Try the new Minecraft launcher beta | Minecraft

play minecraft beta online

play minecraft beta online - win

[Help] Problem with playing Minecraft Beta Online with my friend

I was trying to play Minecraft Beta in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition on my PC with my friend in Minecraft Xbox One Edition. Both were participating on Xbox Insider, but my Minecraft was in version and his Minecraft was in So when we tried to connect to the same world, it was not possible. I thought his minecraft needed to be updated, but he told me that there was no updates to do in his console anymore. I did not understand because it is to both versions (Xbox One and Windows 10) be on the same version, right? Is Xbox One late? How can our Minecrafts be on the same version?
submitted by FelipeUnitale to xboxinsiders [link] [comments]

Help push the Minecraft Development Team to fix the old authentication servers for Minecraft, so you will be able to play on old Beta, and even Alpha servers once more! If these servers are patched, you will be able to use your Minecraft account to play online on any Minecraft version again!

submitted by ThePenguinMan111 to gaming [link] [comments]

[Discussion] What made you want to play minecraft?

I would like to have a discussion with anyone who sees this. As the post states, I am curious as to what made you want to buy/play minecraft. I'd love to hear the broad range of answers from everyone whether it dates back to 2012 or recently in 2020.
Personally I really wanted to play minecraft due to the clay soldiers mod, Back in 2014, I immediately fell in love with little soldiers fighting one another much like how I, as a kid, played with toy soldiers.
Now that I've told my story what is yours? I look forward to reading each one.
submitted by Spy_VII to Minecraft [link] [comments]

Game benchmarks for M1 Mac mini with 8gb ram inside!

Game benchmarks for M1 Mac mini with 8gb ram inside!
I picked this up and am now busy running various games. I will be posting my thoughts, results, screenshots, and settings used below. When I test games, I strive to reach a balance of reasonable FPS for the genre with decent graphics settings. I don't strive for 60 FPS lock, unless it's FPS, MOBA, or an Action game. One more thing, In most cases I recommend turning on v-sync, especially if your FPS is north of your monitor's refresh rate (typically 60 hz). It makes things a lot smoother from my experience. Finally, the built-in screenshot tool accounted for 1-5 FPS depending on the game, so your actual FPS will be slightly higher.
<11/23> I have some bad news. I decided to pull the plug on this project. Being a detail oriented person, I noticed I spend very high amounts of time in my benchmark and optimization process. And that's not even taking editing and narrating into account for the YouTube thing. And being a perfectionist, I won't settle for subpar content. To keep this up, along with other multiple real life activities I partake in, is simply unrealistic. In fact, I'm already quite burnt out, which is starting to affect my real life responsibilities. Apologies for the disappointment - I hope you eventually find what you're looking for! And thank you for all your support and kind words. They really helped me with this CVS receipt of a post.

iOS Apps: unable to resize or fullscreen windows. Default size is tiny on my desktop (3840 x 1600). For some apps, this means practically unusable. I can't imagine running iOS Civ 6 or XCOM 2 like this. Screenshot on Roll for the Galaxy attached for reference.
Steam: Runs...laggy via Rosetta. If you have a lot of games, scrolling your library has significant lagginess involved and also jumps around. Not sure if Valve will address this. Edit: tried “Disable GPU acceleration and smooth scrolling” and it's fixed!
Civ 6 (Steam): This mini is a silent beast! Fan didn't even kick on wow... Late game using built in benchmark gives me 30 fps minimum 54 fps maximum. Detailed settings used attached. Onto next game!
This War of Mine (Steam): Starts loading then crashes to desktop...
Offworld Trading Company (Steam): This game is a niche favorite of mine. Notorious for being poorly optimized and hard to run. Averaged 23-24 FPS using decent settings - which I consider really good for the game. Fan dead silent. Is my fan broken?? I'm very impressed.
The Long Dark (Steam): Minimum 46 FPS, maximum 76 FPS indoors. Settings and resolution in attachment. Fan still silent. I touched my Mac and some parts of it are cold??? Post FX settings and resolution had the biggest effect on performance. V-Sync doesn't seem to cap FPS...
League of Legends: Runs extremely well. Although v-sync is turned on, it doesn't seem to cap the FPS. Also noticed it in The Long Dark. I was getting FPS in the 60's. Settings posted below. Also, built in screenshot tool wasn't working, so it's via phone. The lobby client doesn't seem to detect that you finished a game when you exit. You may have to restart client between games.
Dota 2: This was actually tricky to find the optimal settings. I was aiming for 60+ FPS with some eye candy during moderate action. Although it can play higher resolutions with more sparkle, the FPS suffers. In the end I resorted to the settings attached in the screenshot. Also, use of the Vulcan API seems to still make a positive difference over the OpenGL in the game settings.
Cities: Skylines: I didn't have an already built city to test and it was taking forever to grow my village to a decent size - so only early game testing was done. Also, there was only one 21:9 resolution available, which means I couldn't tune down resolutions in the 21:9 ratio. I did three separate tests on this, one on 16:9 resolution and two on 21:9. Game ran decently well on the fastest game speed, but I assume late game will bog it down somewhat. Detailed stats below.
Stellaris: Starts loading but hard freezes at 5%. Music still plays and mouse movable, but Command Q and Command tab were both not working. I had to force restart the mini to exit. Edit: apparently this is a known issue. I will retest next week on MacBook m1 /16 gb (already uninstalled. This machine is temporary)
World of Warcraft: Ran natively. Performance was insane! Screenshot tool had some impact on this game, but I made note of it in the comments. It also hard froze once while changing settings. I'm level 5 so I didn't get to bench massive fights. One of the few games I can max pretty much everything at 3840 x 1600 and still get 70+ FPS. I actually turned that down in benchmark images to account for bigger fights. Best part? Dead silent. Cold to the touch at some parts. :)
CS:GO: Does not make it to the main screen. Entire screen is black.
FTL: Runs! No screenshots or FPS testing - was strictly for compatibility.
Into the Breach: Runs! No screenshots or FPS testing - was strictly for compatibility.
Starcraft 2: The performance difference between medium and low shaders was dramatic. I tried to keep medium because it was notably better (realistic shadows, lighting, etc). In the end, given the game's competitive nature and propensity for bigger engagements, I lowered down the settings. In very early stages of 2v2 I averaged 90-110 FPS. Medium stage was in the 60's. Brief dips to 40-50's occur sometimes. I imagine late game will run mostly near high 40s to 50s. I also noticed M1 has some sensitivity to post fx more than most graphics cards. During the time I used medium shaders, looking at Protoss spawning graphics took away 10-20 FPS. I also read that online play against real people will force 16:9 ratio for 'fairness.' I feel Blizzard's logic is a bit flawed, but I can see how they arrived at this. (reminder: screens are now on Imgur due to Reddit image limit)
Diablo 3: Low 60 to High 80 FPS depending on activity. Again, I recommend turning on V-Sync, it'll make your gameplay smoother. Images posted on Imgur. Settings weren't maxed, but they were still decent. Settings were turned down because I was aiming for 60 + FPS regardless of activity level
CK2: Getting the error message, 'You do not have permission to open the application' despite being an admin user. The googled solution of manually changing executable read/write setting did not resolve the issue. Edit: Information is flying around that a beta Mac update fixes the issue. I will reinvestigate!
Hollow Knight: 3840 x 1600, maxed everything and runs at 100 FPS without v-sync. I recommend leaving v-sync on when playing. The excessive FPS (my monitor is 60 hz) was causing choppy gameplay if I left it off.
Kerbal Space Program: I don't have much experience with KSP, but after seeing how playable this was, I'm going to address that. First, I wanted to see how it would run with default settings and from orbit. The resulting graphics were gorgeous with acceptable FPS, but I knew it wouldn't cut it for all scenarios. I still took a picture because it was amazing. Second scenario I loaded confirmed my suspicions, so I worked on fine tuning the settings. After much tinkering, I found a setting I was happy with that worked with above decent frames for most (all?) scenarios. Screens were taken of these too. Even if you don't play KSP, please check the first picture - it's amazing.
Minecraft: Ran extremely well at full resolution (3840 x 1600) with high settings. I could not set the graphics to 'fabulous' because the game would crash. I increased the render distance to 14 chunks because it was performing so well. Low's were in the 60's and high's were in the 80's. This was from flying high above and zooming around to see if I could tax the system. It didn't turn on the fan. In fact, I still don't know what my fan sounds like. I expected the Mac to download java, but it seems like it was already installed. I haven't tried to fancify it further via 3rd party graphics plugins yet. Screens on Imgur, as noted below.
Minecraft with fancy shaders:
Factorio: Game was benched using a 'megabase' (extremely large factory) with no mods. Default settings ran decently considering the huge amount of things going on. Lowering the sprite resolution from high to normal was necessary to hit average FPS of high 30's. Resolution was set to 3840 x 1600 and view was zoomed all the way out. I tried to set the view on a busy part of the map. Images are on Imgur (find Waldo!) and save file is here (Reminder: you have to right click image on Imgur and open in new tab to view the full resolution):
------In an effort to reduce redundancy, games below this line will only receive previews before its video counterpart-----
Dolphin: Dolphin is a Wii emulator and the performance depends on a lot of things, including the game being run. I decided to choose a relatively demanding game, Super Mario Galaxy 2. While it's possible to run this well with minimal quality, I wanted the most optimal setting possible for the mini, even on the more demanding scenes. (60 FPS target, with as much sparkle I can enable) In an effort to reduce redundancy and confusion, I won't cover all the variable changes, notes, and warnings here. Some settings were not as they seemed, and I don't want to confuse users new to advanced emulation. But gameplay screens have been posted to show you what you can expect running with an optimal, performance-oriented setting.
XCOM 2: M1 Macbook 16 gb arrived sooner than anticipated, so I benchmarked this game on the system. I was anxious to test one of my favorite games, and I may have spent a little too long trying to optimize this. XCOM 2 was infamous for being poorly optimized so I expected it to run poorly - especially the 'Lost' level where hordes of zombies surround you. Sadly my expectations proved correct. This has been one of the worst performing games so far. Still playable, but I managed around 25-30 FPS for that level. Screenshots show low 30's, but that's due to camera being held static. During explosions it would drop even further, sometimes to 15-19. I also heard the M1 fan eventually spin up and get warmer for the first time - so it's reasonable to infer that the fanless MacBook Air would have a harder time running this for extended durations. Resolution was 1440 x 900. Although performance could be improved a bit by lowering the resolution even further, I consider 900p the absolute minimum for pleasant gaming. FPS, though important, is not everything that makes a game 'feel good' - even for a turn-based game. It's the balance of screen resolution, FPS, and different quality settings that forge the feeling that we all desire. Screens have been posted on Imgur and I intend to go more in-depth in the follow up video.

Crossover Performance: I made a separate section for Crossover, because this requires additional tinkering of the wine environment - sometimes on a per game basis. Afaik, this is currently the only way to run x86 Windows games. I will try to explain what settings I used on all fronts to guide new users.


iOS app Roll for the Galaxy. Unable to resize or fullscreen
Civ 6 - minimum 30 FPS
Civ 6 Tried to catch Max. Saw 54 FPS
Detailed settings used via fullscreen
Offworld Trading Company - early/Mid game, averaged 23 FPS
Detailed settings. Changing them didn't matter much for this game. (Game known for being unoptimized and hard to run)
The Long Dark - indoors FPS 76 FPS
Outdoors FPS 46 FPS
Settings part 1
Settings part 2
League of Legends - Screenshot tool unresponsive. FPS in the 60's. V-Sync doesn't seem to cap FPS.
Detailed settings. V-Sync was turned on. If you get a black screen while changing settings, tabbing out and back in seems to fix it.
Dota 2 - Had to lower quality to achieve near 60 FPS stable during significant action.
Detailed settings. Note the Vulcan API.
Cities: Skylines - early game. Don't mind my village lol
Detailed 21:9 settings. Only one 21:9 resolution available so I had to lower most other settings down to keep the resolution.
2nd try with even lower settings. Not much difference - at least on the early game stage
Setting used for 2nd try
3rd try, this time using 1920 x 1080. It is ran on windowed mode because fullscreen would stretch to fill my entire screen. Windowed mode may have a slight negative effect on performance.
Detailed 16:9 settings
Ran into Reddit image limit. Rest of the images are posted on Imgur. Also, using mobile to access Imgur user post page does not work... You need a computer browser unfortunately.
If you want the full experience of every pixel count (I run high resolution), you'll have to right click the image on Imgur and open in new tab.
Edit: Also, thank you for the gold and all the awards! And a plat??? Wow, what do I do with all these?
submitted by KiPhish to macgaming [link] [comments]

GeForce RTX 30-Series Ampere Information Megathread

GeForce RTX 30-Series Ampere Information Megathread

This thread is best viewed on new Reddit due to inline images.

Addendum: September 16, 2020

RTX 3080 Review Megathread
GA102 Ampere Architecture Whitepaper

Addendum: September 11, 2020

Embargo and RTX 3070 Update Thread
Hey everyone - two updates for you today.
First, GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition reviews (and all related technologies and games) will be on September 16th at 6 a.m. Pacific Time.
Get ready for benchmarks!
Second, we’re excited to announce that the GeForce RTX 3070 will be available on October 15th at 6 a.m. Pacific Time.

There is no Founders Edition Pre-Order

Image Link - GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition
Powered by the Ampere architecture, GeForce RTX 30-Series is finally upon us. The goal of this megathread is to provide everyone with the best information possible and consolidate any questions, feedback, and discussion to make it easier for NVIDIA’s community team to review them and bring them to appropriate people at NVIDIA.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-Series Community Q&A

We are hosting a community Q&A today where you can post your questions to a panel of 8 NVIDIA product managers. Click here to go to the Q&A thread for more details. Q&A IS OVER!
Here's the link to all the answers from our Community Q&A!

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-Series Keynote Video Link

Ampere Architecture

Digital Foundry RTX 3080 Early Look

Tomshardware - Nvidia Details RTX 30-Series Core Enhancements

Techpowerup - NVIDIA GeForce Ampere Architecture, Board Design, Gaming Tech & Software

Babeltechreview - The NVIDIA 2020 Editor’s Tech Day – Ampere Detailed

HotHardware - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-Series: Under The Hood Of Ampere

Gamers Nexus - NVIDIA RTX 3080 Cooler Design: RAM, CPU Cooler, & Case Fan Behavior Discussion

[German] HardwareLuxx - Ampere and RTX 30 Series Deep Dive

GeForce RTX 30-Series GPU information:

Official Spec Sheet Here

RTX 3090 RTX 3080 RTX 3070
GPU Samsung 8N NVIDIA Custom Process GA102 Samsung 8N NVIDIA Custom Process GA102 Samsung 8N NVIDIA Custom Process GA104
Transistor 28 billion 28 billion 17.4 billion
Die Size 628.4 mm2 628.4 mm2 392.5 mm2
Transistor Density 44.56 MT / mm2 44.56 MT / mm2 44.33 MT / mm2
GPC 7 6 6
TPC 41 34 23
SMs 82 68 46
TMUs 328 272 184
ROPs 112 96 64
Boost Clock 1.7 Ghz 1.71 Ghz 1.73 Ghz
CUDA Cores 10496 CUDA Cores 8704 CUDA Cores 5888 CUDA Cores
Shader FLOPS 35.6 Shader TFLOPS 29.8 Shader TFLOPS 20.3 Shader TFLOPS
RT Cores 82 2nd Gen RT Cores 68 2nd Gen RT Cores 46 2nd Gen RT Cores
Tensor Cores 328 3rd Gen Tensor Cores 272 3rd Gen Tensor Cores 184 3rd Gen Tensor Cores
Tensor FLOPS 285 Tensor TFLOPS 238 Tensor TFLOPS 163 Tensor TFLOPS
Memory Interface 384-bit 320-bit 256-bit
Memory Speed 19.5 Gbps 19 Gbps 14 Gbps
Memory Bandwidth 936 GB/s 760 GB/s 448 GB/s
L2 Cache 6144 KB 5120 KB 4096 KB
Max TGP 350W 320W 220W
PSU Requirement 750W 750W 650W
Price $1499 MSRP $699 MSRP $499 MSRP
Release Date September 24th September 17th October 15th

Performance Shown:

  • RTX 3070
    • Same performance as RTX 2080 Ti
  • RTX 3080
    • Up to 2x performance vs previous generation (RT Scenario)
    • New dual axial flow through thermal design, the GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition is up to 3x quieter and keeps the GPU up to 20 degrees Celsius cooler than the RTX 2080.
  • RTX 3090
    • Most powerful GPU in the world
    • New dual axial flow through thermal design, the GeForce RTX 3090 is up to 10 times quieter and keeps the GPU up to 30 degrees Celsius cooler than the TITAN RTX design.

PSU Requirements:

SKU Power Supply Requirements
GeForce RTX 3090 Founders Edition 750W Required
GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition 750W Required
GeForce RTX 3070 Founders Edition 650W Required
  • A lower power rating PSU may work depending on system configuration. Please check with PSU vendor.
  • RTX 3090 and 3080 Founders Edition requires a new type of 12-pin connector (adapter included).
  • DO NOT attempt to use a single cable to plug in the PSU to the RTX 30-Series. Need to use two separate modular cables and the adapter shipped with Founders Edition cards.
  • For power connector adapters, NVIDIA recommends you use the 12-pin dongle that already comes with the RTX 30-Series Founders Edition GPU. However, there will also be excellent modular power cables that connect directly to the system power supply available from other vendors, including Corsair, EVGA, Seasonic, and CableMod. Please contact them for pricing and additional product details
  • See Diagram below

Image Link - GeForce RTX 3090 and 3080 Founders Edition Power and Case Requiremen

Other Features and Technologies:

  • NVIDIA Reflex
    • NVIDIA Reflex is a new suite of technologies that optimize and measure system latency in competitive games.
    • It includes:
      • NVIDIA Reflex Low-Latency Mode, a new technology to reduce game and rendering latency by up to 50 percent. Reflex is being integrated in top competitive games including Apex Legends, Fortnite, Valorant, Call of Duty: Warzone, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Destiny 2, and more.
      • NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer, which detects clicks coming from the mouse and then measures the time it takes for the resulting pixels (for example, a gun muzzle flash) to change on screen. Reflex Latency Analyzer is integrated in new 360Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC Esports displays and supported by top esports peripherals from ASUS, Logitech, and Razer, and SteelSeries.
      • Measuring system latency has previously been extremely difficult to do, requiring over $7,000 in specialized high-speed cameras and equipment.
  • NVIDIA Broadcast
    • New AI-powered Broadcast app
    • Three key features:
      • Noise Removal: remove background noise from your microphone feed – be it a dog barking or the doorbell ringing. The AI network can even be used on incoming audio feeds to mute that one keyboard-mashing friend who won’t turn on push-to-talk.
      • Virtual Background: remove the background of your webcam feed and replace it with game footage, a replacement image, or even a subtle blur.
      • Auto Frame: zooms in on you and uses AI to track your head movements, keeping you at the center of the action even as you shift from side to side. It’s like having your own cameraperson.
  • RTX I/O
    • A suite of technologies that enable rapid GPU-based loading and game asset decompression, accelerating I/O performance by up to 100x compared to hard drives and traditional storage APIs
    • When used with Microsoft’s new DirectStorage for Windows API, RTX IO offloads up to dozens of CPU cores’ worth of work to your RTX GPU, improving frame rates, enabling near-instantaneous game loading, and opening the door to a new era of large, incredibly detailed open world games.
  • NVIDIA Machinima
    • Easy to use cloud-based app provides tools to enable gamers’ creativity, for a new generation of high-quality machinima.
    • Users can take assets from supported games, and use their web camera and AI to create characters, add high-fidelity physics and face and voice animation, and publish film-quality cinematics using the rendering power of their RTX 30 Series GPU
  • G-Sync Monitors
    • Announcing G-Sync 360 Hz Monitors
  • RTX Games
    • Cyberpunk 2077
      • New 4K Ultra Trailer with RTX
    • Fortnite
      • Now adding Ray Tracing, DLSS, and Reflex
    • Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
      • Now adding Ray Tracing, DLSS, and Reflex
    • Minecraft RTX
      • New Ray Traced World and Beta Update
    • Watch Dogs: Legion
      • Now adding DLSS in addition to previously announced Ray Tracing

Links and References

Topic Article Link Video Link (If Applicable)
GeForce RTX 30 Series Graphics Cards: The Ultimate Play Click Here Click Here
The New Pinnacle: 8K HDR Gaming Is Here With The GeForce RTX 3090 Click Here Click Here
Introducing NVIDIA Reflex: A Suite of Technologies to Optimize and Measure Latency in Competitive Games Click Here Click Here
Turn Any Room Into a Home Studio with the New AI-Powered NVIDIA Broadcast App Click Here Click Here
360Hz Monitors N/A Click Here
NVIDIA GIPHY page Click Here N/A
Digital Foundry RTX 3080 Early Look Click Here Click Here

RTX Games

Games Article Link Video Link (If Applicable)
Cyberpunk 2077 with Ray Tracing and DLSS Click Here Click Here
Fortnite with Ray Tracing, DLSS, and Reflex Click Here Click Here
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War with Ray Tracing, DLSS, and Reflex Click Here Click Here
Minecraft RTX New Ray Traced World and Beta Update Click Here Click Here
Watch Dogs: Legion with Ray Tracing and DLSS Click Here Click Here

Basic Community FAQ

When is Preorder
There is no preorder.
What are the power requirements for RTX 30 Series Cards?
RTX 3090 = 750W Required
RTX 3080 = 750W Required
RTX 3070 = 650W Required
Lower power rating might work depending on your system config. Please check with your PSU vendor.
Will we get the 12-pin adapter in the box?
Yes. Adapters will come with Founders Edition GPUs. Please consult the following chart for details.
Image Link - GeForce RTX 3090 and 3080 Founders Edition Power and Case Requiremen
Do the new RTX 30 Series require PCIE Gen 4? Do they support PCIE Gen 3? Will there be major performance impact for gaming?
RTX 30 Series support PCIE Gen 4 and backwards compatible with PCIE Gen 3. System performance is impacted by many factors and the impact varies between applications. The impact is typically less than a few percent going from a x16 PCIE 4.0 to x16 PCIE 3.0. CPU selection often has a larger impact on performance.
Does the RTX 30 Series support SLI?
Only RTX 3090 support SLI configuration
Will I need PCIE Gen 4 for RTX IO?
Per Tony Tamasi from NVIDIA:
There is no SSD speed requirement for RTX IO, but obviously, faster SSD’s such as the latest generation of Gen4 NVMe SSD’s will produce better results, meaning faster load times, and the ability for games to stream more data into the world dynamically. Some games may have minimum requirements for SSD performance in the future, but those would be determined by the game developers. RTX IO will accelerate SSD performance regardless of how fast it is, by reducing the CPU load required for I/O, and by enabling GPU-based decompression, allowing game assets to be stored in a compressed format and offloading potentially dozens of CPU cores from doing that work. Compression ratios are typically 2:1, so that would effectively amplify the read performance of any SSD by 2x.
Will I get a bottleneck from xxx CPU?
If you have any modern multi-core CPU from the last several years, chances are you won't be bottlenecked but it depends on the game and resolution. The higher resolution you play, the less bottleneck you'll experience.
Compatibility - NVIDIA Reflex, RTX IO, NVIDIA Broadcast
NVIDIA Reflex - GeForce GTX 900 Series and higher are supported
RTX IO - Turing and Ampere GPUs
NVIDIA Broadcast - Turing (20-Series) and Ampere GPUs
Will there be 3090 Ti/Super, 3080 Ti/Super, 3070 Ti/Super
Literally nobody knows.
Where will I be able to purchase the card on release date?
The same place where you usually buy your computer parts. Founders Edition will also be available at NVIDIA Online Store and Best Buy if you're in the US.
When can I purchase the card?
6am PST on release day per NV_Tim
How much are the cards?
3070 - $499 MSRP
3080 - $699 MSRP
3090 - $1499 MSRP
No Founders Edition Premium
When will the reviews come out?
September 14th per Hardware Canucks
submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

Origin Realms is a good server, but...

Origin Realms is good but it does carry some quite glaring problems that prevents itself from truly becoming great. The fact that this is already in Beta, instead of Alpha is not a good indicator for the future of this server.

submitted by AbstractEngima to OriginRealms [link] [comments]

How did you get into programming?

Hey everyone, how did you get into programming? I'm curious about your stories
For me it was in 2007/2008 and I just got a new PSP (Playstation Portable). After playing some online games I noticed people were cheating in them by flying around and having unlimited health. I was curious on how they were able to do this and I also wanted to try, it seemed super fun after all. I had no idea what I was doing so it took me months to successfully install a custom firmware on my PSP. With that I could install cheating plugins that modified the memory values of the game. I quickly realized I had more fun installing the custom firmware and trying out various 3rd party plugins than I did actually using the cheats in game.
From there I dived into making my own cheats, mostly for fun. This was in the "MIPS" assembly language. I did that for a few months until also learning C++ because my friend from school suggested it. For a few years it was just a hobby I would do every now and again. It wasn't a huge focus of mine so I didn't have a solid understanding of the fundamentals for a couple of years.
In 2012 a friend I met on a PSP hacking website mentioned that he makes a full time living off of his Minecraft server. I just started playing that game and so I checked it out and saw he had hundreds of players online all the time. He wrote a lot of the games himself and I was super interested in doing that, especially if you could make a living out of it.
In 2013 I tried to launch my first server with a few friends. Due to some strategic pitches and planning we were lucky enough to get partnered with the hosting company "McProHosting" and the once popular youtuber "KermitPlaysMC" to make the server "ThePondMC". That would last 8 months or so before internal development problems caused security flaws and me shutting down the project. It never really grew passed 150 players due to the youtuber declining in popularity right as we started on the server.
In April 2014 I would make my own server network without any partnerships, other developers, etc. This server would have over 250,000 unique logins during it's lifetime, would average 450+ players at it's peak, and I would eventually sell it in early 2016. It made me a decent income, less than the standard developer salary, but the time, location, and creative freedoms more than made up for the difference imo.
After this I would heavily focus on full-stack and website development which I have been doing until today. I even spent a year and a half making my own web app startup with a friend that would connect local businesses to development and advertising agencies. This project was 100% complete in early 2020. We had a great marketing strategy and a small group of in-market beta testers and we had fantastic feedback from them. Unfortunately this is right when coronavirus started to become a problem so small businesses wouldn't be as interested in advertising and development solutions. That project is currently on hold, likely indefinitely in favor of Worn Off Keys, but you never know what the future holds.
What's your story? How did you get into software development? Even if you're just now getting into it, or you have been doing it for multiple years, let us know!
I share more about my story in the (now canceled) Open Source Success podcast episode #1, check it out here:
submitted by WornOffKeys to WornOffKeys [link] [comments]

CivUniverse [SMP]{Politics}{RealisticBiomes}{PrisonPearl}{NoResets}{player ran economy}{1.12.2+}

SUPER fricking cool server, you need to join a nation to make factories and work together. Raiding and griefing is allowed but you can kill people and imprison them to prevent them from doing it again. There are loads of nations and some are communist others are capitalist etc, its like a big server with big wars and battles waiting at every corner!
I built a really cool town on the beta and now my friends and I are gonna make a nation called New vegas , we're gonna build a trade center and a fort and imprison any raiders and work with people to create a emergent fun unique experience. It is almost like EvE online but Minecraft!
SERVER IP - - Version 1.12.2 (1.14.x compatible)
Discord Server:
submitted by MadeYouLookItsSam to mcservers [link] [comments]

Top PS4 games played in October 2020

Hello fellow players,
Here are the stats for the top 100 most played games of /ps4 in October 2020. 15248 active players were tracked this month.
Want to join the party? Or do you think your favorite game doesn't have enough hours listed here?
Just add 'ps-timetracker9' to your friendlist. That's it. It will take a few minutes to accept the invite, the rest will work automatically and you will receive a message through PSN once a day. Feel free to tell your friends if you haven't!
Hint for mobile users: You can scroll right and see more info :)
# Name Platform Hours Played Players Sessions Average / Session
1 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® PS4 78824 3626 50992 1:33
2 FIFA 21 PS4 69940 1388 36218 1:56
3 Genshin Impact PS4 69023 3692 37353 1:51
4 Fortnite PS4 66866 3061 51040 1:19
5 Rocket League® PS4 61492 4796 58939 1:03
6 Ghost of Tsushima PS4 44811 2514 23056 1:57
7 Apex Legends PS4 38526 1846 29048 1:20
8 Grand Theft Auto V PS4 31929 2853 22013 1:28
9 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege PS4 31661 1750 23631 1:21
10 Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 23147 1663 14468 1:36
11 Need for Speed™ Payback PS4 21905 3016 15449 1:26
12 Destiny 2 PS4 18699 719 7821 2:24
13 Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout PS4 18283 4130 23155 0:48
14 Minecraft PS4 17083 1939 12088 1:25
15 FIFA 20 PS4 15234 1570 11667 1:19
16 Overwatch: Origins Edition PS4 15052 925 11330 1:20
17 Dead by Daylight PS4 13917 741 9361 1:30
18 Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War - Beta PS4 13539 2483 13404 1:01
19 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition PS4 12770 972 6747 1:54
20 Rogue Company PS4 11942 1770 10784 1:07
21 Vampyr PS4 11813 2065 7458 1:36
22 The Last of Us™ Part II PS4 9752 981 5937 1:39
23 Assassin's Creed® Odyssey PS4 9590 594 4647 2:04
24 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PS4 9264 370 4205 2:13
25 Crash Bandicoot™ 4: It's About Time PS4 9058 476 5630 1:37
26 ARK: Survival Evolved PS4 8222 280 3450 2:23
27 DAYS GONE PS4 8015 674 4427 1:49
28 Mafia: Definitive Edition PS4 7981 659 4247 1:53
29 Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 PS4 7893 506 3989 1:59
30 Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 7829 1086 5542 1:25
31 God of War PS4 6998 741 3887 1:49
32 NBA 2K21 PS4 6335 172 3839 1:40
33 DEATH STRANDING™ PS4 6053 471 3036 2:00
34 Bloodborne™ PS4 5812 659 3953 1:29
35 Marvel's Avengers PS4 5717 451 3546 1:37
36 NBA 2K20 PS4 5567 493 4367 1:17
37 Mad Max PS4 5558 239 2754 2:02
38 Watch Dogs®: Legion PS4 5377 497 2360 2:17
39 Horizon Zero Dawn™ PS4 5327 610 2984 1:48
40 FINAL FANTASY XIV PS4 4853 136 1815 2:41
41 Persona 5 Royal PS4 4773 228 2571 1:52
42 Fallout 76 PS4 4565 309 2314 1:59
43 Borderlands® 3 PS4 4504 388 2480 1:49
44 Call of Duty®: Black Ops III PS4 4434 550 3258 1:22
45 The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited PS4 4295 180 2555 1:41
46 The Last of Us™ Remastered PS4 3938 585 2658 1:29
48 Mortal Kombat 11 PS4 3692 547 3668 1:01
49 eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE PS4 3690 126 2634 1:25
50 Warframe PS4 3616 214 2200 1:39
51 DayZ PS4 3614 123 1495 2:26
52 Call of Duty®: WWII PS4 3513 612 3199 1:06
53 Fallout 4 PS4 3507 280 1746 2:01
54 Gran Turismo™SPORT PS4 3501 446 2923 1:12
55 Share Play PS4 3458 1631 6631 0:32
56 Assassin's Creed® Origins PS4 3435 272 2072 1:40
57 DARK SOULS™ III PS4 3426 364 2378 1:27
58 Brawlhalla PS4 3377 513 4188 0:49
59 Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4 PS4 3337 404 2572 1:18
60 For Honor PS4 3279 319 2884 1:09
61 Uncharted™: The Nathan Drake Collection PS4 3275 446 2261 1:27
62 STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II PS4 3258 559 2719 1:12
63 No Man's Sky PS4 3215 337 1710 1:53
64 Nioh 2 PS4 3159 149 1315 2:25
65 Battlefield™ V PS4 3017 400 2419 1:15
66 F1® 2020 PS4 2989 187 2024 1:29
67 SMITE PS4 2905 165 1796 1:38
68 DOOM Eternal PS4 2895 341 1972 1:29
69 Warface PS4 2881 174 1984 1:28
70 Tony Hawk's™ Pro Skater™ 1 + 2 PS4 2855 412 2261 1:16
71 Far Cry® 5 PS4 2843 367 1801 1:35
72 WATCH_DOGS® 2 PS4 2842 358 1817 1:34
73 STAR WARS™: Squadrons PS4 2721 419 2040 1:21
74 Uncharted™ 4: A Thief’s End PS4 2612 361 1739 1:31
75 Mafia III PS4 2611 260 1504 1:45
76 The Crew® 2 PS4 2561 384 2311 1:07
77 NieR:Automata PS4 2559 193 1227 2:06
78 Need for Speed™ Heat PS4 2466 427 2008 1:14
79 Farming Simulator 19 PS4 2449 209 1250 1:58
80 Persona 5 PS4 2446 144 1249 1:58
81 Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice PS4 2303 322 1751 1:19
82 Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 2226 349 1422 1:34
83 BATMAN™: ARKHAM KNIGHT PS4 2222 252 1201 1:52
84 Skyrim PS4 2204 246 1199 1:51
85 EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 PS4 2192 402 2362 0:56
86 FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PS4 2182 219 1162 1:53
87 Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection PS4 2129 134 1126 1:54
88 STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ PS4 2105 247 1286 1:39
89 eFootball PES 2020 PS4 2097 214 1717 1:14
90 Bless Unleashed PS4 2087 382 1264 1:40
91 FINAL FANTASY XV PS4 2075 162 1045 2:00
92 Path of Exile PS4 2048 81 901 2:17
93 DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin PS4 2048 157 1107 1:51
94 Madden NFL 21 PS4 1922 102 1319 1:28
95 Mafia II: Definitive Edition PS4 1895 203 1111 1:43
97 HUNT: SHOWDOWN PS4 1728 93 784 2:13
98 Detroit: Become Human™ PS4 1717 319 1061 1:38
99 Battlefield™ 1 PS4 1717 379 1842 0:56
100 Titanfall™ 2 PS4 1681 369 1898 0:54
submitted by s0vs0v to PS4 [link] [comments]

-❅- Introducing Your AoC 2020 "Gettin' Crafty With It" Artisans (and Other Prizes) -❅-

In order to draw out the suspense, we're gonna start with a handful of ~other prizes~!

Other Prizes

Advent of Playing With Your Toys

Title Username Thread
Advent of Mechanical Turk sbguest 2020 Day 2 game
Plays With Industrial Computers CrazyA99 [2020 Day 1 and 2] [Ladder Logic] Used an Allen Bradley PLC (1756-L61)
Plays With Commodore 64 ZoDalek [2020 day 1] Pt. 1 & 2 on actual Commodore 64 (flickering images!)
Plays With Game Boys NieDzejkob [2020 Day 2] [Game Boy assembly] Turns out you write many bugs in assembly
Plays With Game Boys gamingmonsteruk 2020 Day 1 (Part 1) C on the GameBoy because why not
Plays With Roblox Asleum [2020 Day 11 (Part 2)][Lua/Roblox] Waiting Room Simulator 3D
Plays With Minecraft Blocks andre-js 2020 Day 17 (Part 1) 3d Game Of Life in Minecraft
Plays With Windows XP mzprx42 [2020 Day 18] Part 1 using Calc.exe
Plays With Sega Genesis Tails8521 [2020 Day 1-19] Solving (almost) all puzzles on a Sega MegaDrive (Genesis)
Plays With Pen Plotters ruuddotorg [2020 Day 20 (Part 1)] Using a pen plotter to show monsters in a sea of pixels
Plays With All The Toys At The Same Time Vijfhoek [2020 Day 9] [C64 Assembly] Back at it again, with a cassette this time!


Title Username Thread
Oldie But Goodie Hyta [2018 Day 15 (Part 1)] visualized
Advent of Unreal Engine ManicD7 Unreal Engine 4 - video Day 2 (view the whole series on YouTube)
I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty ZeroSkub [2020 Day 2 (Parts 1&2)] [Ruby] The first step in overcoming an addiction to prettifying terminal output is admitting you have a problem.
Clearest Visualization naclmolecule Bag pretty printer in python! Link to source in comments!
Pretty Round Cubes lewster32 [2020 Day 17] [JavaScript] Conway Cubes 3D cellular automata visualisation
ELI5 Migration Biologist seligman99 [2020 Day 20 (Part 2)] Finding the monsters
Clementines Are Now A Programming Language aboutroots Explaining to my Dad what I've been up to lately. Merry xmas all! 🦀 🎄


Title Username Thread
Brought Work While On Vacation lukaswendt Day 1 part 1 in intcode
Lucky Number 4 betaveros Somehow managing to get #4 silver and #4 gold on global leaderboard for Days 06, 07, and 24 (also for this very helpful thread re: leaderboarding)
Never Too Late To Learn solpyro Only took them 12 days to realize!
Heinous (ab)Use of Vim Smylers Their post in 2020 Day 15 solutions megathread
I Was Told There Would Be No Math e_blake [2020 day13 part2][m4] Solution using only 32-bit math primitives
Turing It Up A Notch Shikor806 [2020 Day 1 (Part 1)] Very late, but here's a Turing machine that solves day 1

Community Participation

Title Username Thread
Advent of Reading Comprehension tslater2006
Advent of Outrageous Reading Comprehension makerhuman Misread the leaderboard message this morning
Advent of Facebook Turk feaur [2020 Day 18 (Part 1)] Outsourcing the solution. They never care about the order of operations anyway
Professor Raku raiph A very helpful response in 2020 Day 02 Solutions megathread
Dishes Up Tasty Advice uytv A very tasty response in [2020 Day 17] How to avoid getting burnt out by these puzzles?
Lawful Good merzy [2020 Day 8] Are we the bad guys?
Resident Electrician ZoltarTheGreat69 Day 10 Advice From An Electrician
Bug Hunter TommiHPunkt Day 19 made me find a bug in Matlab
Crabby Mathematician UmustBjoking [2020 Day 23 (Part 2)] That's a BIG raft
Crab Propagandaist andre-js [2020 Day 24 (Part 2)] I let it run for 10M iterations and this pattern emerged
Unofficial AoC Surveyor jeroenheijmans Unofficial AoC 2020 Survey Results!
Unofficial AoC Scatterplotter maus80 Interactive scatterplot of the 1st 100 responses (shows the puzzle's difficulty)

Advent of Code 2020 Community Fun: Gettin' Crafty With It

Rules and all submissions are here: -❄️- Advent of Code 2020: Craft Submissions Megathread -❄️-
Thank you to the magnificent folks who participated this year! As promised, y'all got your silver for participation. And now, without further ado, your winners!

Community Favorites

There were originally going to be 10 winners but quite a few folks got tied, plus it's Christmas, so there you go! In no particular order:
  1. A Language Per Day -- Advent of Code 2020 - willkill07
  2. Advent of C64 Assembly - Vijfhoek
  3. Advent of Code 2020 for Haskell Beginners - the_t_block
  4. Advent of Code ASCII Art - Arknave
  5. Advent of Poetry 2020 - DFreiberg
  6. Conway Cubes - kap89
  7. Crash Test Snowman - TheElTea
  8. Day 18 Part 1 with Calc.exe - mzprx42
  9. Embroidery for AoC 2020 - schnappischnap
  10. Genesis does Advent of Code 2020 - Tails8521
  11. North Pole: Border Control - DoubtfulSound91
  12. Online solver with some visualizations - Fyvaproldje
Enjoy your Reddit Silver1 and have a happy New Year!

Best in Class

Once again, we still have a couple of ties, so your 3-5 winners are now 8. More golden rings for everyone!
  1. Advent of C64 Assembly - Vijfhoek
  2. Advent of Code ASCII Art - Arknave
  3. Advent of Poetry 2020 - DFreiberg
  4. Conway Cubes - kap89
  5. Embroidery for AoC 2020 - schnappischnap
  6. Genesis does Advent of Code 2020 - Tails8521
  7. North Pole: Border Control - DoubtfulSound91
  8. Online solver with some visualizations - Fyvaproldje
Enjoy your Reddit Gold1 and have a happy New Year!

Best in Show

Just like a Highlander, though, there can only ever be one, and there is indeed one clear master artisan this year, and they are...

Congratulations, sea_monst3r!

Wait, I was looking at the wrong graph, sorry. I meant to congratulate...

kap89 for their Conway Cubes!

Enjoy your Reddit Platinum1 and have a happy New Year!
1 Since there's so many awards to give out, I will award all metals after this post goes live. I'll update when I've completed all awardings.
edit: All done! Let me know if I've somehow missed someone.
Thank you all for playing Advent of Code this year and on behalf of topaz2078, Aneurysm9, the beta-testers, and the rest of AoC Ops, we wish you a very Merry Christmas (or a very merry Friday!) and a Happy New Year!
submitted by daggerdragon to adventofcode [link] [comments]

Quadral by Aaron Willumat

Quadral by Aaron Willumat

Quadral in Beta 1.6.6
I've recently been looking at how texture packs have changed from version to version, and for practice, I decided to make this release texture pack compatible with every pre-release version of Minecraft, up to Beta 1.8.
If you're active on this sub you may have seen a Beta version of Quadral around already, this release fixes it's flaws, so redownload if you use it much :)
Download the closest version above or equal to what you're playing. So for example, if you're playing Alpha 1.2.6, grab the Beta 1.5_01 one.
Indev 20100206
Infdev 20100618
Alpha 1.0.10
Beta 1.5_01
Beta 1.6.6
Beta 1.7.3
The pack includes a custom font, but you'll need a patch to use it. They can be hard to come by, I couldn't find one. But I added one to MineOnline today.
You can find release versions of Quadral here
submitted by codieradical to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

NRG-Network [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {survival} {bedrock} {java} {minigames} {1.16.4}, Port for Bedrock:19132
NRG IS FOR BEDROCK AND JAVA PLAYERS!!! You can play with your friends no matter what version of the game they own!
Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD
First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.16 minecraft server for Java AND Bedrock players
What can you do on our server?
we currently have a handful of servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...
What will we be adding in the Future?
Server Rules
  1. Respect other users.
  2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
  3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
  4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
  5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
  6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
  7. Do not argue with staff.
  8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
  9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.
NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.
Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?
Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons
Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!
Server Ip:
Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3
submitted by AmethystMallow to mcservers [link] [comments]

NRG-Network [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {survival} {bedrock} {java} {minigames} {1.16.4}, Port for Bedrock:19132
NRG IS FOR BEDROCK AND JAVA PLAYERS!!! You can play with your friends no matter what version of the game they own!
Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD
First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.16 minecraft server for Java AND Bedrock players
What can you do on our server?
we currently have a handful of servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...
What will we be adding in the Future?
Server Rules
  1. Respect other users.
  2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
  3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
  4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
  5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
  6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
  7. Do not argue with staff.
  8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
  9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.
NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.
Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?
Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons
Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!
Server Ip:
Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3
submitted by AmethystMallow to mcservers [link] [comments]

Minecraft Windows 10 Edition won't install

Every time I try to install Minecraft Windows 10 edition via Microsoft Store, I get an error code 0x80070005.
I used to play Minecraft Windows 10 on the same pc couple of months ago, and everything was fine. One day I wanted to try Minecraft beta, and when I opted out, I tried reinstalling the game, but I couldn't. I hoped that something would change, but it just won't install :(.
I feel like I've tried every possible tutorial online, but nothing helped, except for creating another user on Windows, but I really want to find another way.
submitted by Donlothario1234 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

Some words of unsolicited advice for the devs, before the Alpha really gets underway.

Hi all,
I've been a part of countless Betas/Early Access/playtests etc. by now, and unfortunately that also means I've seen plenty of games rise and fall in the process, sometimes through no fault of their own. Case in point: I was a part of the beautiful Evolve community from Day 1, and I trust the devs miss their old relationship with THQ as much as I do, seeing as what happened to that poor game once 2K's genius sales team got their paws on the monetization model. RIP to a title (and genre!!) which was lightyears ahead of its time.
Over the years, I've come to realize one simple fact about games that seems almost stupid to point out in conversation, but that a surprising number of devs (or perhaps publishers, who stifle the devs' creativity/Research and Development efforts for budget concerns) also seem to forget: games are mechanics, first and foremost.
You are not making a movie, you are not writing a novel with an interesting story, you are not trying to impress anybody with graphical fidelity or soundtrack or celebrity cameos or whatever else. I am not saying all of these aspects are somehow bad things to have; in fact, some of the greatest games in history (Shadow of the Colossus, Ocarina of Time, and yes, even Doom) showcased the best of these areas as well. However, what I am saying is that if your game only emphasizes all of these cosmetic features, but the core gameplay loop itself is shit, your game is absolutely guaranteed to fail, regardless of how nice the graphics are, how witty the dialogue is, how much effort was spent crafting the soundtrack, or whatever else.
Look at every single popular title we see thriving today: Minecraft sacrificed graphical fidelity for some of the most replayable and layered exploration/survival mechanics ever, adding an Infiniminer spin to Dwarf Fortress's already proven success. League of Legends stole DotA's entire gameplay loop and in a stroke of financial genius, made it both free-to-play and standalone. Battlefield allowed you to truly experience sprawling flavors of total warfare across land, sea, and sky, regardless of how beautiful the Frostbite engine can also be. Call of Duty boiled down close infantry combat into arcadey, bite-sized pieces you could pick up and put down numerous times throughout the course of one day. Apex Legends took the rough framework of DayZ/H1Z1/PUBG battle royale and added DotA-style heroes plus hyper-mobile combat for its unique take on the format. Fortnite ripped from the same source material, but introduced an unprecedented building/cover system lifted straight from its forgotten zombie-survival campaign mode.
Even supposed "sleeper hits" with unexpectedly healthy playerbases showcase the same exact truth; Rainbow Six: Siege brought tactical-ops gunplay into the 21st century, adding a layer of depth and polish which Counter-Strike could only dream of. Dying Light took the "proof of concept" open-world zombie mash of Dead Island, and added a great mix of parkour and day/night cycles to really "bake in" a daily routine of exploration, scavenging and combat. Rocket League added a loony mix of arcade racing and physics to an otherwise obvious replica of soccer. And so on, and so on.
In other words, the more you "lean into" game mechanics specifically, the more likely your game will continue to live on; I believe mechanics are literally a bottomless well of success for any developers both intelligent and fortunate enough to explore them. And that is where Back4Blood comes into question.
It is no secret whatsoever that this game is essentially a spiritual successor to the Left4Dead series. More than just a vague or superficial inspiration, we are basically seeing some identical parallels in the Alpha footage: four hasty humans with guns and consumables can be downed and revived, traveling down a linear level into a safe house while sharing items and banter along the way. There are basic horde zombies alongside Special infected, "setpiece structures" for some of the level design, and so on.
My request for the devs is this: please, please lean into improving every mechanic this game has, which Left4Dead does NOT have, because I fear there is more than a slight chance of jaded newcomers (mistakenly) saying something like “Oh, this is just Left4Dead inside a new engine? Yeahh I’m not paying $60 for a reskin”, and now you’ve lost them forever (via bad first impression alone).
The following is only a rough list, but so far I remember a couple standout features which already set Back4Blood completely apart:
Now, I do not want to get my hopes up here, but if this last point means there is any chance for a new "wave survival" mode, where you are forced to hunker down and gradually build up defenses against an increasingly punishing tide of zombies (think Gears of War's excellent "Horde" and "Beast" modes), that would be simply incredible.
But now let me expand on what I meant earlier by "lean into the mechanics", using the bullet points mentioned above.

The Card System

For example, when it comes to the roguelike deck mechanic, please stray as far as humanly possible away from any boring-ass "Trivial +% buff to Stat X" incrementalism as your game balance allows. Obviously, having significant stat increases like a critical damage multiplier or heavy health/"armor" boost is one thing, but if we are ever stuck in the Korean MMO-grind territory of "+1.5% extra HP" or whatever, I believe this approach will not make a sufficiently noticeable difference from Left4Dead's formula to set this new game truly apart.
Limit-test the shit out of this card system, and only scale back the mechanics once you find something obviously broken; it is better to try and FAIL at making the card system incredibly flavorful and impactful, than to never try at all. Believe in your creativity when concocting brand-new mechanical interactions here, and not just dopey number-crunching which has minimal impact on each session's memorable variety.
Let horde zombies die instantly to any headshot, but then explode for minor AoE damage too, so your heroes have to gamble on a long-range damage strategy. Let the Special infected die, but then respawn as two of themselves with half HP and damage each, unless you make sure to first prevent this duplicate-resurrection by killing them with a specific weapon type like melee, fire or whatever else. If it is raining, let the vomiting Specials leave a large pool on the ground that deals Area damage/debuff constantly (or perhaps indefinitely), since the ground is now wet. Let the pouncing Infected deal massive extra damage to humans that are much further away, forcing you be particularly careful for them, but also perhaps forcing you to rush forward through the level as a means of countering this buff by decreasing pounce distances as much as possible. This game is in Alpha, so throw as many of these crazy combinations into the card rotation as possible, and only remove them once the playerbase decides it is truly too much to handle (perhaps some of the more "extreme" cards could be restricted to a higher Campaign difficulty, or "hardcore" multiplayer lobbies, so that noobs aren't scared away from the game early on?)
Even for the human card loadouts, adhere to this exact same "move fast and break things" power level for their design, ignoring vanilla stat boosts as much as you can: let the first 10 rounds of every assault rifle magazine be loaded with explosive ammo. Allow instant, "snap-targeting" POV camera to the iron sights of a gun, but then remove the hipfire crosshair entirely, for a purely "marksman" playstyle. Allow a single healthpack to be used twice (but maybe let these particular HP bars drain slowly over time, if this card becomes too overpowered in humans' favor). Allow much faster reload speeds and large magazine sizes for the "gunner" class, but then remove their ability to sprint (or make them walk slower; I'm not sure if B4B has a sprint button).
I believe this deckbuilding facet of the game is a great addition to the genre overall, and a massive key to B4B's future success.
Edit 1: Oh, I should also mention at this point; I fully understand (and lament) the eternal tension between developers trying to expand on new ideas, versus their publishers refusing to finance anything more than a two-minute brainstorming session for each area of the game. Thus I can fully appreciate the adverse effect this shareholder pressure would have, on such efforts as keeping the card system surprising and engaging via direct development hours invested.
However, I also trust we can all recite horror stories by now of penny-pinching managers essentially dooming even AAA projects by strangling their necessary innovation stage in the cradle (I’m not talking just in gaming here, or even in the entertainment industry overall). Warner Brothers management obviously has to waddle up to shareholder HQ at some point in B4B's life cycle, but let me just emphasize one thing: in this day and age, you are not only being given a simple choice between "less money and more money". You are potentially being exposed to the rib-cracking dilemma of "some revenue versus NO revenue".
I'm not only talking the failure to turn a decent profit here: I'm talking a real potential for premium creators to not even make back their initial investment to begin with, if things go terribly sales-wise. WB Games has already been slapped to its senses once in the recent past, so let's all just hope that crucial lesson stays fresh in their busy minds.
This is not a time when our grandmas would budget $60 per year on new games at Christmas, so "Hey, let's all just hope that guaranteed expenditure goes to WB this year". Ours is an unprecedented era where free-to-play games with 60GB installs and premium graphics are more than enough to distract untold millions of players year-round, so your mandatory sales task is having to convince all these FPS consumers that your purchased game is definitely worth more of their time and money than that free game.
Today we do not preorder titles from physical stores, with no real hope of refunding them once we realize how broken their business model (or even basic gameplay loop) is. We download entire titles and DLC from pro-refund services like Steam, who have both the infrastructure and intelligence to sidestep some major legal hurdles guaranteed down future roads. The global landscape is now ever-changing.
Today there are not a bunch of happy people with leftover thousands in their bank account to burn on whatever entertainment catches their fancy. We are living dead in the middle of COVID Winter, so people's financial and psychological tolerance for sales-team bullshit like this Non-Cosmetic Season Pass junk will not go over well, and they will be unusually quick to respond. I can almost guarantee you this.
There is nowhere for salesmen to hide anymore, and I say this as a former sales guy myself (emphasis on the "former", ethically speaking; goodbye to those sweet paychecks 😅). The internet contains enough online ratings, pre-release "journalism", and just overall unflinching player scrutiny at this point to behead any oh-so-clever publisher who thinks they can "pull a fast one" on consumers nowadays. There is nowhere left to hide.
Anyway, um ... moving on.

Character Traits

I'll start to move along a bit more quickly here, but I don't remember exactly what TRS's Community Manager mentioned about what makes each human character different; I believe besides the truly unique melee weapons they are locked to, everything else was just health and "strength" boosts ...?
I would urge that, once again, the devs avoid any boring, "+50 HP to your health bar" or "+10% melee weapon damage" stuff right now, and create character perks which truly stand out from the others. These buffs should help justify us preferring our favorite characters to begin with.
Remove crosshair-spread completely for the dedicated "sharpshooter" character. Give one of them the "berserker" ability to dual-wield melee weapons, for double the strikes. Allow a character to carry far more explosives or consumables, as the "mule" class for the team. Allow the "hunter" class to either spot Special infected from much further away with an extra UI outline, or just somehow "smell them coming" initially and warn the rest of your team, long before any of the others can.
Lean into every single mechanic, as far as "fair" balancing allows of course (if these buffs pull human winrates too high in Versus mode or whatever, perhaps either start drip-feeding Team Zombie some speed/damage buffs in response, or even just revert the original human changes entirely). Ignore boring-ass vanilla stat boosts that do not make an immediately tangible impact on the game. I cannot stress this enough.

Gun Sights

I would very much like to say that as a huge fan of iron sights in shooting games, there is an absolute world of difference that a distinct separation (between hipfire and sighting/scoping) can make in an FPS. For anybody who doesn't believe me, I would point you to the incredibly meaty, immersive, and rewarding gunplay of the Insurgency games. Sights exist for a reason.
You do not want the hipfire accuracy to feel like a fucking magical laser beam, or it will start to feel like reskinned Left4Dead (or even worse: Counter-Strike) all over again. Let the players truly feel the crazy kick of an LMG for once, if they decide to go in like Rambo and ignore the sights on top of the goddamn gun. I don't think there's a prone position in this game, but perhaps reward players who use the crouch button with reduced recoil from both hipfire and iron sights when they shoot?
Now that you've actually chosen to introduce gun sights in this game (a feature I also absolutely loved in Evolve too, by the way), give players a good reason to use them! Aside from the positive step of “weak spots” on the Special infected, and the obvious bonus to aiming with sights in general, you can also perhaps add “hanging traps” to the map which are set off if you shoot the single rope suspending them, introduce “treasure goblin” zombies who run away but can be shot for their loot if you are fast and accurate enough, maybe place the new Snitch zombies on far-away rooftops so players are rewarded for distinctly fast and accurate gunfire, and so on.

Environmental Features

Ohhh boy, where do we start with this one.
Okay: what we already see here is great. Fog, maybe rain or dust storms, increased wind making it harder to hear other humans or zombies, possible lightning strikes lighting the grass on fire? Etc.
But let's get really crazy here: what about acid rain that forces you to run for cover, numerous times in one match? What about massive sinkholes that open up on the ground in larger field areas, forcing you to take a now careful trip over what used to be an easy sprint across fully open ground? What about destroying certain walls, fences or windows of buildings (to give zombies more access you ambush you), or just removing the side of a building entirely, caused by a messy "military air strike"?
Even for the tamer weather effects, try to brainstorm ways in which otherwise simple seasonal changes can have terrifying effects on the zombies experiencing them. I already mentioned vomit lasting much longer in rain, but how about making strong winds cause the vomit (or even pouncing Infected) to travel much farther as well? Howling winds masking the screams of certain special Infected, allowing them to sneak up much closer to you before being revealed? Snowy or "icy" areas causing all the corpses which comprise the Tall Boy's giant arm to be frozen solid, forcing him to swing it more slowly but then also cause massive damage?
The sky's the limit folks (no pun intended). Let us feel like the in-game world lives and breathes just as much as the actual zombies do.

Fortification Mode ...?

I don't want to elaborate on this too much, in case I'm barking up the wrong tree. But I just want to say to Turtle Rock that if anyone can develop a worthy fusion of Left4Dead's gunplay, Gears of War's Horde mode and World War Z's punishing horde AI, it's you guys. Like I said, I was a part of Evolve's community from the very beginning, and while it crushes me to think about the future that game could've had under competent publishers, the innovative talent and relentless polish of that game cannot be denied by anybody. TRS devs are second to none.

In Summary

This post is already gigantic, but I feel like I've made my point in as many different ways as I can. Here I'll now leave the
TL,DR: Dear devs: move fast, and break things. Or as the saying was made famous at GDC, "Fail fast, and find the fun". Lean into everything which makes your game different from Left 4 Dead, because the existing framework is already beloved by gamers, many times over. Make B4B faster, crazier, scarier, just ... better. Do NOT be afraid to punish the players with new modifier cards that might be extreme at first, because you can always just nerf or remove them later; WE ARE YOUR GUINEA PIGS. But on the other hand, find ways to mix already-existing mechanics like explosive weapons or rainy weather into disproportionately large gameplay implications, so that you don't have to burn a bunch of precious development resources on creating an entirely new Special infected from scratch or whatever.
You've already got a great thing going here, so please, just keep the train rolling forward as far as Unreal Engine and your mighty little brain cells allow.
Oh, and one final
Edit 2: I know it might seem like I downplayed the importance of great graphics and sound etc. above, but that was not my intention whatsoever. I simply wanted game mechanics to be PRIORITY #1 in the design pipeline, so that we don't ever have to worry about players becoming numb to what might devolve into "reskinned Left4Dead gameplay loop", once the eye-candy (inevitably) loses its appeal.
However, it is a fair assumption that fighting players’ boredom means making their most common tasks as interesting as possible, and cosmetics actually play a huge role in that specifically. If the most common B4B player activity is shooting zombies, we should definitely make that part of the game as variety-filled as possible via cosmetics as well, alongside the crucial mechanical trappings.
Even for such an old game, Left4Dead's brutal gore system is still simply incredible: shooting a sprinting zombie in the guts makes them glance down as they stumble onto the ground, clawing at their own innards like unraveling spaghetti. Shoot them in the head? If the bullet isn't big enough to just explode their skull completely, they still slump over instantly dead, their brain immediately losing any connection to their body. Used explosives on a horde? They all burst up and outward from the impact simultaneously like bloody fireworks, dozens of limbs and torsos blossoming apart in a demonic ballet.
We absolutely need more of that in B4B: make us feel the impact of our guns on the horde. Small arms fire leaves only small red holes, but larger-caliber or explosive rounds should start mulching them: meat and guts punching out their exit wounds and leaving large bloody splatters on the walls behind them. I know there was muzzle flash from guns in the Alpha footage already, even though other cosmetics like zombie dismemberment and door-breaking are clearly in Alpha state, so just keep up the good work guys. (Perhaps mechanical implications for gore as well? Armless zombies can't grab you, one-legged zombies stand still or fall prone, gutless zombies start vomiting up blood but will still swipe at you if you walk too close? One can dream.)
Not just the gore, mind you: polish every cosmetic involved with the core gameplay loop. Make the Specials' screams and impacts echo in our ears, to justify their status as our “arch-enemies”, as opposed to the faceless Horde. When the Ogre roars in your face, your eyes should falter into tunnel-vision as primal fear takes over your now-hyperventilating character's brain (in the B4B Alpha footage, that poor guy just kinda ... pops up like a Plants vs. Zombies character off to his daily commute, and then plods around like a giant baby ... do you guys remember the intense ground-shaking and boss music of Tanks in L4D?? Make us FEAR the Ogre, not just laugh as we walk past his sad slow ass.)
Gunfire should sound punchy, dangerously loud (does it draw Horde attention?), and satisfying upon impact, not just those crappy muted "click" noises of COD Warzone and Co. (again, I would point readers to the Insurgency series for exemplary explosive and firearms audio; from what I remember, Subnautica was another indie game with incredible audio design.)
However, when it comes to how "accurate" the gun sounds are, or how closely textures match their real-life counterparts? Not as big a priority IMO, since the core gunplay loop is not disassembling your gun or adding random cosmetics to them (err ... I hope). This is not ARMA, and any game with zombies already in it surely isn't compelled to mimic "realistic" items or environments (past a reasonable degree). When struggling to decide how zombies, guns, or explosions "should" sound, err on the side of fun I say. All in all, I’m confident you can afford to spend slightly less dev resources on the whole “realism simulator” side of things, seeing as players’ attention should most likely be elsewhere.
I think I might have sounded like I'm now off to play the Alpha like the rest of you all, but my PC can't actually run the Alpha (and perhaps not the full game when it comes out with optimizations, either). This entire wall of theoretical text was just a combination of my time with unfinished games of all types, and a whole lot of Left4Dead specifically; though purely hypothetical, I'm confident I covered everything that came to mind here.
Have fun without me guys, and above all else: massive congratulations to Turtle Rock specifically, on this new chapter in their timeline. You guys are some of my favorite devs on the planet (who else had the fucking brains to release FREE map DLCs to avoid splitting up the playerbase, all the way back in 2015?? The talent of pioneers always speaks for itself).
Wishing Phil Robb, Chris Ashton, and friends the very best, because you guys definitely deserve it. Take care
submitted by ShamelessSoaDAShill to Back4Blood [link] [comments]

You know that feeling playing with your brother in minecraft?

You know that feeling playing with your brother in minecraft? submitted by Chair_Reddit to MCPE [link] [comments]

NRG-Network [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {survival} {bedrock} {java} {minigames} {1.16.4}, Port for Bedrock:19132
NRG IS FOR BEDROCK AND JAVA PLAYERS!!! You can play with your friends no matter what version of the game they own!
Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD
First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.16 minecraft server for Java AND Bedrock players
What can you do on our server?
we currently have a handful of servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...
What will we be adding in the Future?
Server Rules
  1. Respect other users.
  2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
  3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
  4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
  5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
  6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
  7. Do not argue with staff.
  8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
  9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.
NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.
Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?
Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons
Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!
Server Ip:
Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3
submitted by AmethystMallow to mcservers [link] [comments]

Tips for New Xbox users

List of tips that I can think of right now
Fact Sheet
Tech Specs

Xbox Game Pass Library
EA Play Library
Games Optimized for Xbox Series X|S complete list
Reddit post link to Xbox Wire articles

Xbox App for Android/iOS
-Set up new consoles and queue games
-View and share game clips & screenshots
-Party chat with friends across devices
-Play remotely from your console
-Remote install owned/not owned games to your console
-Browse & purchase games (Samsung Store Xbox App Only)

Xbox Game Pass App for Android/iOS
-Stream Xbox Game Pass Ultimate game library to your phone (Android Only)

Your Microsoft/Xbox account email is the same. It can be used to login to Xbox, Windows 10, Microsoft Store,,, Minecraft mobile App, etc.
In game Gamertag(username) can be change once for free & cost money after.
How to change your Xbox gamertag
If a username exists, it will automatically add 4 digit number at the end of username. Same as how Blizzard do it on ID. example "Name8362"

Game Sharing - MUST READ
Buy digital game once, it can be played on two different Xboxs at the same time. You can even play online multiplayer together with Xbox Live Gold/Game Pass Ultimate subscription share.
Share these with anyone who signs in to your home Xbox:
Account-specific items can’t always be shared. Some examples are:

Xbox/Microsoft Gift Card can be used to purchase anything from Xbox console &
Costco has $90 for $100 deal going on, and occasionally from Newegg/Rakuten. Usually 10~20% discount.
If you are not Game Pass subscriber, buy & sign up 3 years of Xbox Live Gold and after that pay $1 for 1st month Game Pass Ultimate deal to convert 3 year of Xbox Live Gold to Game Pass Ultimate.

Microsoft Rewards
Microsoft Rewards points can be converted to Game Pass Subscription, Xbox/Microsoft Gift Cards
Sign up for Microsoft Rewards
Complete daily tasks on to earn Microsoft Rewards points
Microsoft Rewards Rebate beta offers 2% rebate on and other websites when searched & accessed from
Earn points from Microsoft Rewards App on Xbox Console.

For Game Pass Subscribers
Download Xbox Game Pass App on mobile device & complete daily/weekly/monthly quest to earn Microsoft Rewards Points & don't forget to turn in quests once completed from App/Console.
Check out free Perks offers from Xbox App for Windows 10 / Xbox Game Pass App for mobile devices. They range from in game items, DLC, Spotify/Discord/Postmate subscriptions.
Game Pass Ultimate subscribers can stream & play Game Pass library with Game Pass App on mobile devices with any controllers that supports Bluetooth.
App shows when a certain games are added/about to leave Game Pass Library.
YouTube - Play Over 100 Xbox Games on Android Mobile

Eneloop rechargeable battery is best accessory for Xbox controllers.
Xbox One controllers works with Xbox Series X|S
Xbox Controller can be remapped using Xbox Accessories App from Microsoft Store on Windows 10 & on Xbox.
Copilot feature links two controllers so that you and another gamer can use them as if they were a single controller. This can be useful when one gamer needs assistance with their console.
Beginning 2021, Xbox Design Lab will be offering custom Xbox Series X|S controllers. Right now, they are for Xbox One controllers.
Xbox Adaptive Controller for gamers with limited mobility

External Storage
USB 3.1 HDD Seagate Expansion Card
Stores any Xbox game Yes Yes
Plays Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Original Xbox games Yes Yes
Plays games optimized for Xbox Series X No Yes
Replicates speed and performance of internal SSD No Yes
Xbox Series X|S games can only be installed on Xbox and Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S
Xbox One/360/Original games can be install on Xbox/External HDD/SDD.
For Series X|S games, external HDD/SDD can be used for storage purpose only.
Installed games can be moved between Xbox & External storage at anytime.
Enable network game transfer on Xbox
Xbox Family Setting App
Sign up for Xbox Insider to be part of Beta testing ring & give feedback on games & upcoming Xbox UI.
Xbox Controller can be remapped using Xbox Accessories App from Microsoft Store on Windows 10 & on Xbox
Xbox Play Anywhere Titles offer buy once, play on Windows 10 & Xbox. Shame not lot of 3rd party publishers adapted them.

YouTube videos worth checking out
New Ways to Share
Quick Resume Trailer
Smart Delivery
Xbox Adaptive Controller

Created by Community members
List of 3rd party Xbox One S games that can reach 60 fps on Series S
Xbox Series S In-Game FPS Database

submitted by Genesis_Prime to XboxSeriesS [link] [comments]

Im excited for starlink here in GA!

Once starlink comes to my state, I can ditch viacrap and start using starlink, because I'm a gamer i hate viasat, when I try to play an online game I lag all the time and sometimes I disconnect, im posting this on 4g because when I use viasat I cant get into reddit sometimes, when im writing it is 7:27 PM EST here so it slowed down, and I cant play games like Call Of Duty or Fortnite, I heard sometime in early 2021 it will come to the southern USA, im in northern GA so I could one day be in a beta program, because when I try to play COD Zombies unless im on solo or splitscreen I always lag, also last time I made a purchase in Minecraft it took a while before I could get it to load so thats why im excited!
submitted by minecraftisbest11 to Starlink [link] [comments]

Help choosing the right laptop!

I’m very very confused about choosing the right laptop so my kids can play Minecraft and Roblox in VR using the Quest 2.
The Oculus website states recommended spec as: - Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 480 or greater. - CPU: Intel i5-4590/AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or greater - 8 Gb RAM
I don’t what to spend more than I need as a gaming laptop is an expensive purchase and it’s only for Roblox and Minecraft.
I purchased a Acer Nitro 5 with specs:
But the Oculus software says my PC is not to the updated specification. The Home Screen is jittery. Roblox won’t load, just shows a Roblox Beta is loading message and never loads.
I don’t know why other than maybe the CPU is not greater than the recommended i5 4590. But looking at specs online the Ryzen 5 4600H has similar Ghz and more cores. How else do you even tell if a CPU is better than others??
I’m sending the Nitro back.
But it means I’m really stuck to know what laptop to get. How on earth am I supposed to tell if the laptop CPU is same or better than recommended? The graphics card in the nitro is better than the recommended one oculus say.
I don’t want to buy another laptop and find it’s jittery. I also don’t want to overspend on one that’s higher than need be for Roblox and Minecraft.
UPDATE: I’ve sent it back and bought an Acer Predator Helios with same RAM but better CPU and graphics card. That works very well. So couldn’t have been the RAM. Oculus specs must be wrong or the Acer spec not up to the job even though Oculus says it is.
submitted by lozcozard to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

Questions. Some that have been said alot.

So I used to play before the very hard to say update. And I played beta for a month until full release and than I deleted it for space for Minecraft. So the questions 1 Does it run on intel graphics? Websites say no but I was able to before and if not please for the love of god implement it. 2 The thing don't start. I try to open and nothing. It says cancel than just quits and says play again. I tried many things. Reinstall. Going offline than online again. Testing the integrity. Shutting down computer. Everything. And still nothing. Here are my Specs.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300 CPU @ 1.90 GHz 2.50 GHz
4gb RAM
submitted by _CREATIVE_USERNAME- to SCPSecretLab [link] [comments]

Top played games for August 2020

Hello fellow players,
Here are the stats for the top 100 most played games of /ps4 in August 2020. 12134 active players were tracked this month.
Want to join the party? Or do you think your favorite game doesn't have enough hours listed here?
Just add 'ps-timetracker6' to your friendlist. That's it. It will take a few minutes to accept the invite, the rest will work automatically and you will receive a message through PSN once a day. Feel free to tell your friends if you haven't!
Hint for mobile users: You can scroll right and see more info :)
# Name Platform Hours Played Players Sessions Average / Session
1 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® PS4 83709 3393 55784 1:31
2 Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout PS4 83572 7776 94605 0:54
3 Fortnite PS4 65730 2726 50445 1:19
4 Ghost of Tsushima PS4 55177 2701 29532 1:53
5 Grand Theft Auto V PS4 48124 3016 30891 1:34
6 Apex Legends PS4 33820 1645 27419 1:15
7 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege PS4 30408 1896 23992 1:17
8 FIFA 20 PS4 28599 1547 19999 1:26
9 Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 28231 1553 17693 1:36
10 Destiny 2 PS4 18336 645 7700 2:23
11 The Last of Us™ Part II PS4 16385 1369 9825 1:41
12 Minecraft PS4 16142 1716 12165 1:20
13 NBA 2K20 PS4 13610 849 9183 1:29
14 Dead by Daylight PS4 12988 580 8207 1:35
15 Overwatch: Origins Edition PS4 12840 814 10674 1:13
16 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition PS4 11997 826 6173 1:57
17 Marvel's Avengers Beta PS4 10180 2866 10765 0:57
18 Rocket League® PS4 9947 1079 11370 0:53
19 ARK: Survival Evolved PS4 7695 305 3203 2:25
20 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 Campaign Remastered PS4 7629 1638 6111 1:15
21 HYPER SCAPE™ PS4 7014 2300 9265 0:46
22 Assassin's Creed® Odyssey PS4 6500 385 3073 2:07
23 Horizon Zero Dawn™ PS4 6478 674 3771 1:44
24 FINAL FANTASY XIV PS4 6177 188 2297 2:42
25 Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 5619 798 3999 1:25
26 DEATH STRANDING™ PS4 5611 390 2708 2:05
27 For Honor PS4 5531 382 4277 1:18
28 God of War PS4 5448 605 3432 1:36
29 Bloodborne™ PS4 5378 554 3595 1:30
30 Warframe PS4 5297 295 3108 1:43
31 Persona 5 Royal PS4 5124 225 2487 2:04
32 eFootball PES 2020 PS4 4874 311 3617 1:21
33 DARK SOULS™ III PS4 4428 373 2971 1:30
34 DAYS GONE PS4 4281 391 2368 1:49
35 The Last of Us™ Remastered PS4 4276 575 2974 1:27
36 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PS4 4250 243 2181 1:57
37 F1® 2020 PS4 4175 182 2364 1:46
38 Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 4175 656 2775 1:31
39 STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II PS4 4110 729 4022 1:02
40 Call of Duty®: WWII PS4 4071 686 3363 1:13
41 Far Cry® 5 PS4 4006 493 2514 1:36
42 Mortal Kombat 11 PS4 3934 507 3831 1:02
43 Borderlands® 3 PS4 3886 516 2275 1:43
44 Nioh 2 PS4 3716 169 1867 2:00
45 The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited PS4 3628 305 2185 1:40
46 Fallout 4 PS4 3557 246 1593 2:14
47 FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PS4 3443 248 1791 1:56
48 Cuphead PS4 3384 382 3251 1:03
49 Rogue Company PS4 3254 432 3131 1:03
50 Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 PS4 3190 276 1828 1:45
51 Far Cry® 3 Classic Edition PS4 3183 409 2022 1:35
52 Warface PS4 3165 192 2081 1:32
53 EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 PS4 3125 447 3064 1:02
54 Share Play PS4 2870 1345 5073 0:34
55 Brawlhalla PS4 2835 493 3616 0:48
56 Skyrim PS4 2820 247 1503 1:53
57 Need for Speed™ Heat PS4 2819 395 2226 1:16
58 Control PS4 2798 348 1794 1:34
59 SMITE PS4 2778 153 1747 1:36
60 Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4 PS4 2444 350 2161 1:08
61 The Crew® 2 PS4 2420 337 2202 1:06
62 Gran Turismo™SPORT PS4 2333 385 2294 1:02
63 Uncharted™ 4: A Thief’s End PS4 2330 357 1606 1:28
64 Fallout 76 PS4 2322 150 1322 1:46
65 Uncharted™: The Nathan Drake Collection PS4 2241 399 1587 1:25
66 STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ PS4 2239 236 1283 1:45
67 DayZ PS4 2192 85 1073 2:03
68 EA SPORTS™ UFC® 4 PS4 2169 210 1496 1:28
69 Call of Duty®: Black Ops III PS4 2133 377 1936 1:07
70 Battlefield™ 1 PS4 2108 335 1875 1:08
71 BATMAN™: ARKHAM KNIGHT PS4 2102 285 1269 1:40
72 Assassin's Creed® Origins PS4 2065 204 1253 1:39
73 Metro Exodus PS4 2035 225 1211 1:41
74 Battlefield™ V PS4 2004 325 1784 1:08
75 Farming Simulator 19 PS4 1982 182 991 2:00
76 Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2. Обновленная кампания PS4 1976 302 1461 1:22
77 WATCH_DOGS® 2 PS4 1944 311 1351 1:27
79 MLB® The Show™ 20 PS4 1914 56 963 2:00
80 Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice PS4 1864 173 1263 1:29
81 Persona 5 PS4 1846 119 971 1:55
82 HITMAN™ 2 PS4 1809 330 1547 1:11
83 Detroit: Become Human™ PS4 1787 306 1081 1:40
84 DOOM Eternal PS4 1738 194 1358 1:17
85 Shadow of the Tomb Raider PS4 1730 143 906 1:55
86 FIFA 19 PS4 1728 212 1501 1:10
87 DARK SOULS™: REMASTERED PS4 1703 211 1226 1:24
88 DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin PS4 1655 142 979 1:42
89 Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition PS4 1615 179 950 1:42
90 Neverwinter PS4 1603 56 700 2:18
91 Black Desert PS4 1590 64 524 3:03
92 Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection PS4 1587 111 811 1:58
93 The Sims™ 4 PS4 1573 241 920 1:43
95 Cities: Skylines PS4 1537 186 1003 1:32
96 BioShock: The Collection PS4 1532 213 909 1:42
97 No Man's Sky PS4 1523 149 834 1:50
98 GreedFall PS4 1465 163 707 2:05
99 Nioh PS4 1427 185 885 1:37
100 Dead Cells PS4 1388 242 1232 1:08
submitted by s0vs0v to PS4 [link] [comments]

play minecraft beta online video

How can play Minecraft beta with friend online - YouTube HOW TO GET RTX MINECRAFT AND PLAY SURVIVAL WORLDS WITH RAY ... HOW TO: Play LAN/Online with MineCraft in 2 Minutes How To Play Minecraft Multiplayer With Friends Without ... How To Play MineCraft for Beginners - YouTube How to play the trial of MINECRAFT even after 90 Mins ... How To Play Multiplayer on Minecraft PC - YouTube Play Minecraft In Your Browser/ No download - YouTube How to play Minecraft survival test (in browser) - YouTube

Keep in mind that if you are playing in the Minecraft Beta, you will not be able to play with non-beta players or access Realms; Beta is also most likely unstable and does not represent the final version quality. You can only join Minecraft Beta if you have a digital copy of the game. Steps . Method 1 of 2: Using Windows 10 or Xbox One. 1. Get Xbox Insider Hub from the Microsoft Store . on Minecraft Online - click to play online. Explore infinite blocks worlds and build everything from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Create your own thing, adventure unknown world. Become a warrior in a fun land. Enjoy the game and have a great fun! Play Minecraft Online game for free on mobiles and tablets. No downloads or installation needed, enjoy! Explore infinite blocks worlds and build everything from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Create your own thing, adventure unknown world. Become a warrior in a fun land. Enjoy the game and have a great fun! About Minecraft Online. Minecraft Online is a free online game provided by Lagged. Play online in your browser on PC, Mobile and Tablet devices. Join millions of players from around the world by playing our addicting games. Lagged is the best online games platform. Challenge your friends to thousands of different games that you can play on your pc, tablet or mobile device. Compete for high scores and achievements as you try to climb to the top of our global points leaderboard. Lass deine Welten aufleuchten – mit Raytracing Beta für Windows 10 von Minecraft. Mit der Beta-Version kannst du deine Welten mit realistischem Licht und mehr ausstatten. We’re releasing a new Minecraft Launcher beta that we want you to try out! So what changes can you expect in this beta? Hopefully none! At least none yet.The Launcher app is currently a starting point for playing Minecraft: Java Edition, but we envision a future where it will become so much more! Sorry! This version of Minecraft requires a keyboard. Please try again on another device.

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How can play Minecraft beta with friend online - YouTube

Play Minecraft In Your Browser/ No download Play here:'t forget to like and subscribe!Facebook page: This video is a step-by-step guide on how to play multiplayer on Minecraft PC. We go over every single step of joining a Minecraft server. From how to find a... Guys it is just for educational purpose don't misuse it just kiddingcommand for creative mode : /gamemode ccommand for survival mode : /gamemode s link to do... Welcome Friends To A New Video.In This Video I Will Be Guiding You On How To Play Minecraft Multiplayer Without Server.By This Trick You Can Join/Invite Your... This is going to show you how to play MineCraft. This is going to be for beginners whom have never played or whom have only play a little couple of times. ... Guys your friend need to connect with any WiFi and then you can join to your friends world Download link: song(clounds by waterfalme) song(dark dreams by wa... (Sorry guys, had to audioswap :( )Minecraft BETA HERE! this Tutorial you'll have to follow Part 1 & 2 firs... Learn how to play survival maps with the new RTX Ray Traced mode in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition. We will show you how to get access to RTX Minecraft Beta an...

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