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In the Service of Mrs. Claus: Another long review nobody asked for

Update: I wrote the original review before the release of the expansion. I updated the review accordingly. Even though the expansion brought several changes, my overall assessment of this game stays the same.

Plot and Worldbuilding:
The setting is very vibrant, at times a bit dark, but overall colorful and funny. For me, the mood of this game is most comparable to an animated Tim Burton movie.
You are a Christmas elf in the service of Mrs. Claus who has been the sole ruler over Christmas since Santa died many years ago. Mrs. Claus is actually an ancient goddess who was known as Bast, Artemis and Diana in the ancient world before she married Santa and assumed her new role as a protectress of Christmas. But now, Santa‘s heart – the heart of Christmas – has been stolen and Mrs. Claus‘ power fades. In the wake of this trouble, a dubious doomsday cult is emerging, a mysterious toy company tries to sabotage Christmas and an old rival of Mrs. Claus has started to recruit new soldiers.
Overall, I found the plot very engaging. The worldbuilding is great, I‘d love to read more books in this setting. The depiction of religion and spirituality here was a mixed bag for me however, I‘ll get to that in a minute.
I really like the way gender is depicted in this setting. Basically, since the elves don‘t have physical bodies, they can switch forms whenever they like. Some of the characters, like Mrs. Claus, have a clear preference for a certain appearance or gender, others switch from scene to scene. Update: Your love interests don't switch between different genders any more after the update. While I think that this makes the game a lot more accessible for many people, I am disappointed with this change as I had grown very attached to this quirk.
Religion, tradition and spirituality:
In this setting, the mortal world coexists with the spiritual realm which is inhabited by the Fae. The two realms are only loosely connected with each other: humans can‘t physically visit the immaterial spirit realm, but they can influence it through their emotions. The ancient gods were actually just powerful spirits who had a lot of followers and influence in both worlds. But through countless wars among each other and through the waning interest of mortals in spirituality, many of the old gods either died, lost their power or had to reinvent themselves in order to stay at the top, like Mrs. Claus did.
I couldn't analyze this setting as objectively as I would have liked to. I am a practicing pagan – I consider myself a Hellenic polytheist, which means I still believe in the ancient Greek and Roman deities. So as you can maybe imagine, I went into this story with a huge chip on my shoulder. Artemis/Diana, the virginal and independent goddess of the hunt, was going to have bound herself to a man in marriage? To St. Nikolaus, an arch-enemy of hers according to Christian legend, no less? And all her power was going to be stored in this Christian guy‘s heart?
After having read this story, I‘m still not quite comfortable with depiction of Diana and I think that other deities would have fit into this role better, but overall I found that I could work with this setting. The way the spiritual realm functions in this setting is not far from what many people actually believe. And while there is a lot of debate in the pagan community about the exact nature of the divine, the way the gods are described in this story is at least believable. So all in all, I‘d like to give the author credit for his portrayal of polytheism and spirituality.
I‘m not sure what to make of the complete exclusion of Christianity in this game. While several Christmas traditions are pagan in origin, the birth of Christ has been the central focus of this holiday for hundreds of years. Santa Claus (both in real life and in this game) is supposed to be the Christian Saint Nikolaus. So why isn't it explained where this man got his spiritual powers from? What about Jesus? Did he exist, was he just an exceptionally powerful human, did he get his powers from God or from the Fae? I have my own thoughts and theories about the role of Christianity in this setting, but I would have liked an explanation more than having to speculate.
Despite being unsatisfied with some of the nuances here, I do think the author did an admirable job in making this game accessible for everyone - regardless of their religious traditions and their personal stance on Christmas. I‘d really like to hear others' opinions on this topic though.
Most gamebooks strive to strike a balance between being a game and a book. In the Service of Mrs. Claus clearly is more a game than a novel. The writing is simple and to the point, the pages are short, the player input is very frequent. I didn't mind this at all. The game-y feel and the fast paced writing fit this setting perfectly.
This game is a lot of fun, but it doesn't shy away from discussing serious topics from time to time. Especially wealth distribution and corporate politics come up every so often. These topics are woven into the storyline in an elegant way that makes absolute sense and fits the setting.
Game mechanics:
There are a few points that are not so great, but overall I‘m very satisfied with the mechanical aspect of this game. It‘s fun to play, and the many different paths and outcomes make it highly replayable.
There are five ability stats as well as four personality stats that balance each other out. The game relies heavily on them. However, the choices are always rather obvious and the stat checks are fairly easy: Having a value of over 60 % in three personality stats and three skill stats will bring you through almost all of the game successfully. Also, you don‘t get too heavily punished for failure. The failure descriptions are fun to read and never stop you from proceeding further into the game.
The customization of the main character is a lot of fun. You can be a sugarplum fairy or a shady lil' goblin, for example. There are four personality stats and five ability stats, the individual combination of those makes your character feel unique.
There are only two problems the game has mechanics-wise. First, all of the stats are pretty much locked in in the first chapter, so you‘ll need to be extra careful here to not be overly reliant on one skill set. Influencing your stats later in the game is almost impossible. Second problem: Your character‘s main goal (for example, trying to seize power for themselves) is locked in in the fifth chapter. Even when you get additional information later that might make you change your mind, you can‘t go back on your initial decision. That‘s a really unfortunate design choice that put a small damper my otherwise great enjoyment of the game.
Update: The stats have become a bit more flexible after the update. Also, there were several new options added for many of the stat checks, and the choices are worded in a new way that makes it even easier to find out which choice corresponds to which stat.
Characters and romance:
This game is full of characters. They are not very deep, but extremely colorful. Overall, they make the game world feel very vibrant and lively which certainly fits the setting. I enjoyed them a lot.
There are three possible romances: Mrs. Claus herself, her arch enemy Flickering Flame, and another Christmas elf called Candid Mistletoe. All of the romances are monogamous and very PG-13. You will have the option to marry your partner at the end of the game if you play your cards right.
I can‘t objectively comment on the Claus romance for reasons described earlier. It simply felt wrong for me. The Flickering Flame romance is fun and intense, the wedding scene at the end of the game is simply hilarious. The Candid Mistletoe romance has not a lot of spark, it‘s more like two 12-year-olds shyly courting each other and holding hands. It felt kind of bland for me, but it‘s actually very sweet – and just like I‘d imagine a romance between two cute Christmas elves would really play out.
Update: There was additional romance content added. All three romances have now extra dialogue and an additional romantic scene. I really enjoy the new content. It makes the romances feel even more fleshed out and believable, and I found that the new content added a lot of chemistry between the main character and their love interests.
Rating: 8/10
In the Service of Mrs Claus is the author‘s first game. As such, it does suffer from some typical beginner problems (locking the players‘ path in too early, being too inflexible with the stats in late game, having a controversial main character and not explaining this choice). Nonetheless, I enjoyed it a lot. It‘s fast paced and fun without being superficial and it has a high replay value. I had a hard time putting this book down again after having picked it up. I definitely would buy other games by this author in the future and I wholeheartedly recommend this title.
submitted by WoodlandOfWeir to choiceofgames [link] [comments]


If you enjoyed adventure game books DQ2 and Legacy of Dragonholt, this post is for you!

I placed the following adventure game books on my wishlist, but unf brexit is coming so I think it's best to order one before. However, to reach a decision I need more information, and I encountered a problem. There is next to no information readily available, so I would like to hear your thoughts - if you have read any of the books... I read/played Destiny Quest 2 + LoD and liked it a lot.
Q: Is there anything like that?
This post details modern adventure gamebooks. First there were wargames and FF/CYOA books, that influenced video games, which influenced modern adventure gamebooks. I focus on the latter (at first I posted findings randomly here, appending in a random way, now it is a more structured approach) since we're not kids anymore. Specifically spectrum extremes like RPG adventure game books, and dungeon generators, or worldbuilding systems for kobolds are not covered here. This post is already long enough. Modern adventure gamebooks then!
First, what sources are available?
  1. Amazon. Good start, useful for finding other titles thanks to the recommendation function.
  2. GoodReads. Limited but has sometimes info not found elsewhere. A lot of ratings but not many original reviews.
  3. Kickstarter (when applicable): slog through various update posts. Time-consuming.
  4. YouTube. A few gamebooks, a few channels, and videos quality is bad, making their point seems to take forever.
  5. Various publisheauthor-owned websites. Cumbersome to even find these.
  6. Completely useless:
    1. BGG > RPGGeek. Mostly abandoned old stuff, not maintained. Useless unless you are into FF old-school adventure books, where you can download all the PDFs, and then this post is not for you, sorry.
    2. Reddit. Sorry, but either I can't find it, or it simply is absent. Useless.
    3. Wikipedia. You need to know the title first, which kinda defeats the purpose, is better suited.
  7. twitch? discord? no idea what the young go to nowadays..

Next, criteria that need to be covered in reviews/info gathered from these sources:
  1. Is the product available and affordable (<$40), or is it OOP, or PDF only?
  2. Is there replayability?
  3. Is the writing quality good enough? Or is it google-translate quality?
  4. How is combat agency? is it FF-d6 style (=no agency), or does it take into account worn gear on body parts, worn gear stats? How does magic work in combat? Is there an initiative system?
  5. How does Life work? Autoheal after each combat you won? Or more attrition based? If sleep is needed, how does lodging work?
  6. How does Food/wateoxygen work? Is it needed to keep track of and why?
  7. How does Death work? Choose left, read section you died. Game over? Or restart in town? Or restart at last save point (to be marked on your sheet)?
  8. How does money work? Is there any? If so, is there an economy? E.g. returning to the smithy near town, you notice two newly erected buildings. Housing for my apprentices, the smith explains, smiling. Apparently your purchases did him good.
  9. How does Loot work? Is loot randomly rolled based on tables (aka Diablo 2), or do many sections have unique items? If so, is there a choice offered among a few items from which to take (agency)?
  10. How is the item inventory system? What items don't count (e.g. gold, bread, arrows in a quiver, gems etc). Is there a stash?
  11. How much agency is there to travel? Is it Hub-Side quests/area boss? or sequentially unlocking areas?
  12. Do scenes come to life? Has sufficient detail been provided? E.g. not "you're alone on a ship", but what boat material, how long is it, who built it, where did you get it from, how did you learn to sail, where at sea, how far at sea, etc.
  13. Do npcs act / think / consider given the information they have? Or are they lifeless, passive and hence break immersion? E.g. not "Will you: A) pull that lever hidden under the rug hanging on the wall of the room that your hero hasn't found yet?"
  14. Does the world/game state change/react to your (character's) actions? Does gameplay track your actions?
  15. Do npcs change/react to your actions? E.g. you didn't help the desperate-looking girl, next day there a memorial is announced because she was found at the bottom of nearby cliff. Closing off your option to a possible location holding a great artifact.
  16. Does the book offer solutions that do not require permanently affecting it?
  17. What traits are relevant to the hero? Fame? Venom? Prescience?
  18. Does it have puzzles? riddles?
List of books and info I found:

Heroes of Urowen: Gamebook [rpggeek] = see google drive link for preview. 4 stats. and everything is 1d6. Combat = if you hit is by your highest stat+d6 vs enemy stat+d6; if higher, roll for what body part (1-6) and modify by what target is wearing on what you rolled; that is the net damage. IOW: complicated decision tree without much to optimize. Inventory: food, coins, and main wpn do not count (6 slots total); Death = respawn at a save point, a number to be exact, that you come across just like a vg.
EDIT: I read the preview, and emailed the author on his spelling of dice/dices. He reacted very quickly and very friendly. Makes me almost wanting to back the bloke.

Rider of the Black Sun: A Fantasy Gamebook = mostly two reviews that read as if they were paid reviews, my gut says untrustworty. Combat is unexplained. Death, same. Actually there is only the ks campaign section. It mentions hidden bonus sections. Unique mechanics.. unique how? A Single page is published from what I see the writing is obviously translated from German and doesn't flow naturally (maybe in a new edition). Zero agency there, so why exactly that page?
The fact it starts with you are an urowen, as if that were explaining anything, annoys me.
Browsing through the project updates I found
  1. a short film on a booklet, with some pretty disturbing pictures (chicks on chains, always good!) but to my surprise there was, more to the point,
  2. also an update with some text.
As you can see, the corrected text still (in my opinion) could benefit from a few extra iterations. What I saw: stunted rhythm, poor adjectives, signs of a non-native writer. I don't expect everyone to write like Jack Vance, but a bit more oompf would have helped. If you're not proficient in English, you won't be bothered and then the book is highly recommended. To me however it would distract too much.
EDIT: emailed the writer via the ks FAQ, and dude responded quickly and explained which the two isbn codes were for German vs English version, since doesn't tell you directly.
If you ever wanted Guitar Hero: The Adventure Game book, well, that's his next project.

The Defenders of Dusk: An Interactive Adventure by Dane Barrett Paperback => well since everything is a 2d6 on an 8 or higher do a else do b, this game is not for me. There is zero agency.

Beyond the morning mountains = well, the only information I could find is that it is inspired by the Australian outback (goodread link). Sandbox style, single ending. OOP. Insufficient to warrant a purchase.

Labyrinth - The Lich Lord's Lair = ? (amazon info); no ini, combat is you attack and enemy defends, enemy attacks and you defend. Old school, not my thing.

Blood sword (series of books 1-5)
blood sword 1 : [ amazon ] [ goodreads ] [ youtube]. Even tactical maps.
review: " the complex combat system. But that is easily solvable, just don't bother with it. " I had that exact same reaction when reading VoB. next review (German): ""Heart of Ice" is a story, "Blood Sword" (that applies to all parts) is more of a collection of encounters. In some places I had the impression that the authors had thought up the events while they were writing and were then sometimes surprised by the results themselves (otherwise I can't really explain the 100 sections for the demon logic game mentioned above, and similar "side events" appear in other volumes). Where "Heart of Ice" seems elegant and stringent, "Blood Sword" is much too experimental and thrown together in comparison. That was definitely a big step in the 80s, but nowadays I can only say: read "Heart of Ice" ! And then hope for a successor, because "Blood Sword" is quite disappointing."
GR bulgarian review: "I still didn't like this series and I never understood why they like it - maybe because of the lack of cultural fantasy in Bulgarian. The game was slow and at times confusing. Maybe because I was used to playing more than reading and I got bored of the bigger works, and the western ones were not like the Bulgarian game books - they were not written for the Bulgarian reader."
OK. BS1 is not for me. Perhaps BS2?
Blood Sword 2: kingdom of wyrd [amazon [ goodreads] [youtube] no excerpt this time.
Summary: better writing, better flow, larger footprint. Goodreads: aside from the whining bulgarian, everyone loves it. OK, might pick this one up.

Blood Sword 3: Demon's Claw - should be better right?
[ amazon ][ Goodreads ] [youtube]. [sample] Same dudes, same high rating. One note: " ‘The Demon’s Claw’ takes place across a quasi-historical world reminiscent of the decline of the Byzantine Empire and the rise of Islam. " OK, maybe this one as well...

Blood Sword 4: Doomwalk:
[amazon] [ Goodreads] 5/5 and 4.5 so positive, but useless reviews this time. One note: " his adventure takes most of it influence from the ancient Greek world ". Love that setting as well. Damn.

Fabled Lands series [ amazon ] - [goodreads] - [youtube]. More reviews than expected. You can download the free demo version of FL7, I didn't like it. You can listen to a dude reading aloud FL1-7 on youTube. Couldn't stand it, so I just list it for the sake of completionism.

Valley of Bones [youtube marco] I read the demo. Check for yourself. You can also write jon directly from the website.
It's not my dropbox so it can be taken down any day. If you want my errata I can upload them as well. Jon may send you the pdf that you then can print at your cost. In short: Wait until there are 3 more books in this series.

Steam highwayman:
[amazon] [youtube] [goodreads] not my thing. But you have a world that reacts to you. It's just not an interesting world. Part two is very cheap, used. Quotes: " Both my sons (age 12 and 8) have been enthralled by this." Nobody wrote a review, probably his family upvoting him.

Fabled Worlds [youtube] looks promising but unf FF style, and refers to [artichoke dip]. Might be amusing to watch.

And just for the sake of completionism:
Destiny Quest series, not the Varum one, but by Michael J Ward. He also has a forum dedicated to the books, of course I registered as a member. As you can see from goodreads it is his Life Work, and breathes passion and skill in writing and game design. I base this from youtube interviews, email correspondence and reading some of his material.
Destiny Quest 1 => reviewers complain you can break the system by investing in initiative. Also it is too much Diablo 1, constant battles, not enough lore/story. Granted, it's his first, so what can you expect. Michael confirmed the initiative thing in his interviews. So buy this book only to complete your collection.

Destiny Quest 2 = as a "first thoughts", I completed a few quests of part 1 (of 3):
(+) quest system is superb. You start in a town you wandered into, and try to get your bearings, talking to inhabitants, visiting the church etc. You pick a quest with a difficulty indicator: very helpful, thematically from easy quests some villagers did return; from medium quests one or two survived the experience but were in bad shape; so by inference the ones where none returned need some grinding. Some encounters with villagers also open up quests.
(+) Writing quality is superb. With few words Michael paints a picture in your head. None of the doubts on npcs occur. npcs feel natural. They have (hidden at first) motivations. Michael doesn't make the noob mistakes (VoB) of writing that something is dark and ominous. He describes the setting that implies that it is dark. He doesn't make npcs tell shit they couldn't possibly know.
(+) Combat system is superb. Using a d6 (I used an app that I first tested the fairness of) you roll for modified initiative, then who wins gets to deal modified damage based on (your choice of ) skill. You have a few skills, say STR, MAG, and can equip gear that embellishes one vs the other. It's quick, sharp, fun, and you get to spend your potions, day-skills, etc.
(+) How does death work? It doesn't. If you die, you wake up in town fully healed. Think Diablo 2 softcore. If anything, the system is too lenient. Rules say after each encounter you are fully healed, which is exactly what you would do in most vg situations. I missed that, however, somehow, and it got grim pretty fast the further I got on the easy quests.
(+) Loot + items. The usual head/hands/body/feet/neck slots, carry one with stats, and some with active or passive abilities. Equip a new thing, erase stuff from your sheet and write the new. Items are very varied in their effects which gives meaningful decisions. With some luck you can find a safe house with a stash to play loot whore like in video games ♪
(+) Plot. There is definitely the "sense" of a plot, but I can't confirm yet. The things you encounter certainly don't feel random.
(+) There is a tightly written list of pages and pages of skills, effects and such, in neat alphabetical order (or you can download as pdf. PDF is a PITA to print however).
(+) True solo. You can play as 1 or 2 heroes. 1 hero works well.
(+) Mystery: I found a clearing with a witch that was lighting candles, of course in a pentagram fashion. Afterward I was asked to complete the puzzle, it was a triangle of spots, 1-2-3 where the bottom was empty, and how many candles to light in the bottom. The digits interpreted as a number, would point to a section in the gamebook. I never solved that riddle and it made a deep impression.
(+) Variety. I won't spoil, but the quests and mini bosses are quite varied. I quit where the boss would spawn little critters every turn that collectively would eat my hero alive. But it was late in the day and I wasn't in the mood. I haven't found monsters with immunities, but you can bet they will be present, judging from the D2 vibe. Three acts. The maps in the front of the book are b/w but the downloadable pdfs are color, and look very, very intriguing.
(+) Replayability: well unless you play the first time doing all the easy quests then all the medium quests etc, you will have some replay value because the skills (passive abilities/once a day) are different depending on the class you started. For example, my hero class has prescience, very useful but others don't have that.

Destiny Quest 3 = 2 acts. snow and skyrim. Not sure about this one, need to finish dq2 first.
Destiny Quest 4: Raiders of Dune Sea = as far as I can tell, two acts, and exactly what you would imagine, wild west spagetti western desert then arabic desert. Yup: [amazon] => two halves, one western, second arabic. western part is subtle and doesn't lead anywhere but you discover how in second half. Ending is open, and to be completed in a future DQ5. Everybody loves the writing obviously.

Last, but not least, Legacy of Dragonholt. Nikki Valens Magnum Opus. Excellent attention to detail. No grim death, 4 endings. We spent 7 sessions on one playthrough, each 2h, 2p, with pregenerated characters. Gf can't wait on playing again with customized characters. We felt that we missed about 55-65% of everything. Highly recommended, although many reviews point out that the system could have been taken so much farther... (Value ratio = $30/2/2/7 = $1.50)

(buying all is a bit.. much)
TBH the combat seems to be the old school kind, which I don't like. Modern gamebooks take into account what you wear and can use and the net result of that determines your combat stats. None of the above seem to have that.
I mean if you like FF go read FF or lone wolf or similar. I am interested in something with a little more body to it.

(I'm updating this post regularly in the hope it will help anybody)
But for now I'll stick with my DQ2, given the current information, I already own the best.
I am ordering BS 3+4 (+2, not sure).
Ordered BS 3+4, period.
submitted by godtering to gamebooks [link] [comments]

Vampire: The Masquerade: The Player's Guide first edition (WW2204)- A review

Vampire: The Masquerade: The Player's Guide first edition (WW2204)- A review
The Player’s Guide is one of the year-one supplements released for Vampire: The Masquerade. Subtitled “The complete sourcebook for players of Vampire™”, it does a lot to expand the first edition of the game, although it doesn’t exactly live up to its lofty promise, as you’ll see.
There’s not much to say about the art in this book. The Tim Bradstreet chapter opening pages are very nice and the rest are workable to underwhelming, but there’s a lot less of it than in other books, so it’s not a major factor in my enjoyment.
It begins with a preface, that explains that the book covers a lot of different playstyle options, not all of which you might want to use, and realistically probably won’t all go in the same game. I like that, it’s a nice change from the wrongbadfun approach that I’ve seen in some gamebooks, both WoD and otherwise. Following it is the standard White Wolf intro fiction. In this case, we’re going with a letter that the Camarilla has recovered from a hunter, explaining Kindred from an outsider’s perspective. Stuff like which demons correspond to which clans, how to kill them, etc. To be honest, it’s not very interesting. I see what they were going for, but it falls flat to me.
The second chapter is new character creation options. First, we get character templates- a generic example of each clan with a backstory, roleplaying hints, and a character sheet. It’s pretty standard stuff. A Brujah gangbanger, a Tremere occultist, a Gangrel park ranger. I find these of limited use, since most STs and players I know prefer to do their own, but I can see it if you’re just doing a oneshot or need a statted NPC in a hurry. Although the shown character sheets don’t have freebies distributed, either, and even for a onshot, you’re probably going to want to create custom PCs that fit the planned story better. Their best use would probably be as an example of what a “typical” member of a clan would be like.
The rest of the chapter is dedicated to the introduction of Merits and Flaws. Merits and Flaws were always one of my favorite parts of WoD character creation. Some were just little perks for a character (or led to you being able to purchase other perks). Others, like Medium, Thin-Blooded, or Loathsome Regnant, were things you could build an entire character around. In The Player’s Guide, we get a lot of things that’ll show up later, but also a lot more cruft. There’s a lot of Merits that duplicate Background traits (most of the mortal ties Merits can be duplicated with influence, contacts, or allies, as appropriate), are too similar to each other (Acute Sense has been split into five separate Merits, each with a description) and the balance is even worse than it will be later on. Still, the addition of this game feature was a good one, and most of the best and most interesting ones are already present in this first iteration.
Chapter three is titled “The Expanded Character” and brings more additional mechanical stuff to the table. I’m not entirely sure what the rationale was between which items went in chapter two and which ones here, but I think the idea was that this chapter expands on systems already presented, while chapter two introduced new things. Regardless, the first thing we get is secondary abilities. I never really liked secondary abilities and have never actually used them in a game. Most of them seem like XP sinks that are better done as specialties of other abilities. The few that are not are so unlikely to come up repeatedly in a typical chronicle that it doesn’t seem worth it- and on the off chance that you’re running a game in which your PCs skill (or lack thereof) at hypnotism or playing board games is a major factor, you should be able to figure it out and add it to the basic ability list. It’s not terrible, but it takes up more than twenty pages with information that’s not really all that useful.
New archetypes come next, including several of the staples for PCs I’ve played or played with, such as Autocrat and Competitor. I do, however, want to point out two of my least favorite archetypes printed in any WoD material. The first is Autist- it’s an archetype about not trusting people or revealing your real self, and you regain Willpower by making people fail to understand your personality, or when someone misunderstands who you are in a way that gives you an advantage. I see what they were going for here, but it’s… so much not how autism works and the description is so weird that as a chick on the spectrum, I’m actually kind of offended. It’s not the worst archetype apart from that, though, so a rename should make it perfectly fine.
The other one, Jobsworth, is only worth noting for how amazingly boring of a PC it would make. You like routines, and you regain WP from sticking to your routine at all costs and not evaluating situations on their individual merits. What on earth would you do with this sort of character?
Finally, we get elder-level disciplines. Some of these will be pretty familiar to players of later editions, such as the Obfuscate power Conceal, which allows users to hide non-living objects that they aren’t currently being worn or carried. Others are harder to find in later material, such as the Protein power Dual Form, which allows Gangrel elders to split themselves into two identical beings. Once again, these powers are basically not balanced at all. Not that elder Disciplines have ever been balanced, but these are especially crazy (see the aforementioned Dual Form). Also of note is the fact that in this book, Antidiluvian-level powers are actually specified, rather than being left at later editions’ “Plot Device”.
Chapter four covers clan status and structure- how to gain prestige within the various Camarilla clans, how and when they meet, rumors about them, and a few character ideas. It’s all really interesting information, although it seems to point towards a greater cohesiveness among some of the clans than was implied in later editions. It also includes a description of how boons work (VERY useful for new players who want to play the Camarilla social politics side of things) and what’s honestly the most important thing in the book for the future of the lore: the introduction of the four independent clans and the first bloodline.
The writeups are similar to the ones in the main corebook, with information about the clan and character creation suggestions. Added to this are short sections on the clan organization and how to gain prestige. The indie clans are pretty one-note at this stage. We have our Assamite assassins, Setite drug cultists, Giovanni necromancers, and Ravnos drifters. They’re also all pretty tied to their ethnic origins. That being said, there’s a lot more dimension to than I’d expected. The Assamites have a lot of focus on their blood-based vampiric religion, rather than “the Muslim clan” role that they’re relegated to in some other material and the Ravnos honor code is also interesting. I also like the Ravnos “evil aura” more than their later compulsion towards crime as a weakness. It’s a lot more balanced and avoids some of the unfortunate implications of the later developments.
The Salubri are also here, making them the first of the bloodlines introduced in lore. They’re noted as a very small group and it’s implied, although not stated outright, that it was the clan’s antediluvian Saulot’s, diablerie that created clan Tremere.
Moving on to chapter five, we get a selection of short essays from the game developers about roleplaying. Most of it is pretty generic stuff that’s not particularly useful or has been better expanded on elsewhere, but a few of them are interesting. In particular, the essay about exploring parts of yourself through roleplay was one I found interesting.
Chapter six is another long one, and focuses on equipment. This seems like a residual of the D&D mindset, where items, especially magic items, are a major component of many editions. Some of the lists might have some worth (the description of various poisons and drugs and their effects on kindred, statblocks for common animals), but it’s somewhat redundant and contains a lot of things that probably won’t ever be relevant. Do you really need stats for a boom mic or an Abrams tank?
Finishing out the book is a letter from an anarch named Juggler to a young vampire. This is an amazing resource for new players, covering how to feed without getting caught, where to wait out the day, and how to deal with Camarilla rules.
Overall, my verdict on The Player’s Guide is that it’s got some good stuff in it, but ultimately falls fairly flat as a supplement. Most of the good info has probably been reprinted elsewhere, and there’s too much material that just isn’t going to be helpful for most chronicles. If you’re running a first-edition chronicle, and want to use only 1e material? It’s indispensable. If not? You can probably skip it.
Next up: Chicago by Night 1e

For the sake of full disclosure, it might be a while until that happens. When I posted my 1e core review, I was already most of the way through The Players Guide. But I have my own life to live, with relationships, work, other hobbies, and attempting to actually play, so I'm limited by how fast I can read the books, as well as my budget- I've got a pretty big backlog built up after my local gaming store closed, but I'm sure it will run out eventually.
All this to say, I can't promise these reviews on any kind of schedule, but they are coming!
submitted by EternalLifeSentence to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]

G-H 1k-5k

g1comments G2eSports G35 G37 GAAB350 gabagoodness gabapentin gabber Gabbs70 gabbystuart GabrielDropout Gabriella_Abutbol GabriellaEllyse Gadget GAEATrading gaggingcats gaiaonline gaidhlig GakkouGurashi Gal_Pals galarpeopletwitter galatasaray Galavant Galaxy_S Galaxy_S8 galaxybuds GalaxyGear GalaxyNewsRadio GalaxyNexus GalaxyNote2 GalaxyNote3 galaxynote5 GalaxyS3 galaxys4 GalaxysEdge GalaxyTab GalCiv galiomains gallifreyan GalliumOS gallopfrey GallowBoob GalnaGossar galveston galway Gambiarra GambitPlaybook GambleCoin game_gear game_of_throne_ gameai GameArt GameAttack Gamebattles gamebooks GameboyAdvance GameboyMarketplace gamecentercx GameCreditsCrypto GameDealsFree GameDealsUK GameDev1 gamedevexpo gameDevJobs GameDevTycoon gamedex gameglitches gamegrumpsanimated gamejams GameKeyDump GameloftDHChampions GameLootNetwork gamemakertutorials GameMasterApp gamemechanics GameMods gamenostalgia Gameofdice GameOffers gameofthronefree gameofthrones_ GameOfThronesConquest GameofThronesRP GameofThronesSpoilers gamepitchmemes gameprogramming Gamer GameRanks gamerooms GamersBeingJerks Gamertags GamerVideos games_journalism games_of_throne_ games_of_thrones_ GameSack gamesandtheory Gamescom GameScreens gamesell GameShare gameshow GamesLikeDiablo gamesofthrones gamesuggestions gamesupport GamesWatchdog GamesWePlay gamesyoumightnotknow gametrailers GameUpscale gamewallpaper GameWalls gameworlds GameWritingLab gamification Gaming_Gear Gaming_Geek Gaming_Headsets GamingArt gamingasmr gamingcouples GamingDeals gamingeastereggs gamingmemes gamingphotography Gamingsaves gamingsetups GamingVideos gamingvids GamingWaifus GamingWallpapers GAMSAT Ganbaruby Gandalf gangbeasts gangsandstuff gangweed GanondorfMains gantz gao GAPol GaragePunk GarageRock Garbreadstapledtotree garden GardeningTips GardeningUK GardenOfGuise Gardens GarenMains GarfieldAndOdie GarfieldCart garfsexual Garlic garlicbread GarlicDog GarmentArchives GarminFenix GarrettWatts garridies GarrysMod garyvee GasBlowBack gaslandsplayers gaslighting gasmaskgirls gasmasks gasmonkey GaState GastricBypass gastricsleeve Gastritis Gastroparesis Gatineau Gatlinburg GatoradeBath gatsbyjs GaugingGoodies GavinMcInnes gay_soccer GayAsianSnapchat GayBeards GayBoners GaybroReads gaybrosfitness GayBrosGoneCuddly gaybrosloseweight GaybrosUncut GayChatRooms GayChristians gaydads gayforoberyn GayHumiliation gayhypno gayjews gaylatinos gaymemes Gaymer gayming gaymusic Gaynime gaypoc Gayporn90 Gaypornclub gayporncomments GayRateMe gayrelationships gayrights gaysexlol GaysGoneWild GaySocksAndSneakers gaystorylines GayTeensGoneMild gaywashedmemes gba gbay GBRAOMD gcc GCdebatesQT GCtrade GCTrading GDmaze GDPCowgirls GDriveLinks Gear360 gearbest gearedup GEazy GEB Gecko45 GED GeebaOfficial geekcrafts GeekDup geekguys GeekSquad geekweddings Geelong GeForceNOW Geisha GekkanShoujoNozakiKun geldzaken gem_irl Gemini GemsofWar GemsProtocol Gemstones Gemstra gender GenderCriticalGuys gendercritlesbians GenderCynicalCritical GenderEgalitarian genderfluid_irl gendersnap genEOS generadordetarjetas GeneralAviation GeneralSam generationaldivide GenerationGap GenerationWhy GenerationZeroGame Genesis genesiscoupe GenesisMining genestealercult genesysrpg geneva genevieve genewolfe GeniusDesign GeniusesInCars GenjiMains genki GennaBain genny_shawcross Gent GentleDomination Gentleman gentlemanbonergifs GentlemenOnly GenX geocache geographymemes geographynow geoguessr GeoLibertarianism geologyjokes Geologymemes Geometry geophysics GeordieShore GeorgeCarlin georgeharrison georgetown GeorgiaEllenwood GeorgiaMayFoote GeorgiaOrGeorgia georgism geoscience Geosim Geotech GEOTRP GerardWay gerbil GermanConversation GermanFacts GermanMovies germanproblems germanpuns germanshepard germantrees GermanWW2photos germusic gerontology Geschichte GestationalDiabetes GetalEnRuimteMeems getBABB getcut GetDank getdownmrmondatta GetFeminine gethightothis GetMellow getmoocash getnarwhal GetOffMyLawn GetOffMyPlane getoffyourass GetOrganized getpaid GetPerk GetSmarter GettingDoug GettingOutOurDreams getwell gezellig gfycat GfycatDepot gfycats GGdiscussion gggg GGLoL ggoverwatch gh4 GH5 gh_ben ghana GHannelius GhettoHaiku GhettoJerk ghiaccio_irl Ghost Ghost_Lawsuit Ghost_Recon_Wildlands ghost_write_the_whip ghostintheshell GhostReconWildlands GhostWinsTheThrone ghouse giada GiadaDeLaurentiis Giallo GiannaRenella GiantCats GiantsGamesUpdate gibson GIDLE GifBattle gifbattles gifrecipies gifrequests GIFshop GifsThatEndPerfectly GifsThatStartTooSoon GifsYouCanHear Gifted giftexchange GIFTO GiftOfGaben GifTutorials gigabyte gigabytegaming GigaWrites gigposters GigTricks gijoe GillianAnderson ginacarano gingercats gingerguys Gingerladyboners giorgetta giorgiasoleri Giorno_Irl giraffes GirlActsGuyReacts girlcock girlfriendreviews girlgenius Girlicious GirlMeetsWorld Girls4Girls Girls_Thirstin girlscouts GirlsCuddlingPuppies girlsdancing GirlsDancingAwesomely girlsday GirlsFinishingJob GirlsinCrochet girlsinflannel GirlsInJeans GirlsInRompers GirlsInSweats GirlsLastTour GirlsMemeParty GirlsMirinNSFW GirlsNAnimals GirlsOfToronto GirlsOnBikes GirlsSoccer girlsthatendtoosoon GirlsThirstin GirlsUndShitposts GirlSurfers GirlsWearingHats GirlsWearingScarves GirlsWithGreenEyes GirlsWithoutShoes GirlsWithSloths GirlsXBattle GirlsxBattle2 GirlTalk Girther GiseleBundchen GISHWHES gisjobs GISscripts gitlab Give_zone GiveMe40Days givemeinteligens GiveMeTheVirus giveusanotherone GJones glacier GlamourBeards Glamping glasgowmarket GlasgowPokemonGO glasscollecting glasses GlassSales glastonbury_festival Gledopto Gledos glendale Gliding glitchart GlitchedMemes glitches Glitchhop Glitchop GlitterBongs GlobalClimateChange globalcollapse globalistshills Globaljobcoin GlobalOffensiveMemes GlobalPowers GlobalTribe GlobalWarming glock43 GloomyPhotos gloriavictis GloriousSunRays GloriousTomBombadil glossier gloveandboots glowforge glowingeyesshit GlutenFreeFoodPorn glutenfreememes glutenscience GMail gmatresources gmbinder gmc GMO GMOFacts GMOMyths gmrs GnarMains gnomed gnomoria gnosisPM Gnostic gnosticism gns3 GNURadio gnureddits Go4TK Goa goa_trance GoalKeepers goatgifs GoatSimulator goatsonwalls GoblinsMTG GodandSatan goddesskiss GodEater Godfather GodHatesYou godofhighschool GodOfWarSecrets godsmackMarket GODUS godwinslaw gogodancervideos GoingBraless GoIV gojira gokarts golang_infosec GoldCoast goldcoin goldeneyesource GoldenKamuy GoldenManager GoldenPath goldenretriever GoldenStateKiller GoldenStateWarriors GoldenVentureFolding GoldGloveTV GoldPeopleGifs goldrush Golem Golf_R golfingmemes GolfStory GolfWithFriendsGame GOmaha Gomorrah Gondola gone_wild gonecute GoneSFW gonewildnegev GongFuTea gonkwild gonzo gooby GoodBoiGetsPetted goodboye goodboys GoodbyeBait goodbyedepression GoodDeedOfTheDay GoodDoctor GoodEats GoodEconomics goodfaketweets goodfeelings GoodGirls goodguyapps goodideas GoodLeagueofGood goodnewseveryone goodnewsforwomen GoodNotes goodomens goodrealtexts goodsanta goodshitpasta GoodTrouble Goodwill_Finds Goofcels GoogiePorn google_home Google_Maps_Oddities Google_Pixel_Phones GoogleAllo GoogleAnalytics googleassistant googlecensorship GoogleDrive googleearthsecrets GoogleFi googlefiber googlemusic GoogleOpinionRewards googlephotos GooglePixel2 GooglePixelC googleplay googlesheets GoogleTagManager googletranslate GoogleTV Googlevoice googoogahgah Gooners GooseBumps goosewaynesubmissions GoPets GopherSports gordonramsaymemes GoredAnimals Goremovies gorillazcirclejerk gorn GoshaRubchinskiy GOSO GosuMicro Got7 goth_girls goth_music GothamSeddit GothGirls Gothic GothicMetal gothrock GOTMemes gotrich GOTSeason8free gottagetagrip GottaSketchEmAll Gouache Government_is_lame governmentoppression governorsball govfire GPDPocket gpdxd GPGpractice gpgpu GrabFreeGameKeys GraceAndFrankie gracehelbig grad_school gradschoolmemes grafana graffburners Graft GragasMains GrahamHancock Grailed grainfather grainfree grammarfail GrammarNazi GrammarPatrol gramps grandcanyon GrandmasPantry GrandRapidsGriffins grandtheftauto GrandTheftAutoVMemes Grannies_Gone_Wild granted GranTurismoSport graphene graphic_art graphicdesignporn graphicdesigntools graphics graphicscard Grapplerbaki Grass GrassHopperVape gratitude grav3yardgirl gravelforpresident gravesdisease GravesMains GravityFallsTheory gravityrush graz GreaseMonkey GreasyMoney GreatBritishBakeOff GreatDane greatdanedogs greatestgen GreatestGreekMemes GreatFilter greatgigsguy3 Greatkeeping GreatLakesPics greatNWside GreatPodcasts GreatScenes GreecePics GREEK Greek_Mythology Green_Anarchism GreenArchitecture GreenArrow GreenBay Greeneum GreenHell greenhouse greeninvestor greenland Greenlantern GreenLattice greenlight greenlightquality GreenManGaming GreenNewDeal Greenpoint greentea GreenTextStory GreenVsWhite GREhelp grelodfuckingdying gridcoin Grieving grilledcheesegonewild grillsgonewild grilsinyogapants GrimeInstrumentals grimeproduction GrimmEclipse grimrock GrimSoulSurvival GRIN grincoin GrinningGoat grisaia griz GrizzlyBear GrMD GroceryStores Groningen Gronkh Groot groovy Gross_Gore groupdomains Growth_Hacking growtopia grubhubdrivers grugposts GrumpyCat GSD GSENetwork GSP_Photos GSU gsuite GSXR GT5 gta5_glitched_content Gta5Modding GTA5PC GTA_Vinewood GTAbank gtacartel GTAContent GTADupe gtafriends gtamarketplace gtamoddedlobbies GTAOnlineBikers GTAoutfits GTAPhotography GTAV_Cruises GTAVadventures gtavmodding GTAVstocks GTS GTTWTFLBSETS guacamoleniggapenis Guadalajara guam guangzhou guardiansofthegalaxy guatemala guccimane gudetama gue guessmyage GuessThatGender GuessTheASL GuessTheShow GuestPost GuidetoMatchedBetting guildball GuildGirl GuildOfTheFalcon guildwars2funny GuildwarsLore GuillermoDelToro GuiltTrip GuiltyDogs GuiltyGearXRD GuineaPigifs guitarplaying guitarrepair guitartab guitarteachers gullsgonewild gumballmemes gumiho GummiShipCreations gun gunaccessorydeals Gunbuilds guncleaning guncollecting guncontrol GundamExVs gundamwing GunDeals_Reviews gundealsFU GunHolsterClassifieds GunJesus gunk gunnerkrigg GunnersatGames Gunnit GunnitRust Gunnm GunPartsDeals gunreviews gunship GunslingerMusic GunsOfBoomTheGame GunsOfIcarus gunters_lounge GunTips gunz GurnersOfTheGalaxy gurps gutefragepunktNICHT GutHealth Guyana guyfieri GuysCuddling GuysInGlasses guyswefucked Guythoughts guywithrealfacts GVSU GW2 gw2esports GW2Exchange gw2raiders Gw2WvW GWAR Gwarble GWCOEPBot Gwenpool gwenstefani gwern Gwinnett gwplus gwstories gwu GwynethPaltrow gybe GymFails gymnasts GYMRewards gynecomastia gypsyjazz

h1b H1Z1KOTK H1Z1LFG h1z1market H2Grow h3h3 h3h3gifs H3H3TestStylesheet haasf1team habbo habitica hackaday hackathon hacken hacker hackersec hackinggames hackingwithswift hackmud Hacknet hackrf hacks hackthebox HaDe HadesStar HadesTheGame Hadouken HadronCoin HAESSuccessStories Haganai HaggardRacing haikuOS Haikuwoot HailCorporateAlt HailData HaileeLautenbach Hailey_Baldwin HaileyClauson HaileyOutland HailPorkorate HAIM Hainbach Haircare haircareexchange haircoloring Hairloss hairmetal Hairplay Hairporn hairstylist hairybuns HairyCelebs HairyPorn haiti HaiToGensouNoGrimgar HajimeteNoGal Hak5 Haken halamadrid Halestorm haleynicole half_alive halfasianbabes HalfAsInteresting HalfbuiltHistory HalfFlops HalfLife3 HalfMarathon HalftimeDnB Halle_Berry HallowdineLibrary HalloweenCostume Halloweenmovies HalloweenProps Halloweenseries Hallucinogen Halo2 halo3 Halo4 HaloCirclejerk HaloCustoms HaloMythic HaloPlatform haloreach HaloWars2 HalstonSage hamberders hamdevs HamFest hamishandandy hammer hammerwatch hammondorgan hammondrollouts HamplanetHateMail HamptonRoads hamster hamstercare HamsterGifs Hanamaru HanaSong handbags handbalancing Handball handbrake handlettering HandMadeInPrison HandOfTheGods handrolling handsomeguysuglyfaces HandsOnComplexity Handspinning HandToolRescue handwritingporn handwritingrepair HandySites hanekawa HangoutFest hank_irl hannahdavis HannahFerguson hannahlsharpe HannahlyzeThis HannahMurray HannahSharpe Hannahsimone hannahwitton Hannibal HannibalBuress Hannover hanszimmer HanzoMain happiness HappyBirthday HappyBorkDay HappyCakeDayClub happycows HappyDance happyembarrasedgirls happyendings happyface HappyLittleAccident happypenguingifs HappyPlanners happyrelationships happytoseeyou HappyTV HappyWars Harasho HardcoreMusic hardcorePorn HardcoreSMP Hardcorexxxcaptions hardenergy HardFestival hardofhearing hardshipmates hardtrance hardwarehacking hardwareswapaustralia HardwareSwapEU HariboMasterRace harlemshake Harlequins40K HarlotsHulu HarmonyWonder harp Harrisburg harrisonburg harrisonprince Harry_Potter_Fans HarryandGinny harrypotterdadjokes harrypotterfanfiction harrystyles Hartford harveybirdman hashflare hashhouseharriers hashicorp Hashimotos HaShoah haskell_proposals haskellgamedev haskellquestions haskelltil Hatari Hatchback HatCovetingPutin hatelaorice HateSubredditOfTheDay HateSubsInAction Hatewhenthathappens hats hatsumemei hatsunemiku hattiesburg hattrick hauntedattractions hauntedhouses Hauntedplaces Havanese HaveWeMeta havven Hawaii50 HawaiiGardening hawaiipics HawalaToday Hawken HAWKEYE Hawkeye_Football HAWKFreedomSquad HAWP haxe Hayasaka HayleyMaxfield HaylieNoire HazbinHotel hazmat HBD hbogoshare hbus HBwallet hcfactions hCGifs hci HDFights hdmemes HDMI_Magic HDR hdsoccer headabovewater Headcanon headnodders headphonemods Headspace HeadspaceApp HeadyBoro healthcareIT HealthConspiracy HealthInsurance HEALTHY healthyeating HealthyRecipes hearing HearMyMusic Heartbound HearthArena hearthmemes HeartHorny Hearthstonedadjokes Hearthstones hearthstonevods heartwarming Heathcliffsub Heather_Graham heathergraham heathersmusical HeatSignature HeavenlyHost heavy_metal Heavybooks heavyequipment heavygames Heavymetal HeavyMetalBoneyard heb_hob HecarimMains heckthatsneat Hedgehogifs Hedgehogs hedidthemath hegel hehestreams Heidelberg HeidiGrey HeidiKlum HeimerdingerMains heinlein Heirloom HeirofLight HeKnowsQuantumPhysics Helen_Owen helenflanagan HelenKellerExperience HelenOwen helicopterparents HelicopterPorn HelixWaltz Hell_On_Wheels hellblade Hellblazer HellenicPolytheism Hellenism Hellion HellLetLoose hellofellowkids hellofresh HelloKitty hellraiser Hellsing HELP_tale helpdesk helpit helpme helpmebuildapc helpmecope HelpMeExplainRules HelpMeFindThis helpmewin helsinki Hemingway HemlockGrove Hemophilia Hempire henna henryrollins hensinsync Herbalspaceprogram HerbertTwins herdius Hereditary Hermeticism Hermetics Hermit hermitchat hermitcrabs hero0fwar Heroclix HEROcoin Heroes heroes3 Heroes_Charge heroesevolved HeroesWall HeroForgeMinis HeroHunters HeroinHeroines HerOneBag HeroNodeOfficial heroscape HeroSiege herosofthestorm herpetoculture HerpHomes HestiaTheWaifuGoddess heungtan HEWILLNOTDIVIDEUS Hewlett_Packard hexandcounter hextcg HeyArnold heyimbee heythatwasin hfr HGTV HHGTTG hhh HHN HibikeEuphonium HiddenDoor hiddenimages HiddenMarkets Hidradenitis high highdesert highdogs HighElfArcher HighEndMakeup HighEndStreetwear highersidechats HighFidelity highfreqtrading highheelsxjeans highideas highlyinfuriating HighlySuspect highmaintenance highmileclub highnlow HighQualityAnimeGifs HighRes HighResModels HighResPrints HighSchoolOfTheDead HighSchoolWriters highseddit highshowerthoughts highspeedrail HighStakesSpaceX highstories hightimes highvegans HighVibeNetwork Higurashinonakakoroni hikikomori HikingAlberta hikingwithdogs hilarious HillariousThreads HillaryForAmerica HillClimbRacing hillsboro HimeCut hinamatsuri Hindi hindu hingeapp hiphawwpheads HipHopCollabs hiphopgifs hiphopheadsnorthwest HipHopHeadsNYC hiphopjapan hiphopproduction hiphopsamples hiphoptruth hiphopwallpapers HiphopWorldwide HippieChicks hippos Hipster Hipsterchicks HipsterOrHomeless hipsterracism hipsters hireanartist HireGo HireNJ hiring hisdarkmaterials Hispanic HistoriaEmPortugues historicalgreentext HistoricalStreetView HistoricalWorldPowers HistoricCrimes historiography History_Bookclub History_Memes History_Mysteries History_Podcasts historyblogs historyboners historyincolor historymeme Historymemenetwork historyofmedicine HistoryOfTech HistoryOnPaper HistoryQuotes HistoryRhymes historyvideos HistoryWales hitbox hitbtc Hitchcock HitchHikersGuide Hitfilm Hitlerdesign hitmanvhitman hitmobile HitomiMochizuki HitoriBocchiOfficial hitsblunt hivaids HiveProject_net Hiveswap hlvr hmb Hmmmmm HOA HoardInvest hoaxhatecrimes hobart Hobbit_Memes hobbygamedev Hoboken hobonichi HoboNickels hockeyball hockeycards hockeycirclejerk hockeydesign hockeyFandom hockeygamegifs hockeyquestionmark hockeyseattle hocnet Hoerbuecher HOGforNoobs hognosesnakes Hogwarts_irl HogwartsMystery HogwartsRP Holden holdfastgame HoldMyBadge holdmybone holdmybraincells holdmycane HoldMyCoolCompress holdmycrackpipe holdmydeer holdmyhookah holdmymeth holdmymilkbone holdmyoffice holdmytidepod holdmywort HoldTheMoanLite holdthemoanx HoldTwitchAccountable holesome holesomememes HolidaySpecialMemes HolidayswithMIL HOLLOWEARTH HollowRealization HollyCoffey HollyEarl HollyHagan HollyHicks HollyWilloughby HollyWolf HollywoodHandbook Holmes HOLO holyfuck HolyPrequelMemes holyship HolySummoners HomeAutomationDeals homebrew HomebrewDnD HomeBrewingProTips HomebrewingRecipes HomeBrewPorn Homebrews Homebuilding homebuilt homebuying homechemistry homecockpits HomecomingTVShow homedecordeals homedesign homeimprovementideas Homelend HomeLoans homemade HomemadeTools HomeMaintenance homemovies homeoffice homeopathy Homeplate homerecordingstudio HomeRepair Homeschooling HomeschoolRecovery Homeshake Homesteaddit Homesteading101 homestudios hometours HoMM HomoGiganticus homura Honda_XR_and_XL HondaAccord hondacivic HondaElement hondafit hondagrom hondaprelude hondaridgeline Honduras honey honeymoonplanning honkaiimpact3 HonkaiImpact3rd Honkers Honolulu Honor Honor8 HoodMoe HookahTrade hookandyarn hookertalk hoonigan hooters HopelessHeroes HopeThisHelps hopnoodles hopsin HOQU horaceandpete Horimiya Horizen HorizonScreenshots HorizonState hormonehurtingjuice horn Horology Horoscope horoscopes horror_art horror_filmmakers Horror_Game_Videos HORROR_GIFS HorrorClub HorrorGifs horrormanga horrormoviechallenge horrorpunk horrorstories horse horsecommunity horseeggs horseracinglivestream HorseRacingUK horseswithjobs Hort hospice Hosting hot_dog Hot_Porn_Video_Clips hot_reporters HotasDIY Hotceleb hotchickswithafros hotchickswithguns hotcocoavideos HotCountryGirls hotcplhel hotdogboy hotdoglegs hotdogs Hotdumb hotels HotEurobabes hotfuzzgifs HotGirlsAtDisneyland hotgirlsgifs 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hubchargen HudlessDestiny hudsonvalley Huel huelights HueyLewisAndTheNews hugecosplayboobs huion hulahoopsgonewild hulk Hull hulpdiensten hum human human_resources HumanBeingBros Humancoinnet humanfallflat HumanFanClub Humaniq humanitarian humanize humansbeingfriends HumansForScale HumansTV humansvszombies HumanTrafficking humanwatch Humboldt humboldtstate HummingBirdNestcam hummingbirds Humorideas humpingthefallen Hung hungarian Hungercraft hungrydoggo HunterKing huntersthompson Hunting_stories Huntingdogs huntingtonbeach HuobiCanada hurd hurling hurricane HurricaneFlorence hurtworld hutcoinsales hvacadvice hwachamemes HybridHumans hyderabad hydraulicpress HydroCoinhyc HydroDip Hydrology HydroponicGardening hyenas hygge hyggelig HYGH hylian hyouka HyperboleandaHalf hyperboria hyperbridge hyperheroes Hyperion hyperionx hyperledger hyperloop hyperloot Hypermobility hyperphantasia HyperRPG HyperSpin HyperUniverse HyperX hypixel HypnoFur Hypothyroid hyuna
submitted by j259awesome to u/j259awesome [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: Dec 11, 2016 | 35 Ending Soon (incl: Vast 2nd Ed, Legends Untold, & Lisboa) & 24 New This Week (incl: Traveller Card Game, Hot Dogs, & Iberian Rails)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter tabletop games projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (But the occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between 12:00am and 12:00pm PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
Tables Board Game Spot - A Las Vegas tabletop cafe & bar Part bar, part cafe, and part game store, Tables Board Game Spot is the BEST place to socialize and play games in Las Vegas! (Has currently earned $10,245 of $10,000) 102% funded 73 $140 12-12 kicktraq #cafe
Way of the Fighter Way of the Fighter is an expandable card and dice game born of classic arcade-style fighting games. (Has currently earned $65,692 of $20,000) 328% funded 972 $68 12-12 kicktraq
Isaribi: Fishing, Market Play, and Outwitting your Opponents ISARIBI is an elegant light-strategy game you will not want to miss! Created by Hisashi Hayashi, designer of the popular game YOKOHAMA. (Has currently earned $18,946 of $10,000) 189% funded 491 $39 12-12 kicktraq
The Sword of the Bastard Elf - A Two-Fisted Fantasy Gamebook A completely unhinged fantasy adventure gamebook. Find the Bastard Elf a place to crash using two dice and your two rock-hard fists! (Has currently earned £3,391 of £1,000) 339% funded 170 £20 12-13 kicktraq #rpg
Wizards of the Tabletop: A Game Designer Portrait Book The ultimate Game Table Book. Portraits of designers, illustrators, and games. Celebrating the tabletop and the people behind the box. (Has currently earned $14,132 of $7,500) 188% funded 214 $66 12-13 kicktraq #bling
OMINOES - The Dice Game for Everyone OMINOES is a fast paced dice tactics game for 2-4 players. Players try to collect groups of dice whilst fighting off opponents. (Has currently earned £3,181 of £2,500) 127% funded 87 £37 12-13 kicktraq #first
Thor, The Metal Avenger and The Electric Vikings Officially licensed Thor expansion for Battle of the Electric Vikings card Game! (Has currently earned $955 of $900) 106% funded 39 $24 12-14 kicktraq #expansion base game
Banishment An asymmetrical, semi-cooperative card game about exorcism for 2-5 players. Embrace your dark side. (Has currently earned $6,891 of $2,000) 344% funded 146 $47 AUD 12-14 kicktraq #first
The Roots of Magic Miniatures Game: Students of Sorcery Select your Wizard, determine your rivals, and then duel to the death to demonstrate your superiority wielding the Roots of Magic! (Has currently earned £5,986 of £7,000) 85% funded 104 £58 12-14 kicktraq #first
Kingdom Duel- Strategy card game Kingdom Duel is a card game where 2 players use a group of fantasy heroes like paladin, mage, thief and archer, to destroy his opponent (Has currently earned $611 of $1,000) 61% funded 14 $44 12-14 kicktraq #first
Robots Love Ice Cream: The Card Game Family friendly co-op game for 1-4 players ages 8+. Collect sets of weaponized ice cream to defeat Spinston & save the galaxy. (Has currently earned $4,191 of $6,000) 69% funded 138 $30 12-14 kicktraq #first
Naturally Disastrous™ Holiday Special You and your team take on the role of Aliens trying to escape a futuristic ruined Earth after being shot down by its inhabitants. (Has currently earned $296 of $100) 296% funded 5 $59 12-15 kicktraq
The Red Dragon Inn 6: Villains You and your wicked companions spent all day "dealing with" adventurers. Time to party at your own evil version of the Red Dragon Inn! (Has currently earned $108,790 of $15,000) 725% funded 1745 $62 12-15 kicktraq #expansion base game
Clash d'Ardèche – Campground Tycoon Expand your own campground with bluff, tactics and bribery. Many strategic options and lots of player interaction, for 1-4 players. (Has currently earned €6,259 of €7,200) 86% funded 120 €52 12-15 kicktraq #first #take2
4-Piece Bucket O' Games Four finished games that I just want to publish and be done with. See. No need to lie about it. I just want your money. (Has currently earned $3,218 of $1,000) 321% funded 74 $43 12-15 kicktraq
Abandon Planet! A smart party game for 4-8 players about building rockets and escaping the meteor apocalypse. (Has currently earned $56,296 of $45,000) 125% funded 1235 $46 12-15 kicktraq #first
Legends Untold: As deep as an RPG, as fast as a card game! Legends Untold; A cooperative adventure game for 1-4 players. 5 minutes setup, 1 hour play time. Supported by an immersive campaign. (Has currently earned £91,446 of £12,000) 762% funded 2439 £37 12-15 kicktraq #first
Ouroboros Tales Please help fund the first releases from our Ouroboros Tales range, the Shaman and the Brave in 54mm scale high quality resin! (Has currently earned €5,117 of €2,000) 255% funded 76 €67 12-15 kicktraq #minis
MONKEY BUSINESS An addicting, yet infuriating, monkey-stacking game that is sure to drive you bananas. (Has currently earned $4,501 of $2,000) 225% funded 171 $26 12-15 kicktraq #first
Lisboa: Vital Lacerda's New Game of Rebuilding & Influence Reconstruct the great city of Lisboa after the 1755 earthquake, tsunami and fires. Help the King, Marquis & architects. Earn WIGS! (Has currently earned $235,480 of $50,000) 470% funded 2359 $100 12-15 kicktraq
Feudum: A nuanced game of hand & resource management Optimize your hand, leverage your resources & compete for guild status in a fantastical realm for 2-5 players! (Has currently earned $181,631 of $49,000) 370% funded 2164 $84 12-16 kicktraq #first
Grin: A Darker Age Grin is a survival horror RPG with no dice and only one page of rules. A Darker Age provides a new anthology of terrifying scenarios. (Has currently earned $2,232 of $3,000) 74% funded 72 $31 12-16 kicktraq #rpg
Naval Battle in Archipelago (board game) A realistic tactical simulation of naval combat in the 1970s, for two players. (Has currently earned €7,801 of €5,000) 156% funded 105 €74 12-16 kicktraq
GLORY GEARS (The Ultimate Cycling Strategy Game) Inspired by Oscar Winning Movie, 'Breaking Away's' Little 500 Bicycle Race at Indiana University. By Little 500 Champion Alex Bishop (Has currently earned $5,333 of $10,000) 53% funded 66 $81 12-16 kicktraq #first
Tricksters - Meet the mischievous Annukuh A fast paced card game for 2-4 players. Enjoyable by casual and strategic players. Expandable to 8 players. ~20 minutes (Has currently earned MX$268,170 of MX$40,000) 670% funded 469 MX$572 12-16 kicktraq #first
Fantasy Monster Quest This is a game for 2 to 6 players. Play, fight, drink with dwarves, and trick your friends. (Has currently earned £3,863 of £3,000) 128% funded 118 £33 12-16 kicktraq #first
Hylaria - have a wonderfully wacky time together We invite you and your friends to have a wonderfully idiotic time in the colorful world of Hylaria. Miscommunication at its funniest! (Has currently earned €3,778 of €7,000) 53% funded 144 €26 12-16 kicktraq #take3
Hot Dogs (and the Button Shy Year End Roundup Sale) A fast paced game of condimental proportions. Designed by Jason Tagmire with art by Marty Cobb. Plus some bulk game sales. (Has currently earned $3,320 of $500) 664% funded 143 $23 12-17 kicktraq
CO-OP: the co-op game CO-OP: the co-op game is a zany cooperative card game for 1-5 players. Can we work together to save the CO-OP from the evil MondoMart? (Has currently earned $3,260 of $3,000) 108% funded 70 $47 12-17 kicktraq #first
Coffee & Dice, Bournemouth's Board Game Cafe We’re opening Bournemouth's first board game cafe. Mixing great games with barista grade coffee and locally sourced food. (Has currently earned £6,897 of £10,000) 68% funded 119 £58 12-18 kicktraq #cafe
Cultists of the Kraken Lord A collection of 9 Tentacled Cultist miniatures and Kraken Throne for use in fantasy, pulp and horror gaming from Midlam Miniatures. (Has currently earned £5,938 of £900) 659% funded 180 £33 12-18 kicktraq #minis
Touched On A Card Game for Commuters (Has currently earned $6,948 of $6,500) 106% funded 171 $41 AUD 12-18 kicktraq #first
Kraken Scatter Terrain - for 28 mm tabletop wargames High quality cast resin scatter terrain that enriches your gaming table and fits perfect to the Kraken mat. (Has currently earned €15,146 of €3,000) 504% funded 174 €87 12-18 kicktraq #bling
Leningrad ’41; Strategy Game, Battle on the Eastern Front Re-play the WW2 struggle for Leningrad during the Barbarossa Campaign in VentoNuovo's medium complexity wargame. (Has currently earned €18,168 of €8,000) 227% funded 180 €101 12-18 kicktraq
Vast: The Crystal Caverns - Second Printing with Miniatures Help us print the second run of Vast: The Crystal Caverns. (Has currently earned $319,593 of $12,000) 2663% funded 3878 $82 12-18 kicktraq #reprint bgg

New This Week

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
Akushon: Recruit Deck A strategy driven, action-packed adventure game where your real life movements and the cards you play are the key to victory. (Has currently earned $406 of $10,000) 4% funded 7 $58 01-01 #first
Beaver Thievery Beaver Thievery is a fast-paced. sharp-shooting, log swiping showdown! Roll the dice, lift some lumber, and build a dominant dam! (Has currently earned $111 of $7,500) 1% funded 3 $37 01-08 #hmm #first
CardFit A fitness card game where you can challenge yourself and your friends through fun, addictive, and ever changing fitness contests (Has currently earned $292 of $7,000) 4% funded 12 $24 01-05 #first
Corky's-Porkys: Barnyard Battle! A family dice & card game Score a Corky's-Porkys with lost Farmer game resurrected! Hat Slamming, Dice Rolling, Barn Battling, Fake Out, 2 to 6 player game! (Has currently earned $4,430 of $20,000) 22% funded 69 $64 01-15 #first
Crokinole 2017 Hardwood Edition 2-4 Player Dexterity Game This great dexterity game is the #3 Family Game of All Time & normally costs $300 or more! "Get a high-quality board at 1/3 the price!" (Has currently earned $35,294 of $5,000) 705% funded 304 $116 01-08
Dice Coins 2: More art and custom options After an early KS delivery & great reviews for our first set of Dice Coins, we have more art, custom ordering options, and $18 pledges. (Has currently earned $197 of $1,000) 19% funded 3 $66 01-10 #dice
Digital Coin Forge (Design/Print RPG Coins on Your Terms) Everything you need to design your own custom 2D RPG coin designs. Templates, textures, shapes, graphics, instructions - the lot! (Has currently earned $507 of $250) 202% funded 12 $42 AUD 01-02 #bling
Empires of Steam: A Steampunk Strategy Card Game Build an empire powered by steam greater than any other. Outgrow your opponents thru strategy. A deck building and card placing game. (Has currently earned $1,388 of $47,633) 2% funded 37 $38 01-12 #first
FANTASY FOOTBALL RATMEN TEAM BY WILLY MINIATURES Willy Miniatures brings you a complete Ratmen Team. All the players you need, without duplicate models and made in glorious metal!!! (Has currently earned €10,772 of €4,000) 269% funded 164 €66 01-03 #expansion
Flat Plastic Miniatures 2 Round 2 of our innovative new form of transparent plastic mini. This time with even more fantasy, sci-fi, and cyberpunk minis! (Has currently earned $6,017 of $30,000) 20% funded 63 $96 02-03 #minis
GAMEIN5D - A foldable, gaming and modelling board system. A base-board system that allows you to create massive gaming areas and dioramas and then fold it all away into a small box. (Has currently earned £2,189 of £4,000) 54% funded 29 £75 01-03 #bling
Hot Dogs (and the Button Shy Year End Roundup Sale) A fast paced game of condimental proportions. Designed by Jason Tagmire with art by Marty Cobb. Plus some bulk game sales. (Has currently earned $3,320 of $500) 664% funded 143 $23 12-17
HSD miniatures expansion 1 This kickstarter will fund the first expansion to the HC SVNT DRACONES tabletop mini line, adding new body shapes, poses, and options! (Has currently earned $2,801 of $6,000) 46% funded 23 $122 01-06 #minis
Iberian Rails, An Economic Train Game Invest in railroad companies and expand their network by employing the services of characters, some more reputable than others. (Has currently earned $9,534 of $10,000) 95% funded 136 $70 01-07 #first
Knight Light -- Display Miniatures On A Customized Lamp It's a display piece. It's a light. It's easy to change the shade design. It's shipped immediately after the Kickstarter ends :) Cheers (Has currently earned $430 of $3,000) 14% funded 5 $86 01-09 #bling
Miss D's cafe & board games We love Melbourne, We love coffee, we love board games. Please support Melbourne's premium board game cafe. (Has currently earned $92 of $5,000) 1% funded 9 $10 AUD 01-06 #cafe
Pine Tar Baseball: 1936 Negro League + 1960 Season Pine Tar Baseball is a fun and fast paced dice and card game for 1 to 2 players. The game features fast streamlined game play. (Has currently earned $532 of $100) 532% funded 12 $44 01-05 #expansion base game
Santa's Reindeer Roundup Ho ho ho! Bring the magic of Christmas to your house with this fun fast-paced game for 3 to 8 players. Easy-to-learn and fun to play! (Has currently earned $47 of $2,000) 2% funded 5 $9 01-18 #first
Spaceman Adventure A big group strategy game set on a mysterious alien planet. (Has currently earned $647 of $3,000) 21% funded 11 $59 01-05
TabletopCork - Ireland's first late night board game café We are working to open Ireland's first late night board game café, and we want you to be part of it right from the start. (Has currently earned €830 of €5,000) 16% funded 19 €44 01-08 #cafe
The Cardmogrifier Create custom cards for your favorite games. Insert a blank card into the CardMogrifier, add text/graphics to the template, and print. (Has currently earned $935 of $10,000) 9% funded 59 $16 01-07 #bling
Trainwreck: A Game of Courting Disaster A darkly humorous card game Inspired by "The Bachelor," Jerry Springer's "Baggage" game show, and my own lifetime of weird experiences! (Has currently earned $108 of $1,000) 10% funded 10 $11 01-01
Traveller Customizable Card Game A card game with trade, exploration and combat in Marc Miller's classic RPG setting, The Third Imperium. (Has currently earned $9,850 of $35,000) 28% funded 170 $58 01-09 #first
Who Shit In My Cat Looking for something unique? Something rare? Something that you could never find in a big box store? Look no further. (Has currently earned $3,083 of $31,000) 9% funded 82 $38 01-10
Looking for more comprehensive Kickstarter gaming information? Check out the meta listings on BGG, explore Kicktraq's data-driven views, or, of course, Kickstater's Tabletop Category.


  • #hmm means that something about the project seems a little off. Buyer beware kinda thing.
  • #lolwut is reserved for projects that seem like trainwrecks. Check 'em out for amusement.
  • #take tags are for projects that have been restarted for some reason, with the number indicating what iteration we're currently on.
  • #first attempts to highlight those who seem to be using Kickstarter to get their first game off the ground, so you can tell the difference between the Days of Wonders and the designers next door.
  • Did I miss something? Particularly stuff that might go in the Comments column? Let me know and I'll add it in.
submitted by Zelbinian to boardgames [link] [comments]

[UPDATE] Year of patters: 20,000 games and 2,000 tactics

If you didn't see my last post, I basically was planning on going over 60 games a day for a year at one second per move (technically one sec a ply) which averages to about 1 minute and 20 seconds per game - for 19,490 games.
In addition to that I would be going over games from annotated books at a slower pace (20-30 minutes a game).
I was also going to work through tactics books to acquire the 2,000 basic patterns.
After doing this for a while, I realized I had to make some changes to my study plan.
Speeding through lots of games
I maintained a pace of 60 games/day for a while, but it was simply too much after about a month and a half. I have since reduced this to 20-40 games a day and it is much more manageable - I mostly use travel and bathroom time for this. It will take longer to complete my 20,000 games, but that's ok - it's almost a habit by now.
When a move jumps out to me as "weird looking" or "surprising", I pause the game and try to figure out why the move was played. I use the phone app's engine when I can't figure it out. I've seen lots of interesting tactics this way.
Currently I have gone through over 2,600 games with this method. I finished the games of Morphy and Marshall, and am now working through Tal (about halfway through - that man played a lot of games and since he is the Wizard he makes me pause a lot more often).
I also used this method when I know one of my opponents will play a specific opening - for example, I lost to an opponent's Benoni pretty badly - I knew I was going to play him a week later with the same colors, so I played through 130 games of the Taimanov variation to get a feel for it. I came up with a tabia that I felt was good for White (or at least equal) and played it against him. It got me into a nice position and saved me lots of time on the clock early on. I ended up winning the game due to a tactic about 20 moves later (I'll post the loss and win another day).
Annotated Games
I am still working through annotated game books at a slower pace for comprehension - 2 a day during the week and 4 or 5 a day on weekends. This is actually a step up from my original plan.
I have completed the following books:
  • Logical Chess: Move by Move by Irving Chernev (33 games)
  • Chess: The Art of Logical Thinking by Neil McDonald (30 games)
  • The World's Most Instructive Amateur Gamebook by Dan Heisman (30 games)
  • A First Book of Morphy by Frisco del Rosario (a little over 60 games)
  • Simple Attacking Plans by Fred Wilson (37 games)
This adds up to 190+ games.
With these, I have gone the traditional route of playing the moves out on my board and trying to think of the next move when prompted or when a diagram is shown. I try to go over annotated variations and subvariations in my head and only move a piece on the board when the variation is too long - I also try to move the minimum number of pieces in a variation so that I can complete the rest of the variation in my head (this serves 2 purposes: I get to practice my visualization and I don't have to do as much work when resetting the board to the game position). When the game is over by resignation, I try to figure out the loser's best moves and see the winner's refutation. In a draw, I play out the game for a few more moves to figure out why there was no path to a win.
I am currently working on The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played by Irving Chernev (62 games). It is in descriptive notation, but I figured I shouldn't shy away because of that. There are plenty of good books that have not been converted to algebraic and I would be missing out on those resources. I have gotten used to DN for the most part, though I still get confused on occasion and have to double check (in particular, when I accidentally move a piece to the b-file rather than the Bishop file).
After I'm done with this book I will be doing:
  • The Art of Planning in Chess by Neil McDonald (need to order)
  • Chess Master vs Chess Amateur by Euwe and Meiden (another in DN)
  • 50 Essential Chess Lessons by Steve Gibbins. (need to order)
As for tactics, I have been working through the books recommended by Dan Heisman.
I've completed:
  • Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer and Margulies
  • Chess Tactics for Students by John Bain
  • Back to Basics: Tactics by Dan Heisman
I'm currently working through Winning Chess Strategy for Kids by Jeff Coakley, but it's slow-going for one main reason - this is not just a tactics book! It also goes over strategic themes with example positions. This has been taking longer and I confess that I'm only about halfway through this book because I have been preferring going over annotated games to working through the instructive positions in this book. I'm getting there though - it's a great book.
To supplement my tactics, I've finally given in to the ChessTempo Way promoted by many in this subreddit.
I use the Standard, Blitz, and Endgame built-in sets and I also made 2 custom sets that I named "Bain Tactics Set" and "Incorrect".
  • The Bain Tactics Set is a set of problems with a rating range of 900 to 1250. This was recommended by Heisman as something players should strive to completely master: he recommends an 85% success rate while only spending 15 seconds per problem. Currently I have 94.8% accuracy but my average time is 23 seconds (21 seconds for correct problems, 51 seconds for incorrect). I'm very slowly improving my time.
  • The Incorrect set is the set of all problems I have always missed. As I play through these, the set gets smaller, but as I play through the other sets this one gets bigger. There are currently like 215 problems in here - I would say most are from the Standard and Blitz sets.
On weekdays I do tactics during my lunch hour: 25 Bain problems, 5 Standard, 5 Blitz, 10 Incorrect, and 5 Endgame (50 total). On weekends I do 30 Bain, 10 Standard, 10 Blitz, 10 Incorrect, and 10 Endgame (70 total).
I should also point out that I don't count problems I got wrong for my daily goal, but I do count Blitz problems that I got correct even if I took too long to solve them.
As for actually playing chess, I play one long (g/90 d5) game every Wednesday evening that is USCF rated. I also play in a slow chess league on Typically that ends up being one 90|30 game every two weeks. I also consistently play in any tournaments that are available on weekends (on all-day events I don't do tactics because I tend to be chess'd out by the end of the day). I play 5 minute blitz every few days to get myself in shape for my city's blitz championship in July. To top it off, I usually have around 10 correspondence games going at a time.
My USCF rating when I made my initial post a little less than 4 months ago was 1589. My current rating is 1716. We still can't tell for sure if this is entirely due to my study methods but I really feel like it is helping - for example, I am less paranoid when I'm in unfamiliar positions or openings in my games. I just try to reason it out logically and I've been getting much better results.
I started with a USCF rating of 1317 on March 27th, 2013 and on May 29th, 2014 I was rated 1716. That's 399 points in 429 days: fairly close to Michael De La Maza's result using his 7 circles ;)

Let me know what you all think! I'm open to suggestions and critiques too.

TLDR; Reviewing lots of games and doing lots of tactics does the chess player good.
submitted by elcubismo to chess [link] [comments]

FS WHFR 1st & 2nd Ed. Stuff, WarpSt. Mag+Mordheim TC

All these items are now considered collectible. The condition of each item is noted. Shipping and handling is for in the U.S. . For each item purchased after the first is $1.00 each. With the item most expensive to ship, being counted as the first. Message me if you have any questions and or wish to make a purchase. Feel free to bundle some of these together with other items I have for sale here in other categories here at the rpgtrader and make me an offer. Paypal is the preferred method of payment.

[b]Published by GAMES WORKSHOP[/b]

[b]Caverns of the Dead: Dungeon Planner Set 1[/b] by Gary Chalk before he did the Lone Wolf gamebooks: (1984) VG For use with any Fantasy Roleplaying Game. Comes in a box that contains Comes with a DM screen, an adventure book, a map of Eastern Koss, and a layout dungeon floor plans of the Royal Tombs. This item is Very Rare. The only other place I can find one for sale is on eBay, for $69.99 Condition: The top of the box has been slightly indented due to being stored with a heavier box on top of it. The contents are in very good condition. [b]Price:[/b] $44.99 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $5.00 shipping and handling.
[b]Nightmare in Blackmarsh: Dungeon Planner Set 2 [/b](1984) VG For use with any Fantasy Roleplaying Game, VG. Comes in a box that contains Comes with a DM screen, an adventure book, a map of the area of Koss that Blackmarsh is located in. As well as a dungeon floor plans like layout of the Village of Blackmarsh. This Item is very Rare. The only other place I can find one for sale is on eBay, for $70.76 Condition: The top of the box has been slightly indented due to being stored with a heavier box on top of it. The contents are in very good condition. At the link below it shows the pictures of the front and back of box. As well as all it's contents. It only shows you the back of the DM screen, which as the same picture that is on the box. It's back is where it says "A GENERAL HISTORY OF BLACKMARSH AND THE SURROUNDING AREA. My box and contents are in better condition than the one shown. [b]Price:[/b] $45.99 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $5.00 shipping and handling.
[b]Dungeon Rooms[/b] (boxed floorplan sets, 1986) For use with any Fantasy Roleplaying Game, VG Details: See video: [b]Price:[/b] $32.99 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $5.00 shipping and handling From the back of the box:
[b]Dungeon Rooms and Dungeon Lairs[/b] (boxed floorplan sets, 1986) VG Details: For use with any Fantasy Roleplaying Game. This is an expanded version of the item above. With about a 1/4 to a 1/3 more. The accessories, caves, corridors, dungeon areas, large chambers, passageways and rooms that had been included in the 18 sheets that lay between it's hardback book like cover. (See Picture Below) They have all been carefully cut up and sorted into different categories. Laid flat in ziplock bags that lay between the hardback cover. Saving you more than a handful of hours of tedious work. To see what a great deal this really is, click link: Also: [b]Price:[/b] $45.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $5.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition[/b]
[b]GW0026 The Restless Dead[/b] (hardback collection of scenarios previous published in White Dwarf magazine, 1989,) VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $59.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling,204,203,200_.jpg

[b]Published by HOGSHEAD PUBLISHING[/b]

[b]The Enemy Within 4: Something Rotten in Kislev,[/b]1999, Revised, w/ additional material then 1st edition VG Beastmen are raiding, killing and burning. The dead are walking the streets of remote cities. Entire colonies are rejecting the Tsar's rule. But are these mysteries linked, and if so, how? Sent by Graf Boris of Middenheim to 'help' the Tsar, the adventurers will find themselves contending not only with undead and beastmen but also with ghosts, elite Hobgoblin warriors, creatures of Chaos and strange nature-spirits -- plus the Kislevites, who can be less than friendly, as well as puzzles, dilemmas and ominous curses to occupy their minds and keep them in trouble. Something Rotten in Kislev contains three linked adventures which can be played separately, as a Kislev campaign or as a part of the Enemy Within series, continuing on from The Enemy Within vol.3: Power Behind the Throne. The book also has full information on the nation of Kislev, its peoples, culture and its history, as well as local religion and the practice of spirit-worship. There are also hand-outs and maps, plus great art and six pre-generated PCs. [b]Price:[/b] $42.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling,204,203,200_.jpg Stock Photo
[b]HP217 Death's Dark Shadow[/b] 2000, VG Details: A 120-page source pack and adventure book for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game. As well as a gazetteer of Kreutzhofen and the hamlet of Weilerberg, this book contains four complete short adventures, six adventure outlines, three optional locations with plots for each one, and 'The Curse of the Reichenbachs', an extended adventure of intrigue and dark dangers. Packed with exciting locations, intriguing characters and scope for hundreds of plots and adventures, Death's Dark Shadow contains enough great material to keep players enthralled for months." [b]Price:[/b] $24.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling Stock Photos
[b]HOG220 Corrupting Influence[/b]: The Best of Warpstone Magazines, Volume 1 (compilation of articles from Warpstone magazines 1-9,) VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $55.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling Stock Photo
[b]Warpstone Magazine #10[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Mar 99, VG Details : [b]Price:[/b] $13.75 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.
[b]Warpstone Magazine #11[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Oct 99, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.99 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.
[b]Warpstone Magazine #12[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Mar 00, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.50 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #13[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Oct 00, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.50 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #14[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Mar 01, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.50 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #15[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Oct 01, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.25 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #16[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Mar 02, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.25 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #17[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Oct 02, x2, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #18[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Mar 03, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling
[b]Warpstone Magazine #19[/b] The Independent Magazine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Oct 03, VG Details: [b]Price:[/b] $12.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling


[b]Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition[/b]
[b]Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Pack, 2nd Ed.[/b] 2005 VG Details: Inside these covers you'll find 50 Character Sheets, printed and ready to go. Just grab a sheet, roll up a character, and plunge into a grim world of perilous adventure. The WFRP Character Pack also includes a handy 16-page booklet, which includes the following additional material: • Name generators that put thousands of Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and Imperial Human names at your fingertips. • Spell summaries of the most common Arcane and Divine Lores. • A Spell Grimoire sheet for Priests and Wizards. • A recap of Character Creation, including all essential tables. • A Combat Action Summary, with both Basic and Advanced Actions ready for instant reference during play. • A series of inspirational Character Portraits by Dave Gallagher." More here: [b]Price:[/b] $29.95.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.,204,203,200_.jpg
[b]Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master's Pack, 2nd Ed.[/b] 2005 VG Details: "Essential for any Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master, this WFRP Game Master's Pack includes a full-color GM's screen, an information pack, and a ready-to-run scenario by Alfred Nunez, Jr. Useful for beginners and veterans alike, the Game Master's Pack cuts out frantic rulebook flipping and puts the information at the GM's fingertips. The Game Master's Pack includes: • A full color, 4-panel GM screen, featuring keynote artwork Forged in Blood by Geoff Taylor and over 20 key tables, essential for running WFRP. • A handy Combat Tracker to help you keep tabs on Initiative Order, Special Events, and up to a dozen NPCs. • NPC Record Sheets — great for adventure building! • The Equipment Emporium — a handy overview of goods and services in the Old World. • A reference sheet for the Dark Lores of Magic and their horrific side effects. • A guide to common buildings and settings of the Old World, including interior maps and a sample village. • Pretty Things — an introductory adventure in which things turn very ugly indeed... • 4 pre-generated characters, so your players can jump right into the action!" [b]Price:[/b] $59.99 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.

[b]Published by GAMES WORKSHOP[/b]

[b]Mordheim Town Cryer Magazine Game Supplement[/b]
[b]Mordheim: Town Cryer 9[/b] 2000, G Condition note: Because of a stain in the upper left corner of the cover. This has been downgraded to 'Good'. Everything else about this item is 'Very Good'. Details: The Script of Sigmar: Scenario - Witch Hunters vs. Sisters of Sigmar Customizing Ye Warband: Ideas for creating an Estalian Warband The Architect's Guide: Modelling techniques from Worldmakers (web site seems to be down) The Lair of the Snake: Scenario for 4 players, each with the following objectives Reach central platform and be assigned another player's Warband as chosen enemy Route chosen enemy Narrative Campaigns: Devising special scenarios based on previous encounters Mordheim - City of the Damned: Comic Shiver me Timbers!: Pirate Warbands Heroes Pirate Captain Ship's Mates Cabin Boys Henchmen Crew Gunners Boatswains Swabbies Skills Equipment [b]Price:[/b] $10.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.
[b]Mordheim: Town Cryer 13[/b] 2001, G Details: Ulli & Marquand Lustria - Cities of Gold: Expansion Rules for Jungle Setting - Lustrian Scenarios 3. The Hunters Become the Hunted 5. Lost Temple of the Slann Hired Swords Shadow Warrior Big Game Hunter Norse Warband Making Jungle Trees Subplots Questions & Answers The Sword of the Herald: Multi-Player Scenario Fortune Hunters: Hired Swords Duelist Bard Bounty Hunter Witch Charms & Hexes [b]Price:[/b] $10.00 [b]or Best Offer[/b] + $4.00 shipping and handling.
submitted by md_mort to rpgtrade [link] [comments]

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Gamebookers Review Score: 4/5 (Highly rated) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Review of In the Rating evaluation, we place great value on popularity, customer support, products, and reliability. Ripoff Report on: Gamebookers Casono From Antigua And Barbuda - Gamebookers casono from antigua and barbuda sent a fake check for thanksgiving sweepstakes publis... Gamebookers sportsbook pays much attention to the important betting tools, such as results and statistics. For a player who places a bet at there is no need to look for the statistics of the latest games, standings or team`s form on other sites. Everything is at hand. Customer Support. Support team operates all day long without lll Gamebookers Review & Rating Comprehensive Review Is Gamebookers legit or scam? Always up to date All you need to know Only here! Gamebookers is unconventional in all the right ways, and was the first site to offer both traditional betting options and exchange betting to their public. They also were the first bookmaker to buy customer bets back to the house. Partygaming, PLC took over Gamebookers in 2006, to compliment their famously successful Partypoker site. After combining the idea of both innovative sites into one Gamebookers sports do offer a daily Combi+ bet, where they add 30% returns onto a wide range of different football accumulators. Customer Services Customer services can be found by clicking on the contact link at the top right hand of the page. Gamebookers (SBR rating B-), a member of the Partybets family, unfairly grades tennis wager as a loser, taking 63 Pounds ($109) from a player. The player bet on an exact set-score market, wagering About Gamebookers. Here we have yet another veteran bookmaker. Founded in 2000, Gamebookers is no stranger to the changing tides in the sports betting market, as they’ve navigated through countless trends and fads in the last two decades. It takes a lot of time for a bookie to build a reputation, and just one or two incidents to shatter it. opportunities, customer service, free bet and bonus offers all this is covered in his reviews! If you are looking mainly for bonus offers, please visit the Free Bets-page! GAMEBOOKERS Bookmaker Review Gamebookers Gamebookers was established in 1998 and has since then established itself as an innovative bookmaker. 4 people have already reviewed gamebookers. Read about their experiences and share your own! Do you agree with gamebookers's TrustScore? Voice your opinion today and hear what 4 customers have already said. Categories Reviews 4 Write a review.

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