out of it. But.

Do we have Extraterrestrials under water?

The Tic Tac video. That sure got...barely any attention. Strange, right? Almost like everyone is being conditioned to accept news like that as normal. As though our natural born instincts are being dulled. Because real or not, come on, this is a modern day spotting a sabretooth tiger moment, and we don't think it's a big enough declaration to have it on our radar? Really? Ok. Sure. But. If very few people are talking about that incident, they are really not talking about something else Farvor said.
“They reverse the winch and the diver’s thinking, ‘What the hell is going on?’ And all of a sudden he said the torpedo just got sucked down underwater, and the object just descended back down into the depths. They never recovered it.” The helicopter pilot swears the torpedo didn’t sink, per Fravor—and that pilot even told the Times about the incident back in 2017, but the paper never reported it. We’re guessing the editors would reconsider today. As the pilot picked up the BQM, he was apparently at a loss for words. “He’s looking at this thing going, ‘What the hell is that?’ And then it just goes back down underwater. Once they pull the kid and the BQM out of the water, this object descends back into the depths.” One dark mass coming up from the depths is weird enough. Two is officially cause for concern. A few months later, the helicopter pilot saw the exact same thing.
“He’s out picking up a torpedo, they hook the diver up on the winch, and as they’re lowering him down, he sees this big mass. He goes, ‘It’s not a submarine’. He’s seen submarines before. Once you’ve seen a submarine you can’t confuse it with something else. This big object, kind of circular, is coming up from the depths and he starts screaming through the intercom system to tell them to pull the diver up, and the diver’s only a few feet from the water. Source Here
It's a little more common knowledge now, but it definitely wasn't back then. And if we go over to the Russians (apparently, thanks New Normal Fake News for the constant barrage of disinformation) and what they released.
2009 • Russian Navy Declassifies Cold War Close Encounters. Great catch by Phil Ewing at Navy Times‘ Scoop Deck blog: the Russian navy has just declassified its records of Cold War UFO sightings. Turns out “50 percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen [percent] more — with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” one Russian officer explained. Source Here
So now we have Russia and the USA reporting about UFO sightings. And the wall fell just a few short years after Gorbachev and Reagan decided to talk about UFO's and world peace in 1985. So now let's go back to 1984.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the closing ceremony from the 1984 Olympic Games ‘prepared the world for an alien invasion’ The bizarre closing ceremony at the Los Angeles Games raised eyebrows at the time, but alien enthusiasts still claim that the Olympic event had a more sinister purpose. Source Here
Whelp. What. Was. That? Seriously? And then we had the music from Space Odyssey 2001 playing. Kind of coincidental with all of our current Monoliths and signals from Jupiter, isn't it? Flatten the Curve. Part [Source Here]( And here's the crazy aspect, I found that 1984 Olympics clip after noticing our current events invoking themes from the movie.
1984 NY Times • The public hearing was plodding along routinely at the Town Hall one night last month. ''All of a sudden, a cop burst in yelling: 'The U.F.O.'s here! The U.F.O.'s here!' '' said Peter A. Brandenberg, a 43-year-old real-estate developer. ''Everyone jumped up and jolted out. We went flying down the stairs to see this thing, just staring at it.'' On a night before that, William A. Pollard was driving along Interstate 84 near Brewster. 'Whoa! Wait a Minute Here' ''My neighbors said they had seen something,'' said Mr. Pollard, 29, the manager of an automobile service center. ''I said, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah.' I never believed in that stuff. But off in a field I saw this gigantic triangle with lights, about 30 feet off the ground - hovering. Then it turned off its lights and shot straight up - straight up. That's when I said, 'Whoa! Wait a minute here.' '' Throughout northern Westchester County, Dutchess and Putnam Counties and western Connecticut this summer, thousands of residents have reported strange objects in the sky - each usually in a V-shape or a circle, about the size of a football field, absolutely noiseless and outlined in brilliant lights of white, red or green. Source Here
And there are more prominent UFO reports in 1984. So let's get this straight. We have major sightings in 1984 and then we have a UFO show at the 1984 Olympics. Ok. But then we have Jimmy Carter in 1976.
During the 1976 presidential campaign, Carter pledged that, if elected, he would encourage the government to make public “every piece of information” about UFOs. Once in office, however, he said releasing some of this information could have adverse “defense implications” and pose a threat to national security. Source Here
And then next year we have Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977. And then Spielberg goes on to direct ET in 1982. My point? There seems to be a previous attempt to make Aliens look pretty benign and altruistic. That was followed up by the Summer Olympics UFO show, which honestly makes no sense at all. In the slightest. Not back then. Because unlike now, only crackpots and Conspiracy theorists believed in Aliens. So why the show? Was this a coordinated attempt to get us ready or to deceive us, because I find it hard to believe that the President of the United States in 1985 just blurted out UFO in 1985 as a metaphor.
Let's keep digging and see if we can find more water.

Missing 411

What is that doing in here when we're talking about UFO's? Good question, let me show you.
They are clustered in certain areas, particularly around bodies of water and in national parks. If the people are found alive, they often have memory loss. If they are found dead, the cause of death is hard to determine. The people are sometimes found in an area it seems they could not have reached by foot, or they are found in a location that has already been thoroughly searched. Source Here
Memory loss. Bodies of water. The authorities don't keep a tally of missing people. Dive into it, because something strange is going on, and ot sounds just like an alien abduction would. Are the 411 cases dealing with extraterrestrial incidents? Food for thought, because we're about to go off the deep end. Ready?

Enders Game and the Three Body Problem

A while back I shared a photo of Rita Wilson that caught my attention. It was a picture of her reading, Enders Game. Source Here
And Enders game just so happens to be a novel about humanity waging a war with Aliens. And the picture was oddly getting a lot of traction, HEY LOOK AT THIS PICTURE!
Now let's go into the Dark Forest.
What are some of those books? It’s interesting, the stuff I read just to escape ends up being a mix of things — some science fiction. For a while, there was a three-volume science-fiction novel, the “Three-Body Problem” series — Oh, Liu Cixin, who won the Hugo Award. — which was just wildly imaginative, really interesting. It wasn’t so much sort of character studies as it was just this sweeping — It’s really about the fate of the universe. Exactly. The scope of it was immense. So that was fun to read, partly because my day-to-day problems with Congress seem fairly petty — not something to worry about. Aliens are about to invade. [Laughter] Source Here
When Aliens are about to invade. Ha. Ha. Ha. Pretty funny. Right. But then it gets stranger, because it's not just Obama, but our other favorite alien, Mark Zuckerberg.

When Obama and Zuckerberg are your fan boys: On Cixin Liu’s ‘Remembrance of Earth’s Past’ Trilogy

In his Remembrance of Earth’s Past series, Liu doesn’t value this idea enough to even pay it lip service. Organizing earth for a centuries-long project of developing the tools to fight a coming invasion is, in his telling, work exclusively reserved for large planning committees of technical experts given global mandates and staggering resources. In short, it’s a job only properly suited for the nascent technocratic class that has held increasing sway in our world in the last ~30–40 years (and which Liu himself, as a computer engineer in China, is tacitly a part of). The humanity presented within these books is a humanity of government conferences, scientific laboratories and U.N. resolutions. It’s a humanity that is contained and constrained utterly within a world of technical and logistical problem solving. In short, the humanity presented in these books is purely that of a technocratic elite.We live in an age in which the gap between those with technical skills and those without is widening. Our ideas of affluence and upward mobility are increasingly colored not simply by who possesses wealth, but also by who possesses specific types of knowledge and skills. Cixin Liu has written a remarkable science fiction epic which also, perhaps unknowingly, serves as a warning. A world in which a globally empowered technocratic class controls everything is a world that can achieve remarkable outcomes. But it is, by its very nature, a sterile world; one in which the overwhelming majority of human life and experience is a mere afterthought in a plenary session. Source Here
Take note of two things; The title of the series and the theme of the Technocrats saving humanity.
Now. Here are some Stanger Things that I've noticed.
One • Tom and Rita Wilson, Zuckerbuffon, and Obama love to have their picture taken in the water. As in, they we're all prominently featured recently. Zuckerberg
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Could they all just be innocent photos. Yes. Are they? More than likely, yes. But, what if they're signals for people who understand? After all, you don't want that kind of information written down, do you? But why Tom Hanks? Fracked if I know! But his appearance in all this crap just doesn't stop. Now he's appearing with Biden at the inauguration? Really? I mean Zuckerberg looks alien, so maybe Tom is too! Just joking (I think). I honestly have no idea why the Bosom Buddy is right into this New Normal.
Darkforest is a computer go program developed by Facebook, based on deep learning techniques using a convolutional neural network. Its updated version Darkfores2 combines the techniques of its predecessor with Monte Carlo tree search. The MCTS effectively takes tree search methods commonly seen in computer chess programs and randomizes them. With the update, the system is known as Darkfmcts3. Source Here
Ok. We know that Zuckerdork loves the novel. Sure. But he loves it enough to name his AI computer after the book? Words matter. A lot. And while this is all just probably a coincidence, what if it isn't? All the reports about underwater objects. All the photos of the three of them in the ocean. Facebook’s AI being called the Dark Forest. The monoliths that are striking me as more than a natural occurrence. The UFO around the sun during the 2012 solar flare? The sudden surge to protect the energy grid? The sulfur reports and the early reports of smell around UFO activity? All the recent reports about drones being casually dismissed as nothing.
Observations of mysterious drones spotted in northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska were first reported in December 2019.[1] The drones were described as having blinking lights and a wingspan of about six feet (1.8 m). According to the Denver Post, the drones flew in groups of six to 10 and were usually seen between 7 and 10 pm. The sheriff of Phillips County, Colorado described the formation as "a grid search" and stated that the size and number of drones makes it unlikely that they are being operated by hobbyists. One witness in Palisade, Nebraska counted 19 drones at one time, some hovering and others flying in formations in small groups. Source Here
Look. Something is going on these days. Something big. What? Now that's the big question, isn’t it?
Could all the posturing about war be about moving military units around? What about the environmental catastrophe they keep moving closer, not to mention the amount of prominent scientists who claim the numbers aren't adding up for them, including Freeman Dyson.
Freeman Dyson was a physics professor known for his work in the area of electrodynamics. Dyson formerly worked as a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He passed away at 96 years old in February 2020. According to Dyson's profile at the Institute for Advanced Study, “His most useful contribution to science was the unification of the three versions of quantum electrodynamics invented by Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Cornell University made him a professor without bothering about his lack of Ph.D.” Source Here
You know, the guy who came up with the concept of the Dyson sphere.
So if the numbers aren't adding up, but the military is making operational strategy changes to cope with abrupt climate change, something is obviously happening, isn't it? The military doesn't just institute changes for nothing. So is the environment being manipulated bu outside entities? Is that why they're suddenly worried about the power grid?
And what about the by now obvious Covid-19 deaths that are predominantly among seniors. Is it to clean out the hospitals for the upcoming encounter? Before you say no, just remember that a no regrets strategy was actually proposed in a military scenario paper on abrupt climate change.
Here's the definition:
No-Regrets" Approach: "No-regrets" actions are actions by households, communities, and local/national/international institutions that can be justified from economic, and social, and environmental perspectives whether natural hazard events or climate change (or other hazards) take place or not. "No-regrets" actions increase resilience, which is the ability of a "system" to deal with different types of hazards in a timely, efficient, and equitable manner. Increasing resilience is the basis for sustainable growth in a world of multiple hazards (see Heltberg, Siegel, Jorgensen, 2009; UNDP, 2010).
If you would like to read the paper, I do have it linked on Flatten the Curve under Peter Schwartz.
Is this what were seeing? A no regrets approach in action in anticipation of first contact? Is this what they mean by the New Normal? Is this why they're trying to establish a one world government? So we can work together to get ready? Is this why there's an overflow of informational leaks like Moloch worshipers, or Russian Fake News, and on and on. Is it to keep us off balance from the real threat? And could they be so advanced that they're attempting to circumvent our progress through manipulating our planet? Is this why we have so many nukes? Is this why they want to weaponize space?
I'm not saying that my running hypothesis has changed, but I am saying that looking at events from a different perspective can only help. And seriously, right now, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I would be relieved if they weren't a bunch of psychopathic greedy AI loving nutjobs. Which I still think they are, because even if Mars Attacks, or we have War of the Worlds, or Independence Day, I'll still have to see them face to face. Why. One word. Deepfake.
So let's consider a few points before I sign off. We have sulfur reports. Early reports linking sulfur to the UFO phenomenon. An increase in UFO reports. The government disclosing incident reports. Warnings about a possible grid failure through cyberattack or solar flare. Abrupt Climate Change. A No Regrets Strategy for Climate Change. A virus that seems to hit those who would be the biggest burden on the health care system. A worldwide hum and Sky Trumpets. The Pentagon commissioning reports about riot control and then funding training into underground warfare. And we have reports about underwater UFO's and older Conspiracy theories about Aliens living underground.
So, real or fake, I don't think we should discount the possibility that something may occur that could just knock the world's perception of reality.
And trust me, I still don't believe this is likely. Why? Well I find it pretty coincidental that H.G. Wells not only wrote War of the Worlds, but he also wrote a book called New World Order. And he also collaborated with Julian S. Huxley, a known eugenics supporter and brother of Aldous Huxley of a Brave New World fame.
Alright, long story short, I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's....yeah. Buckle up and just be ready, because if our New Normal is based on a No Regrets Strategy, our strategy has to become a No Trust Strategy.
Heads up and eyes open. Talk soon.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Nuclear power is often the subject of disinformation, spreading of FUD, and dismissed. This post addresses many of these points. Questions are welcome but civility required.

Nuclear power is often the subject of disinformation, spreading of FUD, and dismissed. This post addresses many of these points. Questions are welcome but civility required.
This post is about nuclear power. It is long. If you want to debate, that is welcome but please read this post first. It's likely I will have addressed your concern in it. There will be no tl;dr.
I've seen a fair few posts on here, and other "green" sites doing their best to discredit and undermine the science of nuclear power in lieu of glorified pipe dreams. That the world can go 100% "renewable" (with plenty of caveats tacked on the end of course, half of them unfeasible).
There are 4 main "arguments" against nuclear power. Danger, waste + storage, cost, and fuel availability. This post is to hopefully illustrate why all are red herrings designed to sew FUD and in actual fact keep us tied to a hydrocarbon-based grid.


This is a three-prong argument. The first usually invokes events such as Chernobyl, Fukushima, TMI, and other lesser incidents; the second invokes radiation safety; and the third mentions terrorism.
Starting with nuclear events, of these three I mentioned---only one is actually at all relevant and that's TMI. But mentioning it in terms of safety is the equivalent of comparing a ford model-T to a modern family saloon. Additionally, it led to the raft of safety measures we now have thus preventing it from ever happening again.
Chernobyl is a total red herring. While it wasn't a good event, it's pretty much the only event in nuclear power history that has led to any "significant" casualties, with the official death toll being 60 and numbers in the region of 6-20k cited from extended exposure. Whilst high for a single event, this makes up the vast majority of all nuclear incidents and in terms of death/TWh produced, still results in nuclear being the safest of all power sources. Plus, the RMBK reactor used on site wasn't designed for producing power, but for plutonium for nuclear bombs. As such, it was made deliberately unsafe so they could pop it open quickly to get the Pu out. It was this deliberate design choice that caused the failure. Obviously, this is not present in power-based reactors. It's also likely that the deaths are overestimated in this event due to the employment of the linear no-threshold model, which has repeatedly been shown to be flawed, and a hormetic model should instead be employed. This even gets ramped up to 11 in some countries that have radiation "spas" where you sit in a radon-filled basement in a bath-robe.
And Fukushima? Yes it wasn't ideal, but literally nothing has come of it. No increased cancers. No deaths. No change in the background radiation level. Those maps bandied about showing the "flow into the ocean"? Garbage designed to spread FUD. The site fundamentally failed because a tsunami was higher than the seawall and drowned the diesel generators that were below sea-level. If the reactor hadn't shut down, it's likely it wouldn't have failed at all. Fukushima is less anti-nuclear and more anti-diesel generator.
The clean-up will cost money yes, but see the section later about why that's actually a good thing. Other events such as the Windscale fire were also caused by plutonium production.
Now lets compare those deaths with another singular event: a damn bursting in China. 230k dead. More than 10x all the nuclear incidents ever yet I don't hear many here complaining about hydro-power.
In fact, comparing all the methods of power generation as deaths/terawatt-hour produced, nuclear is safest by about an order of magnitude (in other words, 10x more power can be produced for each person killed by that method of generation). How many people do you want to die to keep your lights on?
The second of these prongs is fear of radiation. While I briefly touched on it when discussing Chernobyl, the fear runs much deeper. The main problem here is lack of scientific education, and an overzealous media. The thing about radiation is we are very good at detecting it, even at very low levels, and some units need to use very large numbers, such as atomic decays/second (Bq). Thing is, there are a lot of atoms in a small volume of anything. Avogadro's constant tells us that there are 6.022x1023 atoms in one mole of the substance. And one mole is the atomic number of the element in grams. So 92g of Uranium has 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms (approx). And with the density of U being ~19.1g/cm3, that's 5 cubic centimetres of uranium. Or a double shot in a bar.
This sort of numbering has led to the tongue in cheek unit "banana equivalent dose".
Yes, that is the radiation dose you will get from eating a banana. In continuation, people will talk about waste being so hazardous, but without really understanding the numbers. So what are those numbers? Well, the granite worktop in your kitchen would be classed as nuclear waste under current legislation, thanks to radon in it.
Terrorism is another danger often cited. And this may even be a valid one, if there had ever been a terrorist attack on any nuclear plant across the world in the history of the human race. They're also designed to withstand a direct impact from a train or a 747, so a 9/11 attack isn't a concern. On a related vein, many conflate nuclear power with nuclear weaponry. These two implementations are about as different as can be, with the only commonality is that they both use a radioactive source. It would be like decrying a coal plant because C4 explodes as both are carbon based. Nuclear weaponry and nuclear power are fundamentally different technologies and cannot be conflated.


People don't think of granite worktops or gloves or aprons being "nuclear waste" though, they think of leaking soft steel barrels full of green liquid seeping out into waterways and turning us all into three-armed monstrosities with cancers out the wazoo. Except, none of that is true. Including the fact it's waste at all. So from now on I will call them used fuel rods, as that is what they are, The way fuel rods are disposed of is in a water bath for heat control of any short-lived elements to decay away, and then they are stored in "dry cask storage", or large concrete barrels on the reactor site.
"But these barrels are dangerous right? You will die if you get near them?"
Well, yes. But only because the armed guards on site will shoot you as you run towards them. If you had proper clearance, you could sit and have lunch leaning up against one with negligible radiation dose.
"But these drums are piling up with nowhere to store them, It's a catastrophe".
Well... also no. As you may remember the numbers from the previous section, volumes are small. If you were to take the entire US stockpile of used fuel rods and group them together, you'd have a mass of 70k metric tonnes. Sounds a lot right? But remember the density of uranium, that gives a volume of about 3665 m3. For comparison, single football stadium (I've pulled up Samara Arena in Russia for convenience), it has a volume of 503,480 m3. So the entire volume of used nuclear fuel in the US wouldn't even fill a football stadium, and in fact wouldn't even come close. I'd say we've got room to breathe there.
"But it lives for billions of years right and is super radioactive right?"
Well, again, not quite. Think of anything, the hotter it burns, the shorter it lives. Same with nuclear fuel. The high-activity nuclides in the used fuel rods decay in days-weeks. What's left is inert filler with fresh uranium mixed through. In fact, after it's removed from the reactor, it's still about 95% fresh uranium. Which has a half life of billions of years, but consequently is also low activity. You could hold reactor rods in your hand and be fine. And in fact this is how they are installed into a reactor in the first place. Notice no lead aprons, no serious PPE. Just gloves and goggles.
Fuel Rod Assembly: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy
And yet in the US that's buried underground. Why? Blame President Carter.
In fact, that is the only main problem with storage of used fuel rods. The US gets a disproportionate amount of air-time across the world, and it also cannot reprocess its used fuel. It'd be like a car in which most of the petrol you put in trickled out the exhaust again. You'd either improve the design, or put it through again. And that's the purpose of either recycling the fuel rods, or using what is known as a breeder reactor. And in fact these breeder reactors are grid-proven and it's literally just lack of political will preventing them being rolled out.
If the US was the recycle all the fuel it had in storage, it wouldn't need to mine any more for the next century or so. Yes, century.

Fuel Availability

"But it'll all run out eventually? In fact, a lot of estimates put it at only ~200 years availability? Why bother when the sun and wind are essentially limitless?"
Again, not quite. This figure comes from single-pass fuel use then storage. As I've just shown, that's incredibly inefficient and frankly a stupid way to handle it. In fact, if you combine breeder reactors, and fuel reprocessing, we have enough fissile fuel to keep our reactors happy for the next few hundred thousand years.


"But it's really expensive to build nuclear plants and takes too long."
It is expensive to build the nuclear plants yes, but the time taken to build them is largely based in legislation which itself is based in flawed science (as I mentioned earlier with the LNT statements). But when investigate it as a levelised cost of energy (LCOE), nuclear is pretty much front of the queue.
Plus, I'm going to take a little detour out of science here and start talking about economics. Things being expensive for a government is not the same as things being expensive for a person/business. The fundamental difference is that the latter is a user of currency, whilst the former is the issuer of currency. A common way of thinking is the out-dated gold standard, in which currency is finite and tied to gold/tax receipts/stocks/bonds. This, and consequential statements such as "we are generating debt our children must pay" hasn't been true since 1971. The government, being able to issue its own currency can never go bankrupt as it can always pay its debts. This also does not lead to inflation as it used to. If this has you scratching your head in disbelief, that's understandable. I suggest the book "The Deficit Myth" by Prof. Stephanie Kelton. Additionally, she does a really good seminar on it here and is definitely worth a watch:
So fundamentally, if the government wish to build nuclear, they have both means and motive to do so, with no detriment to the economy (unless you count people in work being a detriment).
A few conspicuous sites are also mentioned in nuclear costs. These are typically Hanford in the US, and Sellafield in the UK. Both of these sites are scheduled to take decades to clean up, and cost hundreds of billions of $/£ to do so. This sounds ominous, but it isn't. Both of these sites were built in the 40s/50s as research sites and plutonium production facilities. Neither of these are actually relevant to modern power production and are simply a legacy from a time we didn't understand nuclear materials. When discussing US decommissioning costs, Hanford makes up 80% of this budget in the US, and Sellafield making up 75% in the UK.


So why am I so bothered? Why bother making this post at all? I am a scientist and it bothers me to see disinformation and anti-science get spread so freely. There is also an extremely bad-faith argument from a lot of people in this regard, as they do not discuss the waste generated in the production of renewables, nor the full LCOE and instead cherry pick good days and state it as an average. This disingenuity has led to some of the most expensive power in the US for Californians, and Germany needing to fire its coal stations back up as well as import power from nuclear powered France. Furthermore, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) performed an interesting study, in which it collates the opinions of those educated in science versus the general public. It can be seen that when formally trained in science, the approval rating nuclear is much higher. Surely we want our path to saving the planet rooted in science instead of hubris?
Also as I showed with the burst-dam, there are statements made about nuclear that are not made about renewables. So if I repeat the process, the waste produced for solar and wind is not discussed often enough. Both wind and solar produce huge volumes of toxic and radioactive waste. But as they are not as similarly constrained as the nuclear industry, this is both unaccounted, and just drained to the environment.
Neither can the panels or blades be recycled so they go to landfill, to leech out toxic elements into the soil and groundwater.
And if nuclear fuel availability is mentioned, then so should availability of the minerals required to produce renewables. Many of the minerals used have available supplies of less than a year, and as is in the name, they are rare to begin with.
And to address a few points unique to renewables, the first is that by their method of operation, they harness a diffuse source. As such, they need to be big. Really big. Hundreds to thousands of hectares big. To produce an amount of power that could be generated by a reactor a fraction of the size. Now some people may find vast fields of solar panels or turbines beautiful, but I'd rather see vast woodlands, prairies, swamplands. I'd rather see our land returned to nature to actually capture some of the carbon that's ready to drive our extinction. It would also have the additional benefit that it would actually give back to the environment, and allow the bugs, birds, reptiles, critters, grazers, and hunters to thrive again. They don't thrive under windmills or solar panels.
"But it's cheap!"
Exactly, and that's why renewables still have a place as is shown by the "energy pyramid" attached. Every rooftop should be lined with solar panels. Domestic windmills should be used to feed back into the grid. The land is already used, so make the most of it. But don't destroy nature to build renewables, as this is often exactly what happens.
The Energy Pyramid [Eric G. Meyer, Generation Atomic]
There are further issues faced by renewables but not faced by nuclear. These are called "capacity factor" and "insertion factor", and neither permit for exponential power demands that we as a race face. The former is a simple one, wind doesn't blow all the time. Sun doesn't shine all the time. There needs to be a backup, that right now is natural gas. Super batteries will not fix this issue, and are actually more likely to render renewables obsolete as our demands will grow with our capacity. The second, insertion factor, relates to how once the "good spots" are taken, we must use less good spots, and as such need larger installations to make up for the shortfall in production. With nuclear, both of these do not apply.
But why nuclear at all? Well, fundamentally, there is just so much uranium, and it is so energy dense, that it is silly to not use it. But when I talk about energy density compared to other fuels, it is hard to envision, so this wonderful presentation gives us more of a clue.
So what does that energy density look like? Well, in a nuclear fuel assembly (shown earlier), there are hundreds of fuel pellets such as shown below. Each single one of those pellets are 7g of the ceramic uranium oxide, and can power a typical household for ~4 months.
Fuel pellets in a fuel rod []
So why would you not want to use the cleanest, safest, arguably cheapest power source on earth?


This post hopefully illustrates some of the common and unfortunately pervasive myths around nuclear power. And if for a moment we assume the problems are all real and genuine, we have less than 10 years to fix our planet before it starts trying, and likely succeeding, to kill us. This is not the time to be advocating anti-science or wanting to look like you care whilst doing nothing. If the waste issue was true, that gives us hundreds to thousands of years to find a problem. If the terrorism issue was true, we'd have high employment in the military to keep the sites safe. If the fuel availability issue was true, we could use it until we perfect fusion. But fundamentally, if you are about to be hit by an out-of-control bus, you do not worry about the grazed knee you get by jumping out the way.
Edit 1: S/P
Edit 2: Included the AAAS survey in the "Discussion" section.
Edit 3: Added Hanford and Sellafield to the "Costs" section.
Edit 4: Added additional references to "Discussion" section.
Edit 5: Updated data on Chernobyl death toll.
Edit 6: Added fuel rod assembly image.
submitted by Vaudane to ExtinctionRebellion [link] [comments]

The best rain jacket — Typical Contents

This is a new guide from Typical Contents, the “wirecutter for clothes”. It’s by the team behind Epochs, a now defunct menswear blog.
*We’re reviewing categories of clothing in hopes of finding the best item(s) in that category. This post focused on finding the best rain jackets. We tested 8 different rain jackets. 1 of these, the Arcteryx Zeta AR, was provided to us for review. The rest we bought ourselves. This post does not contain affiliate links.
Check out our previous guides on boxer briefs, plain t-shirts, and low top canvas trainers.
It rains in London, a lot. So there is a need for a go anywhere, do everything rain jacket that can live in your rucksack in case of a shower. A traditional mac or parka works if you know you can expect bad weather but if you’re going for a hike or need to run to the shops while it’s pissing rain, a casual zip up rain jacket is your best bet. Like the best camera, the best rain jacket is the one you have with you.
After researching the best mens rain jackets and testing seven leading brands we think the best go anywhere, do anything rain jacket is Norse Project’s Fyn Shell. Lightweight, water and windproof while being surprisingly breathable the Fyn Shell has the impressive technical features that you’d expect of a high-end outdoors jacket but goes above and beyond with its sleekly futurist design details and quality construction. Pricey but worthwhile. If weight, packability and a pricetag under £100 are your main concern our runner up, the RAINS Ultralight Jacket, is also an excellent jacket to have ready-to-go in your bag. Finally, if you’re on a budget you can’t do better for the money than Uniqlo’s BLOCKTECH Parka.
More than any other category we’ve reviewed, you get what you pay for with rain coats. The trade off with any fully wind and waterproof jacket is price. You could put on a garbage bag and be totally waterproof but your sweat would pool on the inside. The magic of GORE-TEX and similar membrane fabrics is they’re waterproof and breathable — this comes at a premium. We figured for our testing that the coat didn’t necessarily need to tolerate more than an hour or so of hard rain as a city jacket, but it would be a bonus if it could double as a light hiking/​outdoors jacket too.

Best overall

Norse Projects Fyn Shell GORE-TEX 2.0
Lightweight, water and windproof while being surprisingly breathable the Fyn Shell has the impressive technical features that you’d expect of a high-end outdoors jacket but goes above and beyond with its sleekly futurist design details and quality construction. Pricey but worthwhile.
$639 from END Clothing (US)
£540 from END Clothing (UK)
It’s hard to sum up what made this jacket stand out so thoroughly from the 7 others I’d reviewed for this article, so maybe I should go with my partner’s comment when I first tried it on: ​“of all these jackets, this is the one that actually made your outfit better.” That was true, but it wasn’t just that it’s subtly futuristic design looked better, it felt better too. The fabric was lightweight enough as to be barely noticeable when walking, the texture had an almost moleskin like brushed cotton effect and was nearly silent as I moved, in comparison to the swishy crinkled sounding textures of some of the competitors. The generous Kangaroo style pockets in the front felt so natural and easy to settle into and when I zipped it up I felt fully cocooned and protected from the elements without the somewhat locked in and stifled feeling some other jackets in this category gave me. I also loved the cut of the Fyn Shell, it hangs fairly loosely from the shoulders with plenty of room through the arms and body (in fact especially under the armpits) so you always feel like you have your full range of movement available to you.
Style wise, you can just see the love that went into this design and credit to the people at Norse Projects. It really feels like everything has been thought through and laboured over (in a way that the photography doesn’t really do justice to). My partner who trained as a menswear designer was especially taken with the clean, pressed seams and bar tack details on the pockets ​“a technical jacket wet dream basically.”
What about the actual function though? Well we decided to get in an expert and asked Jessica Sheil, a raw materials and sustainability specialist who has worked for brands like Primark, Arcteryx and Lululemon to have a look over the Fyn Shell’s specs. Her verdict was positive, with Jess reckoning it had all the high-end wind and water protection you’d expect from a modern GORE-TEX jacket and noted the environmental credentials of it’s water-repellant coating. Many jackets have DWR’s which are essentially the chemical treatments that make water bead up and brush easily from their fabric. Unfortunately, some of these are especially hazardous to the outdoor environment. PFCec free DWR’s on the other hand are treatments with similar water repellency that don’t harm the environment, although they do suffer slightly in performance when it comes to oil repellency around cuffs and collars. We’re willing to sacrifice a little performance for the environment so thought this was a nice touch.
Then there are the pockets. Oh god, the pockets. 8 pockets! It’s got your kangaroo pockets, it’s got your forward facing zip pocket on the breast, it’s got your sealed pockets with no topstitching to easily slide your phone or wallet into on the inside hip, it’s got the three internal zip pockets for anything else you need to squirrel away. This jacket is a pocket utility dream and blows everything else I tested out of the water. While it wasn’t the lightest of our raincoats, I found it folded up into the hood to comfortably fit into the bottom third of my 16L rucksack.
The cuffs were an elegant single snap to tighten the sleeves, which if you are used to velcro or elastic might be annoyingly un-customisable but I found perfectly comfortable. I also liked that there was the option to pair the jacket with their Otto light primaloft liner to make it a properly year round jacket, and the fit left plenty of room for layering. Finally, I found myself happiest with the hood peak of all our tested jackets, it was rigid enough to hold its shape when folded out and provided decent visibility while keeping the rain from my face.


So, what are the downsides? Well at £530 this was the most expensive of all the piece I reviewed for this article, and thats to be expected. From my experience in the industry outerwear is just one of those categories in which you get what you pay for on the whole, especially when it comes to high-end technical fabrications like those made from GORE-TEX. On the other hand, it was a similar price to the purely utilitarian Arcteryx Zeta AR that we also tested but with the additional serious style chops. When it comes down to it, if you’re going to pay that kind of money for the fabrication and performance of a jacket in this category, why not have one that looks great too?

What we’d like to see improved

While everything about the jacket itself is near perfect, and nothing stood out to me as being in need of improvement, something like a zip in bag to pack it in when not in use would be a nice touch. The biggest improvement I could think of is actually around the transparency over the production and environmental impact of the jacket. Aside from a product description noting the use of PFCec free DWR there was no information I could find on Norse Projects’ site about the environmental or workplace credentials of the company, and although most of their product is produced in Portugal and the US, their GORE-TEX range is produced in China which if you’re going on recent information is an ethical minefield. A sub-site like those employed by Asket for their products to show the factories used and the impact of production would go a long way towards giving more ethically-minded customers an informed choice, especially at a premium price point.


As far as I’m concerned, the Norse Project Fyn Shell is the best of it’s kind. A near perfect marriage of elegant form and cutting edge function.

Also good

RAINS Ultralight Jacket
For the city commuter who wants a good looking, incredibly light and genuinely waterproof raincoat that won’t cost more than £100. The Rains ultralight is a gem, albeit, one that offers a less breathable and durable fabric than our main pick.
$125 AT RAINS (US)
The first impression when I unpacked the RAINS Ultralight Jacket was just awe at the sheer lightness of it, the weight you’d associate with a poplin dress shirt rather than a piece of outerwear. The texture was also much silkier and softer than I was accustomed to with the generally rubbery feeling polyurethene based raincoats that have become popular in the past decade. When worn over a t‑shirt it felt like it was barely there and I enjoyed the slightly loose ​‘90s-esque fit with the elasticated cuff and prominent cord locks on the front of the hood. If you’re looking for a techy bit of kit that doesn’t stray over into cyberpunk nerd territory then this is for you, especially in it’s alternative colourways of camel, olive and light grey.
Styling and extreme lightness aside, it also boasts serious weather protection capabilities: rainproof, windproof and surprisingly breathable for a PU based fabric, albeit, with some sadly tiny vents at the armpits. I did feel like taking it off on London’s incredibly sweaty tube service. Our expert, Jess, noted the wind and waterproofing were lower than what’d you see in high-end GORE-TEX pieces that you’d get from a brand like Arc’teryx but were still more than a match for city wear.
The jacket is so lightweight that I found it could comfortably fold up to fit into all but the smallest cross-body bags and it would fit into the larger front pocket of a rucksack. So if the best rain jacket is the one you have with you, the RAINS ultralight can quite easily be packed away and forgot about until you find you need it. I also appreciated the welted ziphip pockets, handy for a wallet or a phone.


Well it’s not really a serious hiking jacket, the fabric is so lightweight that I imagine durability could be a problem with a heavy rucksack. It’s definitely more on the casual end of the styles we tested. I also found that while the hood covered my head snugly the lack of brim meant rain still got into my eyes and face, not the kind of thing you want to wear for hours at a time in a downpour.


The reality is most people don’t need a top of the line jacket to keep the rain and the wind out, especially the casual urban commuter. You need something lightweight to pack when out for a walk with friends or to head into work. You’ll be thankful for how little space the RAINS Ultralight takes up in a rucksack. At £85 it’s also a bargain, only slightly more expensive than our budget pick with better weather proofing credentials and a lighter weight.

Budget pick

Uniqlo BLOCKTECH Parka
Uniqlo have come through with a brilliant all-rounder raincoat at a great price. Looks wise, it compares favourably with our top pick, the trade off is a jacket that doesn’t have the same level of technical performance but does well under commuter conditions.
$79.90 AT UNIQLO (US)
£59.90 AT UNIQLO (UK)
Uniqlo has become something of a running joke among the Typical Contents team for how often it comes up as the best budget pick in our reviews, but really its no surprise. It’s a huge company with a massive team lead by respected designers like Rebekka Bay and Christophe Lemaire. They put all their efforts towards making the best quality affordable basics on the market and not spending much time on the sort of trend-led pieces that their fast-fashion peers thrive on. On it’s own merits the brand is aggressively uncool and basic, only as stylish as the customer can make it — though the brands lifewear magazine, led by Japanese publishing legend Takahiro Kinoshita, has shown the possibilities. There are even amusing guides to ​“look rich wearing only Uniqlo” which I think speaks to what this brand does so well.
Which brings us to the BLOCKTECH parka. As I expected from Uniqlo this is a really good jacket for the money. When I first tried it on my partner even thought I’d gotten back into the Norse Fyn as they shared similar sleek lines and matte, soft-touch fabric. There is a chance that this is even a dupe of the Norse jacket, but whatever the lineage it’s a great looking functional rain jacket at a suprisingly low price. If you’re looking for a casual rain jacket for occasional use and have a sub £100 budget you could do a lot worse.
Our expert, Jess, noted that the BLOCKTECH parka didn’t meet the legal definitions of waterproof but it held up well under our testing in light showers and under an actual shower. During my research I’d also seen it sited on hiking blogs as being a good budget alternative to higher-end outdoors jackets. There were comments about wet-out over time though this isn’t so much of a concern for commuters.
So as usual with Uniqlo, it doesn’t have quite the wow factor of our other top choices, either from a design or performance perspective, but for the money you probably couldn’t do better and I think the brand itself would say: that’s the point.

Why you should trust us

I’m a professional stylist, working in menswear and based in London. I work on both editorial and e‑commerce shoots and generally spend my time surrounded by racks of clothing. I’ve also written extensively about the history of clothing and style at the now defunct epochs​.co and worked previously in fashion retail and visual merchandising.
All clothing was purchased retail* and no gifts or discounts and no preferential treatment was given. I’ve no professional connections with any of the brands we reviewed.
*Arc’teryx were good enough to send us a press sample for review, no favourable treatment or promise of coverage was offered.

How we tested

Researching began online. I checked professional guides, and reviews as well as surveying experts. I hit up our cyclist, runner and outdoors friends for recommendations. I also drew on pieces I had personal experience in and had encountered in my work.
For range I wanted to try different weights and fabrications, largely sticking to more contemporary aesthetics and lighter weights that tended to be synthetic, though I did try a more traditional Stockholm jacket from Stutterheim.
I created a set of criteria that all rain jackets were judged against (see ​“What to look for” below). All purchased jackets were put in rotation for several months and notes taken on first and subsequent wears. I tracked the different pairs, stored notes, and ranked them using a database before finally compiling my findings into this article. We intend to update this page periodically as we try new jackets (keep and eye on our changelog for updates) as there are other jackets we would still like to try.

What to look for

Easy wearability: I wanted a jacket that was easily available in neutral colourways. This might sound small stakes but so much of the outdoors clothing market is dominated by pretty garish coloured and heavily branded items. It was important that this worked with an everyday casual wardrobe and didn’t look too much like GORP cosplay.
Portability: As I referenced in my introduction, the best rain jacket is the one you have with you, so having the ability to pack down easily was essential to finding the best everyday rain jacket.
Breathable: There is always a trade off when you’re looking at synthetic fabrics designed for keeping wind and rain out and generally it’s the breathability of the cloth. Technology has come a long way though and in our top picks we felt the balance between protection and breathability was met.
Hood: I wanted a hood that offered total protection, ideally with a rigid visor to protect from rainfall without too much loss of visibility. I also rated how adjustable the top picks were both with back and front toggles.
Environmental and social impact: Outdoor apparel is probably the most sustainable segment of the clothing industry but the bar is low and there’s still room for improvement with practices like the use of virgin polyester and toxic chemicals. This is changing rapidly with brands like Patagonia at the forefront of the sustainability revolution in clothing but we were conscious of noting what, if anything, the brands are doing to offset their impact on workers and the planet.
Styling: As referenced in our introduction, we’re not looking for the best ever outdoors jacket, there are other specialists who can do that better than we can, but we did want to find the best looking jackets that can get the job done. It had to be jackets that we’d actually want to wear, and not just when it’s raining.
Elemental protection: While we’re focusing on style, we weren’t ignoring function. A raincoat that doesn’t offer decent protection is just a novelty. We wanted something that wouldn’t dissapoint the casual commuter and occasional hiker if they got caught in a downpour, and we think on balance we found them.
Cuffs and collars: We want the cuffs and collars of the rain jackets to be comfortable, adjustable and in the case of the collar to protect the face when the weather takes a turn.
Fit: Nothing too slim or form fitting, this had to be something you could throw over layers and get the most out of throughout the year, but, we also didn’t want anything too shapeless or utilitarian looking. It was about finding a balance. Generally, we went for hip length but we appreciated the designs that had slightly more length, not enough to restrict movement but offering a bit more protection from the elements.
Movement: The ideal lightweight rain jacket would cover you for a daily run or cycle as well as on a walk to the bus or train, so it had to allow for movement and not be too stifling. We wanted something that emphasised flexibility over complete coverage.
Fabric: We wanted a fabric that had an organic and soft hand feel, ideally without the crinkling plastic feel of some outerwear synthetics.

The competition

The Arcteryx Zeta AR was probably the most hardcore outdoors jacket that we tried out and we were really impressed by it’s performance overall — though I now realise I should have tested their lighter weight LT model. Rain beaded instantly, the hood was generous and the style was on the functional end of things but worked well with a variety of outfits. Downsides were the heavy fabric and a fit on the looser end of things, I’m 5’11 and 150 pounds and the medium was pretty roomy on me, I would probably size down to small next time. This jacket is designed for multi-day treks rather than a cycle into work. It’ll appeal to the hardcore hiking fans.
Coming in at a very similar price point to Uniqlo was Muji’s Waterproof hooded jacket. It had a similar level of quality and water resistance but it just lacked the refinement and styling of the Uniqlo option. It felt just a little bit more drab and functional and while I think I’d be perfectly happy with it, there was nothing exceptional about it. If you aren’t keen on the more futurist aesthetic of Uniqlo’s design then this Muji jacket would be a worthy budget alternative.
Patagonia’s Torrentshell 3L was one of those jackets that we loved the look of, consistently came up on lists of the best rain jackets and according to our expert also boasts some impressive environmental credentials — no surprise, the company is known for it. So it was with some disappointment that when I received the jacket and unwrapped it for the first try on, the fabric felt cheap. It had a plasticky texture and crinkled and swished more than any other we tested. It was difficult to pack small, the shape was a bit lumpy and characterless. At one point I realised why it felt so off, it reminded me of exactly the sort of jacket I would have had as a child in the early 1990’s, the older blends of cotton and polyester that had a similar hand feel. A disappointment.
I’ve always been a big fan of Stutterheim. Their original heavyweight Stockholm model is an elegant take on the classic mid-century fishermans raincoat and their’s was the only model to be produced in Europe. The Stockholm LW seems to be an attempt at taking on Rains at the lighter weight, more affordable end of the rain jacket market and in that sense it suceeds but I felt they failed to do anything interesting with it. The pop buttons are a nice touch, the length was nice sitting halfway down the hip but roomy enough to move in. It looked stylish but it sweat like hell in even light activity and didn’t feel particularly functional. A good and fairly lightweight casual rain jacket but not something I could see myself getting excited over.
We also looked at models from K‑Way the original pack-a-mac style raincoat from the ​’70s but I just felt it was a bit redundant at this point and fabric technology had moved on. If your style is a bit more heritage or retro, it could work as a lightweight layer.
submitted by typical-contents to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]

This Week in Power Metal Releases (11/29 - 12/05)

This Week in Power Metal Releases (11/29 - 12/05)
Power Metal:
Related Genres:
JacksonWarrior's Corgi and Atmoblack pitstop:
Me wondering how the hell we got to Dec already
What you may have missed last week...

Recommendations of the Week


Faze's rec


I'll recommend Majestica because it's exactly what I expected; Majestica playing Christmas themed music. However, I don't care all that much for Christmas themed music, it's still good stuff as I highly enjoyed Majestica's 2019 album and others that did should enjoy this too.
Persuader sounds pretty good as well. For those that need more Blind Guardian-esque vocals can't go wrong here. Although the music itself sounds more like Manticora, which is a plus in my book.
Mild recommendation for Iron Savior mostly for Piet Sielck's vocals, but the song is standard fair for them. However they claim there's better material on the album, so we shall see.


I'm definitely reccin' Majestica. Those who enjoyed Majestica's previous efforts should also enjoy this, based on the two singles that are on offer so far. Great vocals from Tommy, solid leads, lots of Christmas jingle jangles, and it's a concept album about "A Christmas Carol", so I'm in. Won't be better than the Muppets Christmas Carol though, which is objectively the best retelling of that tale.
I can't believe I forgot to put Plini in last weeks release list, it's a great album from the Australian guitar phenomenon. I've listened to the full album a bunch now, Pan has some fuckin' wicked sweet sax going on, The Glass Bead Game has sweet twinklies that I think is a harp? And Plini's sweet lead melodies are just amazing. Fantastic album if you like guitar wankery instrumental prog stuff, Plini's style is much more feeeeeeeling and less "bruh look how many notes I can play". Better than Handmade Cities, still not as good as the EP trilogy.
Stallion seems worth checking out if you want some heavy metal covers of Christmas songs. I'm definitely going to listen to the full four song EP anyway.
Saurom was some nice folk metal but not with the typically angry vocals you'd expect from folk metal.


Persuader still sound like Persuader. That's a good thing.
Iron Savior still sound like Iron Savior. That's a slightly less (but still) good thing. A little bit of variety would do some good.
Saurom is reminiscent of Boisson Divine. Decent Folky Heavy Metal. Vocals are in Spanish, so if that turns you off, stay away.
I can't decide how I feel about Molten Chains, but I'll recommend it anyway. A strange blend of Black and Heavy Metal, with clean vocals. The vocalist isn't great, and at times seems to actively work against the instrumentation, but it's interesting if nothing else.
submitted by JacksonWarrior to PowerMetal [link] [comments]

Index by Topic

This post will be updated with every new topic to place it into the proper category (below). Also, newer posts will be added into the appropriate topics below from time to time, so expect the content to be expanding over time.
An early list of topics (2014 time frame - from our first year) sorted by topic - in the comments. Note: Reddit only lists the first 1,000 or so topics, so these are topics you won't see in the site listing (though they're obviously still there; you just have to know what to look for).

SGIWhistleblowers subreddit earliest posts - from the site's founding forward to about 2 years ago (as of March 2020)

SGIWhistleblowers subreddit posts between 6 months and 2 years ago (as of Dec. 2020)

SGIWhistleblowers subreddit latest posts - from the latest posts going back to about 6 months ago (as of Nov. 2020)

SGIWhistleblowers in-house surveys and polls

SGI is a cult

SGI's a cargo cult + Kargo Kult Komics

SGI/Nichiren sneaks attempting to shakubuku our newest subreddit visitors from "behind the scenes"

Case study of the authoritarianism and tone-deaf demands of low-level SGI-USA leaders

Resignation Letter

Library of Leaving SGI - first-hand experiences

Secondary Library of Leaving SGI - second-hand experiences

Former SGI employee Lisa Jones' now defunct Buddha Jones site

The Nichiren Shoshu side of Ikeda's and the Soka Gakkai's/SGI's excommunication

Supersession: How intolerant religions' offshoots (like SGI from Nichiren Shoshu) claim the legitimacy and lineage of their parent religions for themselves

Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking" and SGI

Authoritarianism in SGI

The Soka Gakkai's legacy of violence and fascism

The Soka Gakkai's goal to take over Japan; Ikeda's goal to take over the world

"Shakubuku Kyoten" - the Toda-Era Soka Gakkai's "Manual of Forced Conversion" or "Bible of Shakubuku"

Ikeda's Soka Gakkai and Election Fraud

The abandoned safe incident

SGI and Murders

Karma = victim blaming

The SGI's goal of DESTROYING culture

Understanding Shinto

References to SGI in popular culture

The Soka Gakkai's deep unpopularity in Japan

The Soka Gakkai's/SGI's dream of Buddhist Theocracy: Obutsu Myogo

The Soka Gakkai's Cold War Scheming: Japan as a 3rd World Power alongside the US and Russia

The Soka Gakkai's (and especially Ikeda's) dreams of world dominance

"The Human Revolution" and "The NEW Human Revolution" excerpts: Analysis and commentary

Examples where SGI ghostwriters appear to be taking the piss - inserting subversive content into SGI indoctrinational materials

Honorary Doctorates: What they ARE and what they ARE NOT

On the subject of Ikeda's hundreds of purchased degrees and "honorary citizenships"

SGI: NO CHARITY (by design), completely self-serving and inward-facing, only priorities are enriching itself and getting more members

"This practice works!"

Spiritual Bypassing

SGI and Magical Thinking

Chanting + SGI = Addiction

SGI and Narcissists/Narcissism - including narcissistic family dynamic

Ikeda's constant bleating: "Protect me!"

Why was Ikeda propped up in a chair with dark sunglasses on sitting in an empty room with his wife, all alone? Why hasn't anybody seen him in person since 2010?

On the Gohonzon

Bizarro views of/requirements around the Gohonzon, Dai-Gohonzon

The Sho-Hondo: Iconic building with layers of hidden meaning

Fine Art Shenanigans: Weird goings-on at the Soka Gakkai's Fuji Art Museum

Life gets better after leaving SGI

How SGI destroys members' social capital

Some time away, musings on no SGI
First comment at this link

SGI and Dysfunctional Families

How SGI cultivates frustration within the membership to increase their dependence upon SGI

How SGI isolates its membership

How mass movements keep their membership - Eric Hoffer, "The True Believer", and Chris Hedges, "The Lonely American"

Gratitude Entrapment
Gratitude Entrapment - from /SGIWhistleblowers
Toda: "Not a single person who does not believe in true Buddhism today can call himself happy, though in their benightedness, many think they are content."

The attitude of Japanese supremacy within SGI

Chanting for a Man I Didn't Know

Critical Thinking and SGI

Control and Censorship within SGI

Skipping One Step

Fear Training

SGI similarities to abusive relationships - love bombing, manipulation, gas-lighting, and contempt

Ikeda's pathological obsession with winning

From 1990: "At this juncture, achieving kosen-rufu seems impossible." Nothing has changed.
SGI members committing suicide

SGI members showing their true colors: Posts where SGI trolls visited

Following Ikeda may be hazardous to your health
The Reality of the SGI

The reality of SGI members doesn't match the SGI propaganda claims

Faith healing, cancer, hostility toward science, and lies within SGI

Religious Trauma Syndrome

"Friendship" within SGI

Broken Systems Posts Summary

SGI/Mahayana Similarities to Evangelical Christianity

"Inner circle" experience vs. "outer circle" experience

WHY won't they believe us when we explain why we left?
How loud do I have to shout before I am believed?
So I'm not allowed to be 'anti' SGI!
"Why can't you just get over it and move on with your lives??"
Definition time! "Bitter” means “anger that I think should have ended by now.”
"None of these individuals who have commented negatively about the SGI or President Ikeda have ever spent a moment in reading about the history of our movement nor have they read any of President Ikeda’s writings."

"Why Are Good People Despised?"

Roofying people "for their own good"

SGI's transition from Nichiren Buddhism to the Ikeda Cult

Cult Leader Favorite Hobbies

Reports by Country
90 registered constituent organizations - list
SGI's Hidden History: Debacle in Africa


SGI's own convicted pedophile Walter Williams spent time in Indonesia, an area well-known for sex tourism
Let's talk about the SGI's "Gandhi King Ikeda Community Builders Prize" and to whom it's been awarded. Just for fun.
More horror stories
Soka star among FBI's most wanted (from the internet)

Soka Gakkai religion spread to US by former prostitutes

Domestic Violence Toda

Toda's and Ikeda's yakuza connections

Toda's failed credit cooperative

Toda was a loan shark

Did Aum Shinrikyo change the face of Japanese religion - forever?

Reports from Japan - DelbertGrady1

Ikeda's Korea Connection

Update on the SGI-USA's very own, Gandhi-King-Ikeda-award-recipient and international pedophile on the FBI's Most Wanted Fugitive list, Walter Lee Williams


Central America:
Update on the SGI-USA's very own, Gandhi-King-Ikeda-award-recipient and international pedophile on the FBI's Most Wanted Fugitive list, Walter Lee Williams
What's up with Walter?
Soka star among FBI's most wanted (from the internet)

Ikeda's links to Panamanian strongman dictatodrug runner Manuel Noriega


Ikeda claiming he predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall - after the Berlin Wall came down

Leaving SGI-Deutschland
Middle East:
North America:

The Japanese monoethnicity of the SGI



South America:
Summary of a Paper on Argentina

Brazil Articles

SGI and Scientology

Another of Japan's New Religion cults: Happy Science

The Japanese sense of ethnic and cultural superiority

The Japanese monoethnicity of the SGI

SGI transparency
One of the saddest lessons of history

SGI rewriting the past

What's your take. My son looked up SGI on that cult expert's site
Yeah, people regard the SGI as a cult
"Deluded Perceptions of a Former Soka Member" - the original "hateful rantings" edition

Soka University Posts Summary

SGI-USA's Campus Club Constitution (updated Spring 2018)

Fortune Babies

Relationship problems when one person is an SGI member

Soka Gakkai religion spread to US by former prostitutes

Attempts to change SGI from within: The Internal Reassessment Group (IRG)

Internal Reassessment Group (IRG) Documents

SGI members' attempts to change SGI from the inside

Similarities between Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scams and SGI

SGI is misrepresenting itself as BUDDHISM

The inescapable Japanese-ness of the SGI

Anti-Nichiren + anti-Nichiren Shoshu posts

List of the Ikeda Parks

Books and Papers About the Soka Gakkai

Levi McLaughlin

Jacqueline Stone

Brian Daizen Victoria

John Ankerberg

Shuhei Yajima Posts

Alan Watts

Everything Toynbee: Dialogue with Arnold Toynbee, Articles by his granddaughter, Polly Toynbee

Walpola Rahula "What the Buddha Taught" excerpts

How mass movements keep their membership - Eric Hoffer, "The True Believer", and Chris Hedges, "The Lonely American"

Reports from Japan - DelbertGrady1

SGI-themed humor

SGI Memes

Ikeda's health problems (that melting face, primarily)

Ikeda the absent father-figure, the deadbeat dad

Ikeda's odd obsession with everyone "protecting" him

Science and Religion, 1965

Memoirs: Mark Gaber's "Sho Hondo" and "Rijicho" and Marc Szeftel's "The Society"

Novel: Scientists FORCED to chant NMRK...FOR SCIENCE!!! Or "Why faith-based books should be BANNED!"

Wendy "Byrd" Ehlmann and her blog, "A Byrd's Eye View"

Charles Atkins and his blog, "Phantom City" over at the old Fraught With Peril site

Spartacus: Cult of the Master
Sexual Abuse and Predators Within SGI

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in SGI

More Buddhists choosing to be "willfully naive" - just like in SGI!!
SGI-USA YMD Leaders in LA hatch scheme to bilk people of millions via fraudulent oil investments
That time top Gakkai muckety-muck in Brazil (the largest Soka Gakkai satellite colony) Mr. Saito embezzled a cool coupla million from the Sho-Hondo contribution campaign
That SGI-USA member who bilked the kingdom of Tonga out of millions - from Is the SGI failing at religion while they are succeeding at something else? - also in Ikeda as a Gap Theologian

Walter Lee Williams: Convicted Pedophile, SGI leader, Lecturer at Soka University, and recipient of "Gandhi King Ikeda" award

The disastrous 'actual proof' of the McCloskey family - don't let THIS happen to you!

When an SGI member offers to "consult" on how to improve SGIWhistleblowers

SGI Celebrities: Orlando Bloom, Tina Turner, Patrick (Who?) Duffy, and MORE!

Tina Turner

July 2010's "Rock the Era Festival" posts

September 2018 "50K Lions of Justice Festival" posts

Ikeda's odd fascination with dictators, Communists, and other dodgy company

SGI Mythmaking: Transforming pudgy, soft, manipulative, sordid little squalid Ikeda into a superhuman

Transforming pudgy, soft Ikeda into a sports prodigy/superstar

Ikeda loves to play dress-up

Daisaku Ikeda faking playing the piano - what a "mentor"

On Ikeda's "magical" picture-taking technique - photography

Recent pictures of Ikeda

What's the scoop on Ikeda? Is he still alive? or senile?

Former Chairman of Komeito's Memoirs - "Remembering Daisaku Ikeda: My 50 Years with the King of Vanity" by former Komeito chairman Junya Yano

Chilling indictment of Daisaku Ikeda by Tsugio Ishida, Toda's designated successor, 1992

Masako Takamoto/Takimoto's Letter to Daisaku Ikeda - wife of Soka Gakkai Vice President Takamoto
The BBC Studies the History of SGI Ikeda (old ARBN page)


The Chanting Millions - Julian Pettifer, BBC
submitted by BlancheFromage to ExSGISurviveThrive [link] [comments]

COVID19, Transhumanism, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and The Great Reset.

Is it cool if I share my new blog? No ads, I'm not selling anything. Just looking for some feedback on my writing. Here's my latest post, copied and pasted below, before you click the link.
I look forward to all of your harshest criticisms. :)
(the links don't work on this copy and paste job, but they should work on the site. )

COVID19, Transhumanism, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and The Great Reset

These topics are being discussed all over world right now, as humanity is slowly becoming aware that we are being herded, like livestock, into The New World Order. We’re being prodded, poked, and jostled into a global authoritarian system. It was agreed upon a long time ago by The Powers That Be, that humankind is not fit to govern itself. They’ve allowed some of us to exist within false democracies, and provided the illusion of control, until they were ready to take complete control. That time is nearly upon us. I wanted to take some time to break down what we know (what’s been revealed to us) about the New World Order being built around us currently.
Transhumanism was a new word for me, until I first dived down the Pandemic rabbit hole. A quick internet search for the term brings us the standard definition:
The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
Doesn’t sound all that bad. Many would argue that humankind is already on this path with the evolution of computing technology in recent decades, and they would be right. The transhumanism being discussed by the elite, however, has a nefarious purpose. Its being sold to us under the guise of inclusion, sustainability, and fairness for all. Make no mistake, the subjugation of humanity is the end goal. The 99% is to be transformed into a docile obedient slave class, more sub-human than trans-human, in order to serve the self appointed rulers of the human race. The transformation has already begun. So how does the manufactured COVID19 crisis tie into the transhumanist endgame? Let’s look to the work of World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, for the answer.
Advances in digital technologies and new materials over the last 20 years have enabled forward leaps in areas such as the understanding of genomes, genetic engineering, diagnostics and pharmaceutical development. Like fire in ancient Greek mythology, stolen from the gods by Prometheus and given to humans, the power represented by biotechnology is sometimes portrayed as a civilizational leap for humankind.
…the ability to ‘read and write to’ the brain heralds new industries and systems for value creation, which will have deep social, political and economic impacts…our brains are at the core of what makes us human—they enable us to perceive and make sense of the world, to learn, imagine, dream and interact with others. Influencing the brain in more precise ways could change our sense of self, redefine what it means to have experiences and fundamentally alter what constitutes reality. By affecting how we govern ourselves, the system management of human existence, brain science encourages a huge step for humans beyond natural evolution.”
Those were excerpts from Klaus’ book “Shaping The Future Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. {You can obtain a copy to read yourself here} The second quote is from a chapter titled neurotechnologies, in section 2.3 Altering The Human Being. Think of Klaus Schwab as the spokesperson for The Great Reset. Is he the grand mastermind behind the entire NWO? probably not, but he is certainly involved, and he’s been pretty vocal about it. In his other book, COVID19: The Great Reset, Klaus lays out exactly what his vision of an ideal world looks like. More on that very soon.
Let’s return to our current situation, the Pandemic Crisis. Mankind is being manipulated on a never before seen scale. Across all national borders, every continent, every single individual, is being made to fear their own fellow man. We’re being socially conditioned to believe that every other person we encounter is a potential threat to our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We’re are being taught that we need to lesson physical social interaction (Unless you’re on TV) in order to save lives. We’re being deceived into rewriting our own “social contract” of what it means to be human, and in doing so, consenting to subjugation. The real issue here is not the virus itself, but the precedent that is being set.
If every single person is potentially a carrier for an extremely contagious, potentially deadly or symptom-less virus, it creates a state of general mistrust of others. You never know who might have the virus. The solution is to monitor every individuals location and contacts, as well as health status with tests. All citizens are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. They are discouraged to spend time with family on holidays. Medical masks are mandated everywhere you go in public, even though their is clearly no correlation whatsoever between mask wearing and the spread of the virus. I could write an article about masks alone. How they are useless, they don’t stop the spread of anything, they’re uncomfortable, inconvenient, and besides all the general complaints, they anonymize every individual, making facial expressions more difficult to read. Babies learn to empathize and recognize emotions by seeing their parents faces. Masks will surely negatively impact this process. Above all, masks are dehumanizing. They are a symbol of the slave class, a muzzle. Masks are essential to the Scamdemic because they make it real. They provide tangible evidence that we are living in a Pandemic. As event 201 clearly displays, the exact rules and regulations for COVID, including mask wearing, were planned down to the last detail years in advance. What we can learn from this, is that the elite are training us, not unlike how you might train your own pet. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as described by Schwab, is a new chapter in human development.
Many hard working members of the middle class have heard the rumors or robotics and automation replacing human labor. More and more jobs, particularly in manufacturing, will be done by robots. As Artificial intelligence technology matures, human computer interaction becomes almost as natural as talking to a person. Imagine a world where this technology replaces people you see every day. People working at the gas stations, hotels, retail stores, fast food drive-throughs, restaurants. The fourth industrial revolution is planned to keep physical contact between people to the bare minimum (as well as make labor as cheap as possible). With the advent of the manufactured health crisis, we now have the perfect excuse to fully implement the proposed system.
A New World Order means the 99% are being lorded over by the 1%, who have obtained absolute power. The fourth industrial revolution is a facet of the NWO, it’s the more powerful and more present role of technology in our every day lives. The elite could never build an army out of the 99% to rule the 99%, so they seek to automate our rule, while ensuring compliance with the technocracy. We will exist within this technocratic system that rules us, while the elite enjoy their extravagant lifestyles, completely free and unhindered. An individual will be monitored every second of every day, by cameras, microphones and other sensors found all around them. Live data will be recorded, stored, and analyzed by AI algorithms. If the algorithm detects an abnormality, such as an individual staying out past curfew, not wearing a mask, saying something disparaging of the government, or breaking a law, the AI would report you to local authorities. (even determine a suitable punishment, or send a fine directly to your bank account.) If you don’t believe that such a system can exist, just look at present day communist China. I will be writing more on that in a separate post.
The transhumanist element comes into play with the advent of neurotechnology. Another great quote from Klaus:
“Neurotechnologies help us to better understand the brain and how it works, and also to influence consciousness, mood and behavior.”
By using classical conditioning on the entire population, the elites have effectively completed a “soft test” of our willingness to conform. It seems that the majority of people are willing to give up their personal right to bodily autonomy, given the proper stimulus. Now with the COVID vaccine coming soon, people are more than willing to ignore the red flags of the rushed experimental vaccine, and take the jab in order to feel safe from the invisible plague of death. Coercing the worlds population into a mandatory regular vaccination schedule is another step towards domination of humankind. Again, consider the precedent that is being set. Any number of agendas could be implemented against the population through the vaccination scheme. All we can do at the moment is speculate, but my worst fear would be the implementation of eugenics and population reduction on a global scale. Besides using chemicals to alter the way our brains work, technology could one day be used to read our very thoughts, or even send foreign thoughts directly to our brains. Sounds like science fiction, but our transhumanist slave master Schwab sees this as a real possibility. The push for a digital ID by the elites demonstrates the elitist perspective of the rest of our species. Putting everyone’s identification, health records (vaccination records), and even our digital wallet, on a biometric chip embedded in the individuals body, would be the easiest and most convenient way to manage the worlds population through the technocracy. 5G cellular networks and the Internet of Things play a role in the technocracy as well. Next generation cellular bandwidth allows much more data to be transferred over the network much more quickly, never mind the hazard of electromagnetic radiation all around us. The Internet of Things is simply a framework for more and more every day devices to be able to connect to the internet independently, in order to share information. Everything from toasters, light bulbs, door locks, or a refrigerator, can be used to monitor you, harvest data from you, and send that data to a remote server to be analyzed.
As I have mentioned many times, the announcement of The Great Reset is the announcement of The New World Order. The manufactured COVID19 pandemic is laying the groundwork of societal changes that need to be normalized in order to usher in The Fourth Industrial Revolution. If the globalists plans come to fruition, by 2030 the global technocracy will be in full effect. We will not be governing ourselves, we will be governed by algorithms processing incalculable amounts of data about our personal lives, sent by the population control grid being built around us. The groundwork for mass surveillance is already in place in most of the world, once all the harvested data is being funneled to our technocratic overlords, the system will be complete. There will be no escape from the watchful eye of Big Brother. Subliminal messages will be sent directly to our minds. Consume. Conform. Obey. Resistance will be made impossible. Before that dark age occurs for mankind, we have the opportunity to put a stop to it. We must resist now, while it is still possible to do so.
I hate to end the post on such a foreboding note, so instead I’ll leave you with this. The time to act is now. Rise up and claim your humanity before you are robbed of it. The elite mean to change the very meaning of human. We must show them now, that we will not allow it. Stand up to the subjugation. Take off your slave mask. Stop living in fear. We must unite to take our freedom back from those who wish to subjugate us. Civil disobedience is how we show them we wont comply with the enslavement agenda. Plant yourself firmly, hold your ground, and say no. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
submitted by Aur31ius to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

Aug/6/2020 news: / Drugs over mail = OK / Armenia will have its High-Tech & Science hub. Chinese $$ / Infrastructure++ / Beirut explosion. Armenia audits itself / Anti-corruption: ex-Yerevan mayor & hydro plant, Healthcare Minister, another mayor / Amulsar protest / Gender wage gap & stats / COVID /

You can send drugs over mail now

Healthcare Ministry lifted the ban on the shipment of some personal drugs.
No permission is required if it's done once a year, for 5 drugs, with 3 units each. Anything over the limit needs permission from Ministry.

Tavush province gets more aid for rebuilding

Homes were damaged during Tavush battles. In addition to the initial emergency aid, today the govt sent $575K to subsidize reconstruction.

Bomb bunkers

Pashinyan: my dudes, I went into a bomb bunker the other day and it was in pathetic condition. There was a single bench in it. It's unacceptable.
What we do now, and how we build things now, will define what the New Armenia will be. Spend the money better.
We can't put old busted furniture in a new school building.
The new police patrol cannot drive the old cars, wear the old uniform, and carry the old guns.
Everything must begin from zero. We cannot "yola gnal" anymore.

Border village to get new factory / Qualified labor shortage

Pashinyan: I was near the border when I noticed foreign workers doing something, so I asked the CEO what's going on. He said a factory is scheduled to open in Paravakar, Tavush but they couldn't find enough qualified workers so they had to hire some foreigners.
We need to work on this. We have high unemployment but also a labor shortage. It wasn't a low-income job, either. These 200 new jobs pay $10-$20/day.

Azeri protesters

Amnesty International condemned the Aliyev regime for arresting 100 people after the Baku protests that took place during Tavush battles.

update: Beirut explosion

Context and Armenian community news here.
Pashinyan: our condolences. Lebanon is one of our closest friends. We can't be indifferent and will provide aid. The All-Armenia Fund created a special account that accepts donations. We decided to send Diaspora Committee's Sinanyan to Beirut, along with humanitarian aid on Saturday.
The Armenian Parliament building was lit with Lebanese flag: ,
BHK leader Tsarukyan sent $207K aid. Russian-Armenian businessman Samvel Karapetyan donated $200K. ,
How it happened: A Russian businessman purchased ammonium nitrate from Georgia to transport to Mozambique to use it as a mining explosive, but he had to make an emergency stop in Lebanon.
The Lebanese auditors found problems in his documents and prevented him from leaving. He filed for bankruptcy, left his crew stranded in Lebanon, and ragequit.
The Lebanese court ordered his cargo and ship to be confiscated. The Lebanese govt decided to unload the cargo and keep it in the port "for safety reasons". They subsequently neglected the possible dangers for 6 years.
A welder decided to seal off holes in the warehouse to prevent theft and accidentally caused a chain reaction that reached the ammonium.
Port officials say they warned the govt to act but nothing was done. A security audit was done 6 months ago and a warning was issued to remove it from the city because "it could blow up all of Beirut".
Several officials are currently detained for ignoring safety warnings. A 2-week state of emergency is declared.
The blast flipped over the nearby cruise ship Orient Queen. It was so strong that the ground "disappeared" and the bay water overflowed into the area where the warehouse was.

Is Armenia safe? / Factories are audited

LHK leader Marukyan has asked the Emergency Minister to check if there are similar explosive materials in Armenia. He complained that the abandoned chemical factory in Vanadzor has improperly stored ammonium.
The govt inspectors audited Vanadzor ChimProm chemical factory and its storage. A report is being prepared.
Nairit chemical factory will be audited soon. ,

Serj Sargsyan's trial

Ex-president Serj is accused of stealing $1M through agricultural oil machinations with the help of his buddy's Flash fuel company.
The trial continued today. Serj, his lawyer, and another defendant didn't appear. Serj said he gave a COVID test and was waiting for results so he couldn't come.
The judge noted that COVID has been retreating in Armenia and found the defendants' absence unjustified (but no sanction). The trial is delayed until September 3rd.

Amulsar protests continue

The context in yesterday's post.
Environmental activists gathered in front of govt building today. They want the Lydian gold miner to stop and re-install the activists' tents in the mine territory. Several activists were detained after ignoring police instructions.
They continued the protest on Amulsar territory. An activist claimed one of the Lydian shareholders is from Turkey. , ,

ex-Yerevan mayor Robert Nazaryan is arrested / Mishik's hydro plant

Robert Nazaryan is the former Yerevan mayor (2001-2003) and the former chief of Public Services Regulatory Commission'.
On Oct/31/2019 we learned that he was accused of abuse of power and giving away parts of Yerevan's forests to oligarchs.
He was arrested today for another reason. The report says:
In 2011, under the pretense of developing hydro-power in Armenia, Nazzaryan did favors to Serj's son-in-law Mikael Minasyan's Dzoraget hydro power plant.
They wrote a law designed to help Dzoraget Hydro at the expense of Armenia's water resources and the ability for others to compete.
They raised the small hydro definition's limit from 10MW to 30MW, which allowed Dzoraget Hydro (with 26MW) to be classified as a small one, which allowed them to sell electricity for higher prices.
As a result, the consumers overpaid $14.6M, and new smaller hydro plants wasn't possible to be built across Armenia.
Defendant's lawyer said "Nazaryan is innocent and the arrest was illegal."
(Other reports said Dzoraget Hydro used to be a public property worth $16.6M that was sold to Mishik's circles for only $7.5M in 2010) , ,

IRS busts land abuse by Tsakhkadzor officials

The report says: in 2014 the Tsakhkadzor officials rigged a land auction with a dummy participant and bidding process to make sure their friend wins it.

Jrashen mayor is charged with land embezzlement

Investigators say: Jrashen mayor lease a piece of land to his father for pennies. The latter sub-leased it to someone else for a higher price. $29K stolen.
Another similar scheme with his son. $37K stolen.
A felony case is launched.

Inspectors found an illegal mine

The report says: The Infrastructure Ministry and inspectors conducted audits across Gegharquniq and found that Baroyan Brothers Miner was given a 24-year-long mining license in 2012.
However, the land contracts were signed with violations and the miner is blowing up rocks in a land that's meant for agriculture.
Prosecutors will examine.

Aragatsotn corruption busts +40%

YoY for 1H, the corruption investigations rose 40% in the province.

Anti-corruption committee is auditing Healthcare Minister

A while ago when the government expanded free healthcare, many hospitals began receiving more government subsidies to treat patients.
One of these hospitals is managed by Healthcare Minister's wife. Roboserj outlets circulated some numbers that were disputed as false.
Now that Armenia has a new Anti-Corruption institute, it began examining the topic.
The Minister says the topic has been transparent, there is no conflict of interest or special treatment because the funds went towards subsidizing patients' care, and that Minister's family's wealth hasn't increased from the subsidies received by the hospital. ,

Ukraine will investigate the genocide-denier message

Prior to April 24th of this year, Ukrainian MFA sent a note to their colleagues asking them not to use the term "Armenian Genocide". It caused the ire of some Ukrainian politicians.
Now the Ukrainian investigators have an active felony case over the message.

COVID stats

+1,588 tested. +233 infected. +706 healed. +2 deaths.
171,600 tested. 7,263 active. 300 serious. 68 critical.
The United States donated 24 lung vents and 2,000 breathing tubes. Germany donated $25K worth PPE. , ,

Targeted testing - No symptoms required to get a test

Pashinyan: 30% of daily tests used to come positive; now it's 15%. While we used to wait for people to come and get tested, now we'll identity high-risk groups and approach them for testing.
Healthcare Minister: supermarkets, factories, banks, municipalities will be targeted. If one of their workers gets infected, we'll mass-test the colleagues instead of waiting for symptoms.

The new SU-30SM fighter jets conducted a training

Wage disparity between men and women / Working hours

Men earn 28% more per hour. Some fields like mining are completely dominated by men.
The study calculates the hourly wages so it won't matter if any gender works more hours throughout the month.
If calculated by monthly, men earn 50% more.
Men work 45hr and women 39k per week.
51% of able-bodied men and 39% of women currently work.
Only 20% of people under 24 are working.
38% are self-employed.
Unemployed women are more educated than unemployed men.

Smart City with population 15,000 / High tech & Science

Armenia has finalized the plans to build a Smart City with the help of Chinese investment. The town will have a population of ~15,000. Its location is yet to be determined, but it'll be in a province.
It'll involve a few billion dollars of investments from China and serve a purpose of boosting high-tech and science in Armenia.
ADKARS CEO Sarkis Gevorgyan:
We have a long history of being a high tech hub since the Soviet times. We have scientists working for international companies. We can apply the expertise here.
It's part of the new Silk Road initiative. The next 30 years will be about high-tech and science. We need to be ahead of the curve.
We hope to radically improve the economy of northern Armenia including Gyumri. Right now everything is centralized in Yerevan. We hope to de-centralize it.
The Chinese Bank and Asian Bank are funding it. Smart agriculture, smart medicine, smart sport, smart tourism, Internet of Things, 5G, quantum, neuro-link [INSERT YOUR BUZZWORD HERE].
Also FinTech. If we improve it, everything can be done online and we'll rely less on having to attend bank branches.
The city's blueprint will be drawn in 2021.
Shirak Governor: we're open to new high-tech investments from China.
[Both sides proceeded to sign the documents.]
[Throughout the 1.5-hour press conference they couldn't fix the WeChat app to establish a conversation with the Chinese colleagues.]
Tags: #SmartCity

Tax waivers for winery

Ijevan's cognac factory won't pay import taxes and delay the VAT for 3 years while it invests $420K for 37 new jobs with $290/mo salary.

AM-EU agreement

Italian Chamber of Deputies approved the comprehensive cooperation agreement between Armenia and the EU.

Armenian startup gets funding

High tech Minister: Krisp went from 0 to 600 corporate clients in a year. From $0 to $4M turnover.
Forbes placed it in the Top-50 list of most promising artificial intelligence companies.
Now they got a $5M investment. The app removes background noise from video calls.

Personal museum

Vaghashen resident turned his basement into a museum with thousands of artifacts and traditional tools. He collected it from across Armenia. He gets many tourists from Europe.
You've read 1900 words.

Disclaimer & Terminology

1) The accused are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even if they sound guilty.
2) Currency in Armenian ֏ unless specified otherwise.
3) NSS/SIS/SOC = law enforcement agencies. QP = Civil Contract Party. LHK = Bright Armenia Party. BHK = Prosperous Armenia Party. HHK = Republican Party.
4) ARCHIVE of older posts by Idontknowmuch: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 ; PART 5.
5) ARCHIVE of older posts by Armeniapedia.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

The lost ways

This article The lost ways book was created thanks to these materials
The lost ways SHTF we all prep for is what folks 150 years back called day-to-day life:... no electric power, no refrigerators, no Web, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive police, and also no Safeway or Walmart.
They obtained things done or else we wouldn't be right here!In this brief write-up, I will discover a long-forgotten key that aided our ancestors to survive starvations, battles, recessions, illness, dry spells, and anything else life threw at them ... a key that will assist you to do the very same for your enjoyed ones when America falls apart right into the ground.
I'm also most likely to show you 3 leader lessons that will certainly guarantee your children will certainly be well fed when others are rummaging with garbage containers. As a matter of fact, these 3 old pieces of training will improve your life instantly when you hear them.
My name is Claude Davis.
You may recognize me from my website,, or you may have seen my cautions in the media. But few of you understand me directly. My tale is psychologically hefty, with struggles as well as dissatisfactions yet also with faith in God and also a solid will to survive that lastly resulted in my being right here ...
So pay attention because this video clip will certainly transform your life for the great!
Lesson No. 1: Don't Take Anything for Granted!My grandfather came to America from Ukraine right before World War 2 and also started a small farm in Texas. However, before that, when he was just 12 and still in Ukraine, he survived horrific starvation. Out of the one hundred households that survived on his street, only 20 people lived to inform the story.
What you will hear is a genuine recollection-as it was written in an individual journal just after the crisis by among his neighbors:
" Where did all bread go away, I do not really understand, perhaps they have taken it all abroad. They have actually browsed the homes, taken away every little thing to the smallest thing.
It was so distressing that on a daily basis became engraved in my memory. People were existing almost everywhere as dead flies. The odor was horrible. Many of our next-door neighbors and acquaintances from our road passed away.
Gathered gley from the trees and also ate it, ate sparrows, pigeons, felines ... and also canines. I would certainly have never ever been able to consume my child. One of our neighbors came home when her husband, suffering from serious starvation ate their very own baby-daughter.
Another neighbor created a petition to the authorities. Right here is just a paragraph:
" Please return the grain that you have actually seized from me. If you do not return it, I'll die. I'm 78 years old, as well as I'm unable of searching for food by myself."
Naturally, nobody cared. In a dilemma, it is everybody for himself! Although ... in many cases, households did still remain households. Following the wintertime, when there was definitely nothing to eat, my grandpa, together with his mom, went to the nearby community where the government had established a soup cooking area.
The 25-mile lengthy journey was too much for his mother. After simply 5 miles, she could not stroll anymore.
My grandfather noted in his journal:
" Mom claimed, 'Conserve on your own; go to the community.' I reversed twice; I can not bear to leave my mom, yet she begged and cried, as well as I ultimately went with good."
I don't understand about you ... however I'm a papa myself, and also when I check out these things, I rupture right into tears.
Please allow me to take a wild guess without getting mad at me ... Your life's not ideal - but at least you have a computer or a mobile phone to read this article on. Your refrigerator is probably half complete - and while you have your troubles, hunger is not one of them. And even though your task or retirement could be much more delightful ... you most likely have enough cash to at least get by.
And that's excellent!
Yet make indisputable taking this forgiven!
History has actually shown us a lot of times that it can all fly away in a split of a second.
The biggest misstep that you can take currently is to believe that this can never ever occur in America or to you!
All that my grandpa and also our forefathers - that came right here and formed America -lived through would certainly fail without lesson number 2:
" Those who can not keep in mind the past are condemned to repeat it."Call me old made; I don't care ... however I entirely count on America as well as what our ancestors stood for.
They all influenced transforming this land into one of the most powerful countries on the planet.
Numerous died and endured before an imaginative mind found an innovative solution to maybe a century-old problem. Believe it or otherwise, our ancestor's skills are all covered in American blood. This is why these should be defended, shielded, and handed on for them to do the same for our youngsters and our children's kids.
But now, my friends, we are remaining on the edge of oblivion.
Our fathers as well as our grandpas were possibly the last generation to exercise standard points like developing an underground cellar or making a pemmican.
Our ancestors laid the bricks and built the world's greatest foundation ... that we are about to -irreversibly fail to remember!
As well as we're mosting likely to pay the ultimate cost for this.
Due to the fact that if you have a large, strong horse with a weak structure, it matters not if it looks good on the outside-the following flooding will sweep it away!
And that is exactly what will take place for the majority of Americans in the coming crisis!
Below we are people in the 21st century, several lifetimes and also a globe far from our grandparents as well as their means. Have we progressed at living? I believe not. I enjoy as we come to be ever a lot more expectant that the globe owes us a living. Consumerism has gotten to epic percentages as well as people really feel aggrieved if they don't have the latest gizmo.
The truth is we have never been even more detached from life, from the globe, from the soil, from the trees, as well as from our very own souls.
We are straying far from our roots on a hazardous roadway where there will certainly be no turning back. And the good and problem are that we are the last generation that can absolutely find a solution for it.
We no more understand how to live without refrigerators, without cars, without phones, or without supermarkets.
What will you do tomorrow if you merely are incapable to buy points?
I sometimes also believe we're kidding ourselves with our Bug Out Bags and also with our three-day food assignments. Would not we be much better off checking out what the pioneers took with them when they traveled from Independence, Missouri right to Oregon City?
Game meat was unstable also then, so do not assume that they made this five-month trip counting just on that particular. If your life depended on this, what Bug Out Bag would you take with you? I recognize I would stick to whatever the pioneer had with him. He had to take trip weeks on end without much aid while hiding from some indigenous tribes at the same time.
As well as this is simply a small, small instance!
I do not intend to see our predecessors' knowledge go away right into the darkness of time ... and also if you care for your family members ... and what America represents ... after that neither must you!
This is the third and also the most important lesson of all:
" It's always approximately you."I count on God and in the power of free choice! I think that you are the just one accountable for your fate and that you are frequently making decisions that form the rest of your life.
It holds true that most of us had different begins, relying on our households and also training, yet a lot of us right here in the USA had at the very least decent starts. We had water and also food, we could go shopping once in a while, as well as we had a respectable medical system compared with other countries.
We ought to be much more glad for that! As well as we ought to make certain that we have something deposited for darker times.
Goes incorrect with this nation do not condemn the government or the president. They do not really appreciate you or your family members. You'll be the just one in charge of your destiny!
I don't recognize if you have actually noticed, yet absolutely nothing just falls from the sky. GOD HELPS YOU, however, He does not lay it on your table. You need to strive and also do things yourself!
As long as you recognize this, your destiny relaxes solely on you and your determination.
You can genuinely alter things! And you can do a lot greater than you believe you can!
With this suggestion in mind 5 years earlier, I intended to do something that hadn't been done before!
Something that not just would aid me endures a situation without investing a fortune in accumulations, yet something that I might do around my house on a daily basis using just techniques that were checked as well as shown by our predecessors for centuries.
I wished to unearth as well as find out the forgotten ways of our great-grandparents.I most likely to my grandpa to learn how he endured and to find out the little secrets that assisted him to survive despite practically everybody else passing away.
He was now practically 90, but the old man was still healthy. For 3 weeks on end, I absorbed his lessons like a dry sponge. In addition to that, we constructed a lot of things together, consisting of an underground cellar and also a tornado shelter, much like the people did when he was young. We made lard and also pork, and also we smoked 4 turkeys as well as maintained them for winter in 4 various, conventional ways-and a whole lot, a great deal more.
When I was a youngster, I was raised by my grandparents, however, I hadn't invested such a high-quality time with him until after that. In fact, there were months when we barely even spoke-not due to the fact that we could not stand each other but because I was always also busy working or taking care of my youngsters ... an ineffective justification and a thing that I deeply was sorry for for later on in life.
My grandfather handed down a number of years back and with him a magnificent amount of survival understanding. I don't recognize if you remain in a similar circumstance, yet think of your grandfather and how many things he did or understood ... things that will disappear permanently right into the dark abyss of ignorance.
And also since I deeply believed in lesson no. 3, that I was the just one who might change something, my objective for the last number of years changed from not simply "discovering" yet "saving" our predecessors' means.
This is just one of the most crucial points that I have actually carried out in my life. I take pride in it, however, it took me 5 tough years!
There is no person that knows all our forefathers' neglected keys. Allow's simply claim that there are still a handful of people that still exercise a shed ability transmitted from generation to generation even today ... yet not all the skills naturally. I needed to get in touch with a lot of people.
Second, where do you locate these individuals? They are no mainstream survival professionals; they do not have a site or a TV show. A few of them even live in remote areas without Web or TELEVISION cable, making money as the pioneers did!
Third, I wanted to do something extraordinary. You know, posts like "11 Skills Your Great-Grandparents Had That You Do not", and they begin listing the abilities: hunting, fishing, foraging, butchering, and more.
Not simply abilities! I wanted to understand things that they really built, consumed, and also saved, and EXACTLY how they did it.
And also 4th, I'm not sitting on a cash cow! As long as I enjoyed taking a trip as well as finding out these abilities, I still needed to visit work.
What I didn't recognize when I started my journey is that you can not save these skills just by creating them down. If all these works will certainly be failed to remember in a dusty cabinet right beside my bed, it will not assist anyone. This expertise will die together with me, and all my initiatives to save our predecessors' ways would certainly have failed.
This is due to the fact that all my life I thoughtlessly believed in lesson 3 ... that "it is constantly up to me."
However, I was wrong!
submitted by Dietconclusion to u/Dietconclusion [link] [comments]

An exhaustive lit search shows that only 5/85 SARS patients and 150/1397 COVID-19 patients were smokers, far below the 27% active smokers in china. Can anyone find a study that was missed?

In an earlier thread we saw about 27% of people in China were active smokers:
I collected all the data I could find on SARS and nCoV-2019 and smoking. The results show that smokers are far underrepresented in the patients diagnosed for both illnesses for some reason
Also, there are a few papers about smoking altering the expression of the putative "receptor" for these viruses (ACE2) in the respiratory tract, so that seems to be the likely mechanism. I organized this for myself but figured I may as well share it and see if anyone can point out something that was missed.
This is meant to be exhaustive, but I could have (of course) missed some data. Can anyone find a paper that does not show far fewer smokers than expected from the population smoking rate?
Note that the data also suggests that smokers who do get ill may more often have severe illness.

Smoking and ACE2


We also found that ACE2 gene is expressed in specific cell types related to smoking history and location. In bronchial epithelium, ACE2 is actively expressed in goblet cells of current smokers and club cells of non-smokers. In alveoli, ACE2 is actively expressed in remodelled AT2 cells of former smokers. This may indicate that 2019-nCov infect respiratory tract through different paths in smokers, former smokers and non-smokers, and this may partially lead to different susceptibility, disease severity and treatment outcome.



Our study showed that cigarette smoke or direct nicotine inhalation inhibits the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2/AT2R in multiple organs and cell types. In the lung, cigarette smoke (6 cigarettes/d, 12 wk) inhibited the expression of both angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and AT2R.



The literature presented in this review strongly suggests that nicotine alters the homeostasis of the RAS by upregulating the detrimental angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)/angiotensin (ANG)-II/ANG II type 1 receptor axis and downregulating the compensatory ACE2/ANG-(1-7)/Mas receptor axis




All hospitalized patients (n = 242) (admission date from January 16 to February 3, 2020) in No. 7 Hospital of Wuhan, clinically diagnosed as “viral pneumonia” based on their clinical symptoms(fever or respiratory symptoms) with typical changes in chest radiology, were preliminarily involved in this study [...] In addition,only 9 (6.4%) patients had a history of smoking, and 7 of them were past smokers. It was reported that the prevalence of COPD in adults ≥40 years old was 13.7%, and 27.3% of adults in China were current cigarette smokers (data in 2018). The relationship between smoking and coronavirus infection is not clear, and the exact underlying causes of the lower incidence of COVID-19 in current smokers are still unknown.




This single-centre, retrospective, observational study was done at Wuhan Jin Yin-tan hospital (Wuhan, China)... We report the clinical courses and clinical outcomes of 52 critically ill patients from 710 laboratory-confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2.


[Doesnt add up...]



The Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center [...] Three of the 51 (7%) confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV pneumonia were current cigarette smokers.




We extracted the data on 1,099 patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV ARD from 552 hospitals in 31 provinces/provincial municipalities through January 29th, 2020




In this retrospective, single-centre study, we included all confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital from Jan 1 to Jan 20, 2020 [...] By the end of Jan 25, 31 (31%) patients had been discharged and 11 (11%) patients had died; all other patients were still in hospital (table 1). The first two deaths were a 61-year-old man (patient 1) and a 69-year-old man (patient 2). They had no previous chronic underlying disease but had a long history of smoking...Of the remaining nine patients who died, eight patients had lymphopenia, seven had bilateral pneumonia, five were older than 60 years, three had hypertension, and one was a heavy smoker.




All patients with suspected 2019-nCoV were admitted to a designated hospital in Wuhan.


Current smoking



Patients were admitted to the Dazhou Central Hospital from 22 January 2020 to 10 February 2020, with final follow-up for the study on 11 February 2020.


Smoking History




All patients in the study had SARS, were managed in the two major Hong Kong hospitals (ie, Prince of Wales Hospital and United Christian Hospital), and had developed spontaneous pneumothorax during their hospitalization between March 10, 2003, and April 28, 2003 [...] None of the six patients had a history of smoking or pulmonary disease.




The index case of SARS in Singapore ocurred in a previously healthy 23-year-old woman of Chinese ethnicity who had stayed on the 9th floor of a hotel during a vacation to Hong Kong, February 20–25, 2003. A physician from southern China who stayed on the same floor of the hotel during this period is believed to have been the source of infection for this index patient and the index patients of outbreaks in Vietnam and Canada. [...] The demographic profiles of the index and 19 contact cases are shown (Table 1)... One patient was a smoker.




Between February 22 and March 22, 2003, we identified 10 epidemiologically linked patients (all southern Chinese) whose disease met the CDC case definition of March 17, 2003, of SARS at our hospital cluster (Queen Mary Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital) in Hong Kong [...] Eight of the 10 patients had never smoked, 1 was a current smoker (25 cigarettes per day), and 1 was a former smoker (20 cigarettes per day) who had stopped five years earlier.




In this case-control study, 447 patients attended the SARS clinic based at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, between 12th March and 14th May 2003 [...] The results in this study show that smoking does not protect patients from contracting SARS. In this cohort a greater proportion of non-smokers contracted SARS than smokers, which may appear to support the initial rumours. However, a far greater proportion of non- smoking, female, health care workers contacted SARS cases than smokers and were therefore placed at much greater risk. When adjustments are made for gender, health care occupation and contact history, then smoking is shown to provide no protection. Even if smoking does protect patients against SARS, caution is required because of the many other hazardous effects associated with chronic smoking.7


Per Group
Per cases



A 55-year-old previously healthy man who had recently traveled to Hong Kong [...] The patient was a nonsmoker with no known risk factors.




At 11:30 on 8 April 2003, a 64-year-old man presented to the National University Hospital emergency department (ED) complain ing of light headedness for 3 days, and dry cough and body aches for 2 days. His general practitioner had recorded a temperature of 37.7 C. On further enquiry in the ED, he described mild dyspnoea and palpitations. For over 40 years, he had smoked 25 cigarettes a day, and had consumed at least 100 g of alcohol per day.




The Hong Kong newspaper reported that some people say there were few smokers amongst the cases reported in Guangdong, the province in southern China where the disease originated, which further fuelled the rumors.
The Post said many smokers in mainland China had upped their cigarette consumption in response to the rumors, with many others actually taking up the habit.



Extra data below.

Update on 2020/03/05

Qi 2020: 53/267 with smoking history (31/50 severe)
Wei 2020: 5/78 with smoking history (3/5 progressed)
Gardner 2017 (grant):
Our pilot data suggest that cigarette smoke or nicotine inhalation inhibits the expression of ACE2/AT2R in multiple organs including the brain, heart and lungs
Xu 2020:
It has been reported that ACE2 is the main host cell receptor of 2019-nCoV and plays a crucial role in the entry of virus into the cell to cause the final infection.

Update on 2020/03/10

I collected some data from the literature on the rate of smoking reported in various papers. They are all much higher than reported for SARS or nCoV-19, indicating that lying about smoking is not the cause:
31.2% of acute heart failure patients are smokers:
21.7% of patients hospitalized with heart failure reported a smoking history:
25.6% of hospitalized heart failure patients reported smoking:
947/2971 (32%) of people over 60 (the same age group overrepresented in nCov-19 data) report smoking:
~19% of flu patients over 15 years old report being current smokers:
~63% of people with COPD had smoking history:
~22% of households had at least one smoker:
~17% of pneumonia patients were current smokers:
~12% of flu patients were smokers, but 40% were under 5 years old so it was at least double that rate in adults:
Zhou 2020:
This retrospective cohort study included two cohorts of adult inpatients (≥18 years old) from Jinyintan Hospital and Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital (Wuhan, China). All adult patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 according to WHO interim guidance were screened, and those who died or were discharged between Dec 29, 2019 (ie, when the first patients were admitted), and Jan 31, 2020, were included in our study. Since these two hospitals were the only desig­ nated hospitals for transfer of patients with COVID-19 from other hospitals in Wuhan until Feb 1, 2020, our study enrolled all adult inpatients who were hospitalised for COVID-19 and had a definite outcome (dead or discharged) at the early stage of the outbreak.
11/191 cases were smokers (5/54 non-survivors and 6/137 survivors)
Hu 2020:
None of the cases were healthcare workers and 8 (33.3%) had a history of recent travel to Hubei (Case 1 and 5 were residents of Hubei (marked with blue arrows), Case 3, 4, 6, 9, 13 and 17 have travelled to Hubei (marked with blue boxes), and the period in Hubei might be the suspected contact time. The suspected contact time of other cases who stay in Nanjing was marked with gray boxes according to the epi- demiological investigation). The diagnosis date of each case showed that the number of cases who have been to Hubei decreased since Jan 28, 2020 (Figure S1 in Supporting In- formation). Individuals of all ages were involved in the COVID-19 asymptomatic infection with age ranging from 5 to 95 years old (median: 32.5 years), whereas 20.8% (5/24) of the cases were aged below 15 years. Eight cases (33.3%) were males. Two cases had a history of smoking (Case 1 and Case 13), and 2 were diagnosed with diabetes and hy- pertension (Case 8 and Case 13).
2/20 adults had a smoking history

Update on 2020/03/20

Guan 2020b:
This was a retrospective cohort study that collected data from patients with COVID-19 throughout China, under the coordination of the National Health Commission which mandated the reporting of clinical information from individual designated hospitals which admitted patients with COVID-19. After careful medical chart review, we compiled the clinical data of laboratory-confirmed hospitalized cases from 575 hospitals between November 21 st , 2019 and January 31 st , 2020. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was made based on the World Health Organization interim guidance [25]. Confirmed cases denoted the patients whose high-throughput sequencing or real-time reverse-transcription polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay findings for nasal and pharyngeal swab specimens were positive [3].
111/1590 patients with known smoking history (64/1191 without comorbidities, 47/399 with at least one comorbidity)
Shi 2020:
In the study, we explored potential host risk factors associated with severe cases at admission in a retrospective cohort of 487 patients in Zhejiang Province of China

Update on 2020/03/23

Tabata 2020:
During the observation period, total 107 laboratory-confirmed patients with COVID-19 from the cruise ship were hospitalized at the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital in Japan. Three patients were excluded from this study because of their withdrawal to join this study. Therefore, the remaining 104 patients were analyzed. Clinical history, physical examination and chest CT scan were evaluated on the admission day, and blood tests were conducted within two days. The characteristics of the 104 patients are presented in Table 1. The age range was 25–93 years (median, 68 years; IQR, 46.75–75), and 47 patients (45.2%) were male. The most common nationality of patients was Eastern Asia, which included Japan and China. The observation period is from three to fifteen days (median, 10; IQR, 7–10 day). Fifty two patients (50.0 %) had comorbidities.
18/104 (17.3% "Smoking"), 11/76 non-severe and 7/28 severe

Update on 2020/03/24

Tao 2020:
The clinical data of 167 SARS-CoV-2 infected patients treated in Chongqing Public Health Medical Center from January 2020 to March 2020 were collected. COVID-19 is diagnosed according to the WHO Interim Guidelines 6 . The severity of COVID -19 was defined according to the American Thoracic Society's Community Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines 7 . A confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined as a positive result on RT-PCR assay of nasal and pharyngeal swab specimens.
Smoking history by age:
0-14 15-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 >=70
Asymptomatic 0/2 0/2 1/2 2/6 2/5 0/0 0/3
Mild/Common 0/5 1/19 5/28 4/30 2/26 2/13 0/4
Severe 0/0 0/0 2/7 0/3 1/5 2/3 1/4

Update on 2020/03/27

Shen 2020:
The study was conducted at the infectious disease department, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital in Shenzhen, China, from January 20, 2020, to March 25, 2020; final date of follow-up was March 25, 2020. [...] Five patients (age range, 36-73 years; 2 women) were treated with convalescent serum. None were smokers, and 4 of 5 had no preexisting medical conditions.
0/5 smokers

Update on 2020/03/28

This is a meta-analysis, not new data. They found fewer papers than included above but still came to the same conclusion:
Alqahtani 2020:
Concerning smoking and COVID-19, our data showed a pooled prevalence of 9% current smokers, (95% CI, 4%–14%), lower than the reported prevalence of smoking in China that was 25.2% (25.1–25.4) (52). Interestingly, we found that 22.30% (31/139) of current smokers and 46% (13/28) of ex-smokers had severe complications associated and greater mortality reaching 38.5% in current smokers.

Update on 2020/03/30

Kimball 2020:
A COVID-19 outbreak in a long-term care skilled nursing facility (SNF) in King County, Washington that was first identified on February 28, 2020, highlighted the potential for rapid spread among residents of these types of facilities (2). On March 1, a health care provider at a second long-term care skilled nursing facility (facility A) in King County, Washington, had a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, after working while symptomatic on February 26 and 28. By March 6, seven residents of this second facility were symptomatic and had positive test results for SARS-CoV-2. On March 13, CDC performed symptom assessments and SARS-CoV-2 testing for 76 (93%) of the 82 facility A residents to evaluate the utility of symptom screening for identification of COVID-19 in SNF residents.
7/53 people who tested negative were current smokers vs 1/23 positive patients
Bhatraju 2020:
We included patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 infection who were admitted to nine hospital ICUs in the Seattle region between February 24 and March 9, 2020. A confirmed case of Covid-19 was defined by a positive result on a reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay of a specimen collected on a nasopharyngeal swab. Only laboratory-confirmed cases were included.
Twenty-four adults (18 years of age or older) were identified from nine hospitals, including three University of Washington (UW) Medicine Hospitals (Harborview Medical Center, UW Medical Center–Montlake, and Northwest campuses), the Virginia Mason Medical Center, and the Swedish Hospitals (First Hill and Cherry Hill). This group represents six of the eight adult acute care hospitals in the city of Seattle; hospitals connected to these systems in suburbs outside Seattle (UW–Valley Medical Center, Swedish–Issaquah, and Swedish–Edmonds) were also included in the group of nine. Pregnant women, prisoners, and children (those younger than 18 years of age) were excluded from the study.
[...] Five patients (22%) were current or former smokers
5/24 patients with a smoking history

Update on 2020/04/01

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. ePub: 31 March 2020
Data from laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases reported to CDC from 50 states, four U.S. territories and affiliated islands, the District of Columbia, and New York City with February 12–March 28, 2020 onset dates were analyzed. Cases among persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China, and the Diamond Princess cruise ship were excluded.
Hospitalized non-ICU
Hospitalization Status Unknown

Update on 2020/04/02

Some quotes on COPD and asthma:
However, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are relatively less common in COVID-19 patients, with a prevalence of 1.1%-2.9%. 7-9 In a study involving 140 cases with COVID-19 on the association between allergies and infection, no patients were found to have asthma or allergic rhinitis. 8 […] Given the association between virus infection and asthma, 30 it is worth carefully monitoring asthmatic patients in this coronavirus epidemic. However, in pediatric cases, we did not find COVID-19 patients with a history of asthma (unpublished data). Maybe a distinct type 2 immune response may contribute to this low prevalence of asthma and allergy patients in COVID-19. The interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and asthma remains to be further investigated, especially considering that current medical resources have been mostly focused on COVID-19.
COPD is one of the major drivers of mortality in China, accounting for nearly 1 million deaths annually4 and representing 30% of all deaths from COPD across the world. Why does China have such a high burden of COPD?
One obvious reason is cigarette smoking. In a recent study, Fang and colleagues5 randomly recruited more than 60,000 adults 40 years of age and older across all major provinces in China and found (astonishingly) that 58% of the male participants were smokers. In stark contrast, only 4% of female participants were smokers. Consistent with these data, 19% of men and only 8% of women in this study demonstrated COPD changes on postbronchodilator spirometry. Alarmingly, these figures are significantly higher than those reported in previous population-based studies of COPD in China in the 2000s, which had estimated the prevalence to be ∼ 10% in males and 5% in females older than age 40 years.6
In The Lancet, Kewu Huang and colleagues, 6 on behalf of the China Pulmonary Health (CPH) Study Group, report key data from a national cross- sectional study in China done during 2012–15 and encompassing a representative cohort of more than 50 000 adults (21 446 men and 29 545 women with mean age 44 years). The investigators defined asthma as a self-reported history of diagnosis by a physician or as wheeze symptoms in the preceding 12 months, using the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Additionally, they incorporated spirometry with reversibility testing. The overall prevalence of asthma in the weighted study cohort was found to be 4·2% (n=2032), whereas the prevalence of asthma with airflow limitation was 1·1% (n=670).

Update on 2020/04/05

A new review article concludes the same as the above post:
Farsalinos 2020:
In fact, the consistently low prevalence of current smoking among Chinese patients with COVID-19 was further supported by the recent data recently released from the US CDC.28 From a total of 7162 patients in the US, only 1.3% were current smokers. low smoking prevalence was also observed among hospitalized non-ICU (2.1%) and ICU cases (1.1%), while the population smoking prevalence in the US is 13.8%. These observations raise a possible hypothesis that nicotine might reduce the risk for severe COVID-19. Hospitalization for COVID-19 will inevitably result in abrupt withdrawal of nicotine and its beneficial effect linked to this hypothesis in smokers or users of other nicotine products. This could, at least partly, explain the association between smoking and COVID-19 severity among hospitalized patients.27 Nicotine has been found to prevent acute lung injury in an animal ARDS model and has immunomodulatory effects.29,30 There is also evidence for an interaction between nicotine and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis, although such interactions remain unclear.2-5 In any case, the observations of a consistently low prevalence of smoking among COVID-19 cases in China and the US, together with the potential mechanisms through which nicotine interacts with the inflammatory process and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis involved in the development of COVID-19, warrant an urgent investigation of the clinical effects of pharmaceutical nicotine on COVID-19 susceptibility, progression and severity. The potential need to provide pharmaceutical nicotine products to smokers who experience an abrupt withdrawal of nicotine when hospitalized for COVID-19 or aim to follow medical advice to quit smoking to relieve underlying conditions that may increase vulnerability to serious or fatal symptoms should also be examined.
Kim 2020:
Korea National Committee for Clinical Management of COVID-19 (KNCCMC) was organized in early February 2020 and consisted of infectious disease specialists or physicians of each hospital who took care of the confirmed COVID-19 patients. KNCCMC developed a standardized clinical record form (CRF) which was modified from the World Health Organization Global 2019-novel coronavirus clinical characterization CRF.16 Individual cases were reviewed and treatment and discharge plans were discussed during regular video conference calls three time a week. All of cases nationwide were enrolled in this study from the 1st to the 28th patient.
Smoking 5/27 (18.5)

Update on 2020/04/11

Petrilli 2020:
The study was conducted at NYU Langone Health... We obtained data from the electronic health record (Epic Systems, Verona, WI), which is an integrated EHR including all inpatient and outpatient visits in the health system, beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on April 2, 2020. Follow up was complete through April 7, 2020. A confirmed case of Covid-19 was defined as a positive result on real-time reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay of nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab specimens. [...] Surprisingly, though some have speculated that high rates of smoking in China explained some of the morbidity in those patients, we did not find smoking status to be associated with increased risk of hospitalization or critical illness. This is consistent with a handful of other studies that have previously shown a lack of association of smoking with pulmonary disease- associated ARDS (i.e. from pneumonia), as compared with non-pulmonary sepsis-associatedARDS. 29
Not Hospitalized Not Critical Critical
Neveunknown 1746/2104 (83.0%) 695/932 (74.6%) 477/650 (73.4%)
Former 250/2104 (11.9%) 175/932 (18.8%) 145/650 (22.3%)
Current 108/2104 (5.1%) 62/932 (6.7%) 28/650 (4.3%)

Update on 2020/04/14

Similarity of the clinical symptoms to HAPE:
To begin with, in severe cases, both COVID-19 and HAPE exhibit a decreased ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen (Pao2:FiO2 ratio) with concomitant hypoxia and tachypnea [4,5]. There also appears to be a tendency for low carbon dioxide levels in COVID-19 as the median partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) level was 34 mmHg (inter-quartile range: 30-38; normal range: 35-48) in a recent JAMA article describing 138 hospitalized cases [6]. Initial exposure to hypoxia at high altitude leads to an immediate increase in ventilation that blows off large quantities of carbon dioxide, producing hypocapnia as well [7]. Furthermore, blood gases of non-acclimatized mountaineers with severe illness were accompanied by a significant decrease in arterial oxygen due to an increase in alveolar- arterial oxygen difference, although herein arterial PaCO2 did not change significantly [8]. In short, hypoxia and hypocapnia are seen in both conditions, but there is more.
Radiologic findings of ground-glass opacities are present in up to 86% of patients with COVID- 19 with 76% having bilateral distribution and 33% peripheral [9]. Notably, lung cavitations, discrete pulmonary nodules, pleural effusions, and lymphadenopathy were absent [10]. In addition to this, patchy infiltrates are present [11]. Patients with HAPE also exhibit patchy infiltrates throughout the pulmonary fields, often in an asymmetric pattern and CT findings reveal increased lung markings and ground glass-like changes as well [12-14]. It has been shown that widespread ground-glass opacities are most commonly a manifestation of hydrostatic pulmonary edema and this is a central point to consider going forward [15].
Cigarettes as an aid to climbing Report, November 21 1922 Captain GJ Finch, who took part in the Mount Everest expedition, speaking at a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, London, last evening on the equipment for high climbing, testified to the comfort of cigarette smoking at very high altitude. He said that he and two other members of the expedition camped at 25,000ft for over 26 hours and all that time they used no oxygen.
About half an hour after arrival he noticed in a very marked fashion that unless he kept his mind on the question of breathing, making it a voluntary process instead of an involuntary one, he suffered from lack of air. He had 30 cigarettes with him, and as a measure of desperation he lit one. After deeply inhaling the smoke he and his companions found they could take their mind off the question of breathing altogether … The effect of a cigarette lasted at least three hours, and when the supply of cigarettes was exhausted they had recourse to oxygen, which enabled them to have their first sleep at this great altitude.
AMS, according to the Lake Louise score, was significantly lower in smokers; the value was 14.9%, 95% CI (6.8 to 23.0%) in smokers and 29.4%, 95% CI (23.5 to 35.3%) in non-smokers with an adjusted OR of 0.54, 95% CI (0.31 to 0.97) independent of gender, age and maximum altitude reached. […] Probably because of its influence on the blood’s oxygen transport as well as through its effects on vasoconstriction, smoking is a protective factor for the onset of AMS.
Page 70 here shows ~4% of COVID-19 cases and 15% of deaths were smokers in France:
Du 2020:
A prospective, single-center case series of 179 consecutive hospitalized patients from December 25 th , 2019 to February 7 th , 2020, with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 pneumonia were enrolled in this study from Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, which is located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital is situated in one of the endemic districts of COVID-19 outbreak and counts among the designated Hospitals assigned by the Chinese government.
Habitual Smoking Status
Zhu 2020:
This retrospective study focused on the initial clinical features of patients with suspected COVID‐19 who presented to the ED of the First Affiliated Hospital of USTC and the Infectious Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of USTC for the first time between 24 January 2020 and 20 February 2020. Patients were considered as suspected to have COVID‐19 based on symptoms, exposure history, and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection (trial version III) published by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China.13 [...] There were 6 (19%) smokers among diagnosed patients and 13 (15%) among negative cases. [...] Smokers were equally distributed in both groups, indicating that smoking is not a specific risk factor for diagnosed patients. [...] The initial clinical features of patients suspected of having COVID‐19 in EDs outside Hubei were relatively mild.
ISARIC 2020:
The results in this report have been produced using data from the ISARIC COVID-19 database. For information, or to contribute to the collaboration, please contact [email protected]. Up to the date of this report, data have been entered for 10363 individuals from 240 sites across 25 countries. We thank all of the data contributors for collecting standardised data during these extraordinary times. We plan to issue this report of aggregate data weekly for the duration of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic. [Figure 17 shows the vast majority of patients were from the UK]
~14.4% of adults in the UK are current smokers:
Dreher 2020:
For the present survey, the data of the first 50 patients hospitalized in the University Hospital Aachen from February to March 2020 with a positive SARS-CoV-2 result from initially obtained respiratory material were used
All Patients:
ARDS Patients:
Non-ARDS Patients:

Update on 2020/04/15

Xi 2020:
A retrospective study investigating the epidemiological, clinical and virological features of COVID-19 in designated hospitals of Zhejiang province between Jan 17 and Feb 7, 2020 was performed, followed by calculating the period of positive nuclear acid of COVID-19 in our hospital. All patients were diagnosed as COVID-19 according to WHO interim guidance 17 . and the preliminary data were reported to the authority of Zhejiang province.[...] As shown in Table 1, 51.65% of the 788 enrolled patients were male, with low rate of smoking (6.85%).[...] The ZJ01 patient is male, 30y, and had neither smoking history nor any co-existing condition.
Current smoker: 54/788 (6.85%)

Update on 2020/04/19

A small meta-analysis:
In conclusion, the results of this preliminary meta-analysis based on Chinese patients suggest that active smoking does not apparently seem to be signicantly associated with enhanced risk of progressing towards severe disease in COVID-19.

Update on 2020/04/22

Smoking and MERS: Alraddadi 2016:
Primary MERS-CoV cases were defined as cases in persons without known exposure to other MERS-CoV cases or recent (within 14 days) exposure to healthcare settings (3,5). MERS-CoV case-patients meeting this definition were presumed to have acquired infection through nonhuman contact... For each case-patient, we randomly selected up to 4 neighborhood controls matched by age and sex. For case-patients 18 to <25 years old, controls were matched within 5 years of age, and for those >25 years old, controls were matched within 10 years of age...Case-patients also were more likely than controls to currently smoke tobacco (37% vs. 19%, OR 3.14, 95% CI 1.10–9.24).
11/30 patients were current smokers vs 22/116 controls
Seys 2018:
We provide evidence that DPP4 is upregulated in the lungs of smokers and COPD patients, which could partially explain why these individuals are more susceptible to MERS-CoV infection.
The rate of current daily smokers was significantly lower in COVID-19 outpatients and inpatients (80.3% and 75.4%, respectively), as compared to that in the French general population with standardized incidence ratios according to sex and age of 0.197 [0.094 - 0.41] and 0.246 [0.148 - 0.408]. These ratios did not significantly differ between the two groups (P=0.63). Conclusions and relevance: Our cross sectional study in both COVID-19 out- and inpatients strongly suggests that daily smokers have a very much lower probability of developing symptomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to the general population.
A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications
Liao 2020:
Using data from Sichuan Provincial Department of Health and the population-based multicentre cohort study, all microbiologically confirmed COVID-19 patients in Sichuan who met the national severe criteria were included from January 16 to March 15, 2020.
Current smoking * Total: 3/81 (3.7%)
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A hazardous materials service handling charge applied to all hazardous materials / dangerous goods packages that require a shipping paper or Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods. UPS does not accept hazardous materials shipments at UPS Customer Centers, The UPS Store, Air Letter Centers, Authorized Shipping Outlets, commercial counters, or using Internet Shipping. U.S. Ground Service level shipments of Limited Quantity materials in the 48 contiguous states may be accepted at some Hazardous materials (hazmat) are any material that has properties that may result in risk or injury to health and/or destruction of life or facilities. Many hazardous materials (hazmat) do not have a taste or an odor. Some can be detected because they cause physical reactions such as watering eyes or nausea. Some Hazardous Materials exist beneath the surface of the ground and have an oil or foam-like appearance. The substance can be identified from placards, labels or markings on the Hazardous Material | legal definition of Hazardous Material by Law Insider Definition of Hazardous Material Hazardous Material means anything defined as a hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous material, pollutant, or contaminant or similar term under an Environmental Law Sample 1 Hazardous wastes from business can include pesticides, needles and syringes, unused medicines, materials containing asbestos, treated wood and bituminous coal tar products, chemicals and others (as detailed by CIWM). Non-hazardous. 17-01-03. Concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics (alone or in mixtures) containing hazardous substances. Hazardous. 17-01-06*. Concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics in mixtures Safe storage of dangerous or hazardous materials. Guide. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) you must store and handle chemicals and dangerous substances in a way that: minimises the risks; limits people's exposure to them. You need to assess the risks of storing and handling dangerous substances. This includes the possibility of environmental damage caused Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Information last updated: 6 March 2019. On this page you will find information about: Guidance for the initial management of self presenters from incidents involving hazardous materials ; Chemical incidents: planning for the management of self-presenters in healthcare settings; Powered Respiratory Protective Hazardous waste is defined in the Hazardous Waste List incorporated in the European Waste Catalogue. On 16 July 2004 the co-disposal of hazardous waste with non-hazardous waste at the same landfill... Provides information on the Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH). Using chemicals or other hazardous substances at work can put peoples health at risk. Hazardous materials in the workplace can cause severe health problems and/or physical injury to the worker. Employers have the responsibility to anticipate, recognize, evaluation and control hazards associated with hazardous materials in the workplace. Hazard abatement must be accomplished through a hierarchy of controls. Hazardous materials can unexpectedly be brought home to a workers

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