These Are the 20 Biggest Mega Millions and Powerball ...

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Biggest Lottery Winners from all over the World

A slight departure from the usual source of Sports Bet information that you'll find here, I thought of compiling some figures to show the biggest lottery winners in history. Unlike lottery winners, us sport betting fans have a much higher chance of success - you're more likely to get hit by lightning than to win any of these lottery payouts, but it's still fun to dream about what you might do with the winnings!
The biggest lottery winner in America won an insane $1.537 billion jackpot back in 2019 on a Mega Millions lottery draw. The biggest ever jackpot through the Powerball game, which ended up being shared between 3 ticket holders was very close at $1.537 billion. One further ticket has broken the billion dollar mark in winnings at a staggering $1.05 billion. There have been a further 48 lottery drawings that have smashed the 300+ million dollar mark. Unlike some other locations in the world, these amounts are taxed afterwards but the winners will certainly still be in the super rich club.
Taking a look at Europe, there have been some huge wins all over - the largest has been a 200 million Euro ticket in France during December 2020 as part of the Euromillions lottery. Another four winners have collected 190 million Euro prizes in the last ten years. Eurojackpot is another lottery that has a maximum 90 million Euro payout and it has paid out 12 times so far. Most European countries also have local lotteries that have created - 209 million was won through Italy's SuperEnalotto in August 2019.
Finally we take a look at the Spanish Christmas Lottery, called "Sorteo Extraodinario de Navidad", which is widely considered to be the biggest lottery game in the world. If we travel back to 2012, the first prize was €730 million which exchanged to $941.8 million at the time). It has progressively gotten ridiculously higher through the years, in 2016 the total prize pool was €2.31 billion ($2.414 billion) and in 2020 it reached a mind blowing €2.38 billion which was equivalent to $2.897 billion.
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Agent Johnson: It is 11.34am and the date is May 19th 2007. For the purposes of the DIR, the participants in this criminal interview are myself, Agent Bill Johnson. Also present, Agent Danny Rodriguez. Under federal arrest and cautioned is Damian Ramsey. He is here today in regards to an incident in Ormewood, Georgia, that occurred on 12th august 2005. The abduction, rape and murder of 5-year-old Kyle Taylor. Mr Ramsey has waived his right to legal representation. Can everyone just confirm their presence for the purpose of the tape?
Agent Rodriguez: Daniel Rodriguez, Present.
Damian Ramsey: Ask and you shall receive. I am here! In the flesh.
Rodriguez: please state your full name Mr Ramsey and indicate your presence. No need for the theatrics.
Ramsey: Damian Clive Ramsey. Present.
Johnson: Ok thank you. Mr Ramsey, do you understand the charges against you?
Ramsey: Well either it’s a federal crime to be devilishly handsome or this is about that poor young ‘un who got his self gotten by that rascal of an uncle of his. It’s always a family member aint it? Yaknow I read somewhere that 82% of all child murders are committed by a parent or some other close relative! I was like ‘stop the god damn world and let me off this sumbitch.’ ya know what I mean?
Johnson: yeah, that statistic is unfortunately true Mr Ramsey... But it also means that 18% of the time it isn’t. It means that 18% of the time it's an opportunistic psychopath. Someone who sees a chance to satisfy his needs and takes it. With no regard for the pain and suffering it will cause. And in the case of Kyle Taylor, we believe it was someone from the 18%.
Ramsey: Meaning me I presume?
Johnson: For the purpose of the DLR, Agent Rodriquez is showing Mr Ramsey Item Reference DR-342, an image capture from an internal store CCTV camera at Holdens DIY store on Beck road, Ormewood. The image shows a man matching the description of Mr Ramsey walking with a boy matching the description of Kyle Taylor. The man's left hand is on the back of the boy's neck and appears to be gloved. Ushering him in the direction of the old Ormewood freight and rail depot. Is this you in this Image Mr Ramsey?
Ramsey: …
Johnson: For the purpose of the tape Mr Ramsey has refused to answer this que-
Ramsey: Jesus! Can't a man breath in this god damn facility of yours, agent? Now while I would love to say that is myself on that there photo, as he is one fine looking individual! But unfortunately, no Mr Johnson that is not me. Oh lord, you really have fallen from grace haven’t you boys? People talk about the Feds and word is you two ain’t shit anymore, been stuck on cases that are as cold as that Taylor boy is now. Chasing some group of boogeymen apparently, made yourself a laughing stock. I can see why though? Look atch’ you both! Bringing an innocent man like me in here with nothing but some blurry image of that kid and his uncle dressed in some snappy gloves. You two need to think about applying at the new MacDonald's in Lakewood Heights. Accusing an innocent law abiding citizen such as myself of this monstrous act. I wasn’t even in Georgia at the time.
Johnson: Oh really? Where did you go?
Ramsey: Oh I went for a little trip to Talladega National Forest. Ya know? See the trees, the birds, cook marshmallows out on a nice big open fire... The whole damn shebang.
Johnson: Ok and what dates did you travel to Talladega and what date did you return to your registered address in Marietta?
Ramsey: I took my camping gear and I headed over on the 8th and didn’t return while the 14th.
Rodriguez: Say that again...
Ramsey: Jesus lord almighty. It speaks.
Rodriguez: Say that again... please... for the tape.
Ramsey: Say what?
Rodriguez: The dates you weren't in Atlanta. Not even in Georgia apparently...
Ramsey: (clears throat with a cough) erm, yeah the 8th till the 14th
Rodriguez: So we’ve got that on tape. You have mentioned... when questioned... something that can be used in evidence and something you may go on to rely upon in court.
Johnson: Agent, please present Mr Ramsey with Item Reference WJ-242. A clip of dash cam footage from the 10th August 2005. For the purpose of the tape, we are now playing a section of film sent in to us in September 2005 after an appeal for ANY footage of the Taylor family in the days leading up to and inclusive of the 12th August 2005. This footage was first logged in the investigation into Reece Taylor. Kyles uncle who was the original prime suspect. I have paused the video of the dash cam footage from a car driving out of the Georgia Dome carpark which captures the family waiting for a shuttlebus. In said image, you can see a man matching the same description and biometrics of the man in the hardware store image. The man is staring directly at the family, notably Kyle. Facial Recognition Software indicates a 99.5% likelihood that this individual is Mr Damian Ramsey.
Ramsey: …
Ramsey: …
Rodriguez: You watched them, didn’t you? You stalked them and saw he had a tendency to wonder off, making him easy prey!
Ramsey: ...
Johnson: You planned it all didn’t you? You knew where to take him, busy marketplace for him to get lost, panic and need a good Samaritan to help him look for his parents. You knew where to go to avoid detection by traffic cameras. You knew where you could take that poor boy and do what you did to him and no would come for him! WHERE NO ONE WOULD HEAR HIM SCREAM!
Rodriguez: A search team are at your house now; they found no camping gear. They found a laptop with some pretty disgusting things on it and they found a collection of shoe laces.
Ramsey: You stay away from those.
Rodriguez: 11 pairs... all children's sizes. They are at the lab now being tested to see who they belong to. I put my house on one of those belonging to Kyle Taylor.
Johnson: We also took some samples of DNA from your toothbrush and comb. I imagine they will match the bodily fluids found on and inside Kyle at the scene of his murder.
Ramsey: …
Johnson: I got you. You son of a bitch, I got you! You will rot in prison for the things you did to that poor boy. Paedophiles are like royalty in prison too I hear, so I’m sure you’ll be made right at home. Get this piece of shit of he-
Ramsey: Now just you wait a cotton-picking minute, Agent Johnson. We ain’t done here. And I aint going anywhere cos I got something you need!
Johnson: What on earth could a sick and twisted Al Pacino tribute act have, that I need? You’re Done. Interview terminated at twelve twenty-
Ramsey: How about I could make you the biggest cat in this whole freaking alley Agent?
Johnson: What are you talking about? You’re a child murderer. You can’t make anyone anything other than make innocent kids become statistics.
Ramsey: Ha-ha-ha well, there is that. However, you my ‘Alec Baldwin tribute act’ friend are looking at the answer to all your issues. You are looking at a gold mine. You are looking at the guy who can prove it...
Johnson: Prove what?
Johnson: …
Ramsey: ahhh, you didn’t think I didn’t know all about you and your trips and falls here within this building, did you Agent Johnson? I know everything. I know you, and your little wetback friend here, are at the bottom of the food chain. I know you’ve been given the cases that these yuppies round here don’t want nothing to do with. I know you think there's a gang doing these horrible things, not some Neo-Ted Bundy. Well, (clears throat) make these charges go away... and I can turn EVERYTHING around for you!
Johnson: I don’t care what you know. you abducted, tortured, raped and left a boy to die. You could know the Powerball numbers for the next 12 months and I wouldn’t trade that little boy's justice.
Rodriguez: are you saying you have information that could help aid the theory that a group of criminals are behind these disappearances? Bill, maybe we should hear what he has to say? I mean, we’ve been looking for the missing link for years and ok this guy is a piece of shit but-
Ramsey: I am here you know boys.
Rodriguez: - But let’s be honest, beggars can’t be choosers! Don’t you want to prove that this gang exists, stop them and save 1000s of lives! Nothing can bring Kyle Taylor back buddy but-, but if this son of a bitch is telling the truth then his death could have meaning...
Ramsey: Well you may just be the smartest taco muncher I ever did meet. No wonder they pulled you out of home depot. Why send me to prison where I get 3 meals a day and a gym membership so the parents can call me a monster on the news for the death of their kid who, let's face it, was BEGGING for what he got.
Ramsey: No matter how much his mum shouted at him for wondering off, the little prick kept doing it didn’t he?
Johnson: You shut your goddamn mouth before I shut it for you! Ramsey: He waddled right up to me, crying, looking all scared like. Asking me ‘Mister, Can you help me find my mummy?’
Ramsey: ‘I certainly can my little friend... Come with me she’s waiting down the street’
Ramsey: ‘Hey how about before we get to your mum...’
Unidentified Officer: AGENT JOHNSON STAND DOWN! ASSISTANCE INTERVIEW ROOM 4! Ramsey: ‘...We go have a look at some trains? Hahaha choo-choo! Like a moth...’
Unidentified Officer: SHUT THAT TAPE OFF!
Ramsey: ‘ a flame.’
Unidentified Officer: INTERVIEW TERMINATED!
Bill Johnson was given a verbal warning for his assault on Damian Ramsey. This was swiftly over turned though once Ramsey corroborated the trafficking angle to the 2006-2007 string of disappearances. The details surrounding Ramsey's arrest over the Kyle Taylor incident were buried. The incident remains officially unsolved.
There was a follow up interview 2 days later between Johnson, Rodriquez, Ramsey and two FBI mediators. Ramsey under legal guidance and federal caution confirmed Agent Johnsons hypothesis that the abductions were carried out by a group he was a part of.
He agreed to divulge details about the group's operation. In return for this information, he would receive a new identity, full immunity for any past crimes and he would be relocated to a safe house. On the U.S tax payers dime of course!
I managed to obtain the transcripts of his second interview. Below is a large section from the interview.
Johnson: Ok now we’ve got the legal stuff out of the way. How about you start and tell us who ‘The Swarm’ are? And what is your relationship with them?
Ramsey: (sips water and clears throat) They are the stuff nightmares wake up all sweaty from. They are a group of very bad people Agent.
Johnson: Well, you would fit right in then, wouldn’t you?
Lawyer: My client is co-operating, Agent. There’s no need for hostilities here.
Ramsey: Yeah, Bill. Let's all just settle down ya know? No hard feelings...
Rodriguez: Please tell us everything you know about ‘The Swarm’. We don’t need your personal opinion on their morale compass.
Ramsey: Very well Agent. The Swarm are a group of individuals who hide in the shadows. They have no faces; they have no names. What they do have though, is a complete disregard for the human race. They take what they want and do what is necessary in order to further the interests of the ‘Queen’.
Johnson: The Queen? Like in England?
Ramsey: As much as the sarcasm of that question wasn’t lost on me Agent, I do have to answer the question with an honest response and that answer is...Maybe.
Rodriguez/Johnson: Huh?
Ramsey: The truth is I don’t know. I don’t know if anyone really does. Hell, I don’t even know if it’s a bitch.
Johnson: So, what is ‘The Queen’?
Ramsey: The Queen is the top of the chain. The person who started this whole thing. It’s someone with elite connections. Someone financially motivated because everything the Swarm does is to make money.
Johnson: Ok, well let's keep with what you do know. Tell me how the gang further the financial interests of the high-ranking members of the organisation.
Ramsey: Pain, Misery, Torture, Intimidation.
Rodriguez: Specifics...
Ramsey: The Swarm, from what I know, has 4 units. Unit 1. They take people.
Johnson: Take people?
Ramsey: Yeah, you know? Those types that who all the cute little youtubers make all the videos about. People who are walking home and never make it. Then ya get all the crackpots saying it was aliens or some shit. Well, this unit. They just come out of nowhere and snatch you up. You don’t even know they’re there. Until it's too late, that is.
Johnson: Ok, Unit 2?
Ramsey: Unit 2, They hurt people.
Rodriguez: Hurt people?
Ramsey: Yeah. When Unit 1 bring someone in, they are taken to ‘The Hive’-
Johnson: Wo-woah, what on earth is ‘the Hive’?
Ramsey: Again, it's all up for speculation... I don’t know if its’s a fixed location or its just where they set up shop for the time being. Either way, it’s not somewhere you’d want to be finding yourself.
Johnson: Ok so what do Unit 2 do at ‘The Hive’?
Ramsey: I’m sure your all not ancient enough to know the basic computer term ‘The Dark Web’.
Johnson: I do.
Rodriguez: Hm-hmm.
Ramsey: Well one of the ‘resources’, shall we say? Of the Swarm are the ‘Red Rooms’.
Johnson: Sorry, what now?
Rodriguez: ‘Red Rooms’ are what our cybercrime team describe as Live Feed Torture and Execution Sessions. Usually there's a group chat box where site members can pay bitcoin or other encrypted currencies in return for having their requests inflicted on the victim.
Ramsey: Wow, very nice work Agent ‘Taco-Bell'. Bill, I thought you were meant to be the senior agent here and your little brown buddy here is showing you up.
Rodriguez: I’m showing you a lot of patience here Ramsey. It's going to take a lot more than some racist white trash child murderer to make me lose my cool.
Johnson: One more comment like that Ramsey and this immunity deal... dead.
Ramsey/Attorney: (inaudible whispers)
Attorney: My client apologizes for any light-hearted teases taken to heart. He is 100% on board with co-operating with the Buruea in return for the guarantee of his safety.
Johnson: Yeah. More like in return for getting off with raping and killing a five-year-old fu-
Mediator 1: Agent cool yourself. Neither the time or the place.
Mediator 2: We’re here to obtain information on the OCG carrying out these violent acts. I understand there is some animosity between you guys from your previous interview but can we please just keep this professional.
Johnson: Fine.
Ramsey: Absolutely Mr. Fancy Tie, whatever you say.
Rodriguez: Please, continue about Unit 2 and the ‘Red Rooms’.
Ramsey: Well, most of the time, you get these paid snuff sites. Nothing special. Usually just some old tramp in an underpass or some drugged party girl. Then, of course you get the more shall we say ‘Premium’ sites. These are your migrants, run-aways, stow-aways, refugees who trust the wrong people and find themselves strapped to a chair Infront of a webcam. These are the more interactive sites. As you mentioned, the chat boxes and requests being carried out. But then you have the sites these guys run. Extremely hard to find. VIP members only.
Johnson: what's so special about these sites then?
Ramsey: The content mainly. The people they have in those rooms. They’re hmm special...
Rodriguez: Special?
Ramsey: Cops. Federal Witnesses. Politicians.
Johnson: …
Rodriguez: …
Ramsey: For the DIR, Agents Johnson and Rodriguez are looking at me like they’ve just shit their pants.
Attorney: (inaudible whisper)
Ramsey: Hmm, sorry guys. Couldn’t resist.
Johnson: Did you say Cops and Witnesses?
Rodriguez: Politicians?
Ramsey: Hmm-hmm. Cops who maybe take their job a little too seriously. ‘Dog with a bone’ types. Gets to a point where maybe someone, somewhere thinks that things would go more smoothly if this person went away.
Johnson: Someone? ‘The Queen’?
Ramsey: Maybe. I don’t imagine anything gets done without her sanction. Either way, there’s a ‘process’ other groups can follow and with a bit of planning and prep, in a few week they can be watching that giant pain in the ass getting his limbs ripped off on camera. Swarm takes a fee, and they make a bucket load of bitcoin from the viewers.
Johnson: Sons of bitches.
Ramsey: Outside the dark web, they also use there ‘skill-set’ to make videos that might be hard for rich parents to watch their kids in. The type of video that makes you pay a shit load of money so that you don’t get another one.
Johnson: God damn, I fucking knew it. March 2006, Two kids. Video sent to parents of them being tortured. Requested a large payment in exchange for their suffering to end. I knew it was connected.
Rodriguez: Jesus Christ Bill, you were right.
Mediator 1: Sorry to interrupt but Mr Ramsey, you also said Federal Witnesses?
Ramsey: Yep.
Johnson: ...Like you?
Mediator 1, 2 and Attorney: Agent!
Johnson: That wasn’t a dig. I’m being serious. Surely you must have thought about this when you decided to testify against them?
Ramsey: Listen, Agent Johnson. You let me worry about me and you can worry about you not being one of the ‘dogs with a bone’. We all as safe as each other from these guys. Johnson: …
Ramsey: Besides anyway, I’m a little more confident I'll be ok in the hands of the Bureau.
Johnson: What makes you say that?
Ramsey: Let's just say the people who go the cops... are playing a dangerous game.
Rodriguez/Johnson: What?
Attorney/Ramsey: Inaudible Whispers.
Attorney: I have advised my client to only give out information that he has witnessed with his own eyes. Speculation is not part of the WITSEC/Criminal Informant agreement
Johnson: Look ok we won’t include it as part of the official statement but come on Damian. What's your take?
Ramsey: …
Johnson: For the DIR, Mr Ramsey just received a non-verbal confirmation from his attorney.
Ramsey: I think ‘The Swarm’ has a little help from the boys in blue. Johnson: Jesus Christ, what's your basis for that?
Ramsey: A while back I was watching this girls house. Took some snaps, few videos. Not really my type ya know. Little old for my taste. I sent the info on, My job was done and I got a payment for my work. Anyways a few days later, I heard through the news and a contact of mine that there was a witness to the take. A couple of high school kids were making out in a car in a blind spot when the girl was being thrown into the van. I heard that they went to the police and gave an officer a very detailed statement about the van and 3 men. Those two people went missing 10 days later.
Johnson: So how does that mean that the police betrayed them?
Ramsey: Well, I guess it don’t but hell, the fact I even knew the couple made the statement suggests that the gang found out some way. I scouted that street. I watched that girl, her family and neighbours for days. The way that make-out spot was situated and where those car was parked, in relation to where the house was, there’s no way the Unit would have known that the witnesses were there. Surely if the cops didn’t screw them, then they would have remained anonymous and there would have been some arrests but there was nothing. No arrests, No investigation. I think they gave their statement to the wrong cop. They passed that to their ‘guy’ and the evidence was destroyed and the witnesses taken. But ya know, it's completely circumstantial. I get that.
Johnson: ‘His guy’?
Ramsey: Well, I’ll get to that shortly but for now let me just tell you about Unit 3.
Johnson: Ok. What do Unit 3 do?
Ramsey: They move people.
Rodriquez: Move people?
Ramsey: Yeah. Move, Trade, Sell, Swap. Ya know Trafficking?
Johnson: This is the gang's bread and butter?
Ramsey: Yep. This is where I came in to things. Unit 3, which I am not a part of by the way! Unit 3 are a go between for The Swarm and the buyers of the ‘Livestock’
Johnson: What type of buyer we talking? Paedo-Rings? Grooming Gangs?
Ramsey: Sometimes but mainly, and hold on to your hat's gentleman, it's rich old white pervs. CEOs, Judges, Senators.
Johnson: You’re fucking kidding, right?
Ramsey: Ha-ha what's wrong, Bill? Think everyone who likes to have a bit of fun wi’a young un is a creepy monster like me?
Johnson: Basically, yeah.
Ramsey: WELL, THEY AIN’T! They are rich, old, white privileged socialites who moonlight as Satanic Worshippers and nothing tells the big red horny bastard downstairs that you're on his team more than a group of the country's most rich and powerful starting their evening with a nice little banquet at their private country club followed by a ritual of gang rape and human sacrifice.
Johnson: What the fuck.
Rodriguez: If this is true then can you provide the names of this people?
Ramsey: hmm. All in good time gentlemen. Memory's a little foggy right now but down the line who knows?
Johnson: Son of a bitch, you played your card and it's got you off the murder of Kyle Taylor. Don’t be holding back from us.
Attorney: Agent, my client has been extremely co-operative and has given you a comprehensive insight into this organised crime group. He’s said he can’t remember the names of the buyers but you will be the first to know once he can recall them.
Johnson: That right Damian? Got a fuzzy little memory there, have you? Ramsey: Well, I didn’t used to but you know agent, it has been a little foggy ever since you clocked me.
Mediator 2: Guys! Can we just settle down and try wrap this up quickly so we can separate you two?
Johnson: Fine by me.
Ramsey: By all means.
Rodriguez: Ok so we’ve covered Units 1, 2 and 3. Unit 4?
Ramsey: Well, that’s just it. I don’t know.
Johnson: ‘Their Guy’...
Rodriguez: Huh?
Ramsey: I see you gone and catched on there, Billy Boy. Well done.
Rodriguez: Can someone tell me what you're both talking about?
Johnson: Unit 4. Corrupts people.
Ramsey: If I was to hazard a guess. Yes.
Rodriguez: Corrupts who?
Johnson/Ramsey: The Police.
Rodriguez: You said that was speculation though.
Ramsey: Well, it is. However, Unit 4 is kept so close to the chest it's got to be something juicy right? There was once a spotter like myself, who asked a few too many questions about the mysterious Unit 4. Next thing I know, me and another guy are being tasked with dumping a body. We were told not to look who was in the plastic. The other did as he was told but me, I’ve never been able to resist things that make me curious. It was the guy who asked too many questions.
Johnson: Do you know his name? Or is your memory still foggy?
Ramsey: No, I remember. You have my word I will provide his name in my official statement.
Rodriguez: Thank you. Please, can you tell me something?
Ramsey: Shoot...
Rodriguez: This guy who helped you bury the body. The guy who asked too many questions. Yourself. What Unit do you belong to?
Ramsey: Oh agent, I and those men have no official affiliations to those people. See?
Johnson: For the DIR, Mr Ramsey is lifting up his shirt to show us he does not have a tattoo.
Ramsey: The fact I don’t bear the mark should be enough to show you I'm what you might call ‘freelance’.
Rodriguez: The mark?
Johnson: The Butterfly.
Rodriguez: The Brand?
Johnson/Ramsey: Yeah.
Ramsey: Besides, if I was a member. We wouldn’t be sat here talking.
Rodriguez: Why not?
Ramsey: ‘cos like I've said these guys. They have no names. They have no faces.
Johnson: How do they not have faces?
Ramsey: Well I've worked with at least 1 guy from each unit apart from unit 4. I never learnt their name and they never took it off.
Rodriguez: Took what off?
Ramsey: Their mask.
Johnson: … Rabbit or a Bunny, By any chance?
Ramsey: Some yes. The newbies wear a black ski mask or a balaclava. Once they’ve proven themselves, they move up in rank.
Rodriguez: What do they wear when they move up?
Ramsey: Unit 1, the takers. They wear the mask of an eagle. Sometimes a falcon. Either way it’s a bird of prey. Then yes, Unit 2. They wear the mask of a bunny or rabbit. Then Unit 3, the movers. They wear the mask of a sheep.
Johnson: Why those animals?
Ramsey: Who knows? I guess eagles swoop in and snatch their prey. The bunny masks are anything but cute and the sheep masks could symbolise Livestock. There is another mask though...
Johnson: Go on...
Ramsey: A goat or a ram.
Johnson: Unit 4?
Ramsey: Not sure. I just know that if you wear that mask, then boy! You have some serious clout.
Rodriguez: So, the goats and rams, they are the high-ranking members of the group?
Ramsey: Yeah. Pretty much so.
Rodriguez: So, would you say one of the people in the goat mask is ‘The Queen’?
Ramsey: There are 2 goats and 2 rams. 1 commanding officer for each of the 4 states the group operate in. Florida, Virginia, Georgia and Louisiana. But none of them are ‘The Queen’. The ‘Queen’ is someone with a name. Someone with a face. Someone with a lot of power. Someone with a lot of influence. Someone no doubt with a nice family, important job, big reputation, maybe even someone in the public eye.
Rodriguez: Ok well thanks. We will be sure to include your testimony about the group's hierarchy. I have a Question, though.
Ramsey: Go on.
Rodriguez: What level are you in the gang?
Ramsey: Me?! No. Guys like me, we just sell information. You see through our (cough) ‘hobbies’, we spot potential targets. You know the types, kids who get left home alone, kids who sneak out at night to go drink, kids who wonder off from their parents.
Johnson: Like Kyle Taylor?
Ramsey: Hmm yes. Except one thing Bill.
Johnson: What's that then?
Ramsey: Kyle was just my type so I decided to keep him for myself.
(Unidentified Commotion)
Mediator 1: Can we all just settle down! Jesus.
Johnson: You know Ramsey, you’re a sick piece of shit. You’re a slimy son of a bitch who has stuck his nose in all the right places and now you know you’re a goldmine.
Ramsey: Well sorry Bill, but let's not stand here on ceremony Agent Johnson-
Mediator 2: I think we are done for now. Rest of the testimony can be writ-
Ramsey: You had a chance to have me halfway to Macon State by now but instead you sold out that boy too. Just to prove you were right-
Johnson: …
Mediator 1: Ramsey, that’s enough! Counsellor, I suggest you control your client.
Ramsey: - Just to prove that all along, you had it nailed and all these other guys were chasing ghosts.
Johnson: …
Attorney: Come on Damian, let’s leave it there.
Ramsey: No! Fuck you all. I hope the DIR is still running because I will be heard!
Johnson: ...
Rodriguez: Come on Bill, let's go get you a coffee.
Ramsey: Me and you ain’t so different, Bill. We both had chance to do right by that boy and we didn’t.
Johnson: you fucking piece-
Mediator 2: I’m calling this interview to a close.
Ramsey: You could have caught his killer and got his family justice but instead you’ve given me freedom, a new life and a killer, government funded pad. Just so you can be the top Agent at the Bureua...
Mediator 1: I agree, this is getting out of hand now.
Ramsey: … And when that silly, sniffling, whiney, little prick wandered over to me asking me if I could help him find his mummy, I could have shown him back to his parents...
Rodriguez: Yep, come on Bill. Let's get you out of here.
Ramsey: But I didn’t... Instead, I led him down to the train tracks.
Johnson: One day Ramsey, One day... I swear to god-
Ramsey: The look on his face when he knew what I was going to do...
Johnson: One day, you will PAY for what you did to that boy! Karma finds all man!
Ramsey: … Priceless.
Mediator: Interview Terminated at 16.32!
The formalities following these initial interviews included Damian Ramsey providing a fully comprehensive statement of his working knowledge of the OCG known as ‘The Swarm’. In return for his co-operation, he was set up in a safe house in Fort Worth, Texas. He was given a new alias, Dave Miller and was granted total immunity from any crime relating to ‘The Swarm’ and also Kyle Taylor.
Over the course of 14 months, Dave Miller went on to live a life of luxury but he continued to commit crimes in this time however.
In September 2007, he was caught in the process of trying to abduct a 7-year-old girl from a county fair. On his arrest he was also in possession of class A narcotics and stimulants.
In December 2007, he was reported for exposing himself to a group of kids who were playing in a park.
In March 2008, he was arrested for getting drunk and hitting someone with a bottle
I’m sure you all now wondering, how on earth this guy was still within the limits of his WITSEC agreement? Well due to the nature of his interviews and the speculation over the mysterious Unit 4 potentially being a group of individuals working as go betweens for high-ranking state police officers and the influencing members of The Swarm, The FBI set up a MOPI re-route on anything relating to Damian Ramsey or Dave Miller.
A MOPI re-route is an encryption programme used by the FBI to manage sensitive information with the police. Any reports, complaints or searches made in regards to Dave MilleDamian Ramsey were encrypted to anyone outside the FBI and digitally rerouted to the Bureau for them to handle.
This was to protect the FBI’s Golden Goose from a potential corrupt officer handing him over to the Swarm from them to slaughter him. Every time the FBI pulled Dave Miller in for questioning on the charges listed above, they’d threaten to terminate his WITSEC agreement.
However, on each occasion just as the Bureau were about to pull his deal, he would proclaim that his memory had cleared up and he could remember more details about the people who dealt with ‘The Swarm’.
In October 2007, The FBI set up a sting operation on a grooming gang in Jackson, Mississippi. The investigation yielded evidence that the group was being bankrolled by one, Roger Marshall. The Republican Senator for the state.
In November, the gang members were taken down and the organisation was folded under the RICO act and all defendants served sentences between 7-25 years. They also arrested Roger Marshall on November 25th on the following charges.
Malfeasance in a public office, Conspiracy to commit murder, Conspiracy to commit rape and Conspiracy to sexually exploit a child.
The FBI covered up the details of the arrest, posing it as a tax fraud scandal so to try not to alert ‘The Swarm’ they were looking into them.
In January 2008, Dave Miller provided a lead about a group of rich socialites in Chicago who were exploiting young boys for sexual acts who they’d purchased from Unit 3 of the Swarm. There were 13 people arrested in regards to the investigation but the core members were...
Alan Davies, 45, CEO of a stocks and bonds broker. Sentenced 10 years. Jim Pipe, 59, Supreme Court Judge. Sentenced 11 years. Mike Roland 49 and James Roland 47, Criminal Lawyers. Sentenced to a combined 19 years. And the club president, John Paul Richards, 64. The archbishop of the catholic church of Illinois. Sentenced to 15 years with no chance of parole.
In May 2008, Dave Miller provided a lead on a potential Satanic Cult with close ties to the ‘Queen’ based in California. Unfortunately, he claimed his memory was ‘fuzzy’ again and couldn’t think of the names. It was enough to get him off the drunken assault charge however.
By this point however, the FBI had used the information provided by Ramsey/Miller to get two highly sensitive operations sanctioned.
On October 2007, the undercover and sensitive operations unit of the FBI assigned an agent to be immersed into the OCG known as ‘The Swarm’. That man was Joe Clayton. An experience undercover agent who has worked to bring down biker gangs in Canada and a violent cartel in Mexico. The details of his integration, immersion and investigation will be included in his journal. I intend to post Claytons journal once I can crack the encryption on the 2nd half of it. Having viewed the first half, trust me It’s honestly quite the read.
Two other key pieces of evidences were entered against the gang after a serious event occurred in July 2008.
On Thursday 27th July 2008, Dave Miller attempted to abduct another child, Kim Summerfield aka Olivia Matthews, with the sole intention of inflicting as much pain and suffering as his did to Kyle Taylor in 2005. This is the girl who I referenced earlier with the link to her story.
As Dave Miller tried to force Kim into her empty home to violently rape and murder her, he was abducted by Unit 1 of the Swarm and drove away in a white Ford Transit van to the ‘Hive’, where Unit 2 made him pay for his betrayal.
On Friday 5th July 2008, Unit 1 of the Swarm attempted to take Kim Summerfield from her home but after an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, her friend Grace Blake aka Jessica, was kidnapped instead. Unit 3 of the group attempted to trade her to the same group who ordered Kim but the mystery organisation only wanted Kim. Grace was then handed over to Unit 2.
Later that evening, at 00.23 am, a botched FBI sting was ambushed by Unit 1 and FBI Agent Ray Daniels was also kidnapped. He was also handed over to Unit 2.
Grace Blake, Ray Daniels and Damian Ramsey were all brutally killed on Livestream sites on encrypted websites.
This is where the other two pieces of evidence came in to play.
Two 16-year-old boys, Liam Brookes and Mark Neill, we’re urban exploring and unwittingly stumbled into ‘The Hive’. They witnessed the three murders of Blake, Ramsey and Daniels. They also saw faces and vehicles. The boys took their information to the police. This is where the suspicions of Damian Ramsey and Agent Johnson about corrupt police involvement was sadly confirmed.
Liam Brooks left a detailed letter documenting the week between his discovery of the Gang and the day he disappeared from his home on July 12th 2008
This evidence was paramount in proving a link between ‘The Swarm’ and high level police corruption. I am 90% finished decrypting his letter. I am excited to read and post this brave young man's sacrifice.
And finally, after Ramsey/Miller was kidnapped and taken away, this prompted the FBI to hire Dave Peterson. A freelance cybercrime expert who had extensive experience in unearthing the most hidden pathways on the hidden web. He’d been hired all over the world by M15, the CIA and Interpol to help bring down one of ISIS’ recruitment site. He’d also done work for the DEA to help bring down illicit drug sites like Silkroad.
When an eyewitness to the Ramsey kidnapping called the police to report the incident, the MOPI notice alerted the FBI of Ramsey’s situation. They shut the police out of it immediately and on Saturday June 28th 2008, Peterson was hired to do an independent investigation to try and locate the missing Federal Witness Damian Ramsey and, in the process, find the main haunt of the Swarm known as The Hive.
On July 6th, after Agent Johnson and his team had taken investigatory control of the Grace Blake abduction, A botched sting to try reclaim her at an arranged meet with a unit of the gang resulted in the abduction of Ray Daniels. Peterson was then tasked in finding him too before it was too late. David Peterson recorded his findings on a Dictaphone, whilst searching the deep web. This has since been transcripted and again, I have obtained the file. I will just need some time to decrypt it.
Unfortunately, David Peterson along with Liam Brookes and Joe Clayton all suffered horrible fates due to their involvement in the investigation. The Important thing is however, that they still managed to get the job done and submit enough evidence for this group to be brought to its knees eventually in April 2012 when the ‘Queen’ was unmasked and there was enough evidence to crush the organisation and all its units and associations under the RICO act. Before you ask, no I don’t know who the ‘Queen’ was. I imagine it will be revealed in one of the coded submissions so I am working day and night to crack the FBIs encryption. If you’re wondering what happened to Agent Johnson. After, the FBI sting was ambushed, he faced a disciplinary board in regards to his judgement to send a team of just 5 agents to a potentially combustible stand-off with a criminal organisation with a known history of extreme violence. He argued that any larger FBI presence would have potentially scared off the Swarm and they would have lost the chance to save Grace Blake.
The board agreed his actions were justifiable and the operation was authorised by the Strategic Firearms Commander. However, 5 Agents lost their lives and the Bureau needed a scapegoat. As punishment, he was removed as Senior Commanding Officer of the Major Violent Crimes Department and replaced with his protégé, Danny Rodriguez.
Agent Johnson, never a man who measured himself on status and titles, took it on the chin and was pleased Danny got the promotion. He deserved it. He continued to serve with Agent Rodriguez, giving his life to the cause of bringing down the Swarm.
Travelling 250 miles a week, working 16 hours a day, surviving on flat whites and big macs.
In July 2011, Agent Johnson was Diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. He was given 6 months to live.
He refused to take early retirement on medical grounds. He also refused treatment and medication so not to effect his work performance.
Agent Johnson was present 9 months later when the FBI arrested and charged ‘The Queen’.
Agent Johnson was present when 87 violent criminals who had all were part of the OCG known as ‘The Swarm’ were brought to justice. 42 arrested. 45 shot and killed by federal operatives.
Agent Johnson was present when 268 young boys and girls were released from captivity after being sexually exploited and abused across 7 different locations in 5 different states. Each and every single of them thanked him for his hard work to save their lives.
Agent Johnson was then present 2 months later when the surviving gang members, known associates, accomplices and their remaining leaders were ALL sentenced to indefinite years in separate maximum-security prisons.
2 days after the last sentencing, Agent Johnson was admitted to Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital after he fainted in his own home.
He died 23rd June 2012.
People say once he brought down the group. He had nothing else to live for.
The Agents at the Bureau all say that the man was born to bring down the Swarm. Despite all the set-backs, despite all the grief, the man never lost sight of his goal.
His photo is on the Wall of Fame at FBI HQ, Quantico.
This story has been untold outside the FBI for 8 years! Due to the horrific nature of the level of institutionalised corruption in the state police departments and the state political scene, the details of this investigation have been buried, including the tremendous sacrifices of the people involved.
This was to protect the public's trust in their local police, mayors and senates. As the findings of this investigation, we’re eye opening to say the least.
This is the first of 4, I need time to decrypt the other pieces of evidence but once I crack the codes, I will submit all the other stories.
Please watch out for the next one!
submitted by Pristine-Engine4388 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

I (23m) am already completely resigned to being alone for the rest of my life (LONG RANT)

Look, I'm not the kind of person to sit here and trash myself all day long. I used to be that guy, but in recovering from depression I learned to argue with and eventually drown out most of that hateful, judgemental voice in my head. But what I can't argue with are hard facts, and I don't believe it's healthy to walk around under the delusion that there's a likely enough chance of finding love to even consider it a real possibility.
I feel like waiting for love is like waiting to win the powerball. Sure, it MIGHT happen. Among 8 billion people I'm sure there's at least SOMEONE who might be interested in connecting with me and sharing ourselves with each other. But what's the point of hoping you'll find a needle in a haystack, LET ALONE searching for it?
Some people can, through hard work, change their behavior enough to satisfy the wants and needs of friends or romantic partners. I'm sure that I could to. But while I don't want to sound as if I don't think I have any room to improve, I also just...don't want to learn to ignore and hide who I am to satisfy what another person expects of me. I suppose if that's where a lot of people are coming from, it makes sense as a two-way contract; you be what I want and I'll be what you want. But it just seems so shallow to me. So egotistical. So obviously about satisfying the self instead of appreciating another.
I feel fundamentally different and intrinsically unable to connect with most people I encounter, and a number of really awful and traumatizing early relationship experiences left me with some really awful trust issues and PTSD surrounding social situations and particularly romance. I occasionally have panic attacks when it feels like I'm getting too close to someone because I sense that I'm becoming vulnerable. I try to tell myself I don't know what the other person thinks or how they feel, and I try to fight against and push back the anxiety, but time and time again, once someone gets to know me well enough or finds someone better? I'm suddenly left on read by intimate partners, ghosted by plutonic friends of years and years, told I mean nothing to people I care deeply about. Lured in with a facade of interest in intimacy, used for sex, and then forgotten about. Again and again and again. So how am I supposed to tell myself this isn't always going to happen?
At the start I said I wasn't going to trash myself like I used to, and that's true, but I sense an internal duality in my thinking that leaves me feeling deeply ambivalent toward myself. On the one hand, there is a lot about myself I appreciate and admire. Without sounding conceited, I have a lot of things going for me; decent skills and a range of abilities, a good brain and a big heart, among other things.
But looming over that is my truly crippling neuroticism which ultimately colors every aspect of my experience. My genuine appreciation for myself, when filtered through the lense of my deep seated self-dissatisfaction and terror at the though of being judged or rejected by literally anyone, manifests in vulnerable-narcissistic traits. My awareness of my flaws and shortcomings when viewed through the same is distorted into sheer hatred, cruel and viscious beyond belief. I'm not going to trash myself, but I'm a MESS of flaws. Which is a big part of why I've concluded that I am better off focusing on learning how to effectively be alone, whatever that entails.
So basically, every seriously meaningful relationship is bound to end in gut-wrenching, life-ruining pain and suffering, whether through death, rejection, deceit, etc. Not to mention that even FINDING said relationship in the first place is, at least for me, about as likely as getting struck by lightning. And much like getting struck by lightning, sure, I could definitely put myself in situations that greatly increase my risk of being struck, but that begs the question: why in the FUCK would I want to get struck by lightning?
Through experience I have learned that I'm at my best when I'm totally alone. My thoughts are clearer. My actions and intentions are more centered in logic rather than emotion. My impulsive nature is drastically reduced, allowing me to better able control my various addictive and unhealthy behaviors. I get better sleep. I lose weight. I focus more on my future. My self-esteem improves until my ego starts to go away. But as soon as I reconnect with ANYONE, it all slips away. I become a miserable, neurotic mess. I can never offer anyone anything but an arrogant and callous rejection of everything they think has meaning. I slowly ruin every relationship from the inside, until I'm essentially holding the other person hostage and leaving them no other options but either a) sever the connection or b) allow themselves to be subjected to the misery that is sharing my company without considering how THEY feel.
So no matter what, I ultimately end up walking away from every relationship or connection I ever forge full of bitterness, judgement and hurt toward them and disgust, shame and hatred towards myself. Every time I connect with anybody, I rediscover the crushing reality that the best thing I can ever do for the people I love is leave them the fuck alone. And no matter how similar I am to people, no matter how close of a match we are, they will eventually discover that one single thing inside me that rubs them the wrong way, and that will render me valueless to them.
Because a human relationship isn't a connection based on a shared appreciation for each other's respective consciousnesses, apparently it's just a transactional contract most of us dumb, gross upright apes enter into to manipulate and take advantage of one-another in a way that's slightly more sustainable than the standard raping and pillaging. I mean, the fact that there are people I've known for YEARS who I love dearly from the bottom of my heart, whose opinions of and thoughts about me would suddenly and drastically change if the dynamic of our relationship just makes me sick. Isn't my love supposed to be about YOU??? Who YOU are, not who you are to ME??? I mean shit, I'm supposed to be the egotist here!
Fuck me for wanting something deeper I guess. Fuck me for being someone who can't help but see the bigger picture in life, and for always being the one to shatter people's dreams. You don't think my dreams are shattered? You don't think I wish I had a better answer for you? Do you think it would be anything short of torture for me to watch someone I love so deeply wasting the last dregs of their life and energy chasing a false hope down a wrong path when I KNOW BETTER? But people would rather be lied to and talked down to than told a harsh truth. They would rather be coddled and deceived "to spare their feelings" than treated like an equal, and the irony is that when I DO treat people like equals, they feel talked down to and get upset. But I refuse to cater to their silly whims, because it feels gut wrenchingly wrong to do so. I won't lie to myself, and I HATE myself, so why should I lie to someone I love with all my heart, or even someone I'm indifferent toward?
So I can't share my thoughts and feelings, not just because people aren't interested in hearing them but because I'm terrified of the millions and millions of people who would hate me for simply seeing the world a little differently than they do; for having a little bit of extra love in my heart and fear in my mind. I'm not crazy (I've been tested) and I'm not in it to hurt anybody. Quite the opposite, in fact; for my entire life, I've felt an unshakable, unwavering conviction that my purpose in life is to help people. But after soending almost a quarter of my life trying not to drown in the overwhelming suffering of the world, I just can't do it any more. I hurt people by trying to hurt them, and in doing so I also hurt myself, and they hurt me, and they hurt themselves, and at the end of the day all I've done is create more suffering.
The final reason I'm pretty committed to never opening myself up to the possibility of a relationship again is my view on the world, which is bound to rub lots of people the wrong way. I can see the future, to a certain extent; I know what will come to pass over the next centuries and millennia. Not in detail, but the basic gist of it? Yeah.
I know; sounds like something a crazy person would say. But I'm right. And by the time people are ready to admit I was right, I'll either have moved on metaphorically onto the next stage of my life or literally into a worm's belly 6ft under ground, so it won't matter. The best I ever get is some sad, twisted validation after the point of no return has long since passed or I've lost the energy to care anymore. And it comes in the form of people I love saying "you were right, I am now suffering" or "you were right, that suffering was avoidable." It's not exactly that I feel responsible, but my heart just aches for people.
It actually hurts so bad that I used to resort to a few different forms of self-harming to distract myself from it, and to this day I have what's called onychotillomania, meaning that I compulsively rip away at my fingernails until they're a bloody disgusting deformed mess. I actually tear some of my nails clean off a few times every couple years or so, because apparently being literally tortured hurts less than seeing a friend going through a tough time.
I toss and turn in my sleep every night and can only see the worst possible outcomes of every scenario. I'm always 20 steps ahead into what might go wrong, which is exhausting for me and totally unbearable for the people around me. I'm SO insecure, and insecurity being just about the biggest turn-off in the entire universe, it doesn't matter that I'm 6'2" with a decent frame, a moderately attractive face and plenty to work with in the pants department. It doesn't matter how much I try to be a kinder more compassionate person, or how much effort I put into overcoming my bullshit. There are simply some core traits of my personality which I am a) unwilling to lie about or hide to get what I want out of people when I genuinely love most everyone for who they are, NO MATTER who they are, and b) completely unable to change even if I was willing, and the unfortunate reality is that these traits are not only dealbreakers for the vast, vast majority of people, but they're also inherently destructive to relationships.
So, now that I'm 23 and all my hopes and dreams are dead; I have given up hope on changing the world, on humanity, on the future, on finding love, and even on myself; I begin to settle into my next task in life: to saddle myself. First, I must wait until my spirit breaks. Then I must treat myself like an animal by maintaining a strict routine of diet, exercise, mandatory but limited socialization, etc. etc. I've learned that what I want is inherently destructive, and so I must consider what I NEED.
I do not need to be validated by another person to know I deserve to feel happy in myself and my life. I do not need distracting, destructive vices like junk food or alcohol (although I'll admit to being a hopeless cannabis addict and have no intention of ever quitting) to get myself through, nor do I need connection. What I need instead is reflection. And maybe given enough time I'll reach some sort of inner peace.
Considering the story of Siddhartha Gautama, I see parallels between my life so far and the beginning if his story. Born into unimaginable wealth and opulence (America being the wealthiest nation in history and there being studies to suggest that "wealth" after a certain point causes nothing but steess unless measured through things like life satisfaction, emotional connection with loved ones, stability of home relationships, etc. has convinced me that I'm one of the most fortunate human beings to have ever lived) and then thrust into unimaginable injustice and suffering, I desperately search for meaning or connection. Something to tell me I'm not alone. Something to convince me I'm not in hell. How do I escape this suffering? Unlike the Buddha, who, although probably no more enlightened than any of us but simply very practiced in regulating and being at peace with his thoughts and emotions, has touched the hearts and minds of countless people with his wisdom, I just cower in the corner, wallow in my own sadness and filth, scream out in childish resentment at the blind, deaf and dispassionate universe for leaving me alone with such a cruel and empty fate. Clearly, I am no Buddha. I am nobody.
So, for all those of you who are alone out there, I'm sorry I can't reach out to you. God damn do I want to...there's nothing more in the world that I want than to be able to do that. But I can't, and if I know what's good for me (and you), I never will. But just know that somewhere out there, there's a weird freak who has never met you but already loves you. Yes, you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your hopes and your triumphs. Your ugliness as well as your beauty. I don't care who you are, where you've been, what you look like, what you have beetween your legs, what you believe, what you've fucking done or whether you regret it at all. I LOVE YOU, with every fiber of my being. You are a beautiful, incredible creature and I wish to know you DESPERATELY. But all I can do is admire us all from afar, beautiful little walking disasters that we, at least hear my words: "unconditional love" is a REDUNDANT PHRASE. If it's not unconditional? It AIN'T LOVE. Can you cut off a loved one for your own or their health? Of course! But do you all really just stop loving each other because of some meaningless little detail or another? Because of how it relates to YOU? Gross. Gross, gross, gross.
Well, that's about all I have to say. It's probably a rambling, disjointed, nonsensical trainwreck, but oh well it was more for me than it was for any of you, anyways. Fuck you all. I say that with nothing but love, of course. Sometimes we need to hear it.
I leave you with a shitty lyric from a druggie jam-band that just about sums up how I feel right now and pretty much all the time: "I can see the future, I can see the stars. You can see what you see...because you are who you are."
submitted by GreenMtnDabber to lonely [link] [comments]

The Current State of My Campaign

I was originally going to post some of this information in the latest "Favorite Shadowrun Adventure" (Psikerlord: maybe this will still help you?) thread, but as I was writing it I realized that it just got way too big for a single reply. I decided to post it here in its own thread instead as maybe people might be interested in what my group has been doing. A variety of module recommendations were taken from a post by Xasten a few years ago, but I've also been adding my own content to the mix. Part of the reason I decided to move it here was simply because it stopped being about the group's favourite adventures and more about storytelling, so sorry for the weird tonal shifts as the list goes on.
I'm the GM for my group, and we've been playing SR3, running a variety of adventures from SR1-3, video games, and some online sources (with more official ones planned in the future). I've also taken some time to grab some of the adventures from the 101 Instant Shadowrun Adventures PDF and adapted them into longer adventures. Basically, I'll steal ideas from wherever I can and adapt an adventure to them.
We play every week, pretty much without fail (only missed one or two), and have been doing so for about 1.5 years online. I wanted to give an overview of the adventures we've run so far and how I think they went. I don't know which would be their favourite (they haven't told me, but I could take a few guesses), but they've probably had a good time with most of them, with a few exceptions. I'll go through my list just based on the order I ran them. Some are very simple, but effective, and you might find some interesting things to use yourself.
My group consists of myself (the GM) and three players. Two of us have been playing TTRPGs since AD&D 2nd Edition, one has been playing Pathfinder for about 5 years, and the last player has otherwise only been playing RPGs sporadically for about two years, with a little Pathfinder experience. We're split across two different in cities in Canada, so we've been playing exclusively on Roll20. For all of us, this is our first dedicated Shadowrun experience. I've run one-shots in SR4 and SR5 before, but this is definitely the longest campaign I've played in any Shadowrun edition. We have a good mix of players from various backgrounds, so some of the classic TTRPG-style reveals aren't wasted!

WARNING: Wall of text incoming.

There are some spoilers in here, for sure.

If you're one of my players reading this, frig off bud!

1. Food Fight (SR3): I ran this one as an introduction for everyone to the main combat rules of SR3, since aside from wandering around the store, there isn't a ton of roleplaying. I think it's a decent introduction to the system, at least in SR3. Some people got shot and had to go the hospital. This is where my players say their hatred for private medical care started, since getting shot ends up being very expensive in SR3. Their first set of characters spent a little more on medical services than they earned from doing jobs.
2. Food Fight (SR5 Quickstart): I like running Food Fight and Fast Food Fight back-to-back because I think they approach the game in different ways. Food Fight (in the Stuffer Shack) is a classic gunfight with lots of property damage, but I feel like Fast Food Fight is good for introducing a fixer, then a Johnson, giving the players the ability to plan out a job, and then try to pull it off. My group did some searching on the matrix and found out some dirt on the people inside. They did a lot of waiting around instead of guns blazing and ambushed a guy in the bathroom, then methodically took out each of the staff members until they get into the back room. I think they had a lot of fun with it, despite the simplicity of the situation. The adventure seems to think your players will go in and kill everyone, similar to Food Fight, but I think it's actually more interesting to play it with some stealth and negotiation.
3. Lockdown (SR: Dragonfall): I like this adventure because it introduces people to security systems, some simple decking, awakened critters, and some high threat response. It gives the group an opportunity to roleplay with a crazy scientist, which is fun for the GM, and if they help him out then he'll help with the HTR team that shows up. Shadowrun isn't supposed to be happy, so I use this adventure to give them an idea of how awful people can be. Just for fun, I put a homeless electrician in a tent on the front yard who shares some drinks and helps them get into the building. When the HTR team shows up, the players will check the cameras outside. I show the team shooting the homeless guy for no reason. That usually gets them pretty invested in killing the team, which can lead to some dangerous drama. When I used this adventure as a one-shot for one of my past TTRPG groups, they set up a trap with C4 to chunky salsa the team when they came in the door.
4. Milk Run (SR5 Alphaware Set): I ran this to help normalize shadowrunning work in their minds. Without having a few regular ol' smash-and-go jobs, the rest of the jobs might not be as interesting or special. It's nothing special, but it's fine as a one-off. It does introduce them to their first real spellcaster, although he's pretty bad, so magic doesn't look so dangerous in his hands.
5. Harlequin Physical (SR1: Harlequin): This adventure is a fun infiltration mission that starts leading people down the road of the Harlequin adventure module. My group broke into the building just fine, but were chased by barghests on the way out. Nothing too dramatic, but they didn't plan on a pack of awakened dogs in the basement. Just to make it even more mysterious, I have the manuscript appear in a few other places in their other adventures. One hook in the adventure is a credstick that contains a lot of money and they debated what to do with it because they imagined that someone was going to come looking for it. That let me set them up with some extortion on the matrix, where some mysterious persona/icon was giving them jobs in exchange for not hunting them down for the money.
6. Dreamchipper (SR1): I think that if my group had to pick a favourite, this one might be it. They're on a timeline and things are happening in the background each day in a such a way that they can't see it all unfold in front of them. I think it really helped reinforce the idea that the world is alive and people who aren't at the forefront of the story still have motivations and partake in regular activities that may push the story forward. It has a little something for everyone, where you're trying to catch the various victims before they cause too much trouble. At one point in the story you have to pick someone to be a pretend prostitute so that literal Jack the Ripper will try to murder them. There's also some social/emotional issues (like some implicit rape) in the story that one of my players really hung onto when they figured out what was happening. They really had it out for one of the "villains", which I put in quotes because everyone here is shitty and some are just shittier than others. At the end of this adventure, they manabolted a gang leader from a skylight that caused a huge biker gang fight in the middle of the city. They had to run from Knight Errant and that led into the next adventure fairly cleanly.
7. A Knight in Tarnished Armor (SR Forums): This adventure revolves around a gang doing security work and Knight Errant upset that they're losing business. They nab the runners at night and, based on their involvement in the gang war, demand that they take care of this gang because they're causing trouble to local businesses. Knight Errant wants the group to go wipe out the gang so that they won't cause them any more trouble. If they do that (and kill enough people) they can play it off as gang-on-gang violence and the runners won't be charged with any crimes from the big gang fight. The twist is that the PR lady who gives them the job knows that they'll have to kill more than just gang members in order to get enough dead bodies. When the group shows up and talks to the gang, they find out what's going on (they're protecting local businesses for cheaper rates than local police can do) and Knight Errant then steps in to kill everyone and take the credit, which would also allow them to get the local security business back. The runners escaped and had the biggest hate on for this PR lady, so I started putting her in more news blasts just to remind them she's out there doing fine.
8. Harlequin Hates (SR1: Harlequin): The group has to infiltrate a pro-elf, elf poser group who are obsessed with Lord of the Rings depictions of elves. I really played up how goofy they were. They revere an elf magician who doesn't want to fight anyone when the runners show up, but when they showed up and shot at her, she dropped a powerball on the group and they finally learned why "Geek the Mage" is a main tenet of the universe. They have to collect the ears from people and return them to the Johnson. There's also a horse surgically modified to be a unicorn in the basement, which is sad. The group called animal control to make sure it would get rescued.
9. DNA/DOA (SR1): This is the first Shadowrun adventure module ever written and, in my opinion, it shows. I've spoken about it before on here, but I'll talk about it again. I usually have a lot to say because it was such a boring adventure to run and my players didn't like any of it while they were playing. I usually rationalize it being so meh because it's old, but there are other older adventures that still hold up. It may have just been a taste problem.
It was written by Dave Arneson, who is the co-creator of D&D, and it's very obvious where his head was at when he wrote it. There are lots of random tables that include weird things, like you can meet multiple ghosts hanging out in a sewer section before you enter a lab. The lab is full of random creatures and most of them are very weak because this adventure is broken into two main sections with no rest in the middle. There's basically a virus outbreak in the lab and you're tasked with retrieving it for a Johnson. The Johnson is from a pro-human/anti-metahuman group and the virus is capable of mutating metahuman genes away, which they want to use to make humanity fully human again.
One interesting piece at the beginning involves a short pre-adventure where one of the runners' family or friends is kidnapped and held for ransom, unknown to the rest of the group. It's up to that runner how they handle it, as the blackmailers tell them it has to be a secret. In our run through the adventure, the blackmailed player basically told the rest of the group right away what was happening. I figured that would happen, so I had their street doc friend be the kidnapped person, as I thought it might make them more motivated.
There's then a middle section where you get to see the Ork Underground (in the old city's ruins, under the sewers) for the first time and the book plays it up like some kind of metahuman utopia where everyone is happy and loves each other. You meet a super wise old ork who tells a story about the Night of Rage to children in an old used book store (I think), which is kind of weird because even though he's old for an ork, he's still only 30 or so. He may as well have been a wise old wizard in a tower, for all the cliché that entire section brings to the table. He sends you back to the lab and there are a variety of people milling about, as the lab is shut down due to the virus outbreak. The players accidentally alerted security and basically the whole complex converges on their location, which includes a couple Bodyguard archetypes from SR1 and 2 (who are effectively street samurai) and a few mages. The security forces made pretty short work of the party, as any character who isn't given stats in the book is actually pulled from the archetypes section, and some of those characters are very effective, especially the mages. If I ran it again, I think I'd significantly drop the power of the special security forces (mages specifically) because they regularly spawn every few combat rounds at the elevator. I think the party's wipe here is simply me overestimating their ability to handle these security forces. Live and learn, right?
10. MKIV (SR: Dragonfall): Since the party wiped, they made new characters and I put them in Berlin. I nabbed this adventure from Dragonfall because one person made a rigger and I thought it would be a fun little aside to see what they would do when they figured out the MKIV (who one player thought was a guy named Mark For) was a fully rigged cyberzombie. They basically did what I assumed they would and set him free at the end, where he promptly commits suicide in the truck that he's supposed to be delivered to. It also gave me an opportunity to introduce the effects of background count to the group, which the mage didn't really enjoy. I like this adventure because it creates some tension in the group, as inevitably there are people who want to set them free (when they find out his personality is suppressed and he's overloaded with 'ware) and others who want to deliver him alive (to appease the Johnson).
11. Ending Anarchy (Homebrew): When the last job ended, they were tasked with rescuing a policital leader from the anarchist zone in East Berlin. The group finds out they're working for a pro-anarchist movement that is trying to bring the Flux State back and to do that, they want the party to bring the leader out of East Berlin and into West Berlin, at which point they plan on taking back the city with bombs situated on a variety of major population and political centers. The Turkish mafia catches wind and grabs the shadowrunners, asking them to assassinate the Anarchist leader instead. They offer the runners free passage to Seattle via a joint agreement with a small Yakuza group if they manage to pull it off. The group gets the leader and brings him to the West, but before he manages to set off any bombs they kill him in a van and drive it to the airport, where a Yakuza sub-orbital takes them to Seattle. As they're leaving the city, they see a bunch of huge explosions dotting the Berlin landscape.
11. Rainslicker (101 Shadowruns): After arriving in Seattle, a Yakuza shadowrunning team brings the group this job. This adventure might be the most fun they had with investigations and planning. I expanded on it, as the 101 Shadowruns description is only a couple paragraphs, so my version follows:
Rainslicker (his street name) was a roboticist and medical doctor whose health was slowly degrading from genetic diseases in his spine and respiratory system. He makes it rich selling pharmaceuticals, but is upset that he'll never have any positive impact on the world. He decides to take his money and set up the following plan: he searches for people whose families are down on their luck and offers the father of the household 5 million nuyen to become his avatar in the real world, taking on his name: the Rainslicker. They would be extensively modified with cyberware and bioware to be the ultimate shadowrunner, and be given a personality chip so that they would act as the programmed to (which is sort of a James Bond style character) so they could undertake shadowrunning jobs in the outside world. Every day this avatar would connect back to the system and dump their memories so the doctor could watch them, then he would supply them with new jobs as they came up. If his avatar died, the doctor would find a new family and start again, seemingly making the shadowrunner impossible to kill: any time people thought he was dead, he would appear again within a few days, running the streets with utmost efficiency. When we're talking efficiency, in SR3 terms he had 40 karma and skill ratings in the 20 range. It doesn't have to make sense, but suffice to say he's a very, very challenging person to take down, even aside from his apparent immortality.
The Yakuza were having trouble with the Rainslicker interfering with their underworld dealings, so they sent a hit squad to take care of him. They did (where only one member survived) and then the Rainslicker appeared again a few days later, seemingly no worse for wear. So, of course, they killed him again, and he just came back. They then ask the group to investigate and figure out a way to kill him, with the caveat being that because the hit squad wasn't able to do the job, the Yakuza has left it as an open shadowrunning contract, so there's likely to be competition. The group is given a few known locations that the Rainslicker is seen most frequently in, and they investigate those areas, having run-ins with other shadowrunning groups looking to make names for themselves. They start coming across the data transfer centers that the Rainslicker is using to get new job information from, so they start destroying them. This eventually leads them to the last hideout on Council Island, where they find the doctor. He explains that he knew they would find him, and that he accepted his death with the final request that his story be told to the world. He gave the group access to his computer memory systems before they executed him. The rigger in the group transferred all of the data into a bunch of external chips and then set the place on fire.
They then recruited the remaining Yakuza hit squad members to their group and tracked the Rainslicker down to one of his last apartments. They stormed the place and they did manage to kill him using an arm-mounted AK-97 in full auto. The fight was pretty heavy and a good number of people went down, but the building was stormed by drones and runners, so it wasn't going to work out for Rainslicker. He did manage to burn through all of his karma, though, so the fight ended up being pretty even before he ran out. That's the danger of a 6v1, but I think it worked out pretty well. I can't say if he would be nearly as effective in SR4+, as skills are capped (Rainslicker was built properly within the bounds of the tons of extra karma he was given), but if you're willing to break limits for narrative purposes, have at it!
12. The Stile Factor (SR Forums): Is this classic at this point? In my experience online, it seems to be simultaneously insanely popular, but also completely unknown. The people who know it seem to love it, and everyone else just doesn't know it exists, which is strange for something seemingly so well-received.
This is a somewhat challenging adventure to get started as written because the whole thing is written from the point of view of a party of police officers, which my group was not. I got lucky, however, in that one of my players' contacts was a childhood friend who was a member of Lone Star, so the party go the call to investigate the initial murder and be inducted as some temporary officers, since Lone Star needed "all the help they could get". The adventure, as written, is also in dire need of some editing and expansion work, as a lot of the plot points are described in just a few words. In a lot of ways, it's tough to run the adventure without some railroading, and I like the "cynical detective" vibe the story has. It also speaks from the point of view of one of the characters in the group, who sacrifices themselves at the end. The whole narrative is them reminiscing on the top of a broken skyscraper about everything that happens in the adventure, eventually leading up to their death. That also means a party member has to (or should?) die at the end of the adventure, which some people are very likely not going to appreciate. The difficult part is that the story breaks a bit if it doesn't happen, but you also don't want to tell people ahead of time that it's a possibility because it ruins the impact of that moment. It was a tough decision, but I ran it without letting anyone know what could happen and someone bit the bullet, so to speak.
The adventure revolves around the titular David Stiles, but he's as much a victim as anyone. It took me a while to really wrap my head around the motivations throughout the adventure, but let me see if I can hit them here. It might end up helping anyone who wants to run this adventure in the future:
  1. The Mitsuhama corporation has a group of trafficked slaves being stored in cages in the basement of a night club. They were secretly given PDAs (or commlinks if you're into SR4+) connected to the matrix. They start a bulletin board and use it to talk to each other, even after they're purchased. This helped them stay hopeful about their futures. When the corporation figured out they were doing this, they sent deckers to go crash the bulletin board, but when they saw the content of the board, they refused to take it down. Security forces at Mitsuhama then shot all the deckers dead while they were jacked in, causing a huge emotional ripple across the matrix.
  2. Simultaneously, a Mitsuhama manager is buying sacred buffalo pelts from an Amerindian man in the NAN outside of Seattle. That man is poaching so many sacred buffalo, that he realizes their spiritual energy is building in the area and it may be noticed. He hires some shamans to go into the astral and appease the spirits so they might leave, but when they figure out what's going on and refuse to do it, he murders them while they're astrally projecting, causing a huge emotional ripple across the astral.
  3. These two events cause an alligator or crocodile matrix spirit to be born. The adventure gives background on the depiction of crocodiles and alligators in spiritual history, which includes representations of death, rebirth, reason, the ultimate evil (akin to Satan), as well as the embodiment of murdered people seeking revenge. As such, when the spirit is born, it finds someone on the matrix who believes their life is meaningless and insignificant. That man is David Stiles. The spirit merges with David Stiles and gives him the power to create more copies of himself by force-feeding people his vomit, which is now laced with magical nanites (very cute). By applying this tactic to every living thing possible until he finds his intended targets (the Amerindian man and the Mitsuhama manager), the spirit slowly takes over the material and astral planes around Seattle.
The story starts with the group investigating a murder. Apparently some guy, David Stiles, has been running around town murdering and raping and generally doing awful things. The police have been picking these guys up and they all appear to be perfect copies. Once they're picked up, they act confused and magicians can't seem to yank any information out of them. Their auras all look very weird, and everywhere they go, there seems to be strange scaly patterns appearing on the astral. The group interrogates all of the David Stiles, but they don't really get a lot of good information. They find some family pictures and can track them down, but most clues lead nowhere. They go back to the cops and their investigation is put on hold because they're finding so many of these guys. There's a signal broadcasting a signal to everyone that tells them they should become David Stiles. Rebels are doing it, so the cops send the group to investigate the source of the signal. They eventually track it down and either the group or the police decker they're assigned is attacked by Mitsuhama Black IC. If it doesn't kill a party member, it will narratively kill the police decker. It turns out the broadcast location is run by David Stiles at a small ISP.
The group visits Mitsuhama, where a man has been force-fed some David Stiles goo and he's transforming into him. The group goes to question him and meets the manager and regional officer. The receptionist is distraught and it turns out it's a sex slave. If the group consoles her, she'll try to seduce (with no intervention from the player if you run it as written, so be careful) the one she likes the most in a later scene. The security footage is acting weird because of strange matrix issues, but the group finds a scene of an Amerindian man leaving the building just after the assault, so the police send the group to the NAN.
In the NAN, they meet with a tribal council and give the group American Indian parables on the situation, eventually sentencing the poacher to death. The group leaves to find him in a field where he's burning totems to ward off buffalo spirits with a legion of David Stiles helping him. The group confronts him and a war party enters the area, summoning a dragon illusion that causes the man to inject himself with David Stiles juice, turning him into a crocodile monster before all the David Stiles in the area rip him apart. The group then celebrates with the Amerindians before going back to Seattle, which is burning. At this point the police throw them under the bus and blame them for everything that's happened and their contacts tell them to get out of the city. They find huge groups of David Stiles terrorizing the city like a zombie movie, walking down the roads to throw up on cockroaches in dumpsters and inject trees with the slime, which causes them to turn into more David Stiles.
The Mitsuhama receptionist calls the group and tells them she has information. They meet her at the club (which I made into a bunraku parlour) and end up fighting their way to the basement, where they find all of the slaves. They escape out the back sewers with the only slave willing to leave, who tells the group the story of his life to a group of orks in the Ork Underground. They explain that there are weird things going on in the matrix. At this point the Mitsuhama manager calls and says he wants the boy they've taken and will exchange the boy for free passage out of Seattle.
At this point, the group is supposed to recognize that the only way to appease David Stiles and the spirit is to turn the manager into David Stiles, but they'll never get the goop through a bioscanner at Mitsuhama headquarters to make the meet. This is where someone injects themselves with the David Stiles goo and hope the transformation isn't too fast. They sneak it through that way, meet the guy, throw up on him and then the adventure comes to its conclusion, with Seattle a mess and one of the runners turning into David Stiles at the top of a skyscraper. In my adventure I gave their police contact the opportunity to smuggle them out of the city and take the remaining group members to Las Vegas.
This adventure definitely required a lot of core changes to make it flow in a way that is conducive to my GM style, but I think the end result was worth it. I think it was also a good opportunity for the players to see how quickly a simple murder can turn into something well outside of their control. Hopefully it prepares them for later, when arcology adventures start to take place. At one point I know one of the player characters said "This is totally fucked. It's way over my pay grade. We need to get the hell out of here." and then a heavy debate started in the group about exactly what they were going to do and what responsibility they had to the story and the people involved in it. Those are the kinds of moments I know people are definitely invested in the game, so I think this one worked out really well in the end.
13. Pony up the Dough (101 Shadowruns): The runners were living at Treasure Island when they got this job. I used it as a simple side adventure to introduce the new player character (we now have two mages and a physical adept) and give an avenue for more underworld adventures in the future. They were hired by a mid-level mafia guy to investigate a new company that's offering virtual horse race gambling services. They're cutting into the business of his race track and he couldn't believe that anyone could beat him legitimately, so he wanted the group to investigate the company. It turns out that the virtual track is run by a Mitsuhama subsidiary (with Yakuza ties) and is acting totally legitimately because it's not hard to make money on gambling websites. When he was informed of that, he demanded the group do something to stop their operation. The group tried to manipulate some of the programmers (who were small-time Yakuza members), but were found out by a mage acting as the company manager. This led into an elemental fire fight that they barely escaped from. When they escaped and ensured everyone was safe, they made their way back to the track to get their pay. When they got there, the track had been the scene of a brutal series of murders that involved ownership changing hands to an ork named Gerry Oswallt Dunn. He appeared to have taken over the horse track very quickly, even going so far as to introduce new staff and some fresh paint. When they met with Gerry to get their payment, he said he couldn't afford to pay them, but he could give them another job where the Johnson would pay double the rate they were offered. She was a family member, so he knew she was legit. One of the mages tried to manipulate him mentally with magic, but the target numbers were too high for them to overcome. They decided to take the job and head to the MGM Grand without much other thought.
14. Last Will (101 Shadowruns): This adventure is just another screw job, but with some twists and turns. The Johnson is named Stacey McGillicuddy, and she is looking for someone to bring her grandmother a new cat. Her grandmother's cat was very sick and died recently, so she bought her mother a brand new drone cat that will never die. It looks and acts just like a regular cat, so her grandmother won't have to worry about it dying. She doesn't want her grandmother to know it was from her, though. She wants it to be a surprise, so she wants the group to dress up like delivery people and give her grandmother the cat. The group agrees to do it, suspecting a trap. The cat drone is loaded with poison gas that will be released when the cat sees the grandmother. They drive it to her gated neighbourhood and head inside. As suspected, the cat basically drops a poison gas bomb on the senior's home and the grandmother dies on the scene. The runners are also caught in the poison bomb and almost die. They then decide to get revenge, so they head to Stacey's apartment and levitate themselves to her room, bust in the balcony door and kidnap her. The newest character in the group is a follower of voodoo, so they cart her off into the desert to have her be judged by his loa, the spiritual manifestation of the Baron Samedi. When they get her out to the desert and dig her grave, the loa appears and informs them that her soul is not his to take, and instead belongs to a great, malevolent force that is protecting her from spiritual harm. He suggests that her entire family is under such protection, and that their patron walks the earth as a man. They decide to investigate further (because they really want to kill Stacey for not telling them about the poison bomb) by going back and speaking to Gerry.
They've made it a bit further into the story I've laid out (three adventures more at this point), but I don't want to speak too much about those in case they're out here reading this stuff. One thing I can say is that they're currently on the hook for investigating some celebrities (Europa and the Pirate Twins; 101 Shadowruns, heavily modified) and are very quickly quickly progressing toward:
  1. Mercurial (SR1)
  2. Harlequin Past (SR1; back to Germany!)
  3. Bottled Demon (SR1)
  4. Harlequin Loves (SR1)
  5. Queen Euphoria (SR1)
Which should lead us even further into the big events, including Universal Brotherhood, the end of Harlequin, Super Tuesday (and Dunkelzahn's death), Harlequin's Back, Brainscan, and System Failure (Crash 2.0). Once those adventures are completed (and I expect to finish our Shadowrun 3rd Edition campaign about a year from now), we're going to move on to Shadowrun 5th Edition so the group can have a go at a new system with some other avenues for storytelling.
One of the problems I'm having is that the players end up in the hospital somewhat regularly, which eats into the timeline. Obviously the timeline isn't really designed for a single group to participate in every event, but that isn't really practical when you're playing the same group of characters with some intention behind them. Right now the group has just passed Mardi Gras (which the voodoo mage pointed out in the second last session), which means we're coming up on March 2062. I know some of the events of various modules have happened long before, but I'm slowly trying to converge them all into November 2064. Hopefully that will leave some wiggle room on the timeline after Crash 2.0 to run some fourth and fifth edition stuff without worrying too much about trying to jam it all into a short timeframe. I don't currently have any plans to go beyond SR5 as far as rules are concerned, but I like the No Future book, if that makes anyone at Catalyst feel better. I'll probably use that as a flavour foundation for my SR5 game. I haven't fully decided which adventures to use as a base when we transition to SR5, but I know there are at least a few modules sitting around in SR4/SR5 that I can draw from, as well as missions, and whatever other SR3 and earlier modules I have no plans for in the current campaign.
I know it was a long read, but hopefully you enjoyed at least hearing about an ongoing campaign. If you have any questions, ideas, or thoughts, please feel free to let me know. Like I said at the beginning, I will steal literally anything if it can turn into a decent adventure, and I'm always up for some campaign-related conversation!
submitted by Squiggle_Squiggle to Shadowrun [link] [comments]

My Best Friend Died on Daylight Savings, this is what I found on his phone.

Hey Reddit, my name is Chris, last week my friend had collapsed along with another girl at a party our friend Emmette held. He sadly passed, the girl survived, this week has been tough without him, and since I was his roommate I had asked his parents for his phone, so I can send some pictures that he had of us. I was also the only one who knew the password, so they trusted me enough. While looking, I found something that has been haunting me all night, this was written in his notepad:
1:00 AM
As I sat in the bathroom clutching my stomach, I quietly sobbed. Nothing better than the nervous shits and heartbreak wrapped into one night at random college party.
I attempted to grit my teeth to display anger over my demeanor, but no matter what I do I couldn’t put that facade on over the pain I was feeling. Sarah and I were very close, we spent the better part of senior year together, which was ultimately the highlight of my monotonous highschool life. She was an angel sent to finally save me from that tiring teenage battlefield. We stayed inseparable for nearly 3 years, but as sophomore year of college crashed into us, forcing us to finally grow into the people we were going to be, that bond between us shattered. She said she was bored with me, and would rather break things off now instead of cheating and hurting me more. But now, I can’t help but yearn for that outcome. The peaceful bliss of never knowing my relationship was crumbling down, so long as she could still have been in my arms.
Needless to say, I didn’t handle the heartbreak very well in the first place. If it weren’t for Chris, my roommate and best friend, I likely would have dropped out or racked up enough absences for expulsion. The last 3 months were beyond tough, but at the very least I had someone to keep me afloat.
1:13 AM
“Mat, do you have the shits or something cause your racking up a line dude!”
The door looked like it was about to explode off its hinges in a comic-esque fashion with how hard Emmette banged on it.
And I was hoping I could stay here and fade into the extended night. Sadly avoiding Chris and his extra-extraverted friend Emmette on a party that seems its never going to end doesn’t seem possible.
“U-uh yeah, im almost out, just about to wash my hands, Em.”
“Emmette. You know im not gonna respond to you again if you keep calling me that!” He exclaimed in a slight chuckle, trying to act serious when tipsiness has already taken control of that department of his mind.
“Not like you have much of a choice but to respond since im in YOUR bathroom” I said as I washed my eyes to hide the tears.
I quickly dried my face with my sleeves, avoiding the towel with what I was sure had a shitstain. I swung open the door and was greeted with some random person pushing me aside and fidgeting with his belt gesturing me to close the door for him, which I gladly did.
I turned to greet Em, preparing myself for the flurry of comments asking if I needed to see a doctor for hole-ing myself up in a bathroom for nearly 45 minutes.
But that never came, instead the smirk he had on his face changed to one of concern.
“Are you alright bro? Sorry for the banging, didn’t know you were crying. But come on, this late into the night and your still moping about that girl? You sir need another drink” Em exclaimed walking me towards the kitchen as the opportunity for me to give the excuse I was high vanished. Although he probably wouldn’t have believed me anyways.
“I-its fine, I don’t like drinking too much anyways, especially at a time like this.” I said while looking at my phone to check the time.
1:17 AM
“Come ooon, don’t be the only sober guy in a crowd of drunks, its creepy and definitely ain’t gonna help you find that rebound tonight.”
“I don’t want a rebound, and I certainly don’t want to get black-out drunk on daylight savings.” I said, trying to be serious without coming off as rude.
“How about a game of beer pong then?” Chris interjected, somehow appearing out of thin air while he threw a broken red solo cup into the garbage.
“See! All you gotta do is just beat us with a partner of your own, and you can avoid drinking.” Em said in a bubbly smirk.
Needless to say I was doomed from the start, having never played Beer Pong for myself.
“And who would my partner even be?” I asked, scrambling for excuses to pass the time so i could eventually retreat back to that dirty porcelain throne that lied in the bathroom.
“Easy. We will pick - wait for it -“ Em said trying to imitate Barney Stinson, his clear idol. “Her!” He pointed to a girl trying to blend into the wall, taking the term “Wallflower” a bit too on the nose.
“That is Emily Fisher, I actually was thinking of hooking you two up.... well, after your grieving period.” Chris said meekly, trying not to rub salt on my already open wounds.
“And the only way to pass to the final stage of grief, is to ACCEPT the fact that your gonna talk to her.” Em said as he pushed me across the room while I hesitantly dragged my feet.
“Hey Emily! My friend Mat here wants to talk to you!” Em said while pushing me as if I was a statue.
I quickly tried to loosen up, preparing to avoid an awkward situation as best as I could. She looked up at me, giving me a smile while we exchanged greetings.
“Hi. Mat, right?”
“Yeah... Emily right?” I said, kicking myself in the foot realizing how idiotic that question was. “Yeah, quite the night isn’t it!” She laughed, attempting to brush off the previously awkward situation that we had just put ourselves through.
We talked for a bit, no need to hinder you all for that process, and I eventually invited her to that beer pong game, explaining the situation in full. She agreed with a wide smile on her face and we met up with the others and went downstairs to Em’s basement.
“Gonna be kind of weird having two Em’s in the room huh” I said, feeling a slight confidence as I realized me and her being relatively sober compared to my two drunk friends would give us the advantage.
“I WILL IGNORE THAT!” Em said, while Emily and Chris giggled.
1:40 AM
“We got the table ready and the beers poured, lets get this started!” Em said with a sudden extra pep in his step.
“Y’know, I like our chances, these two seem like they are about to crash at any moment” Emily said to me in a whisper while Chris and Em shared glances towards each other. I smiled and agreed, I mean how can someone win when they are so wasted?
1:50 AM
We lost horribly, not even making a single shot. Me and Emily split our shame drinks as those two laughed so hard you’d think they had won the powerball.
Those drinks loosened me up, however, and I began to talk freely some more with Emily. I guess this was part of their plan after all.
“Hey, Emily?” I asked in the midst of our conversation. “Whats up?” She replied with a welcoming smile.
“Would you like to go out for coffee sometime with me next week?” I asked, crossing my fingers behind my back that I wouldn’t end up crying in the bathroom again. She gave it a thought, smiled and then-
I was in the bathroom, clutching my stomach.
1:00 AM
I was bewildered, had everything that had just happened been a daydream? A drunken hallucination? That couldn’t be the case, I was sober. I go to check the clock, 1:00 AM.
If theres one thing I can’t handle it’s the idea that im lost in my own reality, where the lines of whats real and not are blurred. Its why I don’t drink or do any drugs. So expectedly, I was trying to hold myself off from a full blown panic attack, especially in one of the biggest parties this semester.
1:12 AM
“It was probably just a daydream... It was probably just a daydream” I repeated while grounding myself with certain objects in my vicinity. As soon as I finally became comfortable with the situation, I felt like I was in control of myself. As I attempted to get up, I heard it.
Knock Knock Knock
“Mat, do you have the shits or something cause your racking up a line dude!”
I was in a complete shock. Was this a coincidence? I went to go check the clock, 1:13 AM as it had been before. This was it, my breaking point. I was going to lose my shit and embarrass myself in front of everyone in a complete panic. As I got up, ready to fling the door open I instead turned to the sink.
“U-uh yeah, im almost out, just about to wash my hands, Em.”
What was going on? Was I in a dream? Theres no way, I mean i could FEEL the water on my face, i wasn’t sleeping, or dead. But I have no control over my actions. My eyes as I looked in the mirror were teary.
“Emmette. You know im not gonna respond to you again if you keep calling me that!” He said again, without a single change in tone as it had been before. “Perhaps it was a vision or something?” I thought to myself, “...or maybe my drink had been spiked after all.”
The night played out the same way it had before, meeting Emily, us losing horribly at beer pong, and then me asking her out. As I finally was about to get the answer I had been waiting an hour for, I looked in her eyes. Her eyes, i don’t know if this is just me being delusional but her eyes they conveyed a sense of panic.... of fear?
1:00 AM
I sat in the bathroom again. I was going to lose my shit.
1:17 AM
“Come ooon, don’t be the only sober guy in a crowd of drunks, its creepy and definitely ain’t gonna help you find that rebound tonight.”
1:50 AM
Something is wrong.... why do I feel even more intoxicated than before after I drank the beer from our lost game?
1:59 AM
“Would you like to go out for coffee sometime with me next week?”
1:00 AM
I sat in the bathroom, wide-eyed in disbelief.
1:40 AM
“We got the table ready and the beers poured, lets get this started!”
1:50 AM
The moment i drank my first cup after losing this time, I became dizzy and nauseated instantly. At this point I realized, the alcohol is stacking. I was sober before but its like im taking double each time the hour ticks back. Is this why Emily looked scared? Is she in this as well? How could this be possible?
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
at this point i started crying, attempting to scream but my voice wouldn’t let me.
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
as stupid as it sounds i tried dialing 911, phone froze for that iteration.
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
i don’t wanna play beer pong anymore.
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
i miss sarah.
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
1:00 AM
and here i am now. i don’t know whats going on anymore, im only able to type for 13 minutes at a time, i can’t leave or call anyone either, ive been through so many iterations. this is the 17th time ive replayed this hour but i don’t know. this is torture. each time i drink i get worse and worse, im going to die of alcohol poisoning at this rate. please if anyone sees this, maybe the cycle broke, maybe i wont die tonight. maybe when i ask emily, ill finally hear her answer.
or else im going to die a long painful death, hour by hour. the look her eyes become more wild each time i ask her, im afraid to say this, im terrified, but just realized this while typing now. her eyes are saying something to me. i think shes screaming on the inside as well.
Its November 10th now. The last text he ever sent was the nail in the coffin to what is making me post this now.
His final text was to Sarah, and it all it said was:
“I’ll miss you.”
Sent at 2:00 AM.
submitted by TheRealSkap to nosleep [link] [comments]

Using lottery to better Your Self

Hello fellow Gods. In our journey to Our Selves, I thought I would share my "applied technique" with hope that it would help someone. The time has changed today, so I am awake an hour "early" and spending it productively talking to the most interesting humans on this planet, you.
Yes, lottery. The controversial cornerstone. Whatever, I always thought it was the stupidest thing ever, never bought a ticket. That is until I found Neville and realized the Universe of possibilities.
Oh God, first weeks were tough. Powerball and MegaMillions, of course I chose the biggest payouts, I AM GOD after all, I deserve it all! Oh Anxiety! Counting minutes until the results are posted. Getting that heavy feeling in the chest "Did I win?" "What if I didn't win?"
Doing heavy SATS 2 times a day, congratulations from family, of course. Constant affirmations: "I am wealthy. I am abundance." Revising losses and doubling down on SATS and affirmations.
Well, 2 months in, no jackpot but yes "jackpot". I feel like I am a winner in life. Looking back to myself then and now, almost like it wasn't me. Something shifted, something clicked, something came to light.
Now, every time I scan a ticket and see "This ticket didn't win.", I see "Congratulations! You are a winner. You won Jackpot $150,000,000 (or whatever)". There is no feeling of loss, there is feeling of joy.
In this 2 months I realized that I do not need millions to live happy life. I have everything that a person could possibly need. Perfect health of mine and my loved ones, well-paid and stress-free career, beautiful house, new car, vacations, you name it - I've got it. Every morning I wake up happy and enjoy every minute of my day.
I was at a dentist last week and at the end I was was presented with a very expensive bill. First thought: "How is my bank account doing?" Second thought: "What are you talking about? I have millions. God is taking care of that for me." Calmness. I have all the money in the Universe.
I call lottery "my technique" because it took me through the battle of my neediness, desperation and anxiety. Now, every time I do not win and feel good about it, it's a win. It's a step up above my Old Self. It's all I needed.
Just a good rant. I feel great this morning. I won again. Somebody took $150,000,000. I am so happy for them and I wish them all the best, whoever it is.
submitted by neverfearlife to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

How I have overcome ADHD and Laziness

I was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago at the age of 21. Before I was diagnosed, I was a mess. I thought that getting prescribed to Adderall would solve all of my problems. I was wrong and I had to learn the hard way. Yes, ADHD can be a major issue and medicine can help solve the problem. Here's the thing, your mindset means everything. Once your mind is in the right place, its time to take action immediately. This means setting goals, achieving them, and setting more goals. You can't achieve goals without planing stuff out so start planning immediately. I was literally the laziest you can be with no idea where I was headed in life and zero motivation. I'm not where I want to be yet, nor am I even close, but over the last 6 months I have made major strides in a positive direction and I want to share what I have done to change my life. BTW you don't have to have ADHD to follow my advice. The reality is, if an ADHD riddled person as myself can get his life on track, anyone can.
1) Don't Be A Victim
This was one of my biggest problems. Claiming that something is too difficult because of your problems becomes a habit. I had gotten to a point where I was talking about it everyday as if it impacted my life and was the source to all my problems. Using it as an excuse led me to become complacent and stuck. I refused to improve myself because in the back of my head, I felt it would be pointless and wouldn't help me. I realized that I was letting myself be defined by ADHD. I realized I only have one life and that I wasn't living the life I wanted to live. I knew I had potential but that potential was locked by myself. Everyone has potential and the key to unlocking it is understanding that nothing should stand in your way. While its important to be honest with yourself and realize that your potential has limits, (not everyone has the IQ to become a doctor or lawyer), you can't get caught up in the bullshit. I was blaming God which was a terrible thing to do. I would say things like "Why would you do this to me?" or "Whats the point of making me suffer?" What I ended up realizing in the end is that I was the only one holding myself back. You can be born with and raised with problems that aren't reversible, that effect your day to day life, but the reality is, you have no choice but to deal with it or else you are just simply giving up before even trying.
Have grace. Typically this is something you find in religion but I'm not religious at all. Grace is so powerful and it changed my life. Instead of claiming vicim, claim you are lucky. In fact, all 7 billion of us on Earth are so lucky. Think about this: what is the chance of you existing? Think about the probability of you becoming a professional athlete or even winning the lottery. 1 in millions is your chance of winning the Powerball is something like 1 in 3 million. Well, the reality is, the chance that you as an individual happened to be a conscious mind chosen to live is 1 in 10^2,685,000. If you didn't know thats 10 following 2,685,000 zeros. To put it in other terms, the probability of all of us being born is almost zero. So if you are taking life for granted or you're claiming you are a vicim of something thats holding you back, you need to take a step back and look around. There is no excuse anymore because the life you live is so valuable and all you are doing is wasting time. You need to suck all the good you can at this life because its literally YOUR RIGHT to do so.
2) Eliminate Negativity
This is one of those things where you have to take my word for it and try it out in order to understand its effect. Its not even about being positive as much as it is eliminating the negative. When I first started eliminating negativity, I would write it down or type it into the notes app on my phone. At the end of the day I would count the amount of negative things it thought or said. I was surprised to find that just being conscious that those thoughts were there pretty much eliminated them fully. And boy did I have immediate effects. I was less anxious, and astronomically more productive and motivated. Out of nowhere I was more social than I ever though I could be. It made me enjoy meeting new people which was something I always struggled with. I also realized that people enjoyed being around me more. I was now noticing others who were negative and it made me not want to be around them. People really don't like negativity so if your struggling making friends, this is my #1 tip for you.
3) Start Putting in Effort NOW!!! Set Goals Now!!!
Starting to put in the effort is the absolute hardest thing to do. If you keep saying "I'll start tomorrow or Monday or next week", im willing to bet you won't. If thats you, I know you too well. That was me 100%. You're procrastinating for simple reason that you dread putting in the effort. Its almost painful to put in that effort. Tell yourself right now you are going to try and make a difference, close your eyes and motivate yourself for a second, and put in 5 min of effort.
You need to do something that will have a positive effect for the future like writing up a small goal that is easy to obtain. Make sure its measurable. It can be something like that you are going to do 5 push ups per day, as soon as you wake up, everyday for a week. Have a reward ready for completing the task. It can be anything but try to make it something you want to do like maybe you want to watch a specific movie. Make sure its something that you can resist. For example, don't make your reward going to see Avengers Endgame in theaters (if you are watching this the week that it comes out) because you are going to cave. Everyone would cave unless you're some monk who has discipline that is unmatched. Set yourself up to succeed. Keep something to track your progress like a piece of paper that you keep by your bed and every time you accomplish that goal for the day write it down. This goal should be easy as hell to achieve and once you achieve it, its time to reward yourself. I bet you will feel satisfied and that movie you decided you would watch as a reward will be 100% better than if you watched it before you decided to write up this goal. Trust me you will.
Now you know how it feels so write up another goal but challenge yourself a little, but not too much. Maybe you do 10 pushups per day, every morning, for 2 weeks. Or keep the original goal but add another goal and try to achieve both. Maybe this goal can be everyday for a week, you will wake up at 8am if your someone who goes to bed late and wakes up early. If its hard to do because your body isn't used to it and you are exhausted, start by limiting yourself to a 1 hour nap at noon max. I wake up at 6am everyday but it took me about a 2 months to swap my nocturnal self into that cycle. My first goal was to wake up at noon everyday because I was always sleeping in to 3pm. If I can do it so can you.
4) Start Planning out Your Days, Weeks, and Years
This is actually pretty self explanatory as there are tons of tips on this subreddit. Take the advice from someone who experienced the change from never planned anything out not being able to leave my house with a plan. "If you fail to plan to you are planning to fail" - Ben Franklin. Is there anything that good ole Ben said that wasn't beneficial to an individual? He so right on this one. Not having a plan is like trying to shoot a target with your eyes closed. And if you have ADHD, forget it. As from my own experience, I had no idea what to do on a daily basis for YEARS.
Planning is a skill of its own and will take time to master but you better get started today because you are wasting time. I'm not a master at it and I have been doing this for 6 months but I will be. You'll find it to become easier to do even a week into giving the effort.
First you need to sit and think big picture low resolution. Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years? 2 years? 1 year? if your not sure what you want in 5 years or even 1 year, thats okay. Think about where you would like to see yourself in the most distant future possible. If you can only picture what you want in 6 months, that works too. Personally, I did it like this:
In 5 years I want to have a college degree and a job because of it. I also want to have the girl that I want to marry by then. Financially, I would like at least 5k $ saved up in the bank. I also want to be strong as fuck and shredded. I want to be a master at planning out my days and setting goals to achieve stuff I've never even thought I could possibly achieve. I want to also be a mentor for those who needed help as I do now because I know thats my mission in life, my purpose.
In 2 years I want to have the field that I want a degree in to be decided and an internship. I want to be a pretty social guy by then with a lot of friends. I also want to be much stronger and shredded than I am now. I want to be very good at planning because at this point, I start looking forward to the rest of my life and where I'm headed. I want to dictate my life and understand what defines me as a person.
In 1 yea6 months I want to be able to evaluate the difference of how much better I made myself then to where I am today. I want to be habitual at this point. I want to be able to recognize what works and what doesn't for me. I want to be good at recognizing when I fail, why I failed, and what can I learn from failing every time I do.
Once you have the big picture, its easier to look at the near future. Start by making a goal for the end of the month and make that goal something like this: I want to achieve at least 1 weekly goal per week. The best way to start planning is by using the same strategy stated in 3). Set it up as a goal to plan out your day to day for one week. Build once you achieve that 1 month goal, make the monthly goal slightly harder or give yourself an additional goal to try and achieve. Don't forget to give your self a reward because its very important.
You can plan out your day to day by writing down what you will do on a timely basis. Don't start with anything too difficult to follow. In fact, in the beginning, you can use a trick that I used to was the absolute hack to sticking the habit of following a schedule. Instead of scheduling in things you're not looking forward to doing, start by scheduling in things you already do that you enjoy doing. For me, I always had a video game addiction and was playing non stop. Add it into your day to day. Anther thing I did to help it stick is I made every single day the same on a weekly basis. Every week I would alter things to my benefit. When you get good at it, you can it to where each day is different but I don't recommend it at the beginning. Remember, you are building habits so make it easier on yourself before you make it harder.
8am: wake up
10am: gym
12pm: school
2pm: homework
3pm: nap
4pm: video games/relax time
11pm: bed
Start with something like that and work towards something better week by week. My current Mondays look like this:
6am: wake up
6:30am: eat breakfast
7am: homework
8am: gym
9:45am: drink protein shake and take adderall
10am: class
11:30am: leisure time (go on phone and wait for next class)
12pm: class
1:30pm: eat lunch and take adderall
2pm: homework
3pm: video games
5pm: eat dinnehangout with family/hangout with friends
9pm: read book
10pm: sleep
Quick tip: if you are on adderall, its easy to become dependent and to take too many at once or consecutively. This is not a good thing and a problem I had once. An easy way to combat this is give your pill bottle to someone and have them only give you 2 each day. Once you start building up the habit of taking no more than 2-3 daily and at the same time daily, you can probably take the responsibility of holding onto the pill bottle. Be honest with yourself and with time, you will build discipline. Also, eventually make it a goal to do some work without adderall as you should make it an end goal to someday not use it anymore. There is no reason to take it for the rest of your life because dependency is something you want to eliminate, especially drugs.
Anyone who is struggling can find a way to succeed. There isn't anything that will be a quick fix to your problems and if someone tells you there is, they are lying. The hard truth is, its all on you. Stop procrastinating and start right away. I promise the hardest part is only the beginning. Get through that and it seriously will only get easier. I can attest to this as someone who's life was a literal mess with no motivation to do anything. If your depressed, go see a therapist asap. I did therapy for a while and it cleaned up my depression. But you have to act immediately because if you keep pushing it off, you won't get better. Once you get on track, its like you are a train that won't stop and I can promise you won't look back. The satisfaction I have received has literally compounded as time goes on. To those who are in the shoes that I used to be in, I want you to feel the same way I do. You have to give your life your best shot and time is running out. Think about how you want to define yourself and go do it. Nobody is stopping you from moving forward but yourself!
submitted by Johnny9708 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

Bronze 1 Sion Main Presents: Rammus Top w/ Guide, Matchups, & AMA

Hi, you might remember me from Bronze 2 Sion Main, How to win any Matchup as Sion. I'm back but this time I'm bronze 1. Sion does not do so well in bronze 1. Bronze 1 players think their going somewhere. Lots of them literally call themselves silver skilled. So they play stuff they see in LCS. Sadly you don't see Sion in the lcs because he doesn’t fair well against things like fizz. So im here to bring the god tier B1 strats to the masses. I present: How to Play Rammus Top.
Rammus top was something I did often in lower tiers of bronze all the time. The problem it ran into was at such a low elo your team was most assuredly going to lose lane. This left you level 7 with only 1 item pushing a tier 2 turret and the only viable gank. You got camped. Allot. So you had to farm safe after taking their tower until you were able to go full split push mode. Then you went bot and took all their towers for them.
Rammus was like top tristana. Great early, great late but no mid game. Then Riot nerfed rammus. Apparently his ganks were too godly. So they nerfed his cooldowns and this really hurt his top play. For a while rammus was shelved. Then they “nerfed” thornmail. Hallelujah! Thornmail now ramps off of your armor. Finally an answer to rammus’ biggest issue, you would get so far ahead that you opponents aren’t dealing enough damage to themselves. Rammus top is finally viable again.
The key to understanding Rammus is that his ult damages structures. No matter what people say about his amazing team fight you must ignore them. You are a split pusher. In order to split push you must be able to duel 1v1 against anyone they send. Generally this isn't an issue because 90% of duelists are AD based or can't kill you easily. For the other 10% there is ohmwrecker.
The core build for rammus is:
Thornmail > ZZrot Portal > Merc Treads > Sunfire Cape > Abyscal Scepter > Wits End.
However Rammus is actually riots wet dream because this build is simply the most generic one. Depending on your opponent your build can change so much that almost any item can be used on him. I have rushed ludens echo on rammus for good reasons and so will you. Generally there is only 3 classes of items that are worthless on Rammus:Mana, Auto Attack debuffs and Crit chance.
Specific build paths will be detailed in the matchups later on. For now lets talk strategy. Take raptors for level 2. In general you will get tier 2 top turret at around 14 minutes. Then its time to get bot turrets. That is literally your early game. Most matchups you aren’t considering ganks or trades you just want the turret. If someone must fight you then you show them who the boss is.
This leads nicely into skill orders or as i like to call it: The level 3 flash test. By level 3 you will have all of your abilities. Use this opportunity to gauge the lane. Hit powerball and flash into your opponent. Use taunt & curl. What they do next determines your skill order. If they keep attacking max W; If they walk to a safe distance max E. This play is about determining who is the master and who’s the sub. Always max Q last except when you max Q first but more on that later.
Mistakes to avoid:
Using TP for fights, dragon, or baron. Dragon and Baron buff your enemy, let them have it the stronger they are the stronger you are. TPing for a plain old fight is dumb. Let your opponent make that mistake and take his tower.
Building Randuins or Frozen Heart. The less they attack you the less damage you do.
Pushing for an inhib before both side lanes have tier 2 gone. Those towers are your job. Dont leave a job half finished.
Not taunting AP champions. With enough armor and magic pen you can make leblanc kill herself now.
Now for the finisher. Find a situation where your team is sieging mid without you. Use TP to homeguards powerball directly into the turret. Pop any item actives you have and drop ULT. The tower will melt faster than you so have faith. The shock and awe of this all of a sudden teamfight rammus will cause your team to rally and push for gg. Your zz'rot will win the game. Women will cry your name in the streets. Opponents will be blank faced unable to comprehend what happened. They will experience shell shock. Their friends won't believe them. Your score will read 15+ deaths and maybe 7 kills. No one will truly comprehend your contribution. But you will.
Aatrox: This guy literally helps you kill him with his w. Make friends hit w together and auto attack each other till aatrox dies like a bud. Botrk after Thornmail will cancel out his Bortk.
Akali: Wits end first item. If she builds hextech like and idiot then your golden.
Cassiopeia: Stay in powerball and run around her poison make her feel eggman's pain.
Cho’gath: Use all chat to convince him not to use his e or lose the game.
Darius: He has -30 attack speed. Even if he builds attack speed he won't deal enough damage through autos to kill himself. Fuck it, its go time van damme. Botrk > Zhonya's > Maw of Malmortius > abyssal scepter > berserker's greaves > guardian angel.
Dr. Mundo: You'll start to see a theme here rammus can't deal wit AP very well. In cases where you just can't fight your opponent refer to Fuck Towers Mode.: Abyssal scepter > Ohmwrecker > Zz'rot portal > Zhonya's > Botrk > Berserker's greaves. You dont care about champions. just go kill towers. Ult minions Ult towers Ult Nexi. You dont care about anything else.
Fiora: Anyone with a brain concludes you rush a thornmail against this french bitch. People with brains don't play rammus top. Fiora will wreck you through your armor. Conclusion DON'T BUILD ARMOR. Kill the fiora. Botrk is your friend. Follow with lots and lots of ap.
Fizz: They nerfed this fishy fucks ad build. If for some reason one of them comes top you are just fucked. AD fizz was easy to deal with AP not so much.
Galio: Dear mother to all that is holy. If you are unlucky enough to face a galio as rammus i feel sorry for you. There is just nothing. His kit has a hidden passive that reads galio fucks rammus. Play out the game. Run from galio. Do whatever you can. Maybe be a second jungler. After the game. Then. Then you can do something. You can uninstall. Pack up your PC. Travel across the country find the galio. If you cant IP track wait for june. The 17 galio players have an annual conference in indianapolis. Find your galio and dunk him with your pc. Congrats you are now a galio main.
Gangplank: You can’t beat his waveclear or his oranges but you can beat him. Max Q rush ludens echo. Your ap rammus now. Ludens > Zhonya’s > Sorc Boots > Void Staff > Deathcap > Twin Shadows.
Garen: This guy will dunk you with his Q all day. Luckily he’s not as fast anymore. 6 zephyrs and just keep running.
Gnar: He has a perfect kit to never allow you to do what you want. Buy a coin and go botlane.
Hecarim: Super Speedy GP. Rush AP/Movespeed items. Lich Bane is a great item and a free kill if you buy it without anyone seeing you build it.
Heimerdinger: Fuck towers mode but heimer turrets are towers now. Heimer is also a tower. The enemy team is also towers. Everything is a tower. Except baron dont fuck with him.
Irelia: If it was not for her ult shed be easy to kill with a thornmail. Instead build GA.
Jarvan: Jarvan deals essentially true damage don't build armor. Max out your health. Your zac now. Rod of ages is a great idea.
Jax: Irelia without the stupid ult.You just win.
Jayce: His acceleration gate does not affect you no matter how want it to. Still it might be good to pretend they do and every time he uses it ram his face into the ground. If he hammers you away the first time you do this you’ve won. He's GP now.
Karthus: I have never seen a karthus that put up with my shit. Powerball in and out all day and they will afk.
Kennen: Did you know what’s the best way to survive a gank? Ult Zhonyas when kennen does the same Kill the jungler powerball away.
Lissandra: No one can blame you for going AFK in an ice coffin.
Lulu: She will polymorph you every time you try to go in. Fake the attack wait till after polymorph to powerball. You will have to max Q and get a luden's echo.
Malphite: Agree to retire in florida together Both of you are armor stacking mages. The downside is his kit is better against you than yours is to him. The upside, Fighting you makes malphite worse against anyone else.
Maokai: You do dick to him and he loves to fight you. Wait till he leaves lane then take all his towers.
Mordekaiser: Mordekaiser’s new kit is difficult to use in a solo lane. The lack of a w target hurts him. This means his W is only useful in a gank. These ganks are scary. Rush a sightstone, don't get ganked.
Nasus: I cannot explain this matchup. everything on paper says nasus will outlast you and q you to death. Somehow you just shred him. His high offensive bases mean your taunts are deadly to him. This is almost as bad as teemo. Please don't pick rammus into nasus otherwise Nasus players are going to start going AP.
Olaf: Malphite hates this guy. You do too. UNLESS. You can convince him to max W and build bork.
Pantheon: Stone nothing. Thats what you do. He has no reason to attack you.
Poppy: This yordle bitch is fucking crazy. The only way to kill poppy is sustained damage. IE Sunfire Cape.
Quinn: Thornmail and she tilts. Bortk and she uninstalls. IE and she Deletes system 32. Dont build IE.
Renekton: It wouldn’t be top lane if renekton made you feel useless. Stay safe and outscale his tankiness.
Rengar: Pro tip if you hide in the bushes he can’t use his passive. Drag the minions into the bush. You're the king of the jungle now.
Riven: Out faceroll her. Build Ludens, max cdr and some magic pen and just ram her ass continuously.
Rumble: CDR runes and masteries keep on rolling. stay behind rumble and he cant flame you. At least physically but you can mute all chat.
Ryze: Fuck. You know what looks stupid? A rammus spinning his wheels and going nowhere.
Shen: Build no attack speed or damage and you win the taunt fight. Press the issue. Shen is always oom.
Singed: Get thornmail and proxy. This is one of the few matchups singed has where he actually wants to fight you.
Sion: He will just ignore you. Return in kind and fuck the towers.
Swain: Trick him into ulting then powerball away. Do this till he's oom. You both will be oom and have to back. This is preferable to death by carrion.
Tahm Kench: You know whats annoying. A champion with barrier always up. Build whatever he builds and you will be slightly less usefull.
Teemo: Fuck towers mode. Buy lots of pink wards and place them all over the place. 1 Shroom will get you killed.
Trundle: This is one AD matchup you'll have an issue with. The only counter vs trundle is full damage. Wits End > Rageblade > Botrk > Trinity Force > Sorc Boots > Yomuus.
Tryndamere: There is a chance your tryndamere hits the lottery and goes AP. Otherwise today is not his day.
Urgot: The trap here is to intentionally get hit by his flask then pop your W. He will fall for it Twice. 3 times if he’s stupid. 4+ times if he’s feeding.
Vladimir: Did you know Vladimirs ult still scales with physical damage? I did and that is about as helpful as rammus is vs vlad.
Volibear: Name one time a volibear is a better pick than every other champion you can pick. You can’t Volibear is always sub par. Don’t be worried.
Wukong: If you can react to his E before he decoys you win. If not You have to ult and guess.
Yasuo: Windwall can block thornmail damage. Be mindful of that. Then laugh maniacally.
Yorick: He gives you free farm, does mostly physical damage, and is melee. Except for the fact that muramana exists. The trick of the trade is to convince yorick he doesn’t have time to stack. Start longsword, Go bork, Dive. Dont ever give him space.
Zac: Turns out Flubber is pretty resilient to spiky-turbo’dillo.
submitted by shadovvvvalker to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

I fucking hate Valentine's Day...

I don't want a girlfriend to fit in with the fucking pricks we know as society, I want one for myself, and myself only.
But I haven't had a girlfriend in four years, and moving from an awful neighborhood to a hub town full of never-ending Disney tourists certainly helps matters. Things remain the same, only meeting the women who have boyfriends, seeing cute, happy couples and, while I feel really good for them and enjoy the positive vibes they produce, I often look at that guy with the smile and that cute girl in his eyes and I tell myself, that will be me someday. I try so hard to create a good prophecy, I try so hard to turn these encounters into positive foreshadowing, but for some reason, my biggest hopes and wants have never come true for me. Only my fears.
Anger, humiliation, disappointment, depression, and sadness seem to be the only things waiting for me in my future. No, I'm not saying that I'm going to kill myself. That would be smart, and I am not a smart person, so I'm waiting for something external to pick me off instead. Yet, I refuse to die, because I want a girlfriend, but that will never happen, even if I was prepared and if I was a man so fucking handsome enough to have women practically jerking off in public at the sight of me, it's always either taken women or families and their little shits, their miniscule replications of their fucking genetics that they have to show off to the world like when you take a really big solid shit that's unique enough for you to snap a photo of it as a commemoration, only to be disgusted upon seeing it later.
As I recall, I made a New Year's resolution either early last year or late this year to gain nothing and never have a girlfriend by next New Year's. Unfortunately, reverse psychology doesn't seem to be working now, and I feel as miserable as ever. The one time I'm fulfilling my New Year's resolution. Somebody send me a fucking medal.
Yes, I've tried online dating. Never had luck. Everyone brags about online dating, and how well it's worked for them, and I'm left feeling like everyone has won the Powerball Lottery except me.
Asperger's certainly helps. After all, what woman isn't turned on by some degenerate nobody who does nothing but wash dishes at a restaurant that happens to have good food, who melts down at the drop of a hat, who has this child mentality he couldn't shake off no matter how hard he tried?
Every talent I have is useless. Fucking trivial. Yeah, I can write, but what am I supposed to do with that ability? Blog? Even if I started blogging, I'd eventually run out of ideas, and I suck at organization. Also, no one would read a thing I've written, and I'd forget about it, and it would be just another forgotten chapter of my life.
Anyway, I've gotten off-track. Point is, I really want a girlfriend this year. I'd really like something to gain that I'd be proud of myself of, like a good fucking relationship with a wonderful woman to take care of and be there for. Maybe having a girlfriend wouldn't solve all my problems, but just having her in my life would provide me some fucking self-confidence. I forgot what that feels like. Really, I have.
I'm aware that women don't like to be hit on anymore, and to talk to them like anyone else, but whenever I see a girl I like, that fucking knob in my brain switches to "Look! A girl! You could never have a girlfriend, you fucking loser fag." and it all simply goes downhill. It's been this way since my teenage years, except at least I've had two girlfriends from the start of college. Never in four years, though. And neither relationship lasted more than a year, unfortunately. I feel pathetic. Like a loser, a nobody, insignificant.
I ask myself why I continue this, when really, all that's in store for myself is more disappointment and humility. In the end, it's all pointless, and Valentine's Day is simply a deadline, a reminder of how much I fucking suck at getting what I want.
Dear God, if I can't have a girlfriend this year, at least give me a Nintendo Switch. No, fuck that. Give me both.
submitted by Deven247 to depression [link] [comments]

[Monday, 17. June]

World News

Porn Sites in Hong Kong Shut Down to Encourage People to Protest
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Hong Kong Police arrested protesters after accessing full details of injured protesters through Hospital Authority's "backdoor"
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Prominent Uighur Writer Dies at Chinese Internment Camp
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All news, US and international.

Houston pastor who backed bill criminalizing abortion arrested for alleged child sex abuse
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Costco shooting: Off-duty officer killed nonverbal man with intellectual disability
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Cat filter accidentally used in Pakistani minister’s live press conference
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Watching pornography as a teenager does not harm sexual satisfaction later, suggests a new study in Croatia (n=775 females, 514 males, ages 15-18), which found no significant association between the frequency of pornography use and sexual satisfaction for either male or female participants.
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Academic press releases are often misleading, with a tendency to confuse causal and correlational claims, leading to inaccurate news headlines. A new study found that it’s possible to fix these misleading news headlines by aligning press releases to the evidence, with no reduction in news uptake.
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Welfare recipients were more likely to be viewed as irresponsible and impulsive by people when they purchased items that people did not themselves value, finds a new study (n=1,664). This negative stereotyping was not observed when the welfare recipient was replaced with a middle-class individual.
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As Hong Kong protesters switch to Telegram to protect identities, China launches massive cyber attack against it.
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Apple CEO Tim Cook: Technology companies need to take responsibility for chaos they create
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Jim Balsillie : ‘Data is not the new oil – it’s the new plutonium’ - Lawmakers told technology is disrupting governance and if left unchecked could render liberal democracy obsolete
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Sadly, this is not the Onion.

Bill Cosby says he is still 'America's Dad' in Father Day's tweet
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Americans See 'Better Food' As Biggest Benefit Immigration Brings to the U.S., YouGov Poll Finds
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Tom Hanks Stole a Cardboard Cutout of Himself to Try to Sully His Pristine Reputation
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Ask Reddit...

Doctors of reddit, what is the weirdest thing a patient wouldn't admit ?
What is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime?
You are an atheist who just died and witnessed proof of god, what is the first thing you say?


Complete Guide on Creating Image, Burning it to USB Drive and Preparing it for Mass Deployment
Samsung recommends running manual virus scan for your smart tv.
PowerShell Module to display content as Dashboards/Emails or Statuses with responsive Charts and Tables

Microsoft SQL Server

Another PowerShell Database Backup script? YES
Server 2017 Standard vs Enterprise


Easy to use Charts and Tables using PowerShell - and more
How to be a nosy active directory neighbor? Get remote forests other trust status.
pwshmgr 0.1.0-beta (Open Source Automation & Monitoring Web Portal for Windows Endpoints)
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Functional 3D Printing

Angled Switch Plate
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A protective plant cage to keep the cat from savaging his catnip plant
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A tardis, slightly bigger o the inside, to store all my teas... It's a perfect English tea time with this teardis!
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Data Is Beautiful

[OC] My 5-Month Weight Loss Progress
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[OC] A forecast of CO2 concentration from 1980
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US Hospital Beds per Capita [OC]
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Today I Learned (TIL)

TIL that an economist won the lottery 14 times by calculating when the Jackpot was worth more than the cost of buying every possible number combination for that lottery.
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TIL that fawns (baby deer) are often left alone for hours while their mothers forage for food. Sometimes well meaning people ‘kidnap’ the fawn thinking it’s abandoned when it’s really just waiting for its mom.
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TIL the study that yeilded the concept of the alpha wolf (commonly used by people to justify aggressive behaviour) originated in a debunked model using just a few wolves in captivity. Its originator spent years trying to stop the myth to no avail.
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So many books, so little time

This is the world's most beautiful bookstore: inside a converted theater in Buenos Aires, travelers discover a temple of books
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Torn apart: the vicious war over young adult books
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An Introduction to the Codex Seraphinianus, the Strangest Book Ever Published
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OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

My great grandfather in Ghana. 1900s
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My dad in '71. Boston MA. This pic was sent to my future mother after he got back from Vietnam. The not on the back said he loved her for writing him while he was away at war and she was in his heart. He was a great father and a cool cat.
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My grandparents selfie in the 60s at a military base in Puerto Rico
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Etihad Airways got us avgeeks covered
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One engine landing.
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A-10 Thunderbolt II rear view of the engines.
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Reddit Pics

Cleaning the Nile river in Egypt #trashtag
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Happy Father’s Day to the man who chose to be my father when he didn’t have to
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If you spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, why not collect your own stone alphabet!
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.gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure

Timelapse of a 2 Million Marchers in a city with a population of 7 Million. That means every 2/7 of the people in Hong Kong are protesting for keeping their rights.
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Speed-peeling garlic
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Lioness spots her pride after getting separated for several days
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A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

I like to put hats on my grandparents dog, and she likes to wear them
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My little girl who is 15 years old wanted to go to the park today, she's a bit too old so I carried her down there, when we got there this is how she sat enjoying the sunshine. Love her to bits!
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The man that saved me from a life of foster care. Happy Father’s Day
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submitted by DangerDylan to DangerDylanTLDR [link] [comments]

what is the biggest powerball ever won video

Biggest Powerball Jackpot Ever - YouTube Largest powerball prize ever won in timaru claimed - YouTube These Are the 20 Biggest Mega Millions and Powerball ... Powerball: A single ticket holder has won one of the ... Someone just won over $700 million in the biggest single ...

Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee, Massachusetts, was the only lucky winner of the Powerball jackpot in August 2017, which made her the newest millionaire in the US. After taxes, she received $480.5 million — more than enough to live the rest of her life without thinking about money. RELATED: The 10 Biggest Ever Gaming Tournament Prizes The biggest-ever Powerball winners have each claimed hundreds of millions of dollars in prize money, and the game holds the record for the largest jackpot ever offered: an incredible $1.58 billion. Some states have enjoyed considerable success, while others are still waiting to register their first Powerball jackpot winner. The largest lottery prize ever is Powerball's $1.586 billion, which was won by three tickets. The last decade boasted some of the biggest lottery wins of all time. In 2016, a whopping $1.586 billion Powerball jackpot was won in the US — the world's biggest ever jackpot. Elsewhere in the world, the Spanish Christmas lottery holds the record for the biggest payout, offering total prize money of over 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) Who is the biggest Powerball winner? The biggest Powerball winner of all times is Manuel Franco from Wisconsin, who won $768.4 million on March 27 th , 2019. He won the second largest jackpot in Powerball history, but he had the sole winning ticket for the prize, which made him the bigger winner. Mavis L. Wanczyk was announced as the winner of the $758.7 Million Powerball Jackpot in August of 2017. Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee, Massachusetts, claimed the winning ticket for the $758.7 ... 8. $590.5 million (Powerball) Won by Gloria MacKenzie on May 18, 2013. Winning ticket sold in Florida. 7. $648 million (Mega Millions) Won Dec. 17, 2013. Winning tickets sold in Georgia and ... The numbers drawn were white balls 08, 12, 13, 19, 27, plus Powerball 04, and Power Play multiplier 3X. 3. Mavis Wanczyk - 23 August 2017 - $758.7 Million. It looked like Powerball was on its way to a second billion-dollar jackpot, but that was not to be. Even so, the winner of the draw on 23 August 2017 went straight into the record books! Gallery: Biggest Lottery Winners Ever. 8 images ... Rhode Island, won Powerball onFebruary 11, 2012: $336.4 million. White reportedly kept her winning lottery ticket in her Bible, ... Wisconsin's Manuel Franco became the biggest Powerball winner on a single ticket of all time after buying 10 tickets from a Speedway on Beloit Road in New Berlin, Milwaukee. The 24-year-old, who came forward less than a month later, revealed that he had screamed for about five to ten minutes when he found out he had won.

what is the biggest powerball ever won top

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Biggest Powerball Jackpot Ever - YouTube

Powerball said that the buyer of a ticket in Massachusetts won an estimated $700 million on Wednesday after matching all six of the numbers drawn on Wednesda... Powerball: A single ticket holder has won one of the largest ever U.S. lottery prizes with a $570 million jackpot A day after a player won the $450 Mega Mill... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Largest powerball prize ever won in timaru claimedLast updated 11:25, December 19 2017 Timaru's biggest ever Lotto win has been claimed. A Timaru coup... The Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots have grown so much that they are now in the top 10 jackpots of each lottery. The Powerball jackpot is an estimated $...

what is the biggest powerball ever won

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